Summary of our market study
The French pet insurance market is estimated at between €150 and €200 million.
The global pet insurance market is worth over $9 billion.
In Europe, the market will reach $3.6 billion by 2021.
The sector is influenced by trends such as the humanization of pets, rising veterinary costs and the growing number of pets.
Trends in the French pet insurance market
In France, the pet insurance market is booming. Take-up of pet insurance policies remains low, with only 15% of pets insured in 2020.
More than half of French households have a cat or dog, but only a fraction choose to insure their pets.
The dog population has stabilized at around 7.5 million, and the cat population at 15 million.
The sharp rise in the cost of veterinary care, up by almost 48% between 2015 and 2023, should boost the insurance market.
New entrants and investment funds are actively participating in the market, as evidenced by major fund-raisings, such as the 150 million euros obtained by SantéVet and the 15 million euros obtained by startup Dalma .
Some players in the French pet insurance market
General insurers
- Carrefour Banque et Assurance
- Groupama
- Groupe des Assurances du Crédit Mutuel (ACM)
- Macif and Matmut
- Generali
Emerging Insurtech companies
- Acheel
- Dalma, mutual insurance for animals
- Lovys
Specialist in pet insurance
- SantéVet leader in France.
- HD Assurances, specialized broker
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of study
The pet insurance market refers to insurance contracts covering the health costs of pets - veterinary care and expenses related to illness or accident - in the same way as for humans.
The animals concerned are mainly dogs and cats, and to a lesser extent other pets known by the acronym NAC (Nouveaux Animaux de Compagnie): rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.
The pet insurance market generally includes 3 types of offer:
- Basic plan
- Intermediate plan
- Premium plan
Depending on the package chosen, the insurance may cover :
- Veterinary consultations
- Laboratory tests
- Vaccinations
- Sterilization
- Deworming
- Etc.
The pet insurance market remains relatively underdeveloped in France compared to other European countries. Many therefore see strong potential for development in the coming years, in line with the trend towards higher veterinary expenditure and premiumization of pet care and services. The fact that the market is not yet firmly established would leave more room for new entrants than other saturated markets.
However, others note the obstacles that continue to hold back the market's development in France, such as a psychology unaccustomed to paying its own healthcare costs, which would then be less inclined to spend a lot on its pets, or products that often disappoint consumers (numerous exclusions in offers...).
1.2 The global market
Worldwide market
The global pet insurance market is one with strong growth potential over the next decade. Numerous sources estimate average annual growth of between **.*%(***) between now and ****-****.
The Business Research Company estimates that the market will increase from $*.** billion in **** to $*.** billion in ****, representing growth of **. *%. According to the firm, it should continue to grow at an annual rate of **.*% between **** and ****. This gives us the following estimates:
Global pet insurance market size World, ****-****, in $ billions Source: ****
The market is driven by variables such as : the overall increase in the pet population, the growing awareness of pet owners who are "discovering" this service on the one hand, and increasingly accepting it on the other.the market is being driven by variables such as: an overall increase in the pet population, the growing awareness of pet owners who are "discovering" this service on the one hand, and increasingly willing to spend more to take better care of their pets on the other, rising veterinary costs, and finally the penetration of new geographical markets.
The main markets for pet insurance areNorth America, particularly the USA, and Europe. These are also the main markets, along with China, for pets.
Pet populations World, ...
1.3 The French market
Compared to its European neighbors, the French market still has strong growth potential over the next few years. Indeed, **% of French people own at least one cat or dog, yet only **% of them decide to insure them, according to an Ifop study. Although the humanization of pets is gaining ground in France, with an increasingly close connection between owners and their dogs or cats, it is surprising to note that the take-up rate for pet insurance remains relatively low.
Source: ****
This rate is to be understood on the **.* million dogs and cats counted in **** by the Fédération des Fabricants d'Aliments pour Chiens, Chats, Oiseaux et autres animaux familiers(***), a figure that rises to **.* million by ****.
Number of pets France, ****-****, in millions of animals Source: ****
According to an Ifop study, in **** the French will spend an average of €** a year on pet insurance. This makes it the *th largest item of expenditure for their pets, after food, veterinary costs and accessories/leisure.
Expenditure by the French on their pets France, ****, in euros Source: ****
Breakdown of French pet budget France, ****, in euros Source: ****
By ****, the French pet insurance market is expected to be worth between *** and *** million euros a year. ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Animal population growth
The first variable that automatically impacts the number of pet insurance policies taken out is logically the number of pets owned by the French (***).
According to a **** FACCO study, **% of French households will have at least one pet. The pet population has been on the rise in France for several years, mainly driven by cats, except in ****, when there will be a slight decline of -*.*% in the number of cats. By contrast, the number of dogs will increase by *.*% between **** and ****.
What's more, the dog population in France has stabilized over the last ten years at around *.* million, but the cat craze has increased their population by **.*% between **** and ****. The NAC population is estimated at * million in France, including *.* million mammals and *.* million other animals such as snakes, spiders and reptiles. [***]
Evolution in the number of dogs and cats France, ****-****, in millions of pets Source: ****
This influences the development of the various markets linked to them : food, care and hygiene products, pet toys and so on.
The petfood market is expected to grow significantly in value terms between **** and ****, with sales increasing by *.* billion euros.
Total petfood sales France, **** - ****, in billions of euros Source: ****
2.2 Profil des clients
Sur ce marché il y'a deux types de clients : ceux qui achète et ceux qui consomme.
Zoom sur les acheteurs, les propriétaires d'animaux de compagnie.
Répartition des dépenses d'aliments pour animaux selon la tranche d'âge et situation familiale France, P* ****, % Source: ****
En France, sur la période de janvier à mai ****, les dépenses en aliments pour animaux se concentrent majoritairement chez les sexagénaires, qui représentent **,* % des achats, suivis des septuagénaires et plus (***), tandis que les jeunes de moins de ** ans et les familles avec bébé se situent en bas de l’échelle, avec respectivement *,* % et *,* % des dépenses.
Ces chiffres reflètent une surreprésentation des ménages plus âgés et sans jeunes enfants.
Répartition des dépenses en aliments pour animaux selon la CSP France, P* ****, % Source : LSA*/*/*/*********.pdf En ****, les dépenses en aliments pour animaux sont majoritairement réalisées par les catégories socio-professionnelles moyennes, représentant ** % des dépenses (***). Les catégories modestes contribuent à **,* %, tandis que les catégories aisées représentent **,* % des dépenses. Ces données mettent en évidence la prépondérance des ménages de classe ...
2.3 Une humanisation des animaux qui soutient la tendance de premiumisation des produits et services pour animaux de compagnie
On observe une hausse des ventes du marché français des produits pour animaux de compagnie liée à une demande pour des produits de plus en plus qualitatifs. Les consommateurs sont prêts à y octroyer un budget plus élevé. En effet, ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à "humaniser" leurs animaux de compagnie et à les considérer comme des membres de leur famille à part entière, qui méritent donc des soins et produits de plus en plus hauts de gamme.
Comment considérez-vous votre chien ou chat ? France, ****, en pourcentage des sondés Source: ****
En ****, **% des propriétaires de chiens et chats considèreraient leur animal comme un membre de la famille à part entière. Ce serait le cas de **% des propriétaires de chiens et **% des propriétaires de chats.
C'est une tendance que révèle aussi une étude de NielsenIQ publiée début ****, qui estime que * possesseurs de chiens et chats sur * le considèrent comme un membre de la famille. Ce facteur affectif est moteur d'une tendance "plaisir" avec une hausse des ventes sur le segment des friandises, en croissance de **,*% chez les chats et *,*% chez les chiens entre **** et ****. NielsenIQ illustre d'ailleurs cette tendance ...
2.4 Les Français et les vétérinaires
Enfin, une autre variable impactant directement la demande d'assurances pour animaux de compagnie est le prix des soins vétérinaires que couvrent les assurances. Il faudrait compter environ **€ pour une simple consultation (***) a ainsi augmenté de **,*% entre **** et ****.
Indices de chiffre d'affaires des activités vétérinaires (***) France, ****-*****, base *** (***) Source: ****
Une telle hausse du chiffre d'affaires des activités vétérinaires indique ainsi une hausse de la demande de soins vétérinaires et/ou une hausse des prix des soins, ces deux facteurs pouvant chacun impacter positivement la croissance du marché des assurances.
Image des Français à l'égard des vétérinaires France, ****, % Source : IFOP En ****, les vétérinaires jouissent d’une excellente image auprès des Français, avec ** % des répondants leur attribuant une très bonne ou assez bonne image, dont ** % exprimant un jugement particulièrement favorable. Seuls * % partagent une perception négative, dont seulement * % indiquent une très mauvaise image. Ce niveau élevé de confiance envers les vétérinaires peut être un atout pour le développement des assurances pour animaux, en s'appuyant sur leur rôle de prescripteurs et conseillers auprès des propriétaires d’animaux.
Perception ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Value chain
How pet insurance works:
There are three parties involved in the process of insuring a pet: the pet owner, the veterinarian, and the insurer chosen by the owner, who may be, as we saw earlier, a general insurer offering a "pet insurance" package, or a specialized insurer. The underwriting and insurance process works as follows:
Pet owners obtain information and sign an insurance contract. To insure a dog or cat, the animal must be neither too young - over * months old - nor too old - under ** years old. The owner must also be able to prove that the animal has up-to-date vaccinations, is properly chipped or tattooed, and is not suffering from a chronic, hereditary, congenital or recurrent disease. Once the insurance has been taken out, there is a delay before the insurance takes effect. When this is the case, during visits to the veterinarian, the owner gives the veterinarian a care sheet previously drawn up by the insurer. The veterinarian fills it out, detailing the treatments carried out and their cost. The owner then pays the veterinarian in full. The owner then sends the treatment form and invoice to the insurer. Reimbursement can take from a few days to ...
3.2 Major market players
The French market can be divided into several types of player:
traditional insurers, already well established in the insurance market, who have developed an "animal insurance" offering: Carrefour Banque et Assurancecarrefour Banque et Assurance, one of the main players in dog and cat health insurance, with ** years' experience and chosen by two million customers for its Accident and Equilibre formulas Groupama, one of France's leading insurers, also offers dog and cat insurance, with * formulas (***) Selfassurancewhich has a strong market position, notably with its Confort formula Generali, with its "mon animal generali" offer, which comes in * formulas to suit different needs Crédit Mutuel also offers a pet insurance package with just * levels of cover and an **% cover rate for expenses incurred. Macif also insures animals with its "Economique" and "Protectrice" offers Groupe Matmut with the Assur'*Pattes contract, specialized insurers, more established in the animal insurance market: SantéVet, the market leader, which offers dog, cat and NAC insurance and has won over consumers with products that are both comprehensive and less expensive Jim & Joe , SantéVet's "entry-level" brand, which offers a more affordable range than SantéVet. AssurVéto, which offers * major formulas, including its Accidents and Silver formulas, Assur ...
3.3 A niche market attracting new entrants and investors
With the pet insurance market still relatively undeveloped in France, many new players have set their sights on establishing themselves in the market, and even revolutionizing it with new offerings. They are thus succeeding in overturning a system that is no longer dominated solely by traditional insurers.
Startups operating exclusively in the pet insurance segment have seen strong growth, and claim to better understand and adapt to the expectations of pet owners, particularly in terms of transparency and personalization of contracts to suit the animal. These Assurtech players include Lovys (***).
The market is attracting the attention of investment funds, as evidenced by the funds raised in ****: *** million raised by SantéVet from the Columna Capital fund[***].
Funds raised in the animal Assurtech market France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
In addition, insurtech Kozoo has raised funds for ****, the amount of which has not been disclosed. [***]
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Prices and packages
Pet insurance providers generally offer * types of cover:
anentry-level plan, with a low level of cover, which may be limited to accident expenses, and which has relatively low rates and reimbursement ceilings an intermediate plan, covering both accident and sickness expenses, with average rates and reimbursement ceilings a top-of-the-range plan, offering much more comprehensive coverage (***), with a high reimbursement rate.
Insurance plans for dogs France, ****, in % and in euros Source: ****
Insurance plans for cats France, ****, in % and in euros Source: ****
BFM TV has published a comparison of the cheapest formulas offered by several insurers:
Development of tiers payants:
SantéVet introduced a financing solution called PayVet in ****, equivalent to tiers payants for its French customers. This offer enables pet owners insured with SantéVet not to pay in advance and to have their bills paid directly by the broker.
The process involves verification of the policyholder's contributions, confirmation by the vet via a dedicated application, and direct payment to the clinic by SantéVet in less than ** hours. The gradual roll-out of PayVet has already equipped *,*** veterinary clinics out of *,*** in France, with a forecast of **,*** claims by the end of ****.
SantéVet group brands Bulle Bleue and Jim & Joe will ...
4.2 Product trends
Chris Blatchly, Director of Insurance Consulting at Cognizant, talks in **** about * variables to focus on in the coming years in the pet insurance sector:
the products themselves, to be made more personalized by, for example, observing the animal's lifestyle in order to offer more appropriate rates business models, to be reimagined in part by, for example, allowing people to share insurance costs partnerships with other players such as vets, breeders, etc. Crédit Mutuel Equity has thus invested in Incineris, joining the Véternity group and getting closer to its veterinary network. new value-added services to ensure the customer's enjoyment, beyond simple insurance. SantéVet, for example, makes it easy to book appointments via VétoLib and pay via PayVet for veterinary consultations. more flexible and rapid distribution of insurance products the use ofartificial intelligence and intelligent product automation safety and loss prevention services, to not only compensate but also help improve the animal's health.
Omer Bourret, from Lovys, adds:
the need for transparency and simple, easy-to-understand products, with fewer denials of coverage and no "hidden costs".
This is what Joao Cardoso, founder of the startup Lovys, presents as the company's raison d'être. Lovys claims to be "reinventing the company ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Regulations
Pets are defined by law as "any animal kept by a person for their own enjoyment". All pets must be identified by a tattoo or microchip on their first visit to a vet. It is then registered in the national identification database for domestic carnivores in France.
French law does not require you to take out insurance to cover your pet's veterinary care. However, all pets must be regularly monitored by a veterinarian.
The only point mentioned in French pet insurance regulations concerns civil liability insurance covering potential damage caused by an animal. In this case, regulations differ for potentially dangerous dogs and other pets. Dogs likely to be dangerous are *st and *nd category dogs, which are attack dogs (***). Owners of *st and *nd category dogs are required to take out civil liability insurance, which may be included in their home insurance policy. In the case of other pets, there is no obligation to take out specific insurance. [***]
Since October *, ****, all pet owners must sign a "certificate of commitment and knowledge" in which they undertake to respect the animal's needs. The law instituting it was enacted on November **, ****, and aims to raise awareness and responsibility among pet owners. The certificate ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Dalma
- Acheel
- Santé Vet - Vetassur
- HD Assurances (JAB Holding)
- Assurances du Crédit Mutuel
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