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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and general presentation of the market

A business school is an institution of higher education with a specialization in management and commerce The DEPP (Direction de l'évaluation de la prospective et de la performance) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, classify business schools as follows three groups:  

  • Group I (76% of students) schools are state-approved and offer a minimum of 1 diploma sought (may be issued by the State) by the Ministry of Higher Education ;
  • Group II: Schools state-approved but which do not deliver no diploma aimed at ;
  • Group III: Schools not recognized by the State.  

A distinction is also made between Grandes Ecoles (about 30 establishments) and the others. Finally, the schools are distinguished according to their status type (public, private or consular) and the training type which they deliver: Bachelor's, Master's, Mastère, MBA, Double Diploma, etc.

The types of training are themselves divided into two categories pre-service training (the student follows his first course of study there since the baccalaureate), and continuing education (the student already has work experience, and returns to school to train again: to develop his or her career).

The global market for business schools is in strong growth, particularly in Asia, where the number of students is growing exponentially and the reputation of its programs is increasingly recognized. Supply keeps pace with the demand from the growing number of students seeking internationally recognized training and diplomas. In this respect, France is a bridgehead with more than 10 schools in the top 50 worldwide for Masters in management

In France, the market is also rising sharply, with a 6.3% increase in student numbers in 2019/2020. The number of schools is increasing by more than 100 establishments in 5 years

The market is coming out of a privatization wave and thus sees increased competition. Schools are raising more and more funds for diversify their offer and defend their prestige . Financial resources are the key to the new competitive world of business schools, which compete in ingenuity to attract the best students and teachers

The French market is therefore highly concentrated and highly competitive, but this competition is established on different scales. The Grandes Ecoles are positioned on prestige and international influence, while more confidential schools target specific segments of teaching and practical skills

Economically, for the most prestigious (HEC, ESSEC, ESCP, EM LYON, EDHEC...) of the grandes écoles, continuing education is a real godsend, because with equivalent training, professionals are willing to pay the price for graduating from a first-rate institution. Moreover, it is often the companies that pay.

The trend is towards autonomy and ambition. Schools need the means to develop, and cannot indefinitely raise school fees. The classic model is being challenged and the supply is moving towards the soft skills  and outreach abroad

1.2 The global business school market and students around the world

Size of the business school market

The GMAC (***) lists nearly *,*** management degree programs around the world. The United States is one of the main markets with more than *,*** MBAs.

In a **** article, the Financial Times reports that the totality of management degree programmes represents a market of US$ * billion and has ...

1.3 The growing French market

The **** edition of the annual publication of the DEPP (***) Statistical benchmarks and references reports the figures of the French education and research system

The DEPP also reports on the evolution of enrolments (***) and in relation to the evolution of the number of schools

Change in enrolment in business, management and sales ...

2 Demand Analysis

2.1 French and foreign students and scholarship holders in business schools

Les écoles de commerce : la filière dynamique de l'enseignement supérieur

Le rapport de la DEPP présente la part des étudiants en école de commerce, dans l'ensemble du paysage des études supérieures en France. 

Répartition des effectifs étudiants de l'enseignement supérieur par étude France, ****, en % Source: ...

2.2 Student profiles: path taken and degree sought

In its information note **.**, published in July, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation publishes some data on the profile of business school students.

The data refer only to students in Group I schools (***), they are still relevant for approaching the average student.-

Level of education at entry to ...

2.3 Student profiles: gender, and CSP of the referring parent

The DEPP report testifies to the fact that there is a very balanced gender distribution in business school. All *** schools in **** have a **.* per cent share of female students. This share rises to **.* per cent in Group II.

Breakdown of students enrolled in Group * business schools according to the CSP of ...

3 Market structure

3.1 The French business school landscape

The DEPP classifies business schools into three groups

Group I : the schools are recognized by the State and offer at least * diploma approved by the Ministry of Higher Education ; Group II schools recognised by the State but which do not award any recognised diploma; Group III schools not recognized by the ...

3.2 Legal status of business schools and privatization of the sector

An article by Business Cool produces a typology of business school statutes. Thus, three types of status are possible:

Public (***) status

There are actually very few in France. Among them, we can cite the EM Strasbourg. This status is less and less represented because the State finances schools less and less, ...

3.3 The business school budget

Since the beginning of the ****s, business schools have undergone a major transformation: towards internationalization. The stated goal of the Grandes Ecoles is now clear: to make their diploma and their network shine on a global scale. The creation of accreditations (***) has enabled the schools to make themselves known

However, funding ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Types of schools and diplomas

The two types of schools in the French landscape

L he Grandes Ecoles ;

These institutions of higher education are known to be selective and recruit their students through competitive examinations (***). They deliver a Master's degree in * years for the selected students but can also deliver bachelors and thus select students as ...

4.2 Price growth due to international competition and the end of subsidies

La fin des subvention et la nécessité de rester compétitif face à la concurrence internationale qui elle ne se prive pas sur les frais de scolarité, a entraîné depuis quelques années une hausse de ces derniers en France. 

D'après un article de l'Étudiant, en **** le coût ...

4.3 The internal offer the elements of differentiation

In a climate of privatization, the diversification of in-house supply is crucial for business schools. While schools may find it difficult to differentiate themselves on core courses, they have room and potential to diversify in other areas. Business schools compete at all levels to differentiate themselves:

Establishment of new campuses (***); Construction ...

5 Regulation

5.1 Regulatory framework

Associations - law ****

The law of July *, **** and the decree of ** August **** are the two fundamental texts on which the functioning of the associations is based. The website summarises their obligations. Article one is reported below:

Article *: Association is the agreement by which two or more persons pool, on ...

5.2 Labels and accreditations

To stand out on the international scene, schools can apply for accreditation. These labels can be combined and the schools aim for triple accreditation. A school with triple accreditation is a school certified by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA.

Worldwide ** schools have triple accreditation, including ** in France. [***]

AACSB (***) ;

It's an American label ...

6 Positioning of the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • HEC Paris
  • ESCP Europe
  • EM Lyon
  • EDHEC Business School
  • Grenoble Ecole de Management
  • Audencia
  • SKEMA Business School
  • Kedge Business School
  • NEOMA Business School
  • Rennes School of Business
  • Montpellier Business School
  • Iéseg
  • Galileo Global Éducation System
  • EM Normandie
  • ESCE (Omnes education)
  • ESC Pau
  • EM Strasbourg
  • Omnes Education- Inseec
  • Ionis education
  • TBS Education - Toulouse Business School
  • Eduservices Groupe
  • Excelia group
  • Oxytalis
  • ESC Clermont (Ecole de Commerce ce Clermont)

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Évolution de la population étudiante dans le monde par zone géographique
  • Marché mondial de l'éducation supérieure
  • Évolution des écoles et effectifs inscrits en école de commerce, gestion et vente (hors BTS, DCG, DSCG)
  • Évolution des frais de scolarité moyens en Grandes Écoles de Commerce et estimation de la taille du marché
  • Répartition des effectifs étudiants de l'enseignement supérieur par type d'études
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Latest news

Education, the Eldorado of investment funds - 10/07/2023
  • Nearly a quarter (24.8%) of students are enrolled in private higher education, compared with 19% ten years ago and 15% in 2005.
  • More than 1,500 to 4,000 establishments are dedicated to training in private education, including apprentice training centers (CFA).
  • Over 40 investment funds now own shares in thirty private school groups.
  • The private education market share has absorbed almost half of the 600,000 new students between 2010 and 2020.
  • By 2022, 80% of apprenticeship contracts will have been signed with a private school.
  • Tuition fees can reach 10,000 to 20,000 euros per year in the private sector
  • Galileo Global Education has invested several hundred million euros over five years.
  • Omnes, owned by the Cinven fund, has 100 million euros to invest over five years and generates sales of 400 million euros.
  • On average, the sale price of education groups represents between 10 and 15 times the group's EBITDA
  • Educapital has raised 200 million euros since its launch and is the largest edtech fund in Europe.
Grandes Ecoles: Galileo takes a stake in EMLyon and goes back on the offensive - 19/12/2022
  • Galileo Global Education: 200,000 students trained every year on 106 campuses in 15 countries
  • Galileo, Europe's leading private education group
  • EMLyon aims to accelerate its international expansion and plans to buy other schools
  • Galileo joins supervisory board with €50 million capital increase
Marc Sellam (IONIS), founder of the first private network of grandes écoles - 10/10/2021

Year of creation of IONIS Education Group: 1980 IONIS Education Group: leader in private higher education in France Number of IONIS schools and entities: 27 Year EPITA was taken over by the IONIS group: 1994 Number of students at EPITA: nearly 2,500 Projected student size at EPITA: over 3,000 in the coming years. Year IPSA acquired by the IONIS group: 1998 Year ESME Sudria acquired by the IONIS group: 2005 Year Institut Supérieur des Biotechnologies (Sup'Biotech) founded: 2003.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

HEC Paris
ESCP Europe
EM Lyon
EDHEC Business School
Grenoble Ecole de Management
SKEMA Business School
Kedge Business School
NEOMA Business School
Rennes School of Business
Montpellier Business School

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