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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The plant extracts market encompasses all fragrant, aromatic and medicinal plants used in fields as diverse as the pharmaceutical industry, food supplements, physiotherapy, herbal medicine, hygiene, cosmetics, agri-food, etc.

Globally, the market is enjoying good momentum, with expected growth (CAGR) of 8.67% over the period 2024-2033.Asia-Pacific andEurope together account for over 60% of the global market. The European market, meanwhile, is expected to record compound annual growth of 10.64% between 2024 and 2029.

In France, the market for PPAM (perfume, aromatic and medicinal plants) marketis a little more contrasted, with the number of farms declaring PPAM to the CAP rising, while sales by PPAM producer groups are falling. There are several plausible explanations for this: market fragmentation, with an increase in the number of growers pushing prices down and thus reducing unit revenues; variability in yields and climatic conditions; changes in sales and marketing strategies, etc. France's trade balance in this market is in deficit, and the country relies heavily on imports.

Demand for natural extracts is driven by various trends: aromatherapy, Do It Yourself, the consumption of dietary supplements, the use of natural beauty products...

French production of PPAM varies greatly from region to region. Indeed, the south-eastern regions show a higher concentration of PPAM cultivation. In addition, the French market for PPAM is mainly driven by lavender and lavandin production , with 32,838 hectares dedicated to this crop in 2022.

1.2 The global market

The global natural extracts market, valued at $**.** billion in ****, is projected to reach around $**.** billion by ****. This growth is expected to take place at a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.**% over the period **** to ****.

Evolution of global natural extracts market size France, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

Global natural extracts ...

1.3 The European market

The European market for natural extracts is estimated at $*.** billion for the year ****. This market is forecast to reach a value of $*.** billion by ****, registering a compound annual growth rate (***) of **.** % over the period ****-****.

European natural extracts market size Europe, ****-****, billions of dollars Source: ****

The European natural extracts market ...

1.4 The French market

There are no precise figures on the size of the French market for natural extracts. On the other hand, it is interesting to analyze the sales trends of different producer groups in order to identify market trends.

Sales trends for PPAM (***) from ** producer groups France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ...

1.5 The foreign market

Balance of trade for product CPF **** - Spices, aromatics, medicinal plants and pharmaceuticals France, ****- March ****, in thousands of euros Source: Customs and Indirect Duties *last ** months: cumulative figures from April **** to March ****

The trade balance for the CPF **** product, which includes spices, aromatic, medicinal and pharmaceutical plants in France from ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The French love aromatherapy

French people's perception of alternative healthcare therapies France, ****, % of Source: ****

In ****, the French have a rather good image of alternative therapies, and the figures above confirm this trend. Indeed, the majority of respondents (***) say they have a fairly good image of alternative therapies. And **% say they have a very good image. ...

2.2 Consumption of natural beauty and skincare products

Natural extracts derived from plants play a fundamental role in the field of beauty products and skin care. Their inclusion in cosmetics is prized for their multiple virtues, which meet a variety of aesthetic and well-being needs. Used for their relaxing properties, they help to soothe and revitalize the skin, while ...

2.3 The French and dietary supplements

Percentage of French people who have used dietary supplements in the past ** months France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

In **** in France, analysis of dietary supplement consumption reveals that **% of French people have used these products in the past ** months, while **% have not.

These data indicate a majority trend towards the adoption of dietary supplements, ...

2.4 The importance of natural extracts in the food industry

The importance of natural extracts in the food and beverage industry is growing, and is proving crucial in meeting consumers' expectations in terms of health, naturalness and product quality. Plant extracts play an essential role in enriching foods and beverages, providing not only unique flavors but also nutritional and functional benefits. ...

2.5 The Do It Yourself (DIY) trend

DIY trend:

DIY, or Do It Yourself, is a trend that has been taking hold for some time, and one that was able to take root with the confinement, since it gave the French time to discover this activity. Cosmetics are one of the trendiest categories, enjoying great success, as noted ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

Source: ****

The value chain for natural extracts, illustrated in the diagram above, describes the various processing stages and end uses of dried or fresh plants. Here is a detailed analysis of each component of the value chain:

Cut and sorted plants

Once harvested, plants undergo an initial preparation stage, which includes ...

3.2 Regional disparities in natural extract production

An analysis of the area devoted to perfume, aromatic and medicinal plants (***), representing a major share of the total area dedicated to PPAM. This dominance is probably due to the region's favorable climatic conditions and long-standing tradition of growing aromatic plants.

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes follows with a substantial area: ***** hectares, demonstrating another ...

3.3 Different plants grown in France, with lavender and lavandin at the top of the list

Change in surface area per crop in France :

Production specialized in lavandin

Main France, X Source: ****

The main essential oils produced in France are lavender (***).

Trend in lavender and lavandin essential oil production France, ****-****, in tons Source: ****

Production of lavandin essential oil is much higher than that of lavender.

For ...

3.4 Different distribution channels

Food supplements :

Sales of dietary supplements by distribution channel France, ****, % of sales Source: ****

The chart showing the breakdown of sales of dietary supplements by distribution channel shows a clear dominance of pharmacies, which capture **% of sales. This preponderance reflects consumer confidence in the professional advice and quality of products available in ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 The average price of single plants

Average price of the most popular single plants sold in pharmacies in France in **** :

table { width: ***%; border-collapse: collapse; } th, td { border: *px solid black; padding: *px; text-align: left; } th { background-color: #f*f*f*; }

* Average price, all packaging and production methods combined

Source: ****

The table gives a detailed overview of average ...

4.2 The different essential oils on sale in France

Properties of essential oils:

The chemotype, or chemotype, is an identity card that differentiates essential oils extracted from the same plant species. Each chemotype identifies the characteristics and powers of each essence. It's an essential concept for defining the impact and virtues of an essential oil. It's a kind of chemical ...

4.3 Food supplements

Food supplements, which are available over the counter in specialized stores, pharmacies and parapharmacies, play a key role in supporting and improving human health. These products, governed by strict regulations under the aegis of the French authorities, come in a variety of forms including capsules, tablets, pastilles, pills, powdered sachets, liquid ...

4.4 The different types of infusion

The recent craze for natural products and self-medication remedies has prompted tea and infusion manufacturers to diversify their product range, both in terms of ingredients used and preparation methods.

In the case of tea, products are generally differentiated according to the color of the leaves. There are mainly three different colors ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations governing essential oils

An essential oil is defined as a "volatile odorant substance produced by certain plants and extractable in liquid form" obtained by distillation. As such, it contains no fatty substances.

All essential oils must have a specific function. Distributors are obliged to be transparent, and to inform consumers about directions for use ...

5.2 Regulations governing the use of plants in food supplements

According to article * of decree n°****-***, only plants recognized for their traditional use in human nutrition, or those having received authorization following the mutual recognition procedure in accordance with article ** of the decree, may be used in food supplements in France.

Plants considered traditional are those whose use in food ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Puressentiel France
  • Pranarôm (Inula Groupe)
  • Mane
  • Aroma Zone
  • Florame
  • Thés Éléphant (Scoop TI)
  • Les 2 Marmottes
  • Twinings
  • Nutripure
  • Novoma

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Sales of fragrant, aromatic and medicinal plants (PPAM) by 11 producer groups
  • Declared area under PPAM
  • Number of farms declaring PPAM for CAP purposes
  • Trends in the size of the global natural extracts market
  • Global natural extracts market share by region
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Latest news

Rugby World Cup: Puressentiel plays in the shadow of major sponsors - 24/10/2023
  • In France, rugby is the second most talked-about sport after soccer.
  • 15.4 million French viewers watched the opening match between the XV de France and the All Blacks.
  • For the quarter-final between Ireland and New Zealand, there were 9.4 million viewers.
  • Becoming a partner, sponsor, supplier or official supporter of a global event like the Rugby World Cup can cost up to 20 million euros.
  • The cost of a 30-second commercial on TF1 during the final can exceed 155,000 euros.
  • Puressentiel, official supplier to the XV de France, was associated with the Federation instead of the event itself three years ago.
  • Puressentiel created a limited edition of its product featuring Antoine Dupont, the brand's ambassador and France's third favorite sportsman according to an Odoxa poll.
  • Puressentiel organized prediction contests in 6,000 pharmacies.
Pranarôm: Experts in essential oils for 30 years - 15/03/2023
  • Pranarôm records +14% growth in 2022
  • Pranarôm founded 30 years ago
  • Part of the Inula Group, which includes Pranarôm, HerbalGem and Biofloral
  • More than 250 essential oil references offered by Pranarôm.
  • Three types of complementary therapies: aromatherapy, gemmotherapy and Bach flowers.
  • 90% of the Pranarôm range is made from pure, organic, virgin plant oils.
  • Pranarôm works closely with selected suppliers of raw materials from all over the world.
  • The company provides some 8,000 hours of free training for pharmacists every year.
Aroma-Zone, the treasure trove of homemade cosmetics - 21/02/2023
  • Amount invested by Eurazeo in 2021: 410 million euros
  • Internet sales account for 75% of total sales
  • Total number of boutiques: 12
  • Number of boutiques opened since Eurazeo's acquisition: 5
  • Scheduled date for first opening in Belgium: End 2022
  • Company sales in 2020: 100 million euros
  • Sales in 2021: 87 million euros
Anti-stress products by Puressentiel - 16/10/2022
  • Puressentiel sales in 2022: 110 million euros
  • Launch of the Aroma Stress range: end of the year
  • Number of countries involved in the launch: nearly 100
  • Sales forecast for the Aroma Stress range: 4 million euros
  • Number of units for each of the five products in the range: 500,000
  • Aroma Stress presence in airports: 34 airports worldwide.
Ardrian and Bpifrance invest in Nutripure - 19/05/2022
  • Nutripure creation date: 2017
  • Annual growth: +90% since inception
  • Sales target 2022: 11 million euros
  • Current workforce: 18 employees
  • Sales target within 5 years: 30 million euros
Cosmetics: Aroma-Zone hits the online counters - 04/05/2021
  • During the pandemic, Aroma-Zone, the specialist in homemade cosmetics, gained 350,000 new customers, as shoppers flocked to its website.
  • Eurazeo takes a majority stake.
  • The aromatherapy specialist employs 350 people and, in the midst of the health crisis, passed the 100 million mark in sales, compared with 80 million the previous year
  • Before the pandemic, e-commerce already accounted for 80% of sales. When Aroma-Zone was founded in 2000, it first launched an online sales site for essential oils, before opening its first boutique in 2009.
  • 1.900 references of essential oils and other plant-based powders

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Puressentiel France
Pranarôm (Inula Groupe)
Aroma Zone
Thés Éléphant (Scoop TI)
Les 2 Marmottes

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the market for natural extracts | France

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  • What is driving the growth of the market and its evolution?
  • What is the positioning of companies in the value chain?
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