Summary of our market study

In France, the PPE market is estimated at 1.3 billion euros.

IN 2022, the global personal protective equipment (PPE) market experienced significant growth due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sales reached a market value of $68.5 billion. This was largely due to increased demand for surgical masks.

The sector encompasses a wide range of products designed to protect individuals against various occupational hazards, including head, eye, face, hearing and respiratory protection equipment, as well as protective clothing and footwear.

The global flu pandemic Covid-19 has propelled the PPE market from around US$48 billion in 2018 to US$68.5 billion in 2022.

In a normal year, the market is estimated at US$64 billion. Innovations and regulatory pressures are driving demand.

Europe and North America together account for almost three-quarters of global market share.

The main global market players are 3M, Honeywell and Ansell.

Trends and outlook for the personal protective equipment market

In France, the market has doubled in a decade.

French players are focusing on innovation and design to maintain a competitive edge against imports from Asia.

Comfort and ergonomics, combined with sportswear-inspired aesthetics, have become paramount. 86% of companies cited these attributes as the main reasons for their choice of PPE.

Construction and industry in France account for the majority of PPE demand.

Concentration of market players

Players in the personal protective equipment (PPE) market

  • 3M - a long-standing global pioneer in the PPE market, with a broad portfolio of products designed to keep workers safe in a variety of sectors.
  • Ansell Ltd - Specializing in hand protection, Ansell Ltd. has earned a reputation as a supplier of high-quality gloves.
  • Cepovett , renowned for its protective clothing, is one of France's leading companies in the workwear sector. After acquiring the Lafont brand, Cepovett broadened its scope by strengthening its market presence with specialized brands.
  • Delta Plus Group is a major player in the sector, operating in various segments of PPE, protective footwear and equipment designed to prevent falls. The Group has enjoyed significant growth thanks to strategic acquisitions such as Elvex and Vertic Group.
  • and Oxwork - E-commerce platforms.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The personal protective equipment market contains an eclectic array of equipment that can be grouped into several sub-categories: head protection, eye and face protection, hearing protection, protective clothing, respiratory protection, fall protection, protective footwear and hand protection.

Very non-cyclical and recurrent, the PPE market is closely linked to the existence of regulations. There is a fundamental difference between emerging countries, where regulations are often still in their infancy, and North America or Europe, where liability regimes are still in place. europe, where legal employer-employee liability regimes support the market and innovation.

In France, under pressure from competition from imports from low-wage countries, local players are seeking to differentiate themselves, notably through two levers:

  • Innovation: PPE manufacturers are innovating in response to specific problems such as high visibility or extreme cold. The arrival of connected PPE could also stimulate the market, with a range of products capable of improving worker protection by anticipating accidents before they happen.
  • Comfort and design : according to a survey of over 600 companies, 86% of respondents use PPE primarily for its comfort and functionality. Manufacturers are therefore looking to improve product ergonomics and comfort, while adding sportswear-inspired aesthetic features with an attractive design.

Between 2009 and 2020, national sales rose by just under 80%, and the market has weathered the country's various crises over the past decade.

On a more global level, the market initially suffered from the Covid-19 crisis (sharp drop in activity worldwide), but this slowdown was ultimately only temporary. in the longer term, innovation and increasing regulatory pressure should continue to sustain PPE demand in a counter-cyclical market.

1.2 A dynamic global market

A sector that has grown strongly in recent years thanks to Covid-**

PPE market size World, **** - *****, US$ billion CAGR: *.* Source: ****

The global PPE market was valued at around US$** billion in ****. Covid-**, which hit the world globally in ****, caused sales of surgical masks and other protective equipment to explode, boosting PPE sales to a market of US$**.* billion in ****. With the end of the pandemic and the decline in demand for protective equipment, global sales - though still much higher than before the pandemic - are expected to decline to US$** billion in ****, with a CAGR of -*.*% per annum (***)

PPE is also actively sought after by employers in customer sectors, as effective protective equipment saves on excess expenditure linked to lost production time, workplace accidents and medical costs.

The market's strong growth since **** has also been boosted by various regulatory directives requiring employers to provide their employees with certified protective equipment. This trend can be seen in different parts of the world. For example, the Occupational Safety And Health Administration (***) and the EU have prompted manufacturers to improve PPE ergonomics, as this should enhance end-consumer dexterity while increasing the effective use of PPE by workers.

According to the US ...

1.3 A growing national market

Estimated market size and growth rate

The sector appears to be buoyant, and has grown strongly over the past ten years: in a report published in ****, Synamap (***) estimated the market at ***.* million euros for ****, and *.* billion euros for ****. [***]

This would give average annual growth of *. *% over the ****-**** period. It should be noted that the Synamap representative evaluated the PPE market as "relatively stable, at over one billion euros" in ****. [***]

PPE market size France, **** - ****, € million CAGR: *.* Sources: Synamp, Libération    

1.5 Trade balance for certain PPE

France's trade balance in breathing apparatus and gas masks

Imports and exports of breathing apparatus and gas masks for France France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

France's trade balance in safety eyewear

Imports and exports of safety eyewear for France France, ****, in millions of euros Source: UN Comtrade An analysis of France's imports and exports with the rest of the world for two types of PPE - respiratory equipment/gas masks and safety eyewear - reveals that, in the first case, imports are slightly ahead, and in the second case, exports are clearly ahead. France is known for having companies with strong know-how in the PPE sector (***), which could explain the high imports of gas masks.

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Main customer sectors in France

Sales by customer sector France, ****, % of sales Source: ****

Although the data in the previous chart are a decade old (***), they are still relevant and enable us to distinguish the PPE sector's main customer sectors, which are then developed in the rest of this study. The PPE customer sectors are highly concentrated, with construction and industry accounting for around two-thirds of orders. This distribution of sales is also reflected in statistical indicators on the risk of occupational accidents. The industrial and construction sectors account for a large number of fatalities and lost working days, justifying the use of PPE. Number of work-related accident fatalities, by sector France, ****, in % Lost working days by sector France, ****, in millions of days Source: Amélie Although the use and manufacture of PPE is highly regulated in France, with a ratio of *.* occupational accidents per ***,*** employees, the hexagon is the worst performer in Europe (***)[***]

Salaried employment by sector Salaried employment in the industry sector France, ****-****, millions of people Source: Insee Payroll employment in the construction sector France, ****-****, millions of people Source: Insee Salaried jobs in the hotel and catering sector France, ****-****, thousands of people Source: Insee Salaried jobs in the healthcare services sector France, ...

2.2 L'emploi salarié (en particulier public tire la demande)

L'emploi salarié, et en particulier celui dans le secteur public, constitue un moteur clé du marché des équipements de protection individuelle (***). Ce marché est directement influencé par les besoins d'équipement d'une main-d'œuvre variée, incluant les salariés, les intérimaires et les agents publics, ainsi que des indépendants comme les artisans.

Dans le secteur privé, les chantiers du BTP et les usines industrielles concentrent une part majeure de la demande, en raison des risques inhérents à ces environnements de travail. En parallèle, le secteur public joue un rôle central, avec des obligations strictes concernant le port des EPI pour de nombreuses catégories de personnel, telles que les professionnels de santé, les forces de l’ordre (***) et les pompiers. Cette demande croissante, portée par des exigences de sécurité et des réglementations, illustre le poids déterminant de l’emploi salarié, et plus particulièrement du secteur public, dans la dynamique du marché des EPI.

Evolution de l'emploi salarié Français France, ****-****, en % Source: ****

Au troisième trimestre ****, l’emploi salarié en France a progressé de *,* % par rapport au trimestre précédent, soit une création nette de ** *** emplois, après ...

2.3 Types of exposure to physical stress

Main types of physical stress France, ****, proportion of exposed employees Source: ****

The graph above concerns all types of employers (***), with the three recurring types of physical constraints being postural and articular constraints, manual load handling and noise pollution. Postural and joint constraints stand out clearly, and have certainly prompted PPE and office equipment manufacturers to focus on the ergonomics and comfort of their products.

2.4 Les accidents du travail sont un déterminant de la demande

Les accidents du travail sont un déterminant de la demande et également un indicateur. Analyser quels accidents sont les plus fréquent permet de donner une direction aux fabricant d'EPI. Par exemple, le rapport de l'assurance maladie de **** met en lumière que **% des accidents du travail sont liés aux manutentions manuelles:

Les accidents du travail par types France, ****, en % Source: ****

Pourtant, les accidents du travail sont en baisse quand on compare **** et ****: On passe de *** *** à *** *** soit une baisse de *.*% entre les deux années:

Accidents du travail en France France, ****-****, en unités Source: ****

Pour ce qui est des accidents mortels, on en compte *** en ****: **% sont la conséquence de malaises et **% d'accidents routiers:

Les types d'accidents mortels en France France, ****, en % Source: ****

Les secteurs du santé, nettoyage et travail temporaire sont les plus touchés, représentant ** % des accidents. Cette prédominance reflète des environnements de travail où les risques sont multiples, nécessitant des EPI adaptés, notamment pour prévenir les blessures liées à la manipulation de produits chimiques ou au travail physique intensif.

Le secteur alimentaire, avec ** %, et les transports, avec ** %, illustrent également des besoins cruciaux en équipements de protection, tels que ...

2.5 Une exigence croissante de design et de confort

Un renouvellement de l’offre qui donne davantage de place au confort et au design

Si la jeune génération de travailleur s’avère mieux sensibilisée aux risques sécuritaires, notamment dans le BTP, celle-ci est également plus exigeante en termes de confort et de design. [***]

Les produits proposés présentent aujourd’hui un design agréable allié à des spécificités techniques supérieures. Les fabricants vendent des produits plus adaptés et plus agréables, adaptés aux différentes morphologies et avec un certain confort qui peuvent comprendre des dispositifs anti-transpiration par exemple.

En plus de ces améliorations techniques, les EPI gagnent en élégance et s’inspirent des codes des marques de vêtements généralistes. Pour les chaussures, les fabricants s’inspirent des codes des sneakers et du sportswear urbain. Cette tendance s’est d’autant plus étendue que des marques généralistes sont présentes sur ce marché avec Timberland Pro, le suédois Blakläder ou encore Puma.[***]

D’après Valérie Muller, responsable produit chez Uvex-Heckel la conception des workwear associe aujourd’hui des designers issus du secteur de l’habillement sportif à même de ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market value chain

Source: ****

3.2 Distribution channels: the rise of e-commerce

The main distribution channels

Sales by distribution channel France, ****, % of sales Source: ****

An increase in online sales First and foremost,e-commerce is on the rise, and among the main beneficiaries of this trend, pure players like Oxwork have emerged. Based in Corbie, in the Somme region, this company specializing in Internet distribution has posted an annual growth rate of ***% since its creation in ****. [***] The creation of an online sales site also enables incumbent players to address individuals and position themselves in BtC sales. Protective footwear specialist Gaston Mille claims to have created an e-commerce site in order to address "the exponential demand from private individuals".[***]

Major online players in the PPE market France, **** average monthly visits over the first half of **** Source: Similarweb The leader in terms of number of monthly visits is Founded in ****, the company offers over **,*** SKUs, which should enable it to achieve sales of €**.* million in ****, with an EBITDA margin of *%[***] This comparison does not, however, include platforms with much larger catalogs, such as Lyreco and Manutan, which are also experiencing strong growth. Nevertheless, the growth of online PPE sales in this BtB market may take some time. According to Marion Carrasco, *M's PPE Marketing ...

3.3 Les distributeurs automatiques d'EPI : une solution innovante et stratégique

Les distributeurs automatiques d'Équipements de Protection Individuelle (***) s’imposent progressivement comme une solution incontournable dans les environnements industriels exigeants. Ces dispositifs, développés par des acteurs tels que Logiprox ou encore Lanzi Group, permettent d’allier efficacité, sécurité et optimisation des coûts pour les entreprises.

Dans des secteurs comme les aciéries, les usines chimiques ou encore le BTP, les besoins en EPI sont fréquents, variés et critiques pour la sécurité des collaborateurs. Les distributeurs automatiques permettent une mise à disposition immédiate et sécurisée des équipements, souvent au moyen d’un badge nominatif. Cette solution garantit que chaque utilisateur accède à l’EPI adapté à son poste, tout en réduisant le risque d’erreurs. En complément, les distributeurs modernes sont équipés d’écrans interactifs diffusant des fiches sécurité ou des consignes spécifiques, renforçant la sensibilisation au bon usage des équipements.

Les distributeurs automatiques, positionnés stratégiquement à proximité des zones de production, réduisent les déplacements inutiles et permettent un gain de temps significatif pour les équipes. Selon Logiprox, cette optimisation peut réduire le temps de prise de poste à moins de ** secondes. Par ailleurs, ces ...

3.3 Accelerating consolidation, numerous mergers and acquisitions

The table below lists the main transactions on the French market.

Year **** and ****

Year ****

The objectives of the various acquisitions are diverse. They include classic objectives such as diversifying the customer portfolio. But there are also objectives that are more specific to the market, which is highly segmented. In some cases, the aim is to gain a foothold in a new market segment, or to achieve the critical mass needed to gain a foothold in the market.

In this way, we are witnessing a dilution of the importance of national markets in a general market that is becoming more globalized and concentrated, with the gradual disappearance of single-product national manufacturers, who are the targets of the globalized majors. The competitive landscape is gradually being restructured around international and at least multi-specialist players with a one-stop-shop approach.

Years ****-****: French giant Delta Plus Group multiplies acquisitions to grow externally

The objectives of the various acquisitions are diverse. They include classic objectives such as diversifying the customer portfolio. But there are also objectives to find new growth drivers abroad.

4 Offer analysis

4.1 The different types of products

Personal protective equipment (***)

PPE covers all clothing and accessories used to protect the worker's physical integrity, such as gloves, helmets, etc

PPE can be divided into three main categories according to their degree of protection:

PPE category *: protection against minor risks that may result in superficial injuries. Wearing this PPE has no impact on the user's health: mechanics' outfits, cleaning staff's outfits, etc. PPE category *: protection against major risks that can cause serious injury. They are subject to strict tests and standards: e.g. high-visibility vests or boots. PPE category *: protection against life-threatening risks that can lead to irreversible injury. Their production chain is closely monitored to guarantee the highest quality: firefighters' helmets, firefighters' outfits, etc.

There are nine main PPE families:

Head protection: helmets, balaclavas ; Eye protection: goggles, masks; Eye and face protection; Hearing protection: headbands, earplugs, active or passive ear muffs; Respiratory protection: full-face or half-face masks, breathing apparatus; Body protection: aprons, pants, jackets, welding suits, etc. ; Hand protection (***); Foot protection: shoes, waders, boots;

4.2 Innovative offerings help drive market growth

While PPE today meets the design and comfort requirements of end-users, the market has also been driven by technical innovation, enabling higher levels of protection and new applications. It is this capacity for innovation that has enabled the PPE market to move beyond the simple renewal of old models, and to expect average growth estimated at *% in recent years.

Examples of new "technical" products

Thermal protection: Delta Plus has developed a parka that can work at temperatures of -**° for * hours. Resistance: Victoire has launched a protective cap for individuals and professionals.

The "revolution" of connected objects

Connected shoes: Gaston Mille offers connected models that can warn of falls or crossing dangerous areas. This model was developed using technology from TRAXxs. [***] Connected clothing: Partners at Grenoble's Ideas Laboratory have designed a work suit that contains a connected sleeve: worn on the forearm, this enables workers to be guided and informed in real time in the field. [***]

The connected helmet : Across the Atlantic, the American Guardhat markets a helmet that enables remote guidance, notification of moving objects or dangerous areas, with real-time measurement of environmental toxicity. [***]

The PTI connected insole: equipped with a vibration sensor, this insole will alert workers that the ...

4.3 Les EPI éco-responsables

L'urgence climatique et les exigences croissantes en matière de durabilité ont poussé les fabricants d'équipements de protection individuelle (***) à transformer leurs pratiques. Ces acteurs intègrent désormais des solutions écoresponsables dans leurs processus de production, répondant à la fois aux attentes des consommateurs et aux nouvelles régulations environnementales. Les exemples de Lemaitre Sécurité, Uvex, et Mapa SAS mettent en lumière une transformation stratégique profonde dans le secteur.

Lemaitre Sécurité s'illustre avec son label interne, Lemaitre Safety Green, visant à réduire l'impact écologique tout au long du cycle de vie de ses produits. En début d'année, l’entreprise a lancé une première gamme de chaussures de sécurité comprenant jusqu’à ** % de matières recyclées, comme le polyol utilisé dans les semelles. Ce projet s’inscrit dans une démarche circulaire où les déchets de production, tels que les embouts et semelles, sont récupérés et réemployés pour limiter les déchets. En parallèle, Lemaitre a développé le programme Lemaitre Circular, qui prend en charge la gestion de la fin de vie des produits pour favoriser leur recyclage. La priorité donnée aux circuits courts ...

5 Regulations

5.1 The new European regulation on the manufacture of PPE and its consequences

New directive, notified bodies and harmonized standards

In ****, a new European regulation on PPE was adopted, to apply from April **, ****. To give manufacturers, notified bodies and EU member states time to adapt to these new requirements, a seven-year transition period has been defined. CE certificates issued before April **, **** on the basis of the old directive **/***/EEC are still valid until April **, ****.

Source: ****

EU Regulation ****/*** of March *, **** is aimed at PPE manufacturers and sets out the conditions for placing PPE on the market, in all EU member countries.

PPE is now divided into * categories. These categories are detailed in the PPE categorization guide. Although this guide has no regulatory value, it does provide consensual indications based on work carried out to monitor Directive **/***/EEC (***).

Source: ****

Category * and * PPE are subject to attestation procedures. They must be checked by notified bodies within the European Union to assess their conformity. The attestation procedure to which the manufacturer is subject is specified in the regulation.

Countries must take the necessary steps to adapt to the new regulations. In France, it is now possible to consult the first specific list of harmonized standards for application of the EU regulation. [***]

Why a new regulation?

While improving health ...

5.2 Labour code, sports code and CE marking: marketing

Labor and Sports Code

Several types of PPE are covered by the provisions of the French Labor Code. These include, of course, those intended for use in the workplace, but also others such as helmets for equestrian sports, diving suits, safety vests, armbands and suits designed to prevent drowning.these include helmets for equestrian sports, diving suits, safety vests, armbands and suits designed to prevent drowning, as well as buoyancy aids similar to life jackets.

Buoyancy aids for swimming lessons, on the other hand, come under the provisions of the French Sports Code, as does PPE for sports or leisure use(***). A pair of sunglasses, for example, is PPE-SL.

The Labor Code and Sport Code have therefore been adapted to the measures of Regulation (***) No. ****/***.[***]

CE marking and marketing of PPE

Manufacturers can indicate that their PPE complies with all the provisions of the PPE regulation by affixing the "CE" mark "CE" MARK. this specifies that the PPE meets the essential safety requirements, as well as the conformity assessment procedure required for the product. This marking is affixed to each PPE item in a visible, legible and indelible manner for the foreseeable life of the item.[***]

PPE subject to ageing, such ...

5.3 Nouveautés règlementaires 2023/2024

L'année **** a marqué une étape importante dans l'évolution des réglementations applicables au secteur des équipements de protection individuelle (***). Plusieurs initiatives ont été prises, tant au niveau européen qu'international, visant à renforcer la sécurité, améliorer la durabilité des produits et mieux encadrer leur utilisation. Ces changements réglementaires traduisent une volonté d'adapter les normes existantes aux enjeux modernes, qu'ils soient environnementaux, industriels ou sociaux.

Une des mises à jour significatives a été le règlement européen REACH (***), publié le * mai ****, qui modifie l'annexe XVII du règlement CE ****/****. Ce texte introduit des restrictions strictes sur l'utilisation du plomb et de ses composés dans le PVC. Désormais, tout article contenant une concentration en plomb égale ou supérieure à *,* % en poids ne peut être mis sur le marché. Ce règlement, qui entrera en vigueur le ** novembre ****, reflète un effort accru pour limiter les risques sanitaires liés aux substances chimiques dangereuses dans les matériaux couramment utilisés pour la fabrication des EPI.

En parallèle, la décision d'exécution (***) ****/***. En assurant une meilleure uniformité entre les États membres, cette décision facilite également la mise sur le marché des équipements conformes.

Lors du ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

6.2 Œil de l’analyste : Marché des Équipements de Protection Individuelle (EPI)


Le marché des Équipements de Protection Individuelle (***) ****/*** et les récentes normes harmonisées, ont renforcé le cadre d’exigences applicables à ces produits, rendant la conformité une priorité absolue pour les fabricants et distributeurs.

Grandes tendances:

*ère tendance: Une montée en puissance des EPI connectés. Les avancées technologiques ont donné naissance à une nouvelle génération d’EPI intégrant des fonctionnalités connectées, répondant aux besoins des environnements de travail complexes. Des chaussures connectées, capables de détecter les chutes et les zones dangereuses, aux casques munis de capteurs mesurant la toxicité de l’air, ces innovations transforment les EPI en véritables outils de prévention et de surveillance. Le Syndicat National des Acteurs du Marché de la Prévention et de la Protection (***) a publié en mars  **** un guide pratique sur les EPI connectés, soulignant l'importance croissante de ces technologies dans le secteur.

*ème tendance: La priorité à l’écoconception: Les préoccupations environnementales poussent les acteurs du marché à intégrer des principes d’écoconception dans leurs gammes de produits. Des entreprises comme Lemaitre Sécurité ou Uvex innovent en intégrant des matériaux recyclés, réduisant ...

  • Oxwork
  • Delta Plus
  • Cepovett Groupe
  • Ansell
  • Robur Molinel
  • Molinel
  • Manulatex (Bobet Groupe)
  • Cotral
  • Rubix Europe
  • Manutan Groupe
  • Descours et Cabaud
  • Bruneau
  • Guide Gloves
  • Pro-Wear
  • Protechnique
  • EPI Center
  • Jallatte
  • Ejendals France
  • MACC
  • Coverguard
  • Parade Protection (Eram groupe)
  • Climbing Technology
  • Manikheir (Medicom)
  • Béal Cordes
  • Dompro
  • Dutel Tissage
  • Bollé Safety
  • RG Safety
  • Altela

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