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Summary and extracts

1 Market Summary

1.1 Definition and presentation

Peanut is a legume born underground from the cultivation of its plant. Contrary to popular knowledge or possible confusion caused by the name, peanuts are not nuts, but are associated with the dried fruit and nut family for their similar benefits and energy contribution. Peanuts are native to South America, although they are currently grown in different parts of the world. However, their spread in the world is still limited due to climate and soil related requirements for the growth of the plant. Therefore, peanut cultivation is not popular in European countries, which are therefore major importers of the seeds. There are four basic types of peanuts on the market: Runner (dominant type, most commonly used for peanut butter), Virginia (representing the most roasted peanuts), Spanish (usually used for candy), and Valencia (very sweet and usually roasted).

The global peanut market was valued at $4.69 billion in 2020, and is expected to reach a value of $5.58 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 2.5% over the period 2021-2026.

Currently, about 57 million kg of peanuts are consumed annually in Italy, not including peanut products. However, there are only 18 hectares in production on the national territory, due to the requirements, in terms of climate and soil, related to the cultivation of the plant. To cover the national needs, it would be necessary to produce peanuts on at least 30 thousand hectares of land.

In 2020, the three most important companies in the Italian market - Filiera Agricola Italiana Spa, Noberesco and Sis - have signed a contract to expand production in the territory, and reach the above threshold to meet domestic demand. But, of course, the project is wide-ranging, as it will require time to be implemented, as well as high costs to be incurred, both in monetary terms and technological development.

1.2 The Global Marketplace

Global peanut production has increased by more than **% since ****, or nearly *% each year. Peanuts are increasingly being consumed on a global scale. In fact, in ****, the world market for peanuts is valued at $*.* billion and is expected to reach $*.* billion by the end of ****, growing at a CAGR of *.*% during **** ...

1.3 The Italian market

By ****, consumption in Italy has been estimated to be ** million peanuts[***]. The demand is mostly covered by foreign products, generally imported from Israel, Egypt and United States of America. However, we are witnessing a rebirth of Italian production with the launch on the market of ***% Italian peanuts thanks to the collaboration ...

1.4 Exports and Imports

In ****, peanut exports amounted to $*.* million while imports amounted to $**.* million for a total of **.* million kg. Italy is therefore a net importer of peanuts even if the value of national production, as seen, is growing year by year.

Peanuts Import and Export Italy, ****-****, values in millions of euros ...

2 Demand Analysis

2.1 Dried fruit consumption is on the rise

In ****, there was a strong increase in the consumption of nuts (***). According to Nielsen data, walnuts, peanuts and almonds concentrate **% of spending and **% of quantity purchases [***].

Specifically, walnut, in **** aggregated about **% of the purchases in value of the category and **% in terms of quantity. The almond, on the other hand, stopped ...

2.2 Consumption Modes

Changing consumer preferences and shopping habits are leading to an "anytime" food search, which in turn is driving companies to offer products that cater to these transformations as snacks or ready-to-eat products.

The two main factors are:

More active lifestyles: in Italy in ****, *% of workers reported that their work-life balance had ...

2.3 Healthy effects boost sales

As mentioned, many Italians consider snacking a healthy habit. There is no general consensus on this last point, as some researchers suggest that eating between meals speeds up metabolism, while other studies have shown the opposite. Despite the role of snacking in general, there is agreement that peanuts make a positive ...

2.4 Use in the kitchen

Peanut seed oil is subjected, in Italy, to intense competition from olive oil, the Italians' favorite for seasoning. However, the role of this alternative is becoming predominant in a particular phase of cooking, frying, where peanut oil is the most used in Italy, even more than olive oil. In fact, a ...

3 Market Structure

3.1 Production Chain

In Italy, the peanut market is very fragmented due to the long production chain. The phases are identified as production, wholesale and retail. Although easily identifiable, the different phases involve a number of actors and do not follow a coherent path. The following is an overview of trade flows, taking the ...

3.2 The Peanut Plant

Peanut despite it is often placed side by side with dried fruits such as walnuts, peanuts and pistachios, is a legume. Peanuts are in fact obtained from the underground seeds of its plant, which is believed to be from South America and currently cultivated in tropical and warm temperate regions of ...

3.3 Large-scale retail trade and vending machine sales

The category of dried fruit, which also includes peanuts (***) have always been a market product which is easily sold in large-scale retail trade and also in retailers which do not have the structure to maintain the cold chain.

In the last few years, these products, both for the taste they have ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Beneficial contribution of peanuts

Throughout the study, we have repeatedly referred to the beneficial effects of nuts on the body, which gives us a deeper insight into the most important nutrients found in peanuts. Peanuts are high in calories due to their high plant protein content, are full of vitamin E and fiber, and are ...

4.2 Second most consumed category of nuts

From an elaboration of Coldiretti on Ismea data it emerges that, during the last ** years, purchases of dried fruit have doubled, together with the average quantity per person consumed every year, today estimated at about * kg. The growth in consumption has also influenced the production sector, leading to an increase in ...

4.3 Increase in prices of dried fruit

The index price of a certain commodity in a certain year is given by the ratio of the price of the commodity at the end of the year to its price at the beginning of the year.

Nuts, particularly almonds, walnuts, or pecans, are extremely expensive. The following two graphs show ...

4.4 Peanuts: the cheap nuts

The market price of peanuts is considerably lower than the average price of nuts or dried fruit. In fact - according to the table - the average price per kilogram of peanuts is *.** euros. Almonds, for example, have an average price per kilo of ** euros - for a range from ** to ...

5 Rules and Regulations

5.1 Regulatory framework

Legal requirements for peanut imports into Europe and Italy include a number of relevant controls.

Food safety

In ****, a new EU regulation for the treatment of particular categories of imported goods was introduced in the specific framework:

Peanuts from Brazil Capsicum annuum and nutmeg from India Nutmeg from Indonesia

These goods ...

5.2 World Customs Nomenclature and Harmonized System

The Harmonized System is an international nomenclature for the classification of goods. It allows participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis for customs purposes. At the international level, the Harmonized System (***) for the classification of goods is a six-digit code system[***].

The HS consists of approximately *,*** item/product ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Gruppo Besana
  • Noberasco
  • Madi Ventura
  • Euro Company
  • Foodspring
  • Ki Group S.r.l

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Gruppo Besana
Madi Ventura
Euro Company
Ki Group S.r.l

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