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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Strawberries are widely consumed around the world, with over 600 varieties, including emblematic varieties such as Gariguette, Favette and Mara des bois. The fruit can be sold fresh or processed into jams, compotes and other desserts. In France, strawberries are harvested in spring, but their production remains sensitive to weather conditions: frost, in particular, can seriously affect yields and harvest quality.

The world's top two strawberry producers are China and the United States. Global production is highly concentrated, with the top ten producers accounting for around 80% of world supply. In Europe, the main producers are Spain, the Netherlands and France. Although France produces a respectable quantity of strawberries(75,700 tonnes in 2021), it remains the world's sixth-largest importer of the fruit. Most of France's production is distributed via short distribution channels, concentrated in three main regions: South-East, South-West and Centre-West. At the same time, imported strawberries are often bought in supermarkets or hypermarkets by French consumers.

Against a backdrop of falling purchasing power and inflation, French strawberries are finding it difficult to compete with Spanish strawberries, which are generally less expensive. This competitive disadvantage is driving supermarkets to import strawberries from Spain on a massive scale, even in the event of a good harvest in France, as in 2022. This paradoxical situation reflects significant differences in the behavior of strawberry markets between countries, influenced by major fluctuations in production. Consumption, on the other hand, remains stable overall.

Although organic production will fall slightly by 2023, it will still account for a substantial share of the market. In 2023, organic farming accounted for 10.4% of total farmland in France, albeit down slightly (-1.3 points) on the previous year. With a strong presence in short distribution channels and sustained demand, more than 50% of organic strawberries consumed in France are of French origin, confirming the anchoring of this segment in consumer habits.

New initiatives, such as the Fragolab agrivoltaic project in Vaucluse, demonstrate the sector's capacity for innovation. Inaugurated in November 2023, this project combines strawberry cultivation and solar energy production, thanks to greenhouses equipped with semi-translucent, controllable photovoltaic panels. Fragolab, which houses 18,680 strawberry plants of the Cléry variety, produces 12.5 tonnes of strawberries a year, which are sold in short circuits, and contributes to the energy transition while protecting the plants from climatic hazards and reducing water stress. This project, supported by the " France 2030 " plan, embodies a sustainable approach and could serve as a model for other crops in France and Europe.

1.2 The global market

Strawberry market size worldwide World, ****-****, in billions of dollars FAOSTAT The value in billions of dollars has fluctuated slightly over the past three years. It fell slightly in ****, then rebounded in **** to reach $**.* billion. In terms of production, this represents :

**** **** **** **** ******* tonnes ******* tonnes ******* tonnes *******

Twelve largest strawberry producers World, ****, in thousands of dollars FAOSTAT

This chart reveals significant disparities in global strawberry production, with China overwhelmingly dominating with a production value of $*.** billion in ****, almost three times more than the USA, which ranks second with $*.** billion.

This means that Chinese production accounts for around **% of the total value of the twelve largest producers, while the USA accounts for only around **%, showing just how colossal and centralized the Chinese market is. Japan and Korea, despite limited farmland, manage to achieve significant production figures of *.** and *.** billion respectively, testifying to the intensity and added value of their agriculture, where the quality and value-added of strawberries play a crucial role.

Now let's look at the quantity of production:

** largest strawberry producers worldwide World, ****, in thousands of tons FAOSTAT Note that production quantity is not the only determinant of production value. For example, Japan is the **th largest strawberry producer in terms of ...

1.3 The French market

To calculate the value of strawberry consumption in France, perform the following operation: (***) We obtain the following data Value of strawberry consumption in France France, ****-****, in millions of dollars FAOSTAT and UN COMTRADE French consumption has fluctuated in recent years. In ****, it stood at $***.* million. However, it decreased in ****, reaching ***.*. In ****, a significant increase was observed, with consumption amounting to ***.*.

French strawberry production France, ****-****, in hundreds of tons and millions of dollars FAOSTAT

Strawberry production fluctuated between **** and ****, starting at ***.** hundred tons in ****, falling to ***.* in ****, before rising to ***.* in ****, then falling back to *** in **** and peaking at *** in ****. In terms of value, it started at $***.* million in ****, rose to $***.* million in ****, increased to $***.* million in ****, fell back to $***.* million in **** and peaked at $***.* million in ****.

The increase in production volume is higher than the increase in value, proportionally.

1.4 Balance of trade

Trade balance for fresh strawberries France, ****-****, in millions of dollars A COMTRADE

Between **** and ****, the value of imports fluctuated, rising from ***.* in **** to ***.* in ****, peaking at ***.* in **** before falling back to ***.* in ****. At the same time, the value of exports rose from **.* in **** to **.* in ****, then to ** in ****, before dropping slightly to **.* in ****.

France therefore exports very few strawberries, mainly to Switzerland (***). France's main trading partners for fresh strawberries France, ****-****, in millions of dollars A COMTRADE

The total value of imports varied slightly between **** and ****, rising from ***.* to ***.*. During this period, the value of imports from Spain fell in **** to **.*, before rising again to ***.* in ****. At the same time, the value of imports from Belgium increased from ** in **** to **.* in ****.

The Netherlands and Morocco also export strawberries to France, albeit to a lesser extent

1.5 Focus on Spanish strawberries from Huelva

In ****, strawberry exports from Huelva, Spain, rose sharply. The region exported ***,*** tonnes of strawberries worth *** million euros, making it Huelva's most exported berry product. These strawberry exports contributed to **% of the total volume of berries exported by Spain and **% of the total value of the country's berry exports for the year ****.

source : eurofresh

Spain's Huelva region is renowned for its high-quality strawberry production. It accounts for **% of European strawberry production, and exports mainly to Germany, France, England and Italy. The main strawberry varieties grown in the region are "Queen of the Valleys", "Camarosa", "Pájaro" and "Forest". They are grown in greenhouses, but in the open ground, with a drip irrigation system.

The strawberry plants are planted in December on mounds of earth covered with plastic to avoid contact with the soil and facilitate harvesting. The strawberries are harvested by hand every * days from late January to late May, early June. They are sorted, weighed, packed and shipped to various European markets. The Huelva strawberry is characterized by its plump flesh, large size and sweet taste.

Strawberries are grown in Huelva in a relatively environmentally-friendly way, using predatory insects rather than chemicals. However, it does not meet the criteria for the ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Typology of demand

Demand for strawberries breaks down as follows:

Wholesalers: Growers may sell their strawberries wholesale to food wholesalers. Wholesalers typically buy large quantities of strawberries and then resell them to retailers, restaurants, hotels and other customers. Retailers : Strawberries are sold in supermarkets, grocery stores, local farmers' markets and other retail outlets. Growers may sell strawberries directly to these retailers, or through intermediary distributors. Farmers' markets : Some growers sell their strawberries directly to consumers at local farmers' markets. This allows consumers to buy fresh strawberries directly from growers. Export : Strawberry growers often export their produce to other countries. The main export markets for Spanish strawberries, for example, include Germany, the UK and France. Processing : Some strawberries can be processed into by-products such as jams, juices, fruit pastes and so on. Growers can sell their strawberries to food processing companies. Catering: Restaurants, pastry shops and hotels also buy strawberries to include in their dishes and desserts. Direct farm sales: Some producers allow consumers to pick their own strawberries on the farm, or offer direct farm sales.

The strawberry market is characterized by its diversity of distribution channels, making it B*B (***). This variety of channels enables strawberry growers to reach different market segments and ...

2.2 Fruit consumption

Purchasing criteria for fresh fruit and vegetables France, ****, in percent Franceagrimer

Product seasonality seems to remain the main criterion for buying fresh fruit and vegetables for the French, with **%, although it is closely followed by provenance with **%. These are major issues for consumers, particularly as a result of current environmental debates and the importance attached to ethical production.

Growth in household fruit consumption by value and volume France, ****-****, in percent Franceagrimer We can observe a clear discrepancy between consumption by value and by volume, since despite a sharp increase in consumption by value (***). This means that despite a higher budget for fruit, households are consuming less.

The **** confidence barometer by Interfel and FranceAgriMer, published in February ****, reveals that French confidence in fresh fruit and vegetables has been maintained, despite persistent inflation since ****, which remains a major concern. Since ****, fresh fruit and vegetables continue to inspire confidence, on a par with bread (***), and occupy first place in terms of food confidence, with **% of French people expressing total confidence, ahead of frozen products, canned goods, and ready-made meals. The main reassurance factors cited are the local origin of products, their visual appeal, and control over sourcing. However, the perception of information on ...

2.3 Strawberry consumption

Growth in household strawberry consumption by value and volume France, ****-****, in percent Franceagrimer

Change in strawberry purchases by French households France, ****-****, in Source: ****

As with the data for individual fruits, there is also a clear discrepancy between consumption in value and volume terms, since despite a very significant increase in consumption in value terms (***). Between **** and ****, we therefore see an increase in value but a decrease in volume. This means that, despite a significantly higher budget for strawberries, households are consuming fewer of them.

Let's compare these figures with those for other fruits:

Change in volume and value of various fruits France, average ****-**** - ****, in percent Franceagrimer

Strawberries are one of the few fruits to have seen an increase in consumption, along with table grapes (***). By contrast, consumption of other fruits, such as apricots, table apples, cherries, pears, kiwis and peaches/nectarines, fell, with decreases ranging from -*.*% to -**.*% in volume, and increases ranging from *.*% to **.*% in value.

Is strawberry gaining in popularity among other fruits? (***) Increase Change ****/**** Oranges +*.*% Pear +*% Apple +*.*% Pineapple +*.*% Strawberry +*.*% Plum +**.*% Decreasing Melon -*.*% Watermelon -*.*% Grapes -*.*% Cherry -*.*% Pomelo -*.*% Lemon -*.*% Peach-Nectarine -*.*% Avocados -*.*% Source: ****

Strawberry consumption frequency : Strawberry consumption ...

2.4 Organic: a declining trend

The most widely consumed organic products in France are fruit and vegetables. Strawberries are no exception to the rule, and the demand for organic strawberries represents a fundamental element in French strawberry demand.

Organic fruit accounts for *.*% of market share by volume (***).

Organic fruit consumption growth rates by year France, ****-****, in percent Agencebio

The rate of change in organic fruit consumption has fluctuated over the last decade. In ****, the rate rose by *.**% compared to ****, followed by a significant increase of **.**% in ****. In ****, it rose by *.**% and by *.**% in ****. In ****, a considerable increase of **.**% was observed, followed by an even greater increase of **.**% in ****. However, the rate fell to **.**% in **** and **.**% in ****. In ****, it dropped significantly to *.**%, but rebounded to **.**% in ****. However, in ****, the rate fell by *.**% compared with ****, and a further drop of *.*% was observed in **** and *% in ****. We can therefore see that, after a very rapid rise in organic consumption with a peak in ****, the increase slowed until we reached a decline in organic fruit consumption from ****/**** until today.

Quantity of organic fruit purchased by French households France, ****-****, in kilograms Source: ****

Amounts spent on organic produce per household France, ****-****, in € per household Source: ****

The last two graphs ...

2.5 Demand cyclicality

Trends in interest in strawberry research France, ****-**** Source: ****

Demand for strawberries is particularly concentrated. Every year, there is a marked increase in searches between late spring and early summer.

NB: the graph above represents the proportion of searches for a given keyword́ in a given region and for a specific perriod, in relation to the time when the rate of use of this keyword́ was highest (***). Thus, a value of ** means that the keyword was used half as much in the region concerned, and a value of * means that the data for this keyword is insufficient.

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

Strawberry market value chain in France

Value chain:

Suppliers: They provide the raw materials needed for strawberry production, such as seeds, fertilizers, and farm equipment. They supply growers with the inputs they need to cultivate strawberries.

Production: Production is divided into two segments:

-For processing: This part of production is intended to be transformed into other products (***).

-For fresh consumption: This segment is intended for sale as is, so that the strawberries can be consumed directly by consumers. Depending on demand, growers can direct their harvests either towards processing or the sale of fresh strawberries.

Large companies: They manage several stages in the chain, such as production, packaging and preservation. They are often involved in consolidating large-scale production for processing or wholesale distribution.

Packaging and preservation: This stage prepares strawberries for transport and storage, thus extending their shelf life. It also includes packaging for export and wholesale.

Processing : Strawberries are transformed into various products such as juice, dehydrated products, frozen products, jams and compotes. This stage adds value to the strawberries and meets the demand for strawberry-derived products.

Distribution : Once produced, processed and packaged, strawberries and strawberry by-products are distributed through various channels:

-French market: Products are sold in supermarkets, hotels ...

3.2 Production

Strawberry production by region France, ****, in Source: ****

Despite its superiority in ****, South-West France has in fact been on a downward trend for the past * years (***).

Trends in strawberry production by region France, ****, in Source: ****

Source: ****

Strawberry production

How are strawberries produced?

* - Planting: Strawberry cultivation under cover begins with the selection of frozen seedlings, which are then thawed and planted in pots or gutters.

* - Root development: After planting, the roots of the young plants develop in the substrate to establish a solid base.

* - Vegetative growth: The plant concentrates on growing leaves, lateral buds and chlorophyll thanks to adequate exposure to light, water and essential nutrients.

* - Flower stem formation / flowering: Flowering is influenced by factors such as temperature, day length, fertilization and light. Molybdenum and boron play a key role in this process.

* - Infrutescence/Fructification: Harvest time depends on the length of the fruiting stage, the availability of nutrients and the element potassium, crucial for fruit growth and quality.

These essential stages ensure the success of strawberry cultivation under cover, requiring precise management of growing conditions and nutrients.

Source: ****

Strawberries can be grown using a variety of methods, depending on the markets targeted. ...

3.3 Distribution

The long circuit: This distribution channel involves several intermediaries, such as wholesalers or retailers, before reaching the end consumer. Supermarkets, for example, favor this channel. Advantages include wide geographic distribution, reduced storage and transport costs for the manufacturer, and a smaller sales force. However, the presence of intermediaries can reduce the producer's profit margin, and he loses direct contact with the end customer. The short circuit : In this case, there is only one intermediary between the strawberry manufacturer and the end consumer, usually a retailer or distributor. This enables the grower to secure a higher margin and benefit from the strength of the distribution network. However, logistics, delivery, transport and storage costs increase for the manufacturer, requiring a strong relationship with the distributor. The direct circuit : In this model, the manufacturer sells his strawberries directly to his customers, without an intermediary. This enables him to develop a relationship of trust with customers, obtain feedback on the use of his products, set his own prices and maintain a high profit margin. However, the grower himself manages the entire sales process, including logistics, marketing and customer acquisition.

Strawberry growers can use these different distribution channels in complementary ways to maximize their business opportunities. ...

3.4 Analysis of costs and returns

Production costs play a crucial role in determining French strawberry prices. Growing strawberries requires substantial initial investment in expensive infrastructure, as well as energy consumption, making prices sensitive to fluctuations in energy costs. However, strawberries grown under cover, such as greenhouses, are more energy-efficient as they don't need high temperatures to develop.

Other significant costs include labor, inputs, plants and biological control practices. Many French strawberry growers are committed to quality, environmental and social practices, which require significant investment. Organic alternatives to phytosanitary products are costly for growers, but are widely used in strawberry cultivation in France.

French regulations, including higher labor costs due to the high minimum wage (***) and environmental requirements, also have an impact on French strawberry prices. Harvesting by hand requires skilled labor and therefore additional costs. In addition, environmental legislation, such as the future ban on plastic packaging, is driving the industry to seek alternative packaging solutions, even if they may be more expensive.

Ultimately, it is the supermarkets that determine the final price for consumers, based on supply, demand and negotiations with cooperatives. Currently, prices for French strawberries are tending to fall due to the abundance of supply, and supermarkets often offer promotions to attract consumers, ...

3.5 A decline in strawberry imports

Despite a negative trade balance, France has been reducing its imports since ****:

Trends in strawberry production and imports France, ****-****, in tons Source: ****

For example, in May ****, imports were **,*** tonnes, whereas in May **** they had halved to **,***.

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

Source: ****

Source: ****

Strawberries are low in calories, rich in fiber and vitamin C. It is a source of antioxidants and stimulates the immune system.

List of strawberry products :

Fresh strawberries

Strawberry jam

Strawberry coulis

Dehydrated strawberries

Strawberry sorbet

Strawberry ice cream

Strawberry tart

Strawberry mousse

Strawberry yogurt

Strawberry smoothie

Strawberry cake

Strawberry pastries

Strawberry chocolate

Strawberry liqueur

Strawberry vinaigrette

Strawberry cereals

Strawberry energy bars

Strawberry candy

Strawberry infusion

Strawberry sauce

4.2 Sales prices in France

Source: ****

We can compare the average French price per kg in supermarkets (***).

4.3 Supply trends: organic food

In ****, organic farming continues to structure and expand in France, representing an increasingly visible pillar of the national agricultural landscape. With *,***,*** hectares devoted to organic or in-conversion crops, France's commitment is solid, despite a slight decline of -*.*% on the previous year. This decline, though modest, is part of a process of consolidation rather than decline, with organic farming now occupying **.*% of total farmland. This percentage, down -*.* points compared to ****, reflects a slight contraction in certain sectors, but above all reflects a sector in full transition and adaptation.

Field crops, mainly cereals, dominate in terms of surface area, with ***,*** hectares, although they are down -*.*%. Winegrowing, on the other hand, stood out with positive growth of *.*%, reaching ***,*** hectares, proof of winegrowers' growing interest in organic practices.

As for fruit and vegetables, trends are mixed: areas devoted to fruit are down by -*.*% to **,*** hectares, while vegetable crops are down by a more pronounced -*.*% to **,*** hectares. These variations reflect the specific challenges faced by each type of crop in the face of organic requirements, whether in terms of costs, techniques or resistance to climatic hazards.

At the same time, farmers' commitment to organic farming continues unabated. By ****, no fewer than ...

4.4 Photovoltaic farming touches strawberries

In ****, the Fragolab project, the only one of its kind in France, will illustrate the potential of agrivoltaics in the agricultural sector by combining the cultivation of Carpentras strawberries with the production of green energy. Located in Uchaux in the Vaucluse region of France, the project is run by energy company Qair in partnership with Insolight, a Swiss specialist in agrivoltaics.the project covers *.* hectares and houses **,*** Cléry strawberry plants in greenhouses equipped with semi-translucent, controllable photovoltaic panels. The facility, which came into service in November ****, produces **.* tonnes of strawberries a year, sold in short circuits to strengthen local supply chains. These innovative panels are manufactured in France by Voltec Solar and incorporate a shade curtain optimized for the region's *** days of sunshine a year, protecting plants from climatic hazards and pests, reducing water stress and lowering the need for phytosanitary products.

Fragolab is also part of the " France **** " plan, which supports innovative agricultural technologies. In addition to agricultural and energy objectives, ecological issues are paramount, with the adoption of an integrated pest management system that limits the use of chemicals, and photovoltaic equipment with a reduced carbon footprint. This experimental project includes three configurations of panel transparency to assess ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Hygiene and sanitation package

The distribution of fruit and vegetables is strictly regulated by European health regulations for the agri-food sector. In ****, a set of standardized regulations came into force across the European Union, known as the "Hygiene Package". These regulations provide a framework for the entire industry and all its players: producers, distributors and consumers.

This regulation is made up of several texts:

Regulation (***) n°***/**** Regulation (***) n°***/**** Regulation (***) n°***/**** Regulation (***) n°***/**** Regulation (***) n°***/**** regulation (***) regulation (***)

Source: ****

Since July *, ****, certain information has been compulsory and must be visible on the label accompanying the retail sale of fruit and vegetables(***)

type of product country of origin (***) in characters of the same size as those indicating the price price by weight or piece

Food safety reform:since *ᵉʳ January ****, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty has been the sole competent authority for regulations and controls relating to food and feed safety. This centralization is intended to strengthen controls, with a planned **% increase in inspections of direct delivery establishments and a **% increase in inspections of food manufacturing establishments. [***]

Restrictions on the use of phytopharmaceutical products during the flowering period: From *ᵉʳ January ****, new restrictions frame the use of phytopharmaceutical products during the flowering period of attractive crops, such as ...

5.2 Appellations and certifications

Other tools can be used to certify the origin or quality of strawberries.

The Appellation d'Origine Protégée (***) is a European sign with value throughout the EU, awarded to a product whose every stage of production respects a recognized know-how in the same geographical area, giving the product its characteristics. In ****, there were *** PDOs in the agri-food sector.

The Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (***) can be considered as a stage prior to the PDO. The AOC uses the same criteria as the PDO, and protects the designation on French territory. It also covers products not covered by the European designation, such as forest products.

Label Rouge is a French label awarded to products which, due to their production or manufacturing conditions, are of a higher quality than other similar products usually marketed.

The Indication Géographique Protégée (***) is reserved for agricultural products, raw or processed, for which certain characteristics, such as quality or reputation, are linked to their geographical origin. Among agri-food products, *** PGIs were registered in France in ****.

In addition to these various designations and certifications, industry players are increasingly committed to ensuring that their products are easily traceable, from consumer to producer.

5.3 UNECE standard FFV-35

Concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of strawberries

i. Product definition

this standard applies to strawberries of varieties (***) grown from the genus Fragaria L. to be supplied fresh to the consumer, strawberries for industrial processing being excluded.

iI. Provisions concerning quality

the purpose of the standard is to define the quality requirements for strawberries after preparation and packaging.

however, at stages following export, products may show, in relation to the requirements of the standard :

- A slight reduction in freshness and turgidity;

- For products in classes other than "Extra", slight deterioration due to their development and their more or less perishable nature.

The holder/seller of products may not display, offer for sale, sell, deliver or market them other than in compliance with this standard. He is responsible for ensuring compliance.

a. minimum specifications

In all classes, subject to the special provisions for each class and the tolerances allowed, strawberries must be :

- Whole, without wounds;

- sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded;

- Clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter;

- Fresh in appearance, but not washed;

- Practically free from pests;

- Free from attacks ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Auchan Hypermarches
  • Carrefour Groupe
  • E.Leclerc
  • Casino Groupe
  • Franprix (Groupe Casino)
  • Savéol
  • Prince de Bretagne Cerafel
  • Materne (Bel groupe)
  • Joker (Eckes Granini France)
  • Andros Groupe
  • Innocent
  • Charles & Alice
  • Priméale Agrial
  • Terrena (Coopérative)
  • Sicoly
  • Bonduelle Groupe

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