Summary of our market study

The French market for veterinary services is estimated at €5 billion.

The European veterinary market, with sales growing steadily to reach €17 billion by 2020, reflects a thriving industry.

This rise in demand for veterinary care has been supported by technological advances and digitization, as almost half of vets recognize its benefits for animal health.

While pet care dominates veterinary services, pet therapy sales (excluding pet food) will account for 45.70% of the market by 2021. The livestock sector is also notable, accounting for 34.71% of the market.

Trends in the French veterinary services market

In France, the veterinary services market is experiencing significant growth. Sales in this sector have seen a remarkable 61% increase from 2013 to 2022.

The market is expected to be worth close to €5 billion by 2022.

The number of veterinary professionals is constantly increasing. The Ordre National des Vétérinaires estimates that there will be between 20,000 and 21,000 veterinarians, including more than 1,000 new registrants in 2022 alone.

This rise in demand for veterinary services is partly attributed to the growing number of pets in French households. Nearly one household in two owns at least one pet, particularly cats.

The veterinary market is expanding not only in terms of numbers, but also in terms of the complexity of the services offered, with vets increasingly specializing in their field.

The French authorities are introducing stricter regulations, particularly on veterinary drugs, to combat antibiotic resistance in animals. The launch of the Calypso platform in 2023 should further improve regulatory compliance for veterinarians.

Suppliers such as Digivet and Vetosoft offer comprehensive management solutions, while other specialized applications address distinct needs, such as medication advice or teleconsultations.

The majority of veterinarians are self-employed. Women account for over 58% of veterinarians in France.

As far as related markets are concerned, pet food and healthcare products remain strong components of the industry. France is the leading export market for pet food.

Veterinary market players

  • VetInParis and Clinique Vétérinaire Alliance are leading urban veterinary practices
  • For rural communities, clinics like Clinique vétérinaire des Barques are an essential resource for pets and livestock.
  • Equine veterinarians, like those at CHVE Livet, dedicate their expertise to the health and treatment of horses.
  • CHV Fregis stands out as a specialized veterinary center, offering advanced medical and surgical treatments for companion animals.
  • Software and application providers play a key role in the market: Digivet, Vetosoft, Vetup, Logivet, CliniqueVet, Animao and VetOne
  • Aegate provides drug traceability solutions,
  • Organizations such as FACCO and AIEMV conduct research, gather industry data and advocate on behalf of the animal health products sector.
  • The Mars Group and Nestlé Purina Group are investing heavily to build global veterinary clinic groups
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Veterinarians are responsible for advising professionals and private individuals on the health of their animals. They usually work in veterinary clinics or veterinary centers. Their tasks range from diagnostics to major operations on pets, livestock and equines. However, pets account for the majority of animals treated.

The European market for the veterinary sector is growing rapidly, reaching 17 billion by 2020. [Eurostat]

This growth is also being felt in France, with the veterinary services market increasing by 61% between 2013 and 2022, to represent almost 5 billion euros in 2022.[Insee]. Fortunately, this high demand is offset by an ever-increasing number of establishments and professionals. In 2022, theOrdre National des Vétérinaires will register 20,844 veterinarians.

The intensification of this demand for veterinary care has driven the growth and expansion of veterinary applications, enabling improved, centralized management of practitioners' activity.e of practitioners' activities (as part of comprehensive management software) or providing specialized support for certain aspects of the profession (as part of more specific applications).

The main challenges facing the sector are likely to be the increasing digitalization of the sector (around half of vets believe that technological tools can benefit animal health), and the specialization of vets.

1.2 European market for veterinary activities

Veterinary activity within the European Union has been on the increase for the past ten years.

it should be noted that, for the sake of consistency, we have selected data excluding the United Kingdom during the years when it was still part of the EU. Figures for the UK vary between ...

1.3 French market

Veterinary activities

We consider here the data provided byInsee under APE code ****Z "Veterinary activities".

Sales of French veterinary establishments have risen sharply in recent years, increasing by **% between **** and ****, and exceeding the * billion euro mark in ****.

Sales of veterinary activities under APE code ****Z France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Animals in France


In ****, one French household in two will have at least one pet, including **.*% fish, **.*% cats and **.*% farmyard birds. Only **.*% of pets in France are dogs, and there will be a total of ** million pets in ****.

Breakdown of pet population France, ****, % Source: ****

Over the last ** years, the cat and dog populations ...

2.2 Profile of veterinarians

By gender

Of the **,*** veterinarians in ****, **.*% were women. Parity in the profession was achieved in ****, and the number of female veterinarians has been rising steadily for many years. Between **** and ****, the proportion of women vets rose by ** percentage points, from **.*% to **.*%.

By specialization

The vast majority of veterinarians specialize in companion ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market structure

Breakdown by type of practice

The veterinary profession is also structured according to the type of practice: veterinarians may be self-employed (***), in the private sector or in the public sector. The vast majority of veterinarians are self-employed, i.e. self-employed partners and employees in the self-employed sector, with respectively **** and **** individuals ...

3.2 Number of establishments and employees in the veterinary sector

The following graph shows the evolution of the number of establishments and employees in France in the veterinary activities of APE code ****Z (***). The number of veterinary establishments has been rising over the past ** years, increasing by *.*% from **** to **** . The number of employees working in veterinary activities is also growing strongly, ...

3.3 Geographical distribution of plants

The geographical distribution of veterinary establishments logically follows the distribution of veterinarians. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes leads the way, with *** veterinary establishments. Next come Ile-de-France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitanie, with ***, *** and *** veterinary establishments respectively. Reunion, Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana have **, **, ** and * establishments respectively.

Source: ****

3.4 Related markets

Software and applications for veterinarians

Publishers of veterinary software and applications

Software publishers are responsible for the veterinary software and applications market, from creation to distribution. Here are the essential stages in their activity:

Publishers must also ensure that their products comply with animal health and data protection regulations. They act ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Specializations by animal

Although there are many different types of veterinarians (***), the three most important categories are :

Pet vets, Rural or mixed veterinarians, Equine veterinarians.

Depending on which of these categories they belong to, the tasks performed by vets are radically different.

Source: ****

4.2 Average cost of care

The cost of care at a pet vet can vary greatly depending on the task performed. While a consultation costs around ** euros, the removal of a tumor can cost around *** euros. Prices for specialist vets, however, are more difficult to assess.

Source: ****

to these prices must be added the cost of ...

4.3 Increasingly frequent specialization by veterinarians

Veterinarians are increasingly turning their attention to companion animals. This practice is also increasingly found in cities, as the number of rural veterinarians is declining.[***]

However, this evolution is also accompanied by a growing specialization of veterinarians, a trend noted by the French Ministry of Agriculture. Owners are more and more ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Key regulatory issues for the profession

Codes governing the profession

The veterinary profession is strictly regulated by several codes, the main ones being :

The Rural Code Civil Code The Public Health Code

These obligations govern both the contract implicit between a veterinarian and his patient, and the substances whose use is regulated for veterinarians.

The latest major ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • VetinParis
  • Clinique vétérinaire Alliance
  • Clinique Vétérinaire des Barques
  • CHVE Livet
  • CHV Fregis
  • Sevetys
  • IVC Evidensia France
  • Anicura (Mars Petcare)
  • Mon Veto
  • Vetup
  • Vetosoft
  • Coveto - MyVet Apps
  • Le point vétérinaire
  • La dépêche vétérinaire
  • Santé Vet - Vetassur
  • Dr. Veto /MyVeto
  • Vetoquinol
  • Virbac
  • Centravet groupe - GmVet
  • Univet
  • Idexx
  • Clinique Veterinaire de Bayeux
  • Dômes Pharma
  • IVC Evidencia
  • Animeo
  • Tom&co

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Number of veterinary establishments
  • Distribution of veterinary establishments
  • Sales in the veterinary sector
  • Breakdown of veterinary sales
  • Number of practitioners registered with the Ordre national des vétérinaires
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Latest news

Pet insurance: a popular market - 25/08/2023
  1. In France, there are around 7.5 million dogs and 15.1 million cats.
  2. Only around 6% of these animals are covered by a mutual insurance company.
  3. The French market leader, SantéVet, held 300,000 contracts.
Veterinary care: a growing market, a suffering profession - 20/06/2023
  • The veterinary care market is worth 4.3 billion euros.
  • Growth in the veterinary care market: 5% per year.
  • Market acceleration in less than 5 years.
  • Consolidation around major veterinary clinics. Major players in the sector: IVC Evidensia (shareholder: Nestlé's animal feed division) and Anicura (behind: Mars Petcare).
  • Group veterinarians: 2% in 2019, 19% in 2022.
SantéVet invests $50 million in Doctolib for dogs and cats - 14/04/2023
  • SantéVet is the leader in pet health insurance.
  • The company is investing 50 million euros in its digital transformation.
  • SantéVet raised 150 million euros in February from Columna Capital.
  • The company has a 50% share of the French pet health insurance market.
  • Between 6% and 7% of dog and cat owners in France choose SantéVet
  • SantéVet has 300,000 active contracts, including 10% in Belgium and Germany
  • The company forecasts sales of 100 million euros in 2022, compared with 77 million in 2021
  • SantéVet employs 300 people and has recruited 120 new staff since January 2022
  • The group aims to be adopted by 30% of veterinary clinics by 2023.
  • The aim is to generate 50% of sales internationally by 2026.
  • The company plans to open subsidiaries in Italy, the Netherlands, Austria and Portugal between 2022 and 2023.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Clinique vétérinaire Alliance
Clinique Vétérinaire des Barques
CHVE Livet
CHV Fregis
IVC Evidensia France
Anicura (Mars Petcare)
Mon Veto
Coveto - MyVet Apps

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