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1 Market overview

1.1 Introduction and scope of study

The disposable tableware market encompasses all plates, cups, napkins, tablecloths, cutlery, etc., for one-time or ephemeral use. the disposable tableware market includes all plates, cups, napkins, tablecloths, cutlery, etc., for single or ephemeral use, traditionally made from plastic, although this is currently being renewed. These products are made from two types of polymeror, increasingly, from biodegradable materials such as wood or cardboard.

By 2021, national production of disposable tableware had risen to almost 180 million euros.

Historically dominated by private labels and price criteria, the French disposable tableware market is now at a turning point energy transition lawplastic disposable tableware will be banned from 2020.

To comply with this regulatory requirement, while avoiding a damaged brand image, players in the disposable tableware market are now focusing on more environmentally-friendly materials (wood, cardboard, bamboo, sugar cane, etc.).

The other challenge facing the French disposable tableware market remains recycling, in a context of waste recovery and reduced environmental impact. This is particularly true of plastic cups. According to the Association santé environnement France (Asef), only 1% of the 4.73 billion plastic cups thrown away each year in France are recycled.

To meet these new challenges, players in the disposable tableware market in France are engaged in a race for industrial and commercial innovation, as well as in a rethinking of their value chain, with a greater share of cost being borne by their suppliers.greater associated with packaging in the years to come.

1.2 A globally mature market

The global disposable tableware market is alreadyalready highly developedas the graph above shows. In fact, itits size is estimated at ***** million dollars in ****. Itsgrowth prospects are actually quite modestas forecasts predict an averageaverage annual growth rate of *.**% until ****.

Disposable tableware market trends World, **** - ****, in millions Source: ****

Among the various components ...

1.3 The French market

Production figures

The tableware sector (***), including disposable tableware, is shown below:

Tableware production trends Source: ****

Although production sales tend to fluctuate downwards, these movements in activity are very slight (***). Indeed, production in the tableware sector has remained generally constant over the past ten years. In ****, production sales amounted to around *.* billion ...

1.4 Summary of market drivers

The table below summarizes the main business drivers in the disposable tableware market.for each factor is an assessment of the impact (***) in the coming years on the market in question.

1.5 Foreign trade

In this section we will look at ******** - Tableware and other kitchenware, of plastics; ******** - Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like, of bamboo paper or bamboo paperboard; ******** - Trays, dishes and plates, of paper or paperboard (***).

Foreign trade in disposable tableware, ******** France, **** - ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

France's main ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 French eco-citizen attitudes

The ban on disposable tableware in the catering sector is partly a direct consequence of the ecological concerns of the French. Indeed, the vast majority of French people found the use of this type of crockery problematic:

"Among the following practices, to what extent do they seem problematic to you ...

2.2 A brake on demand for disposable tableware: reusability

The ecological concerns of the French are significant, and many of them are opting for reusable crockery outside the home, rather than disposable crockery:

"In your daily life, what reusable equipment do you use to eat or drink outside your home? France, ****, in Source: ****

In fact, more than half of ...

2.3 Demand drivers: delivery and takeaway

Meal delivery

Largely driven by the pandemic and multiple confinements, the home delivery market is a key determinant of demand for disposable tableware. In this context, disposable tableware is indispensable (***).

Evolution of home delivery sales France, **** - ****, in billions of euros Source: ****

With sales of seven billion euros in ****, the home ...

2.4 Demand drivers: a dynamic catering market

After enjoying growth rates consistently in excess of *% between **** and ****, the catering sector logically collapsed during the pandemic, with sales in the sector declining by more than ** points in ****.

Sales trends in the catering sector France, **** - ****, % Source: ****

The long-term viability of this sector was hampered by the pandemic and successive ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Disposable tableware market value chain

The following diagram describes the relationships between the various players in the disposable tableware market:

Confédération des Arts de la Table and Businesscoot

3.2 B2B production and distribution channels

In the context of Business to Business (***) relationships, customer companies generally use wholesalers who sell their products on various platforms, or directly to distributors. The following table lists the main manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors in this sector in France:

Source: ****

3.3 B2C distribution channels

As far as B*C distribution is concerned, three main channels can be distinguished:

supermarkets specialized stores (***) online sales

Below is a table listing some of the players in these three B*C distribution channels:

Source: ****

3.4 Profound changes favoring the rise of pure players and shaking up the market

With plastic disposable tableware having been completely banned for over two years now (***), players have had to reinvent themselves, and others have been able to grab new market share.

Thouy, for example, was able to take advantage of this far-reaching reform of the disposable tableware market. The company manufactures a range ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Product typology

Disposable tableware encompasses a large number of different products, both in terms of use and composition. Generally speaking, they include the following products:

plates knives forks spoons cups packaging (***)

But these different utensils also vary in their composition. Thouy has drawn up the following list of the different materials used for ...

4.2 Prices vary by distributor

The following table lists the prices of a variety of disposable tableware products:

Source: ****

These are prices for items found on the Boutique du jetable website, not an average based on a study of a wide range of products.

5 Regulations

5.1 Current regulations

Ban on single-use plastic

" Decree no. ****-*** of June **** lists the ** products excluded from the ban on selling fruit and vegetables packaged in plastic. This decree replaces decree no. ****-**** of October *, ****, which was annulled by Conseil d'Etat decision no. ****** of December *, ****. See also: Plastic packaging for fruit and vegetables: ...

5.2 Future regulations

Changes in French regulations are aimed at reducing waste and encouraging the reuse of packaging, including the introduction of deposits. The latter, which had almost disappeared with the introduction of disposable packaging, is experiencing renewed growth. As a result, not only on-site catering, but also food delivery and take-away are affected ...

5.3 Points to explain EN 13432

European standard EN ***** defines the "characteristics of packaging recoverable by composting and biodegradation". It lays the foundations for the "test scheme and evaluation criteria for final acceptance of packaging". It was published in the Official Journal of the European Communities (***). [***]

Packaging complying with this standard can therefore be recovered by composting ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Player segmentation

  • SML Food Plastic
  • Thouy -
  • Bini
  • Biopak

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Trends in the disposable tableware market
  • Production trends in the tableware sector
  • Breakdown of tableware production by material
  • "How often do you sort your recyclable waste?"
  • "Of the following practices, to what extent do they seem problematic to you in relation to the environment?"
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

SML Food Plastic
Thouy -

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The Disposable Tableware Market | France

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