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Summary and extracts

1 Market summary

1.1 Definition and presentation

In today's wellness and health food environment, the market for gluten-free products stands out as a rapidly expanding segment, witnessing a growing awareness and need among consumers. Celiac disease, along with other gluten sensitivities, has catalyzed a global focus on safe and affordable food alternatives, setting the stage for a significant transformation in the food consumption landscape.

The global gluten-free market projection shows an impressive upward trajectory, with estimates projecting a jump from $9.85 billion in 2022 to $15.76 billion by 2028. This expansion, quantified at a compound annual growth rate(CAGR) of8.15 percent, reflects not only a shift in consumer preferences but also an improvement in the supply of innovative, high-quality products.Europe emerges as an epicenter of this growth, with forecasts showing an increase in the value of the gluten-free market from $3.62 billion in 2024 to $6.52 billion by 2030, showing a CAGR of 10.33 percent. This shows a particularly marked acceleration in the European context, underscoring the importance of market strategies adapted to the peculiarities and needs of European consumers.

In Italy, the phenomenon takes on even more defined contours, with the Italian Celiac Association (AIC) reporting a market for gluten-free products valued at around 400 million euros.

1.2 Global market analysis

The global market for gluten-free products is experiencing significant growth, driven by increased awareness of celiac disease and other gluten sensitivities, , with projections indicating a market size of $**.** billion by ****, registering a significant compound annual growth rate(***) of*.** percent from $*.** billion in ****. This trend reflects a growing demand for healthy and inclusive food alternatives, prompting both large and small manufacturers to expand their gluten-free product offerings. Product diversification, ranging from baked goods to ready-to-eat meals, combined with innovation in the industry, is driving market expansion globally.

Global market for gluten-free products World, ****-****, in billions of dollars (***) Businesswire

The European gluten-free products market, valued at US$*.** billion in ****, is expected to grow to US$*.** billion by ****, with a compound annual growth rate(***) of **.** percent. This expansion is mainly driven by the growing demand for gluten-free baked goods, with Germany leading the way in innovation and launching new products such as gluten-free bagels, muffins, and croissants, followed by the United Kingdom and Italy.

Value of the European gluten-free food market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars (***) Mordor Intelligence

1.3 The Italian market

Considering the enterprises under Ateco Code **.**, related to "Production of homogenized preparations and dietetic foods, " between **** and ****, the total turnover of the industry appears to be growing. During the period analyzed, the total turnover of companies increased from *.** billion euros to *.** billion euros, marking a growth of **.* percent. The trend is positive during the entire period, with the sole exception of **** (***).

Total enterprise turnover under Ateco Code **.** "Production of homogenized preparations and dietetic foods" Italy, ****-****, in billion euros Istat

Considering the two main macro-categories of products, specialized nutrition foods and early childhood foods, in **** it is the first of these that will drive the Italian market. In fact, as shown in the chart below, specialized nutrition food production contributes **.* percent of the total while baby food stands at **.* percent. Considering the accentuated denatality that characterizes the Italian demographic landscape and the increase in some diseases that require specialized nutrition (***) suggest a gradual decrease in the incidence of the production of foods for early childhood and a marked increase in that of the production of other foods for specialized nutrition. Production of dietary foods, breakdown by product type Italy, ****, % Unioneitalianafood Now analyzing the segment related to other specialized food products (***). Specialized ...

1.4 The consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in February **** led to a general increase in the consumer price index. The agribusiness sector appears to be one of the most affected by the consequences of the conflict. Considering the consumer price index for food products, and assuming a similar trend for health foods, it is possible to show an increase of **.* points between January **** and November ****. This means that over a **-month period, consumer prices increased by **.* percent. Compared to ****, the increase stands at **.* percent.

Consumer price index for food products Italy, ****-****, base ****=*** Istat

Generally, the increase in consumer prices is a natural consequence of the increase in production costs. In relation to the food industry sector, between January **** and November ****, the producer price index for the food industry increased by **. * points, equivalent to increase in production costs by **.* percent in ** months. However, it is possible to show a stability of the index from June ****, with values fluctuating between ***.* and ***.* points. Compared to ****, production costs have increased by **.* percent. Producer price index for the food industry Italy, ****-****, base ****=*** Istat

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Consumer profile

There are more than *** thousand celiacs in Italy, and the trend is expected to be upward. New diagnoses in the last three years averaged * thousand per year, with a clear prevalence of the female sex(***). In ****, there were ***,** people in Italy diagnosed with celiac disease. Considering that the estimated prevalence of celiac disease in Western countries is around *%, it can be assumed that there are still many undiagnosed cases. According to a recent survey conducted in Italy, missed diagnoses could reach **% of cases.[***]


The Ministry of Health document distinguishes four forms of celiac disease (***):

Classic (***), which appears during the first * years of life, after a latency of several months from the introduction of gluten-containing cereals. Non-classical (***) which is often observed in children older than * years, characterized by nonspecific intestinal symptoms and/or extra-intestinal manifestations such as sideropenic anemia, short stature, pubertal delay, isolated hypertransaminasemia or dermatitis herpetiformis. Silent, i.e., disease without clear symptomatology, which is occasionally detected following serologic screening in at-risk individuals. Potential, a form characterized by a typical serologic pattern in the presence of a normal or only slightly altered intestinal histologic picture.

2.2 Demand drivers

The gluten-free market, which in the past has been considered a niche market, appears to be growing and may become a mass market. This trend is supported by several drivers, the most influential of which are:

Increase in the range of products on the market

The number and type of products offered has been greatly increased. Some "traditional" operators specializing in diet foods have expanded their range. In addition, other non-specialized operators have begun to develop gluten-free products, and the availability of gluten-free products is affecting the bakery/bakery and commercial catering sectors. In the future, this market may expand to other segments, such as canteens or hospitals.

Creation of private brands

Many retailers have created brands dedicated to this segment, in Italy one can find Despar, Esselunga, Carrefour, Pam and Conad among the first to invest in the sector. The focus is shifting to the creation of not only gluten-free but also organic products, as many gluten-free products have been accused of being full of additives by various studies, particularly consumer associations.

Sensitivity about healthy eating

As mentioned before, the tendency to consider gluten-free food healthier than other foods is increasing, and people with a specific focus on good nutrition ...

2.3 New demand trends

Food personalization technology, which leverages algorithms and artificial intelligence, represents a significant advancement in the production of diet foods for athletes. This technology relies on detailed analysis of consumers' eating habits, lifestyle and health status to create a personalized diet plan. Key benefits include:

Data-driven personalization: using specific data collected from consumers, the technology is able to develop diets that meet individual nutritional needs. This can include consideration of food allergies. Management of health conditions: this technology is particularly useful for individuals with health conditions that require a specialized diet. The ability to precisely monitor and adapt nutrition helps to better manage these conditions. [***]

By **** , the global market for artificial intelligence in the agribusiness is estimated at $*.* billion. Between **** and ****, a compound annual growth rate(***) of **.* percent is projected under which the world market could reach a total value of $**.** billion by the end of the period.

Artificial intelligence market in the agribusiness industry World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Mordorintelligence

3 Market structure

3.1 Market structure and dynamics

in order to analyze the structure of the gluten-free food market, enterprises under Ateco Code **.** "Production of homogenized preparations and dietetic foods" are considered.

Between **** and ****, the total number of enterprises devoted to the production of homogenized preparations and dietetic foods appears to be growing. During the period, the number of active enterprises increased from *** to ***, marking a growth of *.* percent. The trend is fluctuating throughout the period, with positive changes recorded in ****, **** and ****(***) and a **.*% contraction recorded in ****.

Enterprises under Ateco Code **.** "Production of homogenized preparations and dietetic foods" Italy, ****-****, in Istat

Between **** and ****, the number of employees in the sector also appears to be growing. During the period under consideration, the total number of employees in active enterprises increased from **** to ****. registering a growth of **.* percent. In contrast to the number of enterprises, the trend in the number of employees shows a positive trend during the entire period, with essentially uniform annual changes. The faster growth in the number of employees placed in comparison with that recorded for the number of enterprises suggests a gradual consolidation of the sector around the leading companies. Employees enterprises under Ateco Code **.** "Production of homogenized preparations and dietetic foods" Italy, ****-****, in ...

3.2 Value Chain

The value chain in the gluten-free market has seen significant growth in recent years, in part due to an increase in the diagnosis of celiac disease and increased awareness of gluten sensitivities, but also due to a general trend toward food choices perceived as healthier or better suited to certain lifestyles.

Agricultural production: the value chain begins with agricultural production of gluten-free raw materials, such as corn, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, and other grains and pseudocereals that do not contain gluten. Organic farming plays an important role in this segment, given consumer interest in products that are not only gluten-free but also produced sustainably. Processing: this stage includes the processing of raw materials into finished gluten-free products, such as bread, pasta, snacks, and other packaged foods. The production of gluten-free foods requires dedicated facilities to avoid cross-contamination with gluten, which can involve significant investment in infrastructure and quality control processes. Distribution: gluten-free products must be distributed to retailers, which may include supermarkets, health and organic food stores, pharmacies, and other outlets. Logistics to maintain product integrity without cross-contamination is crucial. Retail: retailers play a key role in positioning gluten-free products in the market, often dedicating special in-store sections or stores focused ...

3.3 Distribution channels

Distribution channels for selling gluten-free foods have become increasingly varied and accessible, reflecting the growing demand for products specifically for gluten-free diets. These channels have evolved to meet the needs of a wide range of consumers, from those with celiac disease to those who choose a gluten-free diet for health or personal reasons. Here is an overview of the main distribution channels:

Supermarketsand hypermarkets: most supermarkets now have dedicated sections for gluten-free products, with a variety ranging from baked goods to ready-to-eat meals and snacks. These stores offer convenience and accessibility, making it easier for consumers to find gluten-free products during their regular shopping. Specialty stores: there are stores that focus exclusively on gluten-free products or foods for special diets. These stores often offer a wider range of gluten-free products than traditional supermarkets, including gourmet or imported items that are difficult to find elsewhere. Pharmacies: some pharmacies sell gluten-free food products, particularly dietary supplements, baked goods, and snacks. This channel is especially important for people with celiac disease, as some pharmacies may provide gluten-free products as part of health reimbursement programs. Organic Markets and Natural Food Stores: these stores often include gluten-free products in their assortment, given their focus on health ...

3.4 Main actors

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Type of products

While the family of gluten-free products covers a variety of applications ranging from cosmetics to beer, foods remain the most important products in the gluten-free industry. Thus, within the food industry, the most common products include the following categories:

Flour (***) Bread, pastries and cakes Dry pasta Pizza dough, puff pastry, shortcrust pastry Processed cereals Cookies Prepared meals, frozen meals Pastries

Gluten-free flours are therefore an excellent alternative but, unlike those with gluten, they perform less well, so in the production of leavened and structured doughs, precautions must be followed: mixing with other protein-rich gluten-free flours, or adding thickeners such as potato starch and adding protein through, for example, milk or eggs.[***] Gluten-free cereal flours From cereals it is possible to make excellent gluten-free flours that can be used in cooking individually or mixed together to prepare different recipes. They are often combined for the preparation of gluten-free bread and pasta and for the preparation of cakes and cookies, in particular, rice flour is often used with fine corn flour. Cornmeal One of the most widely used cereals among gluten-free products, it is characterized by a slightly lower protein share than soft wheat. Poor in vitamin B** and vita,ina C, it ...

4.2 A significant price premium for gluten-free products

In Italy, gluten-free products have a significantly higher cost than traditional foods, with an increase of up to ***%. This situation has a greater impact on those who follow a gluten-free diet out of medical necessity, such as those with celiac disease, who represent about * percent of the Italian population. However, despite high prices, Italy ranks below the European average for the cost of gluten-free products, thanks in part to the support of regional bonuses for celiacs, which help mitigate the economic impact of this diet.[***] The table below shows a price comparison between some products, normal and gluten-free, of the same brand:

Product Gluten Free Price (***) Normal Product Price (***) Barilla Spaghetti *.** (***) *.** (***) Barilla Fusilli *.** (***) *.** (***) Galbusera Biscuits *.** (***) *.** (***) Mulino Bianco crackers *.** (***) *.** (***) Buitoni Margherita Frozen Pizza *.** (***) *.** (***) Buitoni round puff pastry *.** (***) *.** (***) Peroni beer *.** (***) *.** (***) Algida Cornetto *.** (***) *.** (***) Pan Bauletto Mulino Bianco *.** (***) *.** (***) Grisby Biscuits *.** (***) *.** (***)

4.3 Gluten-free beers

Gluten-free beer production in Italy meets the needs of those with celiac disease by offering tasty alternatives to traditional beer. There are two main production methods: one uses naturally gluten-free raw materials, such as rice, corn, quinoa, amaranth, and sorghum; the other involves the use of barley malt with a subsequent process to reduce the gluten content of the beverage.

Gluten-free beers made from gluten-free raw materials are an innovative choice, however, they run up against legislative definitions in some countries that require a certain percentage of barley malt in order to call a beverage a "beer." These beers tend to have different organoleptic characteristics than traditional beers, sometimes with special aftertastes such as lemon for sorghum or hazelnut for millet, which can enrich the taste experience.

The other technique, deglutinization, allows one to start from traditional recipes and remove gluten through physical or enzymatic processes. For example, the use of specific enzymes, such as Aspergillus Niger-derived Prolilendoprotease (***), an internationally recognized threshold for products intended for celiacs.

Companies that produce gluten-free beer must also ensure that they avoid cross-contamination, a critical aspect of ensuring the safety of consumers with celiac disease. This often requires the use of dedicated production facilities or ...

5 Rules and regulations

5.1 Rules and regulations

The Regulation (***) ***/**** establishes clear requirements for the provision of information to consumers about gluten-free or low-gluten foods. This regulation was adopted to ensure that consumers, particularly those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, have the information they need to make safe and informed food choices. The regulation specifies the conditions under which the claims "gluten-free" and "low gluten" can be used: products can be labeled as "gluten-free" if they contain less than ** mg/kg gluten, and "low gluten" if they contain less than *** mg/kg gluten. This aims to standardize labeling practices across EU member states, making it easier for consumers to identify products suitable for their diets and reducing the risk of confusion or accidental exposure to gluten. In addition, the regulation helps improve the transparency and consistency of the food market in the European Union, offering greater protection to consumers. The italian decree of May **, **** and its update of august **, **** establish the specific procedures for notification to the Ministry of Health regarding the dispensability of gluten-free products, which are essential to ensure access to these foods for individuals with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. This legislation is part of a broader framework to regulate health care and support for ...

5.2 Celiac disease bonus

In Italy, the celiac disease bonus represents significant support for people with the condition, enabling them to cover part of the costs associated with the purchase of gluten-free products. The bonus can be up to *,*** euros per year, varying according to the age and sex of the beneficiary, reflecting different caloric needs. For example, children aged * months to * years receive a monthly amount of ** euros, while adults aged ** to ** can get up to *** euros per month for men and ** euros for women. Those over the age of ** are entitled to ** euros per month if male and ** euros if female.[***]

To access this support, one must be diagnosed with celiac disease and reside in Italy. The application for the bonus must be submitted to the relevant ASL, accompanied by medical certification attesting to the diagnosis of celiac disease, as well as ID and health card. The shopping vouchers obtained can be used in pharmacies, specialty stores and supermarkets enabled to purchase gluten-free products.

This financial support system is designed to alleviate the financial burden that people with celiac disease face in maintaining an adequate diet, considering that gluten-free products tend to cost more than conventional ones. The administration and disbursement of the ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Barilla
  • Dr. Schär
  • Nutrifree
  • Galbusera
  • Riso Scotti

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