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1 Market summary

1.1 Definition and presentation

Olive oil is a natural oil which is obtained after pressing olives. Being the main component of the Mediterranean diet, and thanks to its health properties, olive oil is a food product with a promising future. Indeed, the related market represents one of the fastest growing compartments of the global food industry, and it can be segmented based on type (virgin, extra-virgin, and pomace), application (food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics), and geography.

The global olive oil market size was $13.03 billion in 2019, and it is projected to reach $ 16.64 by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.2% across the period.

In Italy, the market of olive oil has witnessed a critical situation during the pandemic. On one hand, with the lock down going on, Italian families spent most of their time at home cooking and preparing traditional dishes, including sauces, soups, and biscuits. Naturally, olive oil is the basis for their preparation and, taking also into consideration the many positive effects it may have on human beings, its demand upsurged. On the other hand, the regions of southern Italy, where olive oil is mostly produced, have not been capable of meeting average production standards (around 400,000 tons per year). For this reason, in 2020 Italy lost a position in the ranking of olive oil producers in favor of Greece, with Spain maintaining the lead. 

 However, the value of exports has increased during the year, experiencing a +15.6% in extra Eu countries and a +24.7% in European countries, and reducing the amount of Italy’s oil trade deficit. This represents a positive trend in the production of olive oil in Italy, whose market is expected to grow steadily until 2026.

The top three producers in Italy are Colavita S.p.a., located in the wider province of Campobasso and with a subsidiary in the USA, Filippo Berio, specialized in the production of virgin and extra-virgin oil, and Frantoio Franci in Grosseto.

1.2 Global Market Analysis

The global olive oil market was estimated at **.** Billion USD in ****, and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of *.*% during the forecasted period, reaching a value of **.** Billion USD in **** [***]. The graph below shows the trend that the global olive oil market will register according to the forecasted figures ...

1.3 The Italian Market

The Italian market for olive oil reached a value of *.** billion Euros in ****. The graph below shows the trend registered in the production value in the last * years.

Olive Oil Market - Production Value Italy, ****-****, in Billion Euros. Source: ****

Given the beneficial features that olive oil has related to health, ...

1.4 Import and Export Analysis

Considering the import and export analysis, the graph below shows the trend registered in importations and exportations in the last * years, as well as the coverage ratio between them. As it can be inferred from the graph, the value of importations was estimated at *.** billion USD in ****, while that of exportations ...

1.5 Covid-19 Impact

As explained in paragraph *.*, in **** the Italian olive oil market experienced a price crisis due to both lack of profitability in the sector and duties imposed by the United States on importation of olive oil from Spain, which however exerted a great influence over the parallel market in Italy. During the ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand Overview

Considering the demand of olive oil in Italy, it is worth analysing the quantity of goods produced and sold in the country. The following graph shows the trend that such a demand has witnessed in the last * years.

Olive Oil Market - Production Value of Goods Sold Italy, ****-****, in Tons. Source: ...

2.2 Demand Drivers

One of the main drivers for the demand of olive oil is constituted by the average expenditure that Italian families sustain for olive oil on a monthly basis.

Olive Oil - Average Monthly Expenditure Italy, ****-****, in Euros. Source: ****

As it can be seen from the graph above, the average monthly ...

2.3 Geographical Distribution of Demand

In order to analyse the geographical distribution of the demand for olive oil, it is worth considering average expenditure that families sustain for such a product on a monthly basis in the different Italian macro regions.


From the chart above, it can be inferred that the demand for olive oil ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Structure and Dynamics of the Market

In order to analyse the structure as well as the main dynamics of the Italian olive oil market, it is necessary to rely on the figures related to ATECO ***** - Production of Olive Oils. The following graph shows the trend in the number of companies specialized in such a sector operating ...

3.2 Value Chain


According to the value chain reported above, olives undergo a long process of treatments before being ready to be processed and transformed into oil. Also, it can be noticed that there are different techniques that can be involved to carry out each phase of the process: for instance, when it comes ...

3.3 Main Players

The main players in the Italian market for olive oil are listed in the table below.


4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Typology of the Offer

Depending on the degree of acidity, we distinguish extra virgin olive oil (***) from virgin olive oil from simple olive oil that has * degrees of acidity or more. The table below shows the main categories of olive oil, grouped according to their level of acidity.


4.2 Pricing

According to ECOICOP ***** - Olive oil - the graph below shows the trend registered in the consumer price index in the last * years.

Olive Oil Market - Consumer Price Index Italy, ****-****, in Base **** = *** Source: ****

Even in this case, there are just small fluctuations in the value, which also highlights the ...

5 Rules and regulations

5.1 Regulatory Framework

Dealing with the regulatory framework related to the production of olive oil, one of the main interests is to guarantee a high quality of the products supplied in the market. Therefore, the European Union has introduced a series of regulations aimed at codifying the main categories of olive oil. Such a ...

6 Positioning of the actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Bertolli
  • Pantaleo
  • De Cecco
  • Clemente
  • Monini
  • Carapelli
  • Costa d'Oro (Avril Groupe)

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

De Cecco
Costa d'Oro (Avril Groupe)

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