Summary of our market study

The French fruit juice market is estimated at 1.9 billion euros in 2023,

The global fruit juice market, valued at 138.54 billion euros in 2022, is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 6.3% until 2030.

Fruit juice consumption in France has fallen, with consumption rates dropping from 94.2% to 85.7% in 2023. This decline is mainly attributed to concerns about sugar and calorie content.

The French market, valued at 1.9 billion euros in 2023, is dominated by private labels and well-established brands such as Tropicana.

The organic juice segment has grown significantly, capturing a market share of 8 points in 12 years, despite an overall decline in organic consumption in France.

France's fruit juice trade balance has seen a sharp drop in coverage rates, falling to less than 40% by 2022, with the Netherlands and the USA standing out as important trading partners.

Fruit juices are mainly distributed in supermarkets and hypermarkets, which will hold a 63% market share by volume in 2022.

Fruit juice market trends and consumer preferences in France

Fruit juice consumption in France remains an important segment, particularly among young people. Over three-quarters of children aged 3 to 14 are regular consumers.

Over 50% of French people consume fruit juice with breakfast.

Public health concerns about the sugar and calorie content of fruit juices have led brands to launch innovations such as concentrated fruit juice shots and energy drinks, targeting health-conscious consumers.

The French market is also experiencing an explosion in demand for smoothies.

Main brands

  • Tropicana renowned leader
  • Innocent: has captured a significant share of the smoothies market
  • Andros
  • PepsiCo: parent company of Tropicana.
  • Coca-Cola: stake in Innocent brand
  • Pago: Although not as widely appreciated by all demographics, Pago is positioned at the top end of the market
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  • Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Fruit juice is defined as a liquid or beverage made by pressing or crushing fruit. It can be totally natural (100% fruit-based) or produced by blending fruit, water and other chemical substances in a factory. As a result, the market is segmented into 4 main categories:

  • Pure juices : these are fruit juices made entirely from pressed fruit, with no added carbohydrates or additives
  • Smoothies: drinks based on fruit purées with no other additives.
  • Juices from concentrate : these are fruit juices made from concentrated juices and water. The main purpose of concentration is to improve and simplify juice transport, storage and preservation.
  • Fruit nectars: these are fruit juices or purées mixed with water and sugar.

Worldwide, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.3% until 2030.

By 2022, fruit juice consumption in France will be in decline, as it has been for the past ten years. The sector is experiencing a slowdown, despite innovations from major players such as Tropicana.

Market trends include new products with health benefits, such as concentrated fruit juice shots and fruit-based energy drinks. At consumer level, the focus is also on young people, especially children, who consume a lot of fruit juice and whose parents are often cautious about their health and diet in general (too much sugar, unnatural colorings, etc.).

Packaging is also a key element in understanding the changes taking place in this market.

1.2 Moderate global market growth

The global fruit juice market is forecast to grow fairly rapidly, with a CAGR of *.*%.

Fruit juice market size projections World, ****-****, in billions of dollars grandviewresearch Projection from **** and a CAGR of *.*%

In ****, the global market is estimated at ***.** billion euros.

Geographically,Europe is the world's leading fruit juice consumer ...

1.3 The French market

The fruit juice market is an important one that has seen fairly stable growth over the past ** years, but it seems that the curve may be starting to turn.

Trends in the size of the French fruit juice market France, ****-*****, in millions of euros INSEE and INSEE *Projection based on ...

1.4 Foreign trade in fruit juices

The French market for fruit juices is relatively large in terms of volume. France is importing more and more fruit juice, and its coverage rate has fallen sharply in recent years.

Trends in France's fruit juice trade balance France, ****-****, in millions of dollars and in % A COMTRADE

The French coverage ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Fruit juice consumption

Demand driven by children

Weekly consumption of fruit juices in France concerns almost **% of children aged * to **, then declines over time to only **% of adults aged ** and over. [***] Moreover, adults drink half as much fruit juice as children and teenagers: an average of ** ml versus *** ml per day.

The youth population ...

2.2 Organic juices

Agence Bio reports on a survey of French consumers of organic produce.

It shows that the French are consuming less and less organic produce : only **% of them say they have consumed organic products at least once a month over the past year, which is ** percentage points less than in ****.

Consumers of ...

2.3 The fresh food and smoothie segments are booming, but health risks could act as a brake

The chilled fruit juice segment is different from the traditional market in many respects: firstly, the players involved are different, with the exception of Tropicana, which is present in all juice products. Secondly, this sector is constantly expanding. [***] The Andros group is proud of its presence in this ultra-fresh market, notably ...

2.4 France's favorite brands

France's favorite fruit juice brands France, ****, in opinionway

Tropicana is the most popular brand according to this survey, and Minute Maid is the brand with the most negative reviews.

French people's favorite fruit juice brands by age group France, ****, in opinionway

Here we can see that Tropicana is especially popular with ...

3 Market structure

3.1 A market dominated by private labels and well-established brands

The market is relatively balanced between a few brands: Innocent, Joker, Andros, Pressade and Pago, which all have between *% and **% market share.

Market share in fruit juice aisles France, ****, in LSA Conso

Tropicana is France's favorite fruit juice brand in ****: an increase in its market share in the coming years would ...

3.2 Fruit juice market structure

Breakdown of sales by fruit juice type France, ****, in LSA Conso

Pure juice is by far the dominant segment in juice sales in France, with a **.*% market share in ****.

Sales value by fruit juice type and growth rate France, ****, in millions of euros and as % of sales LSA Conso

We can ...

3.3 Domestic production of fruit and vegetable juices

Value chain :


**% of the fruit juices consumed by the French are produced directly on French soil by nearly forty companies. In addition, fruit juice production accounts for *,*** direct jobs and almost **,*** indirect jobs. What's more, fruit juices represent a natural outlet for over **,*** fruit farms in France, notably for ...

3.4 Supermarkets and hypermarkets main sales channel

Large and medium-sized super markets (***).

Fruit juice distribution channels France, ****, in Definitions: HMSM: Hypermarkets Supermarkets SDMP: Supermarkets with own-brand dominance Source: ****

Another trend that has been developing over the last few years is that of juice bars: there are more and more of them in France, especially in Paris. [***]

Every food ...

3.5 Geographical breakdown of production


4 Offer analysis

4.1 Prices on the rise since 2015

Price index trends for fruit and vegetable juices, water and soft drinks France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****

According to LSA Conso, the fruit harvests needed to make fruit juices have been severely impacted by frost episodes, according to Unijus. These episodes, combined with the current health situation, have made it difficult ...

4.2 Typology of the fruit juice offer

4.3 Trends and innovations

Beyond multi-fruit juices and smoothies, a trend is emerging towards nourishing drinks concentrated in satiating nutrients. The Innocent brand, for example, recently launched its Super Smoothies range. Other retailers are moving towards this new concept, such as Franprix, which markets the brand Feedbrand, which is certified vegan and ***% plant-based. Finally, Tropicana ...

4.4 Juices for children: towards a healthier offering

Children's juices are often considered too sweet, not healthy enough, and often have a higher price per liter, even though the juice contains on average less fruit than the adult equivalent. British researchers examined *** products, including ** fruit juices, *** fruit juice drinks and ** smoothies, marketed specifically for children in the UK. Their ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Designation and labelling

The names of pure juices, juices from concentrate, nectars and other products are strictly regulated by a specific European directive dating back to ****(***), most recently transposed into national law in ****.

Products whose composition does not comply with the regulatory definitions set out in Decree ****-**** cannot be called "fruit juice" or ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Eckes Granini
  • Andros Groupe
  • Sunny Delight Beverages
  • Fruité Entreprises (Pressade, Fruité)
  • Pago
  • Coca-Cola Groupe
  • Eclor (Agrial)
  • Casino Restauration
  • Auchan groupe
  • PepsiCo
  • Alain milliat
  • Joker (Eckes Granini France)
  • Joker (Eckes Granini France)
  • Tropicana
  • Innocent
  • Caprisun
  • Siracuse

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Projected market size for fruit juices
  • Trends in the size of the French fruit juice manufacturing market
  • The French supermarket fruit juice market in figures
  • Change in fruit juice penetration rate
  • The most popular juices
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Latest news

Auchan faces another "difficult" year in 2023 - 22/02/2024
  • -Auchan net loss in 2023: 379 million euros
  • - Previous year's profit: 33 million euros
  • - Auchan's position in the French retail sector: 5th
  • - Revenue in 2023: down 1.7% to 32.9 billion euros
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Auchan: New Beginnings - 06/12/2023
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Andros aims to convert the French to peanut butter - 05/09/2023
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  • Peanut butter is a paste containing 80% roasted and crushed peanuts, 10% sugar and 8% vegetable fats.
  • American company Skippy leads the French market with 20% of sales, followed by French company Menguy's.
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Coca-Cola: solid health in Q4 thanks to higher prices | Coca-Cola reports solid Q4 results. - 14/02/2023
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Pepsico cuts its workforce in France - 09/12/2022
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Eckes Granini
Andros Groupe
Sunny Delight Beverages
Fruité Entreprises (Pressade, Fruité)
Coca-Cola Groupe
Eclor (Agrial)
Casino Restauration
Auchan groupe
Alain milliat
Joker (Eckes Granini France)

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