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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Energy-efficient renovation of French homes and commercial buildings is of paramount importance, responding to a triple imperative: combating the effects of climate change, supporting citizens' purchasing power and improving the population's quality of life.

In France, the building sector is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. it alone accounts for 27% of CO2 emissions and nearly 45% of final energy consumption. As a result, the building sector is of crucial importance if we are to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

The energy renovation market more than doubled in size between 2006 and 2019, and this upward trend looks set to become even more pronounced in 2022 and 2023 thanks to government incentives and available grants.

The energy renovation market is boosted by government incentives and grants. The introduction of the PrimeRenov' scheme, which financed work worth 3.1 billion euros in 2022, benefiting almost 700,000 homes, and the 31% increase in the distribution of eco-loans in 2022, have played a key role. What's more, from 2025 onwards, it will be mandatory to remove from the rental market all homes classified as label G (and label F by 2028).

Although almost a third of French people plan to undertake energy renovation work in the coming years, 70% consider the cost of such work to be the major obstacle to improving the energy performance of their homes. What's more, the building renovation and improvement sector is experiencing rising costs, due to the significant increase in raw material and energy prices in 2022, a trend that continues into 2023.

While government subsidies are growing steadily, they are faced with the growing problem of work costs. Against this complex backdrop, it's worth asking how the players in this sector will adapt and evolve.

1.2 A booming global market

The global energy renovation market is estimated at *** billion in ****, with average annual growth of *.*% between **** and ****.

The global energy renovation market World, ****-**** Source: ****

Growth drivers for energy renovation systems include

Growing demand for electricity: Demand for electricity is rising rapidly in many parts of the world, largely due to ...

1.3 A fast-growing French market

In ****, sales generated by players specializing in maintenance and renovation in the building sector reached ** billion euros, marking significant growth of **% on the previous year. An interesting observation is that, according to the FFB, around a quarter of this market is attributed to DIY (***) or to undeclared practices, thus escaping the ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand driven by government incentives

Demand is stimulated both by government incentives (***) and by the imperative for many homeowners to undertake energy renovation work in response to new regulations.

In ****, MaPrimeRénov' supported the renovation of ***,*** homes in France. All of this work generated the distribution of grants worth a total of *.* billion euros, underlining the ...

2.2 Housing maintenance-renovation market

Housing maintenance-renovation market France, ****-****, billions of euros Source: ****

The housing maintenance and renovation market, which includes energy renovation, has recorded steady growth from **** to ****. The average annual growth rates for large-scale home improvement work and small-scale work are *.**% and *.**% respectively in terms of value.

It should be noted that this ...

2.3 The French and energy renovation

For **% of French people, the top housing priority is to improve the insulation of existing homes over the next * years.

What do you consider to be the most important housing measures to implement over the next * years? France, ****, % of respondents Source: ****

The main reason that dissuades homeowners from improving the energy ...

2.4 Heat sieve: 150 billion euros by 2034

**% of French homes have a DPE rating of E or below. All homes with a rating below E will have to be withdrawn from the rental market by ****.

Distribution of housing by DPE (***) rating France, ****, in Source: ****

The government estimates that the total cost of eradicating "thermal flaws" will reach nearly ...

2.5 Non-residential renovation maintenance market

The growth of the maintenance andand renovation marketwas**.*% in value terms in ****this represents an even higher growth rate than in ****. However, due to rising inflation in ****,volume growth has slowed significantly. This development is disappointing given the market's growth potential, supported by a number of factors, including :

*. Obligations linked ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

The value chain in building maintenance and renovation

Source: ****

The general building renovation market involves three main categories of players:

The "materials" category encompasses both manufacturers of building products (***) and distributors, such as merchants and DIY superstores. A large part of their revenue comes from the renovation market, thanks to work ...

3.2 Jobs in residential building energy efficiency

According to the Agence de la transition écologique (***) in Paris, the energy efficiency sector recorded significant growth over the period from **** to ****. On average, the number of employees rose by *.*% per year, equivalent to almost *,*** additional employees each year. Moreover, in ****, the number of employees in this sector rose by *%.

Employment ...

3.3 Focus on Ma Prime Renov

In ****, MaPrimeRénov' will be supporting energy renovations in the residential sector in a variety of ways. There are "classic" MaPrimeRénov' subsidizedenergy renovation projects, aimed at owner-occupiers and landlords. In addition, there are comprehensive renovations aimed at generating significant energy gains, which are supported by MaPrimeRénov' "classique", MaPrimeRénov' ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 The full range of energy-efficiency solutions and their prices

The price of home insulation

The price of a heating system change

Price of carpentry changes

The price of a ventilation change

The price of a new DHW (***) system

Source: ****

4.2 Soaring building maintenance and improvement costs

In ****, professionals had to cope with a considerable increase in costs, largely due to the sharp rise in prices of raw materials, particularly the main building materials. The biggest increase was for bricks and tiles, where prices rose by almost **%. These products, like cement, were affected by their energy-intensive production ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Laws governing energy renovation in France:

POPE law (***) - April **, ****: Creates the Energy Savings Certificate (***) scheme. sets targets for reducing energy consumption. Grenelle I Law - August *, ****: Sets targets for energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Grenelle II law - July **, ****: Reinforces the provisions of Grenelle I and ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Player segmentation

  • Effy Groupe
  • Izi by EDF
  • Cozy Energy
  • Izol France
  • Hello Watt
  • Dorémi
  • Ithaque Rénovation
  • Tuco Energie
  • Verlaine Groupe
  • Domofinance
  • Tilkeo Rénovation

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Trend in the number of eco-PTZs granted
  • Average amount granted per Eco-PTZ
  • MaPrimeRénov' in figures
  • Change in volumes of CEE issued
  • Sales of older homes
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Latest news

Domofinance: BNP Paribas joins forces with EDF in energy renovation - 20/02/2024
  • BNP Paribas and EDF have joined forces to accelerate energy-efficient home renovation.
  • The two companies set up a joint venture called "Domofinance" twenty years ago, specializing in energy renovation financing.
  • BNP Paribas plans to use EDF's expertise to help its customers find their way around the nature of the work to be carried out and the various financial aids available.
  • Domofinance will finance the remaining cost of the work after deducting the grants.
  • Rates charged by Domofinance range from 0% to 2.82% for amounts up to 75,000 euros.
  • The offer will first be marketed in 80 branches of the BNP Paribas network from April, then across the entire banking network in the autumn.
Hello Watt bets on the buoyant energy renovation sector - 08/11/2023
  • Hello Watt was founded in 2017.
  • The start-up has completed its first financing round with investment funds for a total of 12 million euros
  • Hello Watt plans to recruit around 100 employees over the next twelve months to add to its current team of 180.
  • The energy renovation market in France is estimated by Ademe to be worth 30 billion euros a year.
  • Another start-up in the sector, Effy, raised €20 million this year.
  • Two Hello Watt partners, Sunology and Beam Energy, raised funds in 2022.
  • Hello Watt plans to expand in Europe, starting with Spain.
Effy obtains €20 million from Felix Capital - 30/03/2023
  • Effy carries out nearly 100,000 energy renovation projects a year
  • Business volume of over 800 million euros
  • More than 3,600 certified local partners across France
  • 20 million euros capital increase for Effy
  • 33% of work carried out by 2022 to benefit low-income households
  • More than 50 million euros invested in developing their technology platform and creating their brand
  • Energy renovation sales up by over 80% by 2022
  • Felix Capital has raised over $1.2 billion since its inception in 2015
  • More than 150 energy renovation advisors support nearly 500,000 people every year

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Effy Groupe
Izi by EDF
Cozy Energy
Izol France
Hello Watt
Ithaque Rénovation
Tuco Energie
Verlaine Groupe
Tilkeo Rénovation

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The energy renovation market | France

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