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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Market overview

The catering market is one of the fivesegments of the commercial foodservice market along with traditional restaurants, fast-food outlets, cafeterias and drinking establishments. This market is closely linked to the events market, and caters both to a clientele of professionals (cafés, business lunches, cocktail parties, company seminars, etc.) and private customers private (weddings, christenings, etc.). In this context, although the caterer can take charge of a wide range of event-related services (decoration, service, entertainment, etc.), he or she is generally the person who prepares dishes or meals, for delivery or takeaway.

There are around 2,000 new caterers in France every year, although half of them don't survive beyond 5 years. However, the number of companies operating in this market is on the rise, despite the difficulties of constantly adapting to changing consumer trends and intensifying competition.

In France, the catering market is dynamic, with a significant increase in market size between 2016 and 2023: 50. 9%. The market is more dynamic than before the Covid 19 pandemic, with higher sales than before the health crisis.

This market comprises different ranges caterers offering a variety variety of products (gourmet, organic, Asian, etc.). There are also two main categories of caterer: the caterer organizer of receptions (TOR), and the local caterer the study will focus mainly on the first category. Self-service (LS) caterers, available in supermarkets, will also be excluded.

1.2 The global market

The global catering market was estimated at $*** billion in ****. According to IMarc, the global market is expected to develop positively over the next few years, with a CAGR of *.*% up to ****. These data enable us to estimate sales for the coming years:

Sales trends in the global catering market World, ****-****, ...

1.3 The French market

In this section, we'll use theNAF **.**Z: Catering services.[***] This subclass includes The provision of catering services on the basis of contractual arrangements with the customer, at a location specified by the customer and for a particular occasion.

The organization of weddings, banquets, cocktail parties, buffets, lunches and various receptions at ...

1.4 The impact of Covid-19 on the catering market: how the pandemic has spurred innovation in the sector

The sector is one of the hardest hit during the health crisis, with the cancellation of business and private events due to the ban on gatherings.According to professional organizations, more than **% of caterers could disappear in the wake of the health and economic crisis, and the sector is suffering from ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand typology: French food consumption habits

To adapt their offer, it is important for caterers to understand the food consumption habits of the French and their expectations regarding their diet.

Interested in food? France, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****

First of all, it's important to note that * out of ** French people are interested in food-related issues, with **% saying they are very ...

2.2 Corporate events, a major demand for catering services

Caterers organizing receptions have a rather varied clientele; between individual and corporate customers, or private and public clientele, demand remains fairly high. According to anINSEE report on caterers organizing receptions, we can draw up a breakdown of caterer sales according to different customers.

Breakdown of sales by customer for caterers and ...

2.3 Weddings, a significant demand for catering services

Weddings are particularly important events in the catering industry. The quality of the food and beverages served at the reception is one of the key elements contributing to the success of a wedding. Catering services therefore play a major role in fulfilling the gastronomic wishes of future brides and grooms, offering ...

2.4 A market with fairly seasonal demand

Evolution of the search "Traiteurs" on google France, ****-****, index Source: ****

Note: The graph above represents the proportion of searches for a given keyword in a specific region and for a specific period, compared with the time when the rate of use of this keyword was highest (***). Thus, a value of ...

2.5 The 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will boost demand for catering services

The organization of the **** Olympic and Paralympic Games is not only a world-class event, but also a major opportunity for the hotel, restaurant and catering sectors. By hosting this major event, France is preparing for a significant increase in demand for catering services, both from Games organizers, athletes and international delegations, ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

Source: ****

To prepare the dishes that will be served to consumers, caterers first source their raw materials from a wide range of suppliers.

Some caterers recover unused foodstuffs from events and donate them to associations for redistribution to people in need.

3.2 Number of companies and number of employees

Growth in the number of establishments registered in the ****Z activity "Catering services" France, ****-****, in number of establishments Source: ****

Over the ****-**** period, an overall growth trend in the number of establishments is observed, with an increase of **.*%. In ****, a slight decrease is observed, with the number of establishments falling ...

3.3 Geographical distribution

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes,Île-de-France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine andOccitanie account for almost **% of catering establishments in France.

3.4 A fragmented market with intensifying competition

Key players

Compass Group Plc, Sodexo, Aramark Corporation, Elior Group, Delaware North, Westbury Street Holdings, Ovations Food Services, Thompson Hospitality, Dine Contract Catering, Olive Catering Services[***]

A relatively fragmented market

According to Les Echos, the French catering market is fragmented , with virtually all players subject to strong competition and low market ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 A diversified offering with a wide price range

Caterers are aware that demand is relatively dominated by the corporate and events sectors, so the offer is generally relatively upmarket, with products that can be adapted to customers' needs (***). The aim is usually to offer food that is healthy, easy to eat, tasty and aesthetically pleasing.

Service prices are available ...

4.2 The catering market: professionals increasingly committed to sustainable development

Against a backdrop of growing awareness of environmental issues, professionals in France's catering sector are increasingly committed to a sustainable transition. Faced with the challenges posed by ecological and societal concerns, these players are actively seeking innovative solutions to reduce their environmental footprint and promote more responsible practices. The initiatives and ...

4.3 Caterers specializing in the "healthy" segment

With concerns about health and well-being playing an increasingly important role in French lifestyles, the catering market is evolving to meet these new expectations. A significant trend is emerging with the advent of caterers specializing in the "healthy" segment, catering to a clientele in search of balanced, nutritious food choices. French ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulatory framework

According to jesuisentrepreneur. fr and, in terms of professional regulations, lhealth and safety standards are very restrictive. These include

The cold chain must not be broken; Transport and storage in refrigerated trucks which must be carried out rigorously.

Failure to comply with installation standards (***) will result in immediate closure ...

5.2 The Garot Act of February 11, 2016

The law of February **, **** lays the foundations for measures to combat food waste, including provisions such as a ban on denaturing foodstuffs that are still consumable and the obligation for supermarkets over ***m² to enter into donation partnerships. It also establishes a hierarchy of actions to be taken to reduce waste, ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

The startup Alchimii (***) is also present on this market. Comprising some ** independent caterers, Alchimii is regarded as France's*st caterer in Franceaccording Alchimii's main activity is tobuy catering services and resell them to customers. The company takes care of delivery, and also offers complementary services such as the supply ...

  • Potel et Chabot
  • France Prestige Services
  • Elysée Réception
  • Réception Prestige
  • Rousseau Event Traiteur
  • Curty’s
  • Dalloyau
  • Riem Becker Groupe
  • Raynier Marchetti (Groupe Butard)
  • Kieffer
  • Joubin Traiteur
  • Lenôtre (Sodexo Groupe)
  • Valentin Traiteur Groupe
  • Momense Potel et Chabot (Accor Groupe)
  • Dalloyau
  • Butard Groupe
  • La Truffe Noire
  • Sysco Groupe - Davigel
  • Les traiteurs de France
  • Maître Coq (LDC Groupe)
  • Paris Society (Accor groupe)
  • Pierre Martinet

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Sales trends in the global catering market
  • Tomorrow, would you like to eat... ?
  • Frequency of vegetarian meal consumption
  • Distribution of the population on different diets
  • France's favorite dishes
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Accor acquires high-end caterer Potel & Chabot - 22/07/2023
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Potel et Chabot
France Prestige Services
Elysée Réception
Réception Prestige
Rousseau Event Traiteur
Riem Becker Groupe
Raynier Marchetti (Groupe Butard)
Joubin Traiteur
Lenôtre (Sodexo Groupe)

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The catering market | France

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