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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

The market for single-family house construction refers to :

  • the general construction companies or "all trades" taking overall responsibility for the construction of a house, including the construction of detached houses under a detached house construction contract (63% of constructions in 2018)
  • the assembly and construction of prefabricated houses

The following are therefore excluded from this study

  • housing development (which is the subject of another available study); and here )
  • architectural and engineering activities
  • project management services [ Insee ]

The market is further divided into two segments: the sector pure (isolated building plots) and the sector grouped (building plots in housing estates). The study mainly analyses the pure sector, the clustered sector being more often related to real estate development

In 2019, single-family homes accounted for 55.9% of the French housing stock . The single-family home construction market has been growing steadily in France since 2016, with sales increasing by more than 31% since 2016 and 2.66% in 2019 . This growth is mainly driven by the increase in real estate purchasing power of households, which is explained by the combined effect of the rise in house prices and household purchasing power, but above all by the fall in interest rates on mortgage loans and the increase in assistance to households. However, the movement in property purchasing power differs greatly according to the location of the building land.

In addition, market growth is stimulated by the emergence of new growth drivers, such as the development of the green construction s, such as wooden or positive energy houses, as well as connected and innovative homes that allow manufacturers to differentiate themselves from the competition. The players are also counting on the s offer of services and products by developing a real estate development activity, for example, as well as on the digitalization of their business and their customer relationships.

Among the major builders of single-family homes are nationally operating players such as Hexaôm and Geoxia and regional players such as the BDL Group, IGC and Trecobat.



List of charts presented in this market study

  • Indice mensuel de chiffre d'affaires de la construction de maisons individuelles
  • French market size according to NAF code 41.20A "construction of single-family homes"
  • Breakdown of housing starts by category
  • Répartition des maisons individuelles par type de résidence
  • Parc de résidences en habitat collectif ou individuel en 2022
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Latest news

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  • Surface area of new prefabricated wood housing plant: 11,000 m².
  • Total investment in the project: 12 million euros
  • Number of employees at the plant: 150
  • Construction cost savings thanks to in-plant prefabrication: 10 to 30%
  • Expected reduction in lead times: 30 to 60%
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  • mayers sales forecast for 2023: €22 million
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  • Hexaom, France's leading homebuilder, took over 150 of these sites abandoned by Geoxia.
Technology and Habitat - 24/05/2023
  • Turning building sites into a construction game, the industrial plan of TH (Technologie et Habitat), founded in 2014 in Saint-Félix, Haute-Savoie.
  • The company, which employs 70 people, has just raised €8 million by bringing two key players in the sector into its capital: the Banque des territoires and Saint-Gobain France.
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  • Construction time cut by a factor of ten
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The price of homes built by the number-one housebuilder rose by 16% in one year. - 07/08/2022
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Geoxia Groupe
CGIE Réseau Univia
TH Technologie et Habitat
Maison Phenix
Woodeum (Altarea)
Réalités Promotion
CGI Bâtiment - Caisse de Garantie Immobilière du Bâtiment

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The single-family home construction market | France

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