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1 Market overview

1.1 Market definition and scope

Dietetic foods are considered one of the segments of the global nutrition-health market. They can be defined as "foodstuffs intended for particular dietary uses which, by virtue of their particular composition or the special processes involved in their manufacture, are clearly distinguishable from foodstuffs for everyday consumption , which are suitable for the stated nutritional purpose and which are marketed in such a way as to indicate that they meet that purpose". which are suitable for the stated nutritional purpose and which are marketed in such a way as to indicate that they meet that purpose ".

In France, this segment of the market has seen significant growth and sustained development since the 1990s.

These can be divided into several categories. These include :

  • Food supplements (vitamins, minerals, omega-3s, probiotics, etc.) consumed by nearly 60% of French people [Synadiet]
  • Meal replacements (shakes, protein bars, diet soups)
  • Allergen-free products (gluten-free, lactose-free): it is estimated, for example, that 1% of the European population suffers from celiac disease.
  • Organic and natural products (certain organic foods, superfoods, vegan products), with the organic market set to reach nearly 13 billion euros by 2022, thanks to growing demand for responsible, sourced products.
  • Slimming products (appetite suppressants, fat burners, detox teas)

The market for diet foods has been growing for some thirty years, driven in particular by public awareness of the correlation between healthy eating and good health. This awareness has accelerated with the diagnosis of certain diet-related diseases such as celiac disease and diabetes, the increase in the number of overweight people, and the desire to consume in a more environmentally-friendly way(veganism, flexitarianism, etc.).

In this growing market, new entrants are emerging (notably the major food groups, but also mass retailers with the development of their own diet brands). At the same time, concentration is intensifying, with many food industry giants such as Herta and Danone embarking on external growth strategies to strengthen their position. Faced with this situation, specialist players such as ABCD Nutrition are conquering new niches with the launch of new products or new brands, such as Naten, aninnovative cookie brand.

1.2 Strong growth in the global health and wellness food market

The global health and wellness food market is in continuous expansion. It is valued at nearly $***.** billion in **** and is expected to reach a value of $*,***.** billion by ****, with a CAGR of *.**% during the forecast period from **** to ****, according to the Data bridge report

This market encompasses all products that contribute ...

1.3 Recent growth in diet foods in France

Insee provides the size of the market in ****, as well as theannual sales index for the "fabrication of homogenized and dietetic foods" (***).

Category **.**Z (***) includes : the manufacture of foodstuffs for special dietary uses: homogenized preparations for children low-energy or reduced-energy foods for weight control purposes dietetic foods for special medical purposes low-sodium ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand demographics: food-related health problems on the rise

Obesity and overweight

Obesity and overweight are a global public health problem whose incidence continues to rise. Since ****, the WHO states that the number of obese people in the world has tripled.

In France, the proportion of the population affected by obesity or overweight rose by *% between **** and ****(***), from **.*% to **.*%. In ...

2.2 Focus on demand for gluten-free products

Worldwide, the size of the gluten-free food market has been estimated at nearly $**.* billion in ****, and is expected to grow by **.*% between **** and **** , according to Global Market Insights.

In France, according to the Ministry of the Economy, it is estimated that around **% of "conventional" food products contain gluten.

Given this figure, ...

2.3 French people's keen interest in health, diet and nutrition

According to the survey below,the French are particularly concerned (***) about the effects of food on their health. about the effects of food on their health, which could be behind their desire to consume diet products.

Concerns about the effects of food on health France, ****, in Source: ****

To maintain or improve ...

2.4 Consumers suspicious and demanding about product quality and origin

Where the product comes from is the first piece of information most consumers notice when buying their products (***). This is followed by information such as "no additives", "***% natural origin", brand name and nutri-score. This shows that consumers are particularly interested in quality information , i.e. product composition and origin.

Most important ...

2.5 Major trends in food market demand

According to a study carried out byAgence Bio in ****, over the past * years, the French have made significant changes to their purchasing habits and eating habits. On average, **% have made changes. The following chart shows the main changes:

Changes in purchasing habits and eating habits France, ****, in Source: ****

In addition, several ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Strong indirect competition

The French population is increasingly aware of the need to eat better, and while some people are turning to diet foods to control their diet, they are not the only alternative for eating better. Numerous alternative products to diet foods exist, indirectly competing with diet foods.

In fact, according to the ...

3.2 Two categories of players structure the market

The health food market is largely concentrated around two types of player.

The first is made up of the traditional players in the health food sector, who are positioned exclusively or almost exclusively on health foods, and the start-ups who propose the development of innovative products. The second is made up ...

3.3 Production that expands with consumer trends

The production of dieteticfoods can be classified under NAF code **.**Z. Category **.**Z (***) includes :

the manufacture of foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses: homogenized preparations for children low-energy or reduced-energy foods for weight control purposes dietetic foods for special medical purposes low-sodium foods, including low-sodium and sodium-free dietary salts gluten-free foods foods ...

3.4 Distribution channels for diet products

There are four main sales channels for diet products:

Supermarkets: Système U, Carrefour, Auchan, Leclerc, Intermarché... Thespecialty storessuch as Naturalia or Biocenter Pharmacies and parapharmacies [***] Online stores, such as, webecologie or Some brands also have their own online stores, such as Eurodiet or ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Significant price increases for diet foods

The three main dimensions of the Dietetic Sector are slimming, gluten-free and sports products.We propose here a price comparison of a basic basket between dietetic products and their "classic" equivalents. We can see from the following table thatthe prices of diet products, whatever the category, are generally much higher than ...

4.2 Supply trends: foodservice enters the segment

The foodservice sector has particularly invested in the health food segment.

The healthy offer

Firstly, the range of "healthy" restaurants is growing rapidly in France. This trend concerns all types of restaurants, even gourmet ones, with nearly **% of them offering a vegetarian menu. [***]

Secondly, many brands offer home delivery of diet ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Diet food regulations

European Directive **/***/EEC defines dietetic foods as "foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses which, by virtue of their particular composition or particular manufacturing processes, are clearly distinguishable from foodstuffs for normal consumption, which are suitable for the stated nutritional purpose and which are marketed in such a way as to indicate ...

5.2 Focus on "gluten-free" regulations

Certain foods considered dietary may be subject to additional regulations. This is the case, for example, for gluten-free products, which are regulated as follows:

Among the existing regulations, we can cite European Commission Implementing Regulation (***) no. ***/**** of July **, **** on requirements for the provision of information to consumers on the absence or ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Danone Groupe
  • Fleury Michon
  • Ekibio (Groupe Lea Biodiversité)
  • ABCD Nutrition
  • Biscuits Bouvard Groupe
  • Bjorg (Ecotone)
  • Lactalis Groupe
  • Nutrition & Santé Groupe
  • PiLeJe
  • Nestlé Groupe
  • Unilever Groupe
  • Ebro Foods Group
  • Famille Mary (Léa Nature Groupe)
  • Lea Nature Groupe
  • Olga Groupe (Triballat Noyal)

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Size of the global health and wellness food market
  • Size of the diet food market in France
  • Breakdown of supermarket sales by category (market share by volume)
  • Trends in obesity and overweight in the French population
  • Trends in obesity in the population by gender
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :
Danone Groupe
Fleury Michon
Ekibio (Groupe Lea Biodiversité)
ABCD Nutrition
Biscuits Bouvard Groupe
Bjorg (Ecotone)
Lactalis Groupe
Nutrition & Santé Groupe
Nestlé Groupe
Unilever Groupe

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