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1 Market summary

1.1 Definition and presentation

E-learning, or digital learning, is a learning method based on online learning resources and content. E-learning is used in personal and/or professional training contexts.

There are three main categories of e-learning:

  • MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) are generally free open access courses, at the end of which the public can obtain certification.
  • SPOCs (Small Private Online Courses) are similar to MOOCs but have a fee, indeed their access is limited to specific users, such as university students. They can also be used to obtain certification.
  • COOCs (Corporate Open Online Courses) are used by companies to train employees and collaborators.

E-learning is linked to the vocational training and education sectors. The methodology democratizes access to training, because it allows flexibility in education, and access to all users with an Internet connection, regardless of their location.

In Italy, e-learning is expanding, with a progressive shift away from the mentality of frontal lessons alone. An increasing number of companies and universities are incorporating this organizational model into their offer, following the growing demand of both young and adult people. 

The COVID-19 pandemic had important ramifications on this market sending millions of students and employees to study and work from home for an extended period of time while demonstrating the e-learning was a viable and sustainable way to conduct didactic sessions. This shift in outlook from companies, schools, and universities is expected to boost the market in the coming years.

1.2 The global market

In **** the global e-learning market was valued at *** billion dollars. This market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (***) of **.*% to reach a size of *** billion dollars by ****. 

Global e-learning market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

The COVID-** pandemic has created massive potential and opportunity in ...

1.3 The Italian market

As mentioned above, Europe is the world's largest market for e-learning, accounting for **% of its share in **** for a total of ** billion buros. Italy is estimated to count for *% of the European market giving it an estimated value of * billion euros. This market has been growing at an incredibly fast pace. ...

1.4 The Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-** pandemic and the resulting lockdowns hurt many economic sectors. Understandably, the e-learning market is one that benefited. With offices and schools closed all types of activity, instruction and work had to be done online.

As a consequence of this, from March **** until the end of the school year **% of ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Determinants of demand

There are three major factors that are crucial to e-learning: Internet connectivity, ownership of a device, and technical competencies.

Internet connectivity

In ****, almost a quarter of Italian households did not have Internet access. This placed Italy fourth-to-last in the OECD's ranking for internet connectivity, only ahead of Greece, Mexico, and Turkey ...

2.2 E-learning for educational purposes

As mentioned above, e-learning for educational purposes is the biggest segment of the e-learning market, accounting for **% of the total revenue of this market.

Before the COVID-** pandemic e-learning and the use of e-learning methods and strategies often took place directly in schools and universities, rather than at home. Therefore, it ...

2.3 The effects of the pandemic on opinions on e-learning

The COVID-** pandemic resulted in schools and offices shutting down. This gave way to a forced mass experiment on the use of e-learning methods. A study conducted by AlmaDiploma revealed the opinions of students on distance learning, which employed these methods. Opinions were gauged on subjects such as work loads, grading ...

2.4 Evaluation of e-learning/distance learning by geographic macro area

As mentioned above, the pandemic gave way to an experiment for forced mass e-learning/distance learning. Schools are the biggest consumers of e-learning materials and methods. It is interesting to analyse the evaluation of distance/e-learning in schools based on four geographic macro areas of Italy:

Northeast  Northwest Centre South & ...

2.5 E-learning in the public administration

Public administrations are broken down in terms of national, regional, or municipal administrations. Municipal administrations and offices in Italy use e-learning systems and courses towards the training of their employees. The region in which the highest proportion of municipal offices use e-learning to train their employees is Trentino, at almost **%, while ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Production and distribution of e-learning

The world of e-learning content sees two distinct areas: 

*) E-learning production: with courses and materials produced for a greater audience. These are catalogues that companies and schools can purchase and insert into their own e-learning platforms or have their students and staff use using the producers' platform. This is the ...

3.2 Different market players


The first institutions to offer fully online training are American universities, notably via MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses. These courses are accessible directly on the websites of the schools/universities, or directly in private access to their students when it comes to personalized content

In Italy universities such as ...

3.3 Advantages & disadvantages of e-learning


It has been calculated that e-learning allows a time saving of between **% and **% compared to normal physical lessons, which often require transfers over medium and long distances and consequent waiting time due to traffic or means of transport. Consequently, in economic terms, distance learning is also a significant advantage, since ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Courses on offer

 In Italy, there are *** online didactic training courses on offer, twice as many as in France and four times as many as in Greece, figures which bode well and which place Italy within the European average, alongside the German offer of *** courses and the Spanish offer of ***. 

The subjects most in-demand ...

4.2 Prices and production costs

The price of e-learning courses can vary enormously, from a free video to a tailor-made course ordered by a large company.

In the educational environment, when schools, colleges, and high schools integrate e-learning activities into their curricula, this does not generate additional costs for parents.

Academic environment

Concerning e-learning offered by ...

4.3 New trends in e-learning


Training is no longer being considered unrelated to corporate objectives. The tools for evaluating it and measuring its actual impact on the business are already very important today and will become increasingly important in the coming years.


*G will consolidate what is already happening with *G, i.e. ...

5 Rules and regulations

5.1 Regulations

The training of workers on safety and health at work through the "e-learning" methodology is regulated by the State-Regions Agreement of ** December ****. The Agreement defines the criteria and conditions that allow the use of this methodology and indicates for which courses its use is permitted. 

The State-Regions Agreement of * July **** (***), defines ...

6 Positioning of the actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Coursera
  • Dale Carnegie
  • OpenClassrooms
  • Docebo
  • Preply
  • E-hippocrates
  • Viteco SRL
  • Talento
  • Mosaico E-learning

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Dale Carnegie
Viteco SRL
Mosaico E-learning

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the e-learning and MOOCs market | Italy

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