
The global electric motor market has seen significant fluctuations, notably due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, the market contracted by 9.6%, but is expected to rebound with a compound annual growth rate of 7% between 2021 and 2028, with an expected market value of 181.89 billion USD by 2028. The French market reflects this trend, but is poised for a 9% recovery in 2021, returning to pre-pandemic levels. The main drivers of market growth are the boom in the electric vehicle sector, where registrations have increased significantly in France, and the growing demand for energy-efficient electric motors against a backdrop of rising electricity costs.

The sector is also facing regulatory changes, with the introduction of stricter efficiency standards (IE3 or IE4). Major companies such as Siemens, ABB and Schneider Electric continue to dominate the market, while the transition to electric vehicles is opening up opportunities for new entrants and forcing traditional automotive players to adapt and invest in the production of electric motors

changing demand dynamics

Demand for electric motors in the observed market has been significantly influenced by several key trends. One of the main factors driving this demand is the boom in vehicle production, particularly electric vehicles, sales of which have increased considerably. Indeed, sales of electric vehicles have soared by over 150%. This escalation can be linked to the growing environmental awareness of consumers, who are increasingly turning to less polluting products and clean energy solutions.

Rising fuel prices have only added to the appeal of electric vehicles and therefore electric motors. In addition, the growing emphasis on energy efficiency has boosted demand for high-efficiency electric motors. This is partly due to the implementation of strict electricity consumption standards, and to a growing awareness of the need to reduce electricity costs, which are significant in the industrial and tertiary sectors. In France, for example, electricity consumption accounts for 70% and 33% of total energy consumption in the industrial and tertiary sectors respectively.

Electric motors, as core components, are not only relevant in automobiles, but have also found their way into electric urban mobility devices such as scooters, hoverboards and personal vehicles, which have seen explosive growth in sales. The market value of these devices doubled from around 134 million euros to 278 million euros. What's more, industry powerhouses and consumers alike showed an inclination to purchase complete motor solutions rather than stand-alone motors, revealing a preference for integrated, comprehensive offerings.

In terms of figures, the French electric motor market presents optimistic projections where, despite a dip in 2020 due to the pandemic with a drop in sales of over 10%, a rebound of the same magnitude is forecast for the following year. This could potentially return the market to pre-pandemic levels, suggesting resilience and continued interest in the electric motor market. This overview indicates that demand for electric motors is being influenced by a confluence of technological advances, changes in consumer behavior and economic factors. Combined, these elements are precipitating a significant market transformation, heralding a phase of robust growth driven by innovation, environmental considerations and efficiency.

Key players shaping the electric motor market landscape

As the electric motor market continues to expand and evolve, a wide range of companies are vying for leadership in this fast-growing sector. From electrical equipment specialists to diversified industrial equipment suppliers and automotive manufacturers, the market is characterized by a mix of established giants and newcomers.

  • Siemens is a giant in the electrical equipment sector. Known for its extensive portfolio of electric motors and related services, Siemens has been instrumental in driving innovation and technological advances in the sector.
  • ABB, another heavyweight known for its pioneering solutions in electrification, robotics and motion products. ABB motors are key components in a multitude of applications, exemplifying efficiency and reliability.
  • Schneider Electric is a leading name in energy management and automation solutions. Its product range, which includes electric motors, is aimed at industrial efficiency and is at the heart of its broader vision of sustainable energy use.
  • Nidec Motor Corporation, a notable player, not only offers a comprehensive range of electric motors, but also prioritizes energy-saving and environmentally-friendly products, aligning itself with global demand for sustainable industrial applications.
  • Sew Eurodrive offers a range of drive technologies, including electric motors, and emphasizes the importance of system solutions that improve efficiency and productivity in a multitude of industrial contexts.
  • ATB may not have the scale of some of its larger counterparts, but it has carved out a niche in the market by offering a wide range of electric motors for numerous fields and applications.
  • Thales and Parker Hannifin fit into the electric motor space with their range of industrial components and systems, many of which incorporate electric motors in their functional design.
  • Kohler and Jeumont may vary in their commercial footprints and offerings, but their involvement in the electric motor market testifies to the diversity of applications and sectors for which these motors are intended.
  • BMW, Renault and Tesla are at the forefront of electric vehicle innovation. These companies don't just produce cars, they are an integral part of the advancement of electric mobility, a sector in which the electric motor is absolutely central.
  • The democratization of electric motors is also paving the way for new entrants, as exemplified by Tesla.
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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 22/11/2021
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Sommaire et extraits

1 Market overview

1.1 Market definition and delimitation

An electric motor is a machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, as opposed to a heat engine that transforms thermal energy obtained during a combustion process. This electric motor is less polluting than the thermal engine during its operation by a reduced emission of polluting gases, but the process of its manufacture remains today very polluting in itself.

An electric motor can be powered in two different ways:

  • Thanks to an alternating current: electric influx which circulates in a direction then in another. It requires an alternator whose turbine will create current to produce electricity
  • Direct current: flows in one direction only, from the positive pole to the negative, and is produced by a generator such as a battery or a cell. To integrate this production into the distribution network, an inverter is used to transform the direct current into alternating current.

The main markets for electric motors are industry, transmission and distribution networks and power generation. The automotive sector is a particularly strong market, especially since the market for electric vehicles has been growing quickly in recent years. The global market for electric motors is worth more than 100 billion euros and its annual growth rate is estimated at 7% between 2021 and 2028.

French production has been fairly stable since the 2010s, with a few years marked by a negative growth rate. The French production market faces competition from foreign players, but the know-how and quality of the French industry gives the country a privileged position in the global market. In 2020, the sector was strongly affected by the coronavirus crisis, with sales falling by 10.4% that year. However, the recovery is estimated at 9.0% for 2021.


Liste des graphiques

  • Evolution du chiffre d'affaires du marché des moteurs électriques
  • Les différents types de moteurs électriques dans l'industrie
  • Evolution du chiffre d'affaires de l'activité liée au code NAF 27.11Z
  • Répartition de la production en valeur par catégorie de produit
  • Importations et exportations françaises de moteurs et générateurs électriques
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Dernières actualités

Schneider Electric a réalisé la meilleure année de son histoire - 16/02/2024
  • Bénéfice net : 4 milliards d'euros.
  • Chiffre d'affaires : 36 milliards d'euros.
  • Croissance des revenus : 13%.
  • Carnet de commandes pour 2024 : plus de 19 milliards d'euros.
  • Part de marché dans l'infrastructure électrique des data centers : 21% en 2023.
  • Embauches prévues dans le cadre de cet investissement en R&D : 6 000 personnes.
  • Chiffre d'affaires aux États-Unis : plus de 10 milliards d'euros.
  • Capitalisation boursière de Schneider : plus de 100 milliards d'euros.
Racheté par Framatome et Naval Group, Jeumont Electric oscille entre soulagement et méfiance - 15/01/2024
  • Le site de Jeumont Electric à Jeumont (Nord) emploie 400 salariés.
  • La cession de Jeumont Electric est répartie à 65% pour Framatome et 35% pour Naval Group.
  • Le site de Jeumont a signé une grosse commande pour le rétrofit des turbines de sous-marins australiens.
  • L'entreprise est spécialisée dans la fabrication de moteurs électriques de grande taille.
  • Jeumont Electric a été créée il y a 125 ans et compte 620 salariés au total.
  • L'entreprise possède quatre sites de production en France (Carquefou en Loire-Atlantique, Etupes dans le Doubs et Champagne-sur-Seine en Seine-et-Marne) et intervient dans plus de 70 pays.
Tesla : feu vert de la Chine pour l'usine de batteries géantes d'Elon Musk - 22/12/2023
  • Tesla a signé un accord pour acquérir des terrains dans la banlieue de Shanghai pour construire une usine de batteries géantes.
  • C'est leur deuxième usine dans la capitale économique chinoise, la première étant une gigafactory automobile installée depuis 2019.
  • La construction de l'usine de batteries doit débuter dans les premiers mois de 2024 et sa mise en service est prévue pour la fin de l'année prochaine.
  • Elle doit avoir une capacité de production de 10 000 batteries par an.
  • L'activité des "Megapacks" ne représentait que 5% des ventes de Tesla début 2023, mais elle a enregistré une hausse de 40% de son chiffre d'affaires en 2022, atteignant 3,9 milliards de dollars.
  • Tesla a installé des batteries Megapack totalisant 6,5 gigawattheures en 2021
  • La Chine s'affirme comme leader mondial des énergies renouvelables
Schneider Electric revient dans le club très fermé des entreprises qui pèsent plus de 100 milliards d’euros - 12/12/2023
  • Schneider Electric a une capitalisation boursière de plus de 100 milliards d'euros.
  • Schneider Electric prévoit une expansion annuelle des ventes de 7% à 10% entre 2023 et 2027.
BMW va se passer de concessionnaires pour vendre ses voitures - 30/10/2023
  • Le groupe BMW a obtenu l'accord de l'intégralité de son réseau en Europe pour faire passer ses concessionnaires sous le statut d'agents.
  • Le déploiement du nouveau modèle se fera progressivement, commençant par la marque Mini en 2024 puis BMW à partir de 2026.
  • Le changement de contrat concerne 36 investisseurs en France, qui détiennent au total 152 points de vente BMW et 122 points de vente Mini.
  • Le constructeur devra désormais porter le stock et maîtriser les prix, qui seront identiques dans tout le pays.
  • D'autres concurrents tels que Renault, Toyota ou Hyundai-Kia ont choisi de conserver le système actuel.
Conseil, nouveau moteur de Schneider - 28/07/2023
  • Schneider Electric ambitionne de développer son activité de conseil pour atteindre un chiffre d'affaires dépassant le milliard d'euros

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Parker Hannifin
Jeumont Electric
Schneider Electric
Savant System
ABB Robotics
Nidec Motor Corporation
Sew Eurodrive

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the electric motor market | France

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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 25/07/2023 - Mise à jour des données financières de l'entreprise Schneider Electric
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Archigourmet
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Sumitomo Drive Technologies
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Magelec
  • 06/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Bonfiglioli
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