Summary of our market study

In France, the DIY market is estimated at €38 billion in 2023.

The global DIY market has been growing steadily, with the sector estimated to be worth $850 billion worldwide in 2021.

In France, after years of stagnation, the market boomed during the pandemic period. Homebound consumers used their available time to do-it-yourself, especially as DIY stores remained open during this period. The market peaked in 2023, and is now slightly down on its peak.

The DIY market is also buoyed by the boom in sales of older homes, with new owners undertaking renovation work themselves.

changing consumer trends in the DIY market

Consumer profiles in the DIY market have evolved, indicating a trend towards younger, more affluent customers.

Do-it-yourselfers living mainly in rural areas and do-it-yourselfers and decorators in suburban areas are the dominant consumer segments.

45% of individuals engage in DIY projects at least once a month or several times a year, and 21% engage in DIY projects every week. And 20% engage in DIY strictly out of necessity.

DIY equipment purchases are prompted primarily by the pleasure they bring, the need to make repairs, or budgetary constraints. The pleasure factor increased by 3%, showing that consumer motivation is shifting from necessity to pleasure.

Market leaders

  • Adeo Group - brands such as Leroy Merlin, Weldom and Bricoman. Each Adeo Group brand caters for different segments of the DIY sector, from amateurs to seasoned craftsmen, and offers a mosaic of products and services covering the whole spectrum of home improvement.
  • Kingfisher - Castorama and Bricodépot subsidiaries, ScrewFix
  • Les Mousquetaires Intermarché - with their Bricomarché and Bricocash banners
  • Mr Bricolage Group - its affiliate Briconautes
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Do-it-yourself refers to the non-professional manual activities of repairing, creating, improving and maintaining small household objects. This study focuses on the consumer DIY market, and therefore excludes the BtoB activity of DIY stores and DIY superstores.

The DIY market therefore covers a wide variety of items. There are 11 main categories: building, plumbing/sanitary, garden, paint/glue, wood/woodwork, coatings, tools, electricity, hardware, decoration and thermal comfort.

These various products are produced in France or imported, and then distributed by DIY superstores (GSB), retailers, digital pure-players or food superstores (GSA). In France, however, DIY distribution is highly concentrated, with GSBs accounting for 71% of sales by value. The main players in the sector are the 4 Adeo groups (Leroy Merlin, Weldom, Bricoman), Kingfisher (Castorama, Bricodépot), Mousquetaires (Bricomarché, Bricocash, Bricorama) and Mr Bricolage (Mr Bricolage, Briconautes).

The French DIY market is the third-largest in Europe, behindGermany and the UK. on a global scale, however, the United States dominates, accounting for around half the market by value. Estimates suggest that the global market will continue to grow over the next few years, at a CAGR of 4.37%.

The French DIY market, meanwhile, is forecast to increase sales by 12% in 2023. This growth is due in particular to the economic recovery in the construction sector and the rise of the "Do it yourself" trend.

1.2 A growing global market concentrated in North America and Europe

the global DIY market was estimated at US$*** billion in ****, and is growing slowly but steadily. Global DIY market size World, ****-****, in billions of euros Sources: Fediyama, DIY International The chart below details the breakdown of the market by region in ****. North America and Europe hold the majority of the ...

1.3 French market grows despite lower sales volumes

French DIY market size France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

In ****, the French DIY market was estimated at nearly ** billion euros, representing a growth of around **% compared to ****. [***] The DIY market has been growing slowly for several years, but sales by value continue to rise.

French DIY market trends France, ...

1.4 The double effect of Covid-19

While the DIY market had started the year well, with a year-on-year increase of +*.**% in value and +*.**% in volume in February ****,the Covid-** crisis interrupted this momentum.

The effect of the Covid-** epidemic and containment was twofold. On the one hand, containment led to a sudden slowdown in activity in the ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Consumer profile

According to an Opinionway study, in ****, * out of ** French people will be passionate about DIY

Distribution of DIY enthusiasts by gender France, ****, % of total Source: ****

In ****, in France, the breakdown of DIY enthusiasts shows a slight gender difference. Men account for a slightly higher proportion of DIYers, with **% of men claiming ...

2.2 Typology of demand

Reasons why the French do their own work France, ****, % of total Source : OpinionWay In **** in France, a large majority of citizens opt to carry out their own home improvements to save money, representing **% of respondents. This figure reflects a strong economic concern among consumers. At the same time, a significant **% of ...

2.3 Demand trends: from DIY to second-hand

In many sectors (***) trend is growing, as are second-hand purchases and sales, to such an extent that the trend seems to be taking root in the habits of many French people. The success of the homemade and collaborative economy can be explained by the growing awareness of the French of environmental ...

2.4 The impact of teleworking

In **** and ****, one of the most decisive factors for DIY was telecommuting. In fact, if we look at the profile of French people who have actually carried out home improvement work, we see that teleworkers are over-represented compared to the rest of the population:

Percentage of French people who have carried ...

2.5 An increase in energy renovation work over the next few years

Although the DIY market is experiencing a decline in volume in ****, the situation remains favorable thanks to the promising prospects offered by energy renovation. Indeed, energy renovation is no longer to be taken lightly, particularly since the new regulations concerning the DPE (***), with the gradual exclusion of the most energy-intensive properties ...

2.6 The building and construction market, a driver of demand

The construction market is one of the main drivers of the DIY market. Whether building a new home or renovating an old one, the French are encouraged to carry out DIY work, especially in the context of the "do-it-yourself" trend. Annual variation in construction output (***) France, ****-****, in Source: Fédération ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

Source: ****

Different types of retailers offer DIY products to consumers: DIY stores, DIY merchants, pure-players and large food retailers, which often have DIY departments.

DIY retailers generally have different suppliers. They buy either directly from manufacturers or from wholesalers who act as intermediaries between manufacturers and distributors.

3.2 Number of companies and number of employees

Companies selling DIY products are registered under the following NAF codes:

****A: Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in small stores (***) ****B: Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in superstores (***)

It is therefore interesting to analyze the evolution of the number of companies and the number of employees ...

3.3 Do-it-yourself distribution

DIY superstores account for almost three-quarters of sales of DIY products: their market share in value terms will reach **% in ****.

Breakdown of DIY sales by distribution channel France, ****, in Source: Federation of DIY stores Finally, DIY stores operate in two ways on the consumer DIY market: through a DIY store chain, ...

3.4 Focus on DIY superstores

Market share of DIY chains France, ****, in Source: Federation of DIY stores The chart above details the market shares of DIY chains, most of which are part of larger groups. Leroy Merlin has a market share of **%, while Castorama, Bricodépot and Bricomarché together account for **% of the market, with the ...

3.5 Do-it-yourself, a market that's also developing digitally

There are several types of DIY e-commerce players, the main ones being generalist pure-players, such as Amazon, specialist pure-players, such as ManoMano, and the online platforms of players also operating through physical stores, such as Leroy Merlin.

By far the leader in DIY e-commerce is Amazon, responsible for **% of online sales ...

3.6 Strategic alliances between GSBs

Mergers & Acquisitions :

October ****: Les Mousquetaires acquires Tridôme

The Les Mousquetaires group has made official its acquisition of Tridôme, a chain of ** DIY stores in the South of France, representing sales of *** million euros including VAT. This acquisition enables ITM Equipement de la Maison, owner of Bricomarché, Bricorama and Brico ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Product typology and dynamics

Inoha and FMB identify ** main types of products found in DIY stores, some of which are not strictly DIY products (***)

Product category Details of products in this category Plumbing, bathroom, kitchen sinks, washbasins, bathtubs, worktops... Paint, hardware, glues exterior and interior paints, glues, adhesives, household products Garden plants, hand tools, sheds, ...

4.2 Prices on the DIY market

Consumer price index for housing maintenance and repair supplies (***) France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****

The consumer price index for tools and other home and garden equipment in France, over the period **** to ****, reveals an overall upward trend. Consumer prices for DIY items have remained relatively stable from **** to ****. The index fluctuates ...

4.3 Supply trends and development avenues

Industry players employ a wide range of differentiation strategies. The following are the main areas of development. [***]

Strategy of conquest

Conquest strategies can take the form of internal or external growth. The former can take the form of reinforcing the product range aimed at urban customers, as illustrated by Leroy Merlin's ...

4.4 Developing a second-hand DIY offering

In France, the second-hand market is growing, reflecting a major shift in consumer habits. By December ****, **% of French people had bought at least one second-hand product in recent months, underlining the growing importance of this trend in the country[***].

This trend extends to many markets and also to the DIY sector, ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

The code of conduct

Updated in June ****, the code of good conduct governs commercial practices between DIY, gardening and home improvement professionals.

The measures put in place concern in particular:

the notice period in the event of delisting (***) notice periods in the event of delisting as part of a call for ...

5.2 Law of February 10, 2020 on the fight against waste and the circular economy

The law of February **, **** on the fight against waste and the circular economy instituted the creation of an extended channel of responsibility for producers of DIY and garden items, to manage the resulting waste from January *, ****.

The main objectives of this new channel are:

*. Encourage the reuse and repair of ...

5.3 A draft European regulation that would modify statutory payment periods

A draft European regulation, initially designed to support SMEs, has come in for sharp criticism from trade federations. It proposes to reduce payment terms to a strict maximum of thirty days , compared with the current sixty days, with no possibility of derogations. This measure is controversial because of its potential to ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Leroy Merlin France (Adeo)
  • Castorama France (Kingfisher)
  • BigMat
  • Lapeyre
  • Mr. Bricolage
  • ITM Equipement (Bricorama, Bricomarché, Brico Cash)
  • Brico Dépôt
  • Gedex Gedimat Gedibois
  • Bricolex
  • ManoMano
  • Point P (Saint-Gobain Groupe)
  • Bricoman
  • Descours et Cabaud
  • La Plateforme du Bâtiment (Saint-Gobain Groupe)
  • Chausson Matériaux
  • BHV Exploitation
  • Espace Emeraude
  • Dompro
  • Cofaq
  • Ardea groupe - Onyx
  • Qérys (Bricodeal -Torro)
  • Brico Privé
  • Briconord
  • Briconord

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Number of establishments registered under activities 4752A and 4752B
  • Number of employees registered in activities 4752A and 4752B
  • Size of the global DIY market
  • DIY market share by continent
  • Trends in the French DIY market
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Leroy Merlin France (Adeo)
Castorama France (Kingfisher)
Mr. Bricolage
ITM Equipement (Bricorama, Bricomarché, Brico Cash)
Brico Dépôt
Gedex Gedimat Gedibois
Point P (Saint-Gobain Groupe)

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