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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Dietary supplements are foodstuffs providing a concentrated source of nutrients to supplement the diet, marketed in dose form. They may contain various ingredients (vitamins, minerals, plants and herbs...) and be marketed in a variety of formats (capsules, tablets, powder...), to meet a wide range of objectives: fighting stress, fatigue, digestive disorders, slimming, skin and hair beauty, sports performance.

However, they fall somewhere between food and medicine, and although they cannot claim to have a therapeutic effect, they are recommended, particularly by health professionals. The uncertainties surrounding dietary supplements are further heightened by the warnings regularly issued by scientific committees on certain components of supplements, which sometimes call into question their benefits, or even denounce cases of side-effects.

The global market is set to grow by 8.4% a year between 2021 and 2030, thanks to growing public awareness of the importance of their health and accelerating lifestyles, which are driving demand for effective, vitalizing products. The sector is largely dominated by the United States.

In France, the market is also experiencing strong growth,rising by 87% between 2013 and 2022. On the production side, there are many specialized and multi-purpose players, such as Arkopharma and Juvamine. On the distribution side, sales are divided between pharmacies, parapharmacies, supermarkets and direct or online sales.

Like the wider foodstuffs industry, dietary supplements are today affected by trends towards naturalness and personalization, leaving the door open for new, smaller players to position themselves in this renewing a developing market, players are seeking to diversify their offer and capture the most promising segments. This study deals with dietary supplements as a whole, although there is a specific study on dietary supplements for sport.

1.2 A buoyant global market with good growth prospects

PrecedenceResearch estimates the size of the global market at nearly $*** billion in ****.

They forecast a CAGR of *.*% per year between **** and ****, with the market expected to generate around $***.** billion worldwide by ****.

Global dietary supplements market size World, ****-*****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

Growing awareness of the importance of diet to ...

1.3 A fast-growing national market

Sales (***) of dietary supplements France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

Observation of the national market shows very rapid market growth: from **** to ****, the market grew by **%.

Market share breakdown France, ****, in percent Source: ****

This growth can be explained by the French's increased attention to their well-being and health, with dietary ...

1.4 International trade

It's complicated to study dietary supplements as a whole, as this segment encompasses a wide variety of products classified under different customs codes. However, we can analyze part of it and look, for example, at trade in vitamins and provitamins, which make up a large proportion of dietary supplements and are ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 French consumer profile

Consumer behavior

In this section we use both the **** and the **** Opinionway for Synadiet surveys, as some relevant questions were removed from the much shorter **** edition. The year of the data analyzed is indicated in each graph. We will also use Synadiet data for the **** key figures.

Responses to the question: ...

2.2 Health, the main reason for consuming dietary supplements

Benefits of dietary supplements as perceived by the French

The French widely recognize the health benefits of dietary supplements, particularly when it comes to compensating for dietary deficiencies: **% of French people think they can be useful in this context. **% of French people also think they can be useful at certain times ...

2.3 France's ageing population should drive demand in certain segments

As we have already shown, senior citizens consume dietary supplements on a regular basis, and many of the reasons given for taking these products relate to old age (***). The aging of the French population is therefore a direct factor in the growing demand for dietary supplements designed to help people age ...

2.4 Demand trends: probiotics and organic products

The boom in the probiotics market:

Probiotics - micro-organisms (***) is unclear.

Pending clarification, the probiotic supplements sector already represented over *** million euros in France in ****. We don't have more recent figures, but we do know that the market for probiotics as a dietary supplement is slowing down (***).

Probiotics sales Europe, ****, in ...

2.5 Impact of COVID-19 on demand for dietary supplements

For the French, the health crisis has been accompanied by a heightened awareness and attention to their health. * out of ** French people have sought to strengthen their immune system. And **% of them chose food supplements to do so.

Preferred means of strengthening the immune system during the health crisis France, ****, in ...

2.6 Audience analysis

FOOD SUPPLEMENTS MARKET - Audience breakdown by age group France, ****, % Source: ****

Audience analysis for the market studied shows a significant representation of the ** to ** age bracket, with **.**% of the total audience, compared to **.**% in the French population. The **-** age group is the most represented, with **.**%, compared with **.**% in the French ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market structure

Source: ****

In the first instance, ingredient suppliers produce raw materials, i.e. the nutrients, but also the flavors or colorants that will make up the dietary supplements.

from these ingredients, producers manufacture the dietary supplements. There are two types of producer: processors, who supply supplements to a number of companies for ...

3.2 Production stages and market players

Stages in the production of food supplements

As a foodstuff, food supplements are subject to very strict regulations, laid down at European level by EC regulation ***/****. A declaration of first marketing has also been mandatory since ****.

The production of food supplements itself comprises several stages, the details of which may vary ...

3.3 Market competition varies by product type

Vitamins and minerals, which make up a large proportion of the dietary supplements marketed, offer very little scope for product differentiation. In fact, these products are essentially elementary molecules, neither patented nor patentable, which means that barriers to market entry are fairly low. For these supplements, the brand image is based ...

3.4 Distribution channels and their evolution

Places of purchase for dietary supplements (***) France, ****, in Synadiet

According to dietary supplement consumers, pharmacies and parapharmacies are the preferred places to buy dietary supplements.

Market sales by distribution channel and %France, **** - ****, in millions of euros and as a % of total sales

Source: ****

Focus on specialist stores

As for specialist ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Product families and packaging types

According to Synadiet, food supplements can be composed of the following ingredients

Vitamins and minerals: Vitamins : Vitamin A for visual health, B vitamins (***) for metabolic functions, vitamin C for vitality, vitamin D for bone health, vitamin E for its antioxidant properties and vitamin K for the blood coagulation system. Minerals and ...

4.2 Products purchased vary according to distribution channel

As we saw earlier, pharmacies account for the bulk of dietary supplement sales. They are particularly popular for products to aid digestion and transit, combat stress and enhance vitality.

Pharmacies also account for virtually all sales of most products.

However, slimming products are bought just as much in supermarkets as in ...

4.3 Price and product examples

According to a study by MyProtein, the average French person spends €** a month on food supplements, the highest figure in Europe. The site does, however, include ultra-high-protein foods and drinks, which is slightly beyond the scope of our study, but demonstrates the importance of the French taking care of their health. ...

4.4 Trend: a recent broadening of the product offering

A market driven by innovation

The number of products launched each year in the dietary supplements sector is very high, a sign of the rapid need for product renewal, the expansion of existing ranges and the quest to conquer new segments and new consumers. Marketing, original tastes, made-to-measure cures: the new ...

5 Regulations

5.1 The European framework for the food supplements market

The European Union has established a series of regulations, through Directive ****/**/EC of the European Parliament, aimed at protecting consumer health and guaranteeing the transparency of information provided on food supplements. This directive defines food supplements as foodstuffs intended to supplement the daily diet, providing a source of nutrients with a ...

5.2 Specific French regulations

In ****, European Directive ****/**/EC established a specific regulatory framework for food supplements. This framework provides a strict definition (***) and distinguishes between two groups: nutrients and other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect. It also sets out the procedures for labeling and marketing European supplements in Europe. Decree no. ****-*** transposes ...

5.3 Social security reimbursement

An article in Le Figaro reports on food products included on the list of products and services reimbursable by social security (***). The admission of "G-Nutrition" enriched bread to this list in July **** raises the question of more widespread reimbursement of food products, of which dietary supplements are a part, by social ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Juva Santé (Urgo Groupe)
  • Vitarmonyl
  • Arkopharma
  • Forté pharma
  • Vemedia Consumer Health France (Oenobiol)
  • Galderma
  • Les Miraculeux
  • Apyforme
  • Solgar France
  • Laboratoire UNAE
  • Respire
  • Nutri & Co
  • Foodspring
  • Laboratoire Lescuyer (groupe Lehning)
  • Vinpai
  • Havea Group
  • Glanbia
  • Laboratoire Les Trois Chênes
  • Nutergia
  • Herbarom Groupe
  • Nestle Healh Science
  • Mint E Laboratoire
  • Green Whey
  • Nutripure
  • Nutrimuscle
  • Biocodex
  • Nestlé Groupe
  • Herbalgem (Inula groupe)
  • Pranarôm (Inula Groupe)
  • NaturAvignon
  • NaturAvignon
  • Eurospechim Nutrilo
  • Strapharm (Naturacare Group)
  • Codilab (Biofarma Group)
  • Biofarma
  • Herbolistique Laboratoires
  • Nutrigee
  • Nexira

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Size of the global dietary supplements market
  • Global market share breakdown
  • Breakdown of the European dietary supplements market by product
  • Sales (incl. VAT) of dietary supplements
  • Market share breakdown by dietary supplements sector
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Latest news

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  • nestlé is the world's number one food company.
  • FNB is a French investment fund specializing in small and medium-sized food companies.
  • Nestlé is in exclusive negotiations with FNB to sell its baby food business in France.
  • The products concerned are NaturNes baby food jars, Babicao and Babivanille infant powders, and the P'tit yogurt range.
  • These products are produced at the Arches plant.
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Nestlé France sells its baby food products to Mousline - 02/02/2024
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  • The infant nutrition products targeted by this sale are produced in a factory in the Vosges region of France, which employs 230 people.
  • FnB, the potential buyer, specializes in supporting French SMEs in the food industry.
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How France's Havea is capitalizing on the dietary supplements boom - 27/12/2023
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  • Estimated at 2.6 billion euros in France and 15 billion euros in Europe, the dietary supplements market has been growing at an average annual rate of 5% over the past ten years.
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  • According to Mordor Intelligence, the dietary supplements market is expected to grow at an average annual rate of almost 7% until 2026.
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  • Since 2019, nearly 20,000 customers have placed their trust in the brand, and the company expects to achieve sales of 5.5 million euros this year.
  • The SP2L laboratory has a range of over a hundred variations of dietary supplements and massage gels.
  • Since 2019, it has sold over 10 million units of its flagship product, Argel 7.
  • SP2L employs 35 people and achieves sales of €20 million with 300,000 customers, mainly senior citizens aged 55 to over 85.
  • The personalized nutrition market for the elderly in France is estimated at 2.4 billion euros, driven by the aging of the population.
  • With the acquisition of Qilibri, SP2L expects to double its sales over the next four years.
  • The laboratory has set up an e-commerce site, which now accounts for 15% of sales.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Juva Santé (Urgo Groupe)
Forté pharma
Vemedia Consumer Health France (Oenobiol)
Les Miraculeux
Solgar France
Laboratoire UNAE
Nutri & Co

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