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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

A pet is an animal kept or intended to be kept by man for his pleasure. [Code Rural]

Companion animals are divided into 8 families: cats, dogs, fish, farmed birds, farmyard animals, small mammals, aquatic animals and terrarium animals. The scope of this study therefore excludes farm animals and any animal intended for professional use.

The market is largely dominated by the dog and cat segments, which account for the vast majority of the market, but the category of "new pets" is developing. This term refers to pets other than dogs and cats, and therefore encompasses a wide range of animal species. While some are relatively widespread, such as rodents, birds and fish, others are less common, notably animals that were originally non-domestic. [Ministry of Agriculture and Food]

The pet market can be broken down into 4 consumption categories:

  • live
  • accessories and equipment
  • hygiene, health and insurance
  • animal feed

The pet food sector, which has the largest market share, is the subject of a specific study available under the title "The pet food market".

The global market is growing and should continue to do so between 2023 and 2032, with a growth rate of 7%. TheFrench market is also dynamic, with positive sales trends every year. Between 2021 and 2022, sales rose by 7%.

In addition, several trends will characterize the French pet market in 2023. Firstly, thehumanization of pets on the part of their owners is increasingly important, which goes hand in hand with the search for premium offers. We are also seeing an acceleration in the development of pet shops and the Internet as distribution channels in this market.

1.2 The global market

The global market

The global pet market is estimated to be worth $*** billion in ****, growing at a CAGR of *% between **** and ****. [***] This gives us the following estimates:

Global pet market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

1.3 The European market

According to Global Market Insights, the European pet market is expected to reach $** billion by ****.in ****, pet food generated **.* billion euros, while other market products and services accounted for **.* billion[***]

In ****, FEDIAF estimated that ** million households in the European Union owned a pet (***), representing around **% of the total population.

European pet ...

1.4 Steady growth in the French market

The growth of the pet market can be described as structural, since it has been booming since at least the beginning of the decade.

Annual variation in pet market sales France, ****-****, in Source: ****

The data show a general trend of sales growth over the years. The years **** and **** recorded the ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Strong animal ownership in France

According to FACCO data, there will be ** million pets in France in **** , compared with **.* million in **** and ** million in ****, as shown in the graph below. **.*% of households would have a pet in ****, and **.*% at least one dog or cat. [***]

Number of pets France, ****-****, in millions of animals Soiurce : Vie Publique, ...

2.2 Profile of pet owners

Gender, age, profession and standard of living do not appear to play a determining role in pet ownership, as the proportions of respondents in each category with a pet are relatively similar. However, it appears that the elderly, aged ** and over, and the well-off are less inclined to own a pet. ...

2.3 French people's reasons for adopting a pet

The reasons for adoption and the criteria for choosing animals can vary from one individual to another.

Which of the following reasons do you think led you to adopt a dog or cat? France, ****, in Source: ****

The most common reasons include having grown up with one or more animals (***).

It's also ...

2.4 Increase in the pet budget

Average annual expenditure by dog and cat owners France, ****, in percent Source: ****

Unsurprisingly, the animals requiring the most expenditure are dogs and cats. According to Ipsos, for dogs and cats, **% of owners spend between €*** and €*,***. Breakdown of the budget French people spend on their pets France, ****, in euros Source: ****

The biggest ...

2.5 Pet owners sensitive to their animals' well-being, and increasingly humanize them

How do you rate your dog or cat? France, ****, percentage of respondents Source: ****

The new demand trends are driven by a common phenomenon: owners are placing ever-greater importance on their pets. According to an Ipsos study, **% of dog and cat owners in **** consider their pet to be a fully-fledged member of ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Segmentation and main brands

Segmentation by pet family

The pet market is largely dominated by the dog and cat markets, which share over **% of market share. The cat department in particular is and will remain the majority of sales in the pet market, generating sales of *.* billion euros by ****. [***]

However, New Pet Animals (***).

Market share ...

3.2 The emergence of new players: the connected objects segment

Market players

Whatever the market segment concerned, start-ups using new technologies to serve pets and their owners are multiplying, offering a particularly varied range of products and services: lost pet searches, intelligent toys, collars and other accessories, automatic food dispensers and so on.

Players in this particular market include :

Players specializing ...

3.3 The rise of pet shops and the digitalization of the market

Distribution channels

The pet market is divided into * main distribution channels: pet shops, food superstores (***). Sales by distribution channel France, ****, in Source :Panel Promojardin - Prom'animal and partner data. Processing by Les Echos Etudes Food superstores (***) dominate the market with a **% share of sales, followed by garden specialists with **%. The Internet ...

3.4 A market impacted by inflation: abandonments on the rise

Have you ever given up on buying or adopting a pet because of the expense? France, ****, % Source: ****

The survey conducted in France in **** reveals that **% of respondents have given up on buying or adopting a pet in the last twelve months because of the associated expenses, while **% made this decision more ...

3.5 Interview with Romain Jobert, co-founder of Petch

Marine: Welcome to the Niche, the podcast that analyzes the niche market with the entrepreneurs who are shaking things up. I'm Marine and I work at Businesscoot, the start-up that's dusting off market research. Before you start, subscribe to our podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcast. And now for today's niche: ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Pet products see price rises

Harmonized consumer price index for pet products France, ****-****, base *** **** Source: ****

The harmonized consumer price index for pet products in France shows an overall upward trend over the ****-**** period. Between **** and ****, the index undergoes minor fluctuations, with a slight drop in prices compared to ****. However, from **** onwards, a significant increase ...

4.2 Trend: premiumization of the offering

The pet market is witnessing an upmarket shift in products and services, largely as a result of the French people's growing attachment to their pets, and the humanization of the latter, analyzed in the section on market demand. Indeed, whereas pets used to be confined to their role as companions or ...

4.3 A growing organic and natural food offer

Natural and organic products are on the rise in the pet food market. Increasingly concerned about the health and well-being of their pets, owners are also aware of theecological impact of pet food. The number of organic and natural pet food products on offer is exploding, and this is helping to ...

4.4 The market for connected objects for pets: a highly varied offering

ere's a non-exhaustive list of connected objects for pets that can be found on the market:

Source: ****

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Defining the status of animals

The law of February **, **** redefines the status of animals by qualifying them as sentient living beings.


Regulations governing the sale of animals

Anyone selling at least one animal from a breeding female belonging to them is considered a breeder.

Breeders are required to

register with ...

5.2 From January 2024: ban on the sale of dogs and cats in pet shops

As of January *, ****, a new rule prohibits French pet shops from selling cats and dogs, a measure introduced following a bill passed by the National Assembly in ****. The ban is designed to address a number of problems, including animals being weaned too early, being supplied by puppy and kitten mills, and ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Animalis
  • Zoo Plus
  • ITM Equipement (Bricorama, Bricomarché, Brico Cash)
  • Truffaut
  • Jardiland (Groupe Teract)
  • Dalma
  • Botanic
  • Pets at Home
  • Nestlé Purina Petcare
  • Mars Petcare
  • Royal Canin (Mars Petcare)
  • Santé Vet - Vetassur
  • Tomojo
  • Acheel
  • Zolux
  • La Compagnie des Animaux
  • Zoovet
  • Topzoo
  • Maxi Zoo France (groupe Fressnapf)
  • Zoomalia
  • Bitiba France (Zooplus)
  • Zooplus
  • MSD Santé Animale France (Merck)
  • Ceva Santé Animale
  • Nutréa Nutrition Animale NNA
  • Eizhy

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Breakdown of the Pet Tech market by type of connected object
  • Number of animals declared "lost" in the Fichier National I-CAD
  • Market share in dog and cat food by value
  • Pet market share by animal
  • Breakdown of the pet market by segment
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Latest news

How Eizhy transforms Brittany's moors into cat litter - 25/06/2024
  • - National litter market in France: 350 million euros, including 250 million euros for cat and hamster litters
  • - Creation date of Typhaine Fox's entreprise (Eizhy): 2020
  • - Current number of employees: 3
  • - Annual production capacity: 1,000 tons of plant-based litter
  • - Share of litter in total household waste collected in France: 3.5
  • - Expected sales for current year: 100,000 euros
Why Bricomarché, Bricorama and Bricocash are opening up to franchising - 21/05/2024
  • - The number of existing Bricorama franchises: 34
  • - The year the Bricorama network was acquired: 2017
  • - Sales growth since 2018: 60%
  • - Market share in 2018: around 10%
  • - Current market share: around 15%
  • - Sales in 2023 for ITM Equipement de la maison: 3.4 billion euros
Royal Canin steps up investments in France - 21/05/2024
  • - Mars investment in its French plants over the last five years: 500 million euros
  • - Number of Mars plants in France: 8
  • - Total Mars investment in 2023: 130 million euros
  • - Share of Mars pet food business: 60% (worldwide and France)
  • - Investment in Royal Canin's Aimargues and Cambrai production sites: 48 million euros
Zolux, French leader in pet products, integrates CSR into its strategy - 29/04/2024
  • - Company size: 500 employees, including 300 in France
  • - Brands marketed: Zolux, Francodex, Saint-Bernard, Hopi
  • - Positioning: Company with a mission, French leader in pet products with a strong commitment to CSR
  • - Sales: Over 90% generated in Europe, presence in some forty countries
  • - Production sites: 3 sites in France, the Czech Republic and Tunisia
  • - Sales subsidiaries: 3 in Poland, Italy and Spain
  • - Recent investments: Acquisition of Czech plant in May 2023, creation of Spanish subsidiary
How Ceva Santé Animale became a world leader - 22/04/2024

**Sales**: 1.6 billion euros

**R&D investment**: Nearly 10% of sales, with a budget approaching 150 million euros this year.

**Number of industrial sites**: 25 industrial sites, including 7 in France.

**Number of subsidiaries**: 47 subsidiaries.

**International presence**: 110 countries.

**Percentage of sales in France**: Only 8%

**Number of employee shareholders**: 2,000 out of 7,000.

**Recent acquisition**: Scout Bio, a start-up specialized in gene therapy, in the United States.

**Growth strategy**: Specialization in prevention, mainly vaccines, and debt-financed acquisitions to reach a critical size of around 8 million euros to be profitable.

Maxi Zoo to grow by 26% in 2023 - 08/03/2024
  • Maxi Zoo sales in 2023: 538 million euros inc. tax (+26% )
  • - Average growth in the pet market in 2023: 13% according to Prom'Animal
  • - Number of Maxi Zoo stores in France by the end of 2023: 336
  • - Maxi Zoo target for end 2026: 600 stores in France
  • - Number of new Maxi Zoo stores planned for 2024: 50
  • - Fressnapf Group sales in 2023: 4 billion euros
  • - Number of countries in which Fressnapf operates: 14.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Zoo Plus
ITM Equipement (Bricorama, Bricomarché, Brico Cash)
Jardiland (Groupe Teract)
Pets at Home
Nestlé Purina Petcare
Mars Petcare
Royal Canin (Mars Petcare)
Santé Vet - Vetassur

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the pet market | France

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