Summary of our market study

The shrimp market in France is worth around € 680 million.

The global shrimp market has grown significantly, with a 65% increase in total shrimp production, reaching 10,402 thousand tonnes, where aquaculture accounts for 65% of this total.

The French shrimp market is in line with these global trends, having increased by 21%. Domestic production in France is unable to meet demand, and the country imports shrimp, particularly the Penaeus Vannamei species, from American and Asian countries.

The French market is concentrated among a few key players, and only a few companies control a substantial share of processed shrimp.

Sales in the self-service seafood section of supermarkets have risen from €312 million in 2019 to €389 million in 2021.

The market is regulated with regard to issues such as fish stock preservation, size, labeling and origin, with minimum size requirements such as 5 cm for pink shrimp to protect against overfishing.

Market trends and consumption

The French shrimp market has grown steadily in recent years. It will reach 677 million euros in 2020.

French shrimp production remains limited, at just over 1,000 tonnes per year, which pales into insignificance compared to the massive imports of around 150,000 tonnes. These imports are crucial, as the preferred variety, Penaeus Vannmei, requires the warm waters of Southeast Asia and America for cultivation.

A notable trend on the French market is the strong demand for bouquet shrimp, despite the mismatch between supply and demand, with only 350 tons marketed out of a demand of 800 tons per year.

Cooked shrimps, a preferred choice in France, recorded sales worth 525 million euros in 2020, a figure almost 13 times higher than sales of their raw counterparts.

Supermarkets and hypermarkets are major players, contributing 65-80% of shrimp sales.

The prices consumers face for shrimp vary considerably from one channel to another. For example, the cost of a kilogram of chilled cooked shrimp averages 18.8 euros in supermarkets, while a kilogram of frozen shrimp in freezer centers costs an average of 32.2 euros.

French shrimp market players

  • FranceAgriMer, an organization that provides valuable information and conducts research that helps shed light on industry trends and regulatory practices.
  • Crusta'c specializes in shrimp cookers, and handles a large proportion of the shrimp passing through the market.
  • Pescanova global player
  • Picard a leading force in the frozen food industry
  • Carrefour France is a major shrimp distributor
  • Capitaine Houat and Delpierre are leading fisheries
  • Aker Biomarine
  • Crustafrais distributor
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  • Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Shrimp is a food appreciated by the French, and increasingly consumed by them. In fact, the French market grew by 21% between 2015 and 2020. Production is split between fishing and aquaculture. However, national production is far from sufficient to meet the country's needs. France therefore relies mainly on imports from American and Asian countries.

Overall, the global market has been expanding rapidly for over a decade. Indeed, global shrimp production increased by 47% between 2009 and 2018.

Minds are gradually changing, however, as health scandals and dwindling fish stocks prompt a shift in production patterns in Asia and the rest of the world. Shrimp is gradually establishing itself as a gourmet food, albeit a simple one to prepare, raised in aquaculture farms that are increasingly respectful of the environment and traceability.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Trends in the size of the shrimp market
  • Trends in shrimp fishing and production
  • Share of global shrimp production
  • Main shrimp-producing countries (aquaculture)
  • Main shrimp-producing countries (fishing)
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Aker Biomarine
Delpierre (Labeyrie Groupe)
Capitaine Houat
Scafish / E.Leclerc
Galix Sea Food

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