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1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the sushi market in France

Sushi is a Japanese dish based on vinegared rice ( shari) and another ingredient ( neta), usually raw fish. Sushi is often accompanied by other ingredients (ginger, wasabi, sweet or savory soy sauce).

There are several types of sushi:

  • maki - roll-shaped sushi wrapped in seaweed;
  • temaki - similar to maki, but in the shape of a cone;
  • nigiri - a slice of raw fish served on an oval-shaped rice ball.

Sushi is mainly served in restaurants, but as the dish gains in popularity around the world, it is increasingly distributed in supermarkets and hypermarkets (GMS), thanks to the introduction of kiosks and corners, as well as delivery.

The global market is booming. Estimated at $7.56 billion in 2022, sales are expected to grow at a CAGR of 8% until 2030. Asian gastronomy has become increasingly popular worldwide since the early 2000s, and the sector is being driven by rising living standards, particularly in developing countries. Consumers' growing interest in the quality of their food and its impact on their health has led to an increase in the number of high-end restaurants and restaurant chains.

The French market is one of the most mature in Europe. Sushi is one of the most popular fish dishes, and while the market has shown very strong growth rates, it seems to be showing some signs of saturation , with many catering and delivery chains having to slow down their activity.the market is also having to cope withrising prices for the fish used in sushi (tuna, salmon, shrimp, etc.), which have been on the increase in recent years as production has not kept pace with demand.

However, supermarket distribution, concentrated around a few players, seems to be doing rather well, with increasing penetration rates.

1.2 A dynamic global market

The global sushi market is complicated to estimate, because while most sushi is sold by restaurants and specialist chains, a significant proportion is also sold in supermarkets and hypermarkets. Figures for the global sushi restaurant market are readily available, and are shown in the graph below. The market was worth *.** billion ...

1.3 The French market, European leader

In ****, according to food industry consultancy Gira, the French consumed ** million slices of sushi, despite an increase in the price of fish. This trend, which began around ** years ago, shows no signs of slowing, making France the biggest sushi consumer in Europe [***].

The Top ** sushi networks in France alone totalled *,*** points ...

1.4 The impact of the Covid-19 crisis

The restaurant sector has suffered greatly from the **** confinements in the fight against Covid-**. The sushi market is no exception. Nonetheless, sushi has carved out a significant share of meal delivery orders, providing some - albeit only partial - relief for this market. During the March **** confinement, sushi was among the ...

1.5 Home delivery and the new dark kitchen concept

The"ghost kitchens" market, more commonly known as"dark kitchens" or "ghost kitchens", concerns kitchens that sell food delivered to the home via online applications such as Uber Eats, Deliveroo and others. unlike traditional restaurants, it is therefore impossible to order and eat your meal on site. The brands of this ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 A very popular dish in France

Sushi is a particularly popular dish in France. In fact, France is Europe's biggest consumer of sushi (***). During the lock-in, sushi ranked fifteenth in the list of dishes most missed by the French, according to an IFOP poll.

Would you say you miss sushi during confinement? France, ****, in Source: ****

Indeed, **% of ...

2.2 France's favourite types of sushi

There are many different types of sushi, and it's difficult to assess the breakdown of sales for each type of product. However, the graph below shows the appreciation of the French for each product.


Types of sushi preferred by the French France, ****, in Source: ****

Makis - roll-shaped sushi wrapped in ...

2.3 Focus on sushi consumption in supermarkets and hypermarkets (GMS)

evolution of sushi consumption in supermarkets

Physical points of sale are facing the emergence of "corner shops", or sales kiosks. The precursor of this consumption model and the current leader, Sushi Daily, has reached over *** points of sale in France alone, since its opening in ****[***].

Yet profitability isn't always there. Sushi ...

2.4 General information on the supply of fresh aquatic products to supermarkets and hypermarkets in France

Household purchases of fresh fish have fallen overall over the past fifteen years. French household purchases of fresh fish have fallen by around **% in volume over the last fifteen years. A more detailed analysis of purchases reveals that some products, such as pre-packed products , have escaped this decline , while certain sales ...

2.5 Customer profile of fast-food sushi chains

In order to identify the customer profile of fast-food sushi chains, we rely on an Opinionway survey carried out in March **** on the favorite brands of the French. Unfortunately, only two sushi brands are included in this survey: Sushi Shop and Planet Sushi, but this will enable us to identify the ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Distribution through supermarkets, chains and independent restaurateurs

The main distribution channels for sushi are Japanese restaurants, independent takeaways, sushi chains and supermarkets.the Top ** sushi networks in France alone totalled *,*** points of sale at the end of ****, including restaurants and supermarket kiosks[***].

the graph below shows that restaurants (***).


Places of purchase/consumption of sushi France, ****, in Source: ...

3.2 Growing franchise chains

For both sushi and fast food chains, the model par excellence is the franchise. As explained on the Toute la franchise website, the overall investment consists of an entry fee and the purchase of equipment, financed by a personal contribution and a loan. The restaurant then pays several types of royalty ...

3.3 The competitive landscape for sushi sales in supermarkets

By ****, there will be *** sushi kiosks in supermarkets in France[***]. This is also linked to the growing demand for sushi to be eaten at home. The following is a list of the main players in the supermarket sushi sector.

Sushy Daily

Sushi Daily, part of the KellyDeli group, was one of ...

3.4 Model for organizing the supply of fresh seafood to supermarkets

As explained above, sushi sold in supermarket kiosks is cooked on site, using raw fish, the classic sourcing model for which is described below.

Source: ****

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Price levels by distribution channel

The price of sushi varies according to the distribution channel, the type of sushi, and the additional ingredient (***). In addition, restaurants usually offer platters or formulas with an assortment of sushi, which again increases the price range at which sushi is sold.

The table below gives an order of magnitude of ...

4.2 Focus on nikkei kitchens, a new trend on the market

Nikkei cuisine is originally a blend of Japanese and Peruvian cuisine, but sometimes extends to the combination of Japanese and South American cuisines. Existing since the end of the **th century with the arrival of a large Japanese community in Peru, this type of cuisine became popular in the years **** to ...

4.3 Raw materials prices

The sushi market is highly dependent on fish and rice, the main ingredients used in sushi.the graphs below, showing the price of Scottish salmon and bluefin tuna, as well as the financial price of rice from November **** to November ****, highlight highly unstable markets.

Scottish salmon

After rising sharply during the ...

5 Regulations

5. Supervision of the restoration and sale of shushi

The sale of sushi must comply with regulations governing the sale of foodstuffs: in particular, Regulation (***) no. ***/****, which lays down hygiene rules for foodstuffs of animal origin[***].

To open a sushi restaurant, a number of conditions must be met:

Obtaining an operating license following training. Training lasts * days for new operators, ...

6 Positioning the players

6. Segmentation

  • Planet Sushi Groupe
  • Eat Sushi
  • Matsuri
  • Côté Sushi (ETLB Franchiseur)
  • Lady Sushi
  • O’Sushi
  • Sushi Plaza
  • Hana Group
  • Sushiman (Kimoco SAS)
  • Sky Kitchens
  • My Sushi
  • Sushi B
  • Miushi Bistro d’Asie
  • Sushi Daily - KellyDeli
  • Itsu Grocery France (Bertrand Groupe)
  • Sushi Gourmet (Hana Group)
  • Foodiz Solutions
  • Sushi Robots
  • Sushi Shop Restauration New
  • Sushi Shop Restauration New

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Global sushi restaurant sales forecast
  • Countries with the most Japanese restaurants
  • Sales trends in the sushi sector
  • Would you say you miss sushi during confinement?
  • Top 10 catering specialties
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Latest news

Sushi Daily goes Korean - 20/09/2023
  • KellyDeli has more than 300 kiosks and shop windows in supermarkets under the Sushi Daily brand
  • KellyDeli once again diversifies its offer with the launch of 10 Korean street food recipes.
  • KellyDeli was founded in 2009.
  • KellyDeli has launched concepts in Indian cuisine, Southeast Asian street food and a range of grocery and beverage snacking products.
  • The Korean cuisine range is launched under the Sushi Daily brand.
  • In 2021, sales of Korean food products in supermarkets increased by 63%, with sales of 11 million euros.
The limitless appetite of Foodiz - 20/09/2023

The champion of industrial sushi has just renamed all its entities (2B'Fresh, Marco Polo Foods, Le Petit Cuisinier and Happy Yummy) under the Foodiz name.

Baptise Bayart's company has sales of €70 million and a total workforce of over 500.

Marco Polo Foods, now Foodiz Fresh, supplies supermarket chains with private label sushi and its own Yedo brand with industrial sushi. The entity generates sales of €43 million and employs nearly 300 people.

Foodiz Cuisine houses the Le Petit Cuisinier business (sales of €15.3 million, 126 employees)

Planet Sushi fights for survival - 06/03/2023
  • Planète sushi placed in compulsory liquidation
    Restaurant chain generates sales of over €60 million 900 employees

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Planet Sushi Groupe
Eat Sushi
Côté Sushi (ETLB Franchiseur)
Lady Sushi
Sushi Plaza
Hana Group
Sushiman (Kimoco SAS)
Sky Kitchens
My Sushi
Sushi B

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