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1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the French sports events market

A sporting event can be defined as a demonstration of sporting performance organized in a specific place, limited in time, covered by the media and involving various types of spin-offs, notably in terms of marketing, advertising, television rights and economic benefits for the country.and involving various types of spin-offs, notably in terms of marketing, advertising, television rights and economic benefits for the country. The aim is to create the widest possible media coverage and economic spin-offs around a sport.

Little affected by economic crises, the global sports market is characterized by both rapid and cyclical growth, based on the organization of major media events. These events represent real economic and sometimes even geopolitical stakes for the host countries. Hosting major sporting events is an opportunity to showcase a country, not only in sporting terms, but also in terms of tourism, culture and the economy, with an increased contribution to job creation (mainly temporary) and the collection of substantial tax revenues.The global sports events market was estimated at $184.61 billion in 2021, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.5% to 2031.

In France, the market is relatively dynamic, driven by the organization of recurrent international events such as Roland-Garros and the Tour de France, and the more exceptional organization of events such as the Euro Football Championship in 2016, the Rugby World Cup in 2023, and the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.the market is also structured around a number of major players in event organization (ASO, OC Sport...), event sponsorship (the commitment of BNP for tennis, or Red Bull for extreme sports, for example) and public authorities, which are often decisive in enabling an event to take place (organization and financial support).

As is the case worldwide, market growth is also being driven by therise of digital broadcasting, already popular sports and disciplines, and new practices such ase-sport. The digital broadcasting segment is of growing interest to GAFAs, who are in direct competition with traditional market players.

1.2 A booming global market structured around numerous international players

The global sports events market was estimated at $***.** billion in **** , and is expected to grow at a CAGR of **.*% to ****.

Global sports events market growth projections World, **** - ****, in $ billions Source: ****

The sporting events sector is seeing the emergence of new events that are just as attractive, changing trends and putting ...

1.3 A very dynamic French sports events market

The French sports event organization sector boasts a remarkable economic dynamic. According to BPCE L'Observatoire, the French sports economy accounts for *.*% of GDP, representing sales of ** billion euros generated by companies in the sector.

The sports economy in France has seen several fluctuations between **** and ****, with moments of growth followed by ...

1.4 Examples of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and Euro 2016 soccer tournament

Focus on the Paris **** Olympic Games:

The Paris **** Olympic and Paralympic Games are a major project financed mainly by private funds. Indeed, **% of the organization's budget is covered by private revenues, including the contribution from the International Olympic Committee (***), corporate partnerships, ticketing revenues and licenses.the Games Organizing Committee's budget amounts ...

1.5 The Covid-19 pandemic hits sporting events hard

European market

The sports events market paid a heavy price at Covid-**. Events on a global scale, such as the Olympic Games, and on a continental scale, such as the Euro Football Championship, were postponed.

The organization of a major sporting event involves the massive movement of people in sports arenas, ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Different notoriety levels depending on the type of sporting event

According to an awareness survey conducted by Sponsoring, almost * out of ** French people are aware that France will be hosting the **** Summer Olympics in Paris. However, only **% are aware of the organization of the **** Paralympic Games.

Did you know that France will organize... France, between **** and ****, in % Source: SponsoringSponsoring Panel question: ...

2.2 Monitoring of sports championships below the European average

Every weekend, soccer attracts an average of over **,*** spectators per stadium in France (***), which is lower than in the major European leagues.

Spectator match Average number of spectators in European soccer leagues from ****-**** to ****-**** source : EPFL

However, the least popular leagues (***) showed an upward trend after COVID-**, while the ...

2.3 A positive reception from the French for the organization of international competitions

The French are less and less enchanted by the idea of hosting major international sporting events. Those whose daily lives will be impacted by these events are the least satisfied, as the example of the Paris **** Olympic Games shows. Indeed, people living in the Paris region are much less enamored with ...

2.4 The rise of digital viewing of sporting events

New digital channels such as computers, tablets and smartphones are increasingly competing with the media that traditionally broadcast sporting events. According to the CNDS, the classic model of a single broadcast on a given channel is gradually being replaced by a model of "targeted information flows" that adapt to viewer preferences. ...

2.5 New sports practices and new players

The French market is the scene of several fundamental trends, including the arrival of new sports, mechanically correlated with the emergence of new players who are disrupting the market.

The rise of streaming encourages the emergence of new disciplines: e-sport

E-sport is also entering the game. The **** edition of the France ...

3 Market structure

3.1 A market divided between public, association and private players

A multitude of players are present in the sports events market. The Centre National pour le Développement du Sport (***) has mapped out the value chains involved in sports events, distinguishing between public players, private players and sports associations:

Public players: on a national scale, these players are the State and ...

3.2 The sports events value chain

Organizing a sporting event, whatever its size, requires a sound knowledge of sports management to enable the various stages of the process to be rationalized and rigorously structured. These are described in the publication Organizing a sports event by M. Desbordes and J. Falgoux, and can be summarized as follows:

The ...

3.3 Increase in the number of employees and companies involved in the organization of sporting events

The organization of sporting events is recorded by INSEE under NAF code"**.** Other sports-related activities". However, this category is broader and includes :

the activities of producers or promoters of sporting events, whether or not they have their own facilities; the activities of professional athletes, referees, judges, timekeepers, etc. ; the activities of ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Characterization of sporting events in France

According to the French Ministry of Sports, the sports events sector in France can be segmented along two main axes:

firstly, the level of media coverage of the event: a high-profile event will thus be considered "general public", while a less high-profile event will be reserved for an audience of insiders; secondly, ...

4.2 Examples of sporting events organized in France

Here is a table listing some of the biggest sporting events that are held regularly in France or have taken place exceptionally, including their frequency:

Some of these events stand out, either positively or negatively. For example, the ****-**** Champions League Final, originally scheduled to take place in Ukraine, was held ...

4.3 Prices vary widely according to competition type and discipline

Variable prices within the same competition:

For the ****-**** season, it was cheaper to see a Ligue * soccer "top match" in a stadium in France than in Italy, Germany or England. According to the Sofoot website, the average price to attend a Ligue * "top match" is €**.

Even within the French leagues, ...

5 Regulations

5. Regulations governing the organization of sporting events

The organization of a sporting event is subject both to the regulations applied to all types of public events and to specific specific rules and regulations (***), which are described in detail on the Ministry of Sports website:

The sporting event in question must be declared to the local administrative authorities (***), as ...

6 Positioning the players

6. Segmentation of market players

  • Amaury Sport Organisation
  • TV Sport Events
  • OC Sport (Groupe Télégramme)
  • LV Organisation
  • Lagardère Sports and Entertainment
  • Eurosport Event (TF1)
  • Le Figaro - Gala
  • BNP Paribas Wealth Management
  • CIO
  • FIFA
  • UEFA
  • Adidas
  • Sodexo France
  • Artea Events
  • AEG Anschutz
  • Alive Groupe
  • Nike
  • Red Bull
  • Télégramme Groupe

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Projections for the global sports events market
  • Trends in the size of the French sports event organization market
  • Did you know that France will be organizing..
  • Major soccer leagues, ranked by average attendance per match
  • Intention to watch sports events on TV in France
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Amaury Sport Organisation
TV Sport Events
OC Sport (Groupe Télégramme)
LV Organisation
Lagardère Sports and Entertainment
Eurosport Event (TF1)
Le Figaro - Gala
BNP Paribas Wealth Management

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the market for the organisation of sporting events | France

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