Summary of our market study

The French metal construction market is valued at 4 billion euros.

The metal market is estimated at 127 million tonnes. Growth is driven by demand from the construction and metal infrastructure industries.

Major producing countries such as China, India and Japan dominate the market. Aluminum and copper are the main base metals used in construction.

In France, activity in the sector is underpinned by private investment, which accounts for 80% of the total.

The sector is facing recruitment problems, with an estimated need for 20,000 new employees over four years.

The average cost of a metal frame is 100 euros per square meter.

The tonnage of metal machined varies between 750 and 800,000 tonnes per year.

Industrial sites account for nearly 60% of the sector's activity.

Market players

  • Companies specializing in engineering and metal construction
  • Prefabricated and modular construction companies.
  • the sector is marked by the adoption of digital technologies
  • Companies in the building and public works industry are major players
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Steel construction is a crucial component of modern infrastructure, providing the foundations for buildings, bridges and other structures vital to urban development and expansion. Just as apprenticeship and lifelong learning are essential to the job market, mastery and innovation in the field of steel construction are paramount to meeting the demands of safety, durability and architectural aesthetics. This sector demands advanced technical expertise and the ability to adapt to environmental standards and constant technological progress.

worldwide, the metal construction sector is robust and showing sustained growth. In 2022, the global market was valued at 127.38 million tonnes, with a projected CAGR of 3.72% to 2028. This expansion reflects growing global demand for innovative, environmentally-friendly metal infrastructures capable of meeting the contemporary challenges of urbanization and population leaders - companies specializing in engineering and metal construction - play a leading role in this constantly evolving field. They offer solutions that combine performance and respect for the environment, thanks to the use of recyclable materials and advanced construction processes.

Focusing on France, the metal construction market is exceptionally dynamic. Although the sector faces challenges such as fluctuating raw material prices and the need for a highly skilled workforce, it benefits from constant innovation and government support for the transition to more sustainable construction. The growing adoption of prefabricated and modular construction methods, as well as the integration of digital technologies, illustrate the adaptability and resilience of this sector in the face of transformations in the urban landscape.

In France, the commitment to quality and technical competence is illustrated by the growing number of specialist companies and trained professionals in this field. This commitment is supported by public policies and private investment, reflecting a shared determination to promote a competitive and innovative metal construction industry.

1.2 A slightly growing global market

The metals market is estimated at ***.** million tonnes in ****, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of *.**% to ****.

Global metal market development projections World, **** - ****, in million tonnes Source: ****

The market studied is expected to grow in the medium term, driven mainly by increasing demand from the construction industry. However, ...

1.3 A domestic market that is experiencing some difficulties despite growth

In ****, the metal construction sector saw significant growth in sales, increasing by **% to *.** billion euros.

sales trend in the metal construction sector France, **** - ****, in € billions Source: ****

There were several variations in sales between **** and ****. It rose from €*.*** billion in **** to €*.** billion in ****, an increase of **.*%. Despite some notable declines in ...

1.4 Imports and exports

The chart below illustrates French foreign trade in goods classified under code C**B: Building materials.

Foreign trade in building materials France, ****-****, million euros Source: ****

Imports have grown strongly in previous years, rising from *.* billion euros in **** to *.* billion in ****, an increase of **.*%. Exports, however, remain relatively constant, despite a ...

1.5 Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-** pandemic, and its economic ramifications resulting from the application of prolonged lockdowns, reduced consumption and the mandatory shutdown of various economic and industrial sectors, did not spare the steel construction market. Due to the lack of information specific to this industry, we will look at the impact of the ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Typology of public and private demand

The construction sector as a whole

The steel construction sector is a sub-segment of the construction industry. It is therefore necessary to examine the available data on construction in France, demand and its evolution

According to the FFB (***). This corresponds to a floor area of **.*** million m*. Non-residential space started this ...

2.2 Demand drivers

The table below shows construction spending from **** to ****, with figures for **** not yet available. We do know, however, thattotal investment in **** was ***.* billion euros.

Construction investment France, ****-****, billions of euros Source: ****

Construction investment stagnated after the **** crisis and even declined between **** and ****. However, there has been a recovery since ****, marked ...

2.3 Focus on construction

Construction sector analysis:

The FFB (***) estimates the value of production in the building sector at €*** billion in ****, up *.*% on ****.

Production value in the construction sector France, ****- ****, in billions of euros Source: ****

The chart below shows the breakdown of production in value terms according to the different segments of the construction ...

2.4 Demand drivers: public works

Public works sales will reach ** billion euros in ****, *.**% higher than in ****, according to the Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics. The growth observed in **** is partly due to a significant increase in production costs, which rose by an average of *.*%. However, in ****, activity is set to accelerate further, thanks to ...

2.5 Greater Paris and the Olympic Games

In addition to the construction of metal parking lots, which has been particularly active in recent years, with renewed demand from hospitals, shopping malls, airports and railway stations, as the SCMF points out, it is worth recalling the importance of major projects (***), and on the other hand, the constructions themselves can ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market organization

Source: ****

The steel construction market is divided between several players. Steel producers supply the raw materials needed by the fabrication companies - beams, tubes, etc. - and then the construction companies transform the steel received into usable parts on the construction site. Then, construction companies transform the steel received into usable ...

3.2 The sector's recruitment problems

The metal construction industry is struggling to recruit skilled workers, as estimated by the European Union research institute SCMF. The sector's overall workforce had grown by just *.*% in ****, even though **,*** people would be needed to meet recruitment problems by ****, or *,*** people a year. The use of temporary workers is a temporary ...

3.3 Steel sector overview

Steel construction relies on various metals, steel being one of the most important. In this section, we take a look at the steel sector. The production process There are two distinct processes involved in steelmaking: The blast furnace, made from iron ore and coal (***); The electric arc furnace (***), made from recovered ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

The table below shows all the work carried out by the metal construction sector

Source: ****

When it comes to construction, there are several types of metal profiles and housings that can be produced in workshops:

The sections forming the structure can be cold- or hot-formed, and shaped in different ways Roofing ...

4.2 Prices vary widely

The prices charged by metal construction companies vary widely, depending of course on the project. This is particularly clear when we look at the price of a steel structure.on average, the cost of a metal frame is €*** per square meter, including installation, with a price range from €** to €*** per square ...

4.3 An offering that adapts to today's challenges


In its annual press briefing, the SCMF notes that, faced with recruitment difficulties, the sector needs to innovate in order to gain in productivity to face up to international competition. We are witnessing the development of numerically controlled machines, which is now associated with the automation of production flows and ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations in favor of the sector

Government surtax measure

The SCMF explains in a press briefing that the government has taken the decision to pass a bonus measure: a tax measure to support future investment, introduced in ****. This allows companies to write off ***% of the cost price of industrial equipment on their balance sheet. The assets concerned ...

5.2 Awarding public contracts through competitive bidding

Distribution to private individuals is not really special, since it's traditional Business to Consumer distribution. For companies and local authorities, on the other hand, it can be more interesting, as they can - and sometimes must - go through a call for tenders (***).

A company may choose to launch a call ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • ArcelorMittal
  • Briand Groupe
  • Cancé Groupe
  • Screb Groupe
  • France Structures Distribution
  • Formeto
  • Eiffage Métal
  • Baudin Châteauneuf
  • Fayat Groupe
  • Soprema Groupe
  • Gecina
  • Cougnaud Groupe
  • Freyssinet Soletanche
  • Legendre Groupe
  • Sogea Environnement (Vinci Groupe)
  • Bacacier Groupe (Kingspan)
  • ESA Charpente Métalliques
  • Matière TP Groupe
  • GH Construction Métallique
  • Louis Groupe

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Global metal market projections
  • Main aluminum-producing countries
  • Main copper-producing countries
  • Breakdown of metal construction activity
  • Sales trends in the metal construction sector
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  • ArcelorMittal became the main shareholder in 2018, holding 62% of the company's capital.
  • The Italian government has committed to providing public aid of up to €1 billion in December 2022.
  • The company provides 11,000 direct jobs, and up to 20,000 if indirect jobs are counted.
  • Planned production should have reached 8 million tonnes by 2025, but has fallen to 3 million tonnes by 2023.
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  • Kingspan has 15,500 employees worldwide.
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Soprema boosts phytodepuration on roofs - 04/10/2023
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Briand Groupe
Cancé Groupe
Screb Groupe
France Structures Distribution
Eiffage Métal
Baudin Châteauneuf
Fayat Groupe
Soprema Groupe
Cougnaud Groupe

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