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1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the essential oils market

Essential oils are complex mixtures of natural, volatile and fragrant chemical substances contained in all or part of an aromatic plant. Traditionally, these essential oils are extracted by hydro-distillation or cold pressing. Both processes are time-consuming and require a certain amount of know-how.

There are many plants and flowers used in the production of essential oils, but the following are just a few examples: lavender, rosewood, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, chamomile, tea tree, geranium, lavender, lavender and rosewood. sweet orange is the most widely produced essential oil in the world, accounting for almost a quarter of the market in 2022. It should be noted that the essential oil content of plants is generally very low, ranging from 0.01% (e.g. rose petals) to 1% (e.g. cloves). To obtain one kilo of pure essential oil, you need to distill between 4 and 7 tons of rose petals, 115 to 200 kg of lavender, or 1 ton of orange blossom .

There are several players in the market, often with very different positions:

  • Producers of plant raw materials (flowers and plants destined for essential oil production).
  • Essential oil producers, who distill or cold-press flowers and plants. They range in size from small craftsmen to large industrial groups.
  • Consumers of essential oils from various industries (cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food).
  • Regulatory and control bodies that verify the quality and harmfulness of oils and certify them.

France is a major player in the global essential oils market , rankingsecond among exporters and second among importers by value in2022 . Particularly specialized in the production of lavender essential oil, the French market boasts rising production levels and solid demand, with its 30,000 hectares of lavender and lavandin cultivation in 2020.

The main outlets for essential oils are thefood industry, perfumes, cosmetics,aromatherapy and household products . Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways: diffusion, inhalation, massage and cooking. The global market for essential oils is booming, driven in particular by the organic, natural and homemade trends, as well as by the aromatherapy trend.

1.2 A growing global market

The global market:

The global market for essential oils is growing rapidly. It is estimated in **** at $**.** billion according to Grand View Research, and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of *.*% between **** and ****. This gives us the following forecasts:

World market for essential oils World, ****-****, in ...

1.3 France, a major global player

NAF code **.**Z "Manufacture of essential oils"Essential oils belong to NAF code **.**Z "Manufacture of essential oils", this NAF code includes the manufacture of essences of natural aromatic products, the manufacture of resinoids (***), and the manufacture of compositions based on odoriferous products for perfumery or food.

Sales excluding VAT of ...

1.4 Foreign trade in essential oils

France's trade balance for essential oils: France's trade balance has been in surplus in recent years, but will be in deficit by ****, with a coverage rate of **%.

French trade balance for essential oils France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

French imports of essential oils in ****:

In ****, the mainsupplierssuppliers areindiaitaly, Chinachina, ...

1.5 Impact covid: essential oils, the new cure? No, but...

Considered as a remedy against COVID-**, essential oils were in the news during the health crisis, with many French people wanting to use them, wrongly, with the aim in particular of purifying indoor air in the home or in cars, for example. However, this information was quickly denied by the media, ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Consumers and essential oils

Consumer profile

Breakdown of essential oil consumers by gender France, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****

Men represent **% of essential oil consumers.

Reasons for consumption

What drives essential oil consumption France, ****, percentage Source: ****

Another interesting fact is that for **% of respondents, the primary reason for using essential oils is to "treat oneself naturally".

Consumption frequency

According ...

2.2 Aromatherapy, the seductive use of essential oils

The previous survey showed that the popularity of essential oils stems from the desire to treat oneself naturally, a practice that corresponds to aromatherapy.this method involves theuse of essential oils for medicinal purposes.

French perceptions of alternative healthcare therapies France, ****, % of Source: ****

In ****, the French have a rather good image ...

2.3 The Do It Yourself trend

DIY trend:

DIY, or Do It Yourself, is a trend that has been taking hold for some time, and one that was able to take root with the confinement, since it gave the French time to discover this activity. Cosmetics are one of the trendiest categories, enjoying great success, as noted ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Production and processing of essential oils

Essential oils come from the production of aromatic plants, which can be used in three ways: in aromatic solutions (***).

Essential oils market value chain : Production - Processing - Consumption

Source: ****

The essential oil manufacturing market in France is highly fragmented and artisanal. This fragmentation of the market is explained by the ...

3.2 French production of essential oils

NAF code **.**Z "Manufacture of essential oils"

Essential oils belong to NAF code **.**Z "Manufacture of essential oils".

In ****, France counted more than *** aroma and essential oil manufacturing companies, employing an average of nearly *,*** people[***]. The essential oil manufacturing market in France varies greatly from region to region.

Number of essential ...

3.3 Distribution dominated by specialized channels

In this section, we focus exclusively on the distribution of essential oils to the general public, i.e. sales to the end consumer through various distribution channels. The main distribution channel is pharmacies and parapharmacies, followed by the internet and organic stores , according to the essential oils market report for **** produced ...

3.4 A market marked by a plurality of players

Drugstore and parapharmacies players:

There is a wide variety of companies in the essential oils sector, and the pharmacy and parapharmacies distribution channel is no exception. In the sale of pure essential oils, there are some predominant players:

Breakdown of branded sales of essential oils in pharmacies and parapharmacies France, ****, in Source: ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 The different essential oils and their uses

Properties of essential oils:

The chemotype, or chemotype, is an identity card that differentiates essential oils extracted from the same plant species. Each chemotype identifies the characteristics and powers of each essence. It's an essential concept for defining the impact and virtues of an essential oil. It's a kind of chemical ...

4.2 Prices vary widely from one essential oil to another

The expert website Ooreka has analyzed the average price of essential oils on the market:

Source: ****

We are interested in the average prices of the most popular essential oils sold in pharmacies, in order to highlight the wide disparities. Prices vary widely from one EO to another, depending on the concentration ...

4.4 Aromatherapy training courses

There is a growing demand for aromatherapy training, whether for personal use or for professional retraining in areas such as reflexology, kinesiology, aromatherapy consulting... There are many different professions associated with aromatherapy and essential oils.

Training costs:Training can be taken face-to-face, online or by reading.The price will depend on ...

5 Regulations

5.1 General regulations and by use

An essential oil is defined as a "volatile odorant substance produced by certain plants and extractable in liquid form" obtained by distillation. As such, it contains no fatty substances.

All essential oils must have a specific function. Distributors are obliged to be transparent, and to inform consumers about directions for use ...

5.2 Oils reserved for sale in pharmacies

Essential oils dispensed only in pharmacies must comply with national or European pharmaceutical quality standards . These standards specify the exact names of the essential oils.

These fifteen essential oils are identified as having a negative benefit/risk ratio. They are only available in the pharmaceutical circuit because of their neurotoxic, irritant, ...

5.3 Essential oils are subject to REACH and CLP regulations

According to the European Chemicals Agency (***) regulations, and are considered as substances. In application of article *.* of the REACH regulation and article *.* of the CLP regulation, a substance is : "a chemical element and its compounds, in the natural state or obtained by a manufacturing process, including any additive necessary to preserve ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Puressentiel France
  • Pranarôm (Inula Groupe)
  • Mane
  • Robertet
  • H. Reynaud et Fils
  • Dr Valnet Cosbionat
  • Florame
  • Aroma Zone
  • Helpac - Distillerie De Saint Hilaire
  • Café michel - Terra Etica
  • Naturactive (Pierre Fabre)
  • DRT
  • Biolandes
  • IFF International Flavours and Fragrances
  • Firmenich
  • Symrise
  • Givaudan
  • Herbarom Groupe
  • Alban Muller
  • La Distillerie Bleu Provence
  • Herbes et Traditions
  • Le Comptoir Aroma
  • Florihana
  • Bioflore
  • Biofloral

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Change in sales excluding VAT for NAF code 20.53Z - "Manufacture of essential oils"
  • Sales of essential oils by outlet
  • Essential oil exports by country
  • Essential oil imports by country
  • World market for essential oils
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Latest news

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  • DRT to be acquired by Firmenich in 2020
  • 900 employees and six production sites
  • Sales of 550 million when acquired in 2020
  • The DSM-Firmenich group generates sales of 3.8 billion euros.
DSM-Firmenich plans to sell its Animal Health & Nutrition division due to volatility in vitamins - 19/02/2024
  • Merger between DSM and Firmenich in mid-2022.
  • Sale of Animal Health & Nutrition (ANH) division planned for 2025.
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  • 80% of Robertet's sales are generated outside France and 65% outside Europe, with a very strong presence in the United States.
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  • 15.4 million French viewers watched the opening match between the XV de France and the All Blacks.
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Pranarôm: Experts in essential oils for 30 years - 15/03/2023
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Puressentiel France
Pranarôm (Inula Groupe)
H. Reynaud et Fils
Dr Valnet Cosbionat
Aroma Zone
Helpac - Distillerie De Saint Hilaire
Café michel - Terra Etica
Naturactive (Pierre Fabre)

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the essential oils market | France

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