Summary of our market study
The global water treatment market is valued at $145 billion, with projections to reach $211 billion by 2025, according to Market Research Expertz.
This growth is driven by an increased need for clean water, rapid population growth, urbanization, growing awareness of water quality and public health, the prevalence of water-borne diseases, rising industrial demand and stringent government regulations on wastewater treatment.
Population growth, urbanization and industrial development catalyze demand, while technological advances and regulatory frameworks promote sustainable and efficient water management practices.
The French water treatment market, in particular, is stable with modest growth.
France's consumption pattern is evolving; domestic consumption is declining despite population growth, with an emphasis on water conservation and the use of more efficient equipment. Water consumption by agriculture and industry varies, as agriculture is strongly influenced by seasonal rainfall.
The market is highly structured, with major players such as Veolia and Suez leading the way, and innovations in the recycling of treated water and sewage sludge indicating a trend towards circular economies.
Changing trends in French water treatment demand
In France, the water treatment market is largely influenced by three main uses: domestic, agricultural and industrial.
Investments by delegated water companies, excluding research and development, fluctuate between 750 and 800 million euros, mainly allocated to the crucial transport and distribution infrastructure.
Although France's population is growing, domestic water consumption is declining. This decline is reflected in the agricultural and industrial (excluding energy) sectors. The domestic sector, which includes households, municipalities and tertiary activities, does not appear to be showing any increased demand for water treatment.
Average water consumption per person per day is between 160 and 180 liters, in line with European standards but well below the figures for countries such as the USA.
Water consumption varies considerably from one region of France to another, with factors such as climate, tourism and the proportion of second homes having a significant influence on these figures.
The industrial sector, which accounts for 16% of water volumes abstracted in France, mainly serves the chemical industry, which leads the way in water consumption.
Agricultural water demand is the most volatile, as it is highly dependent on seasonal and annual rainfall. While the total agricultural area used has stabilized after a period of decline, water use for irrigation can fluctuate considerably.
In financial terms, the water treatment sector is largely supported by the state, households and businesses, which together provide two-thirds of total funding for management services.
Key players in the sector
- Veolia
- Suez
- Saur
- Sogedo
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- Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition of the water treatment market
The water treatment market encompasses all activities aimed at harvest, distribute, allow use, but also to recovering waste water, purifying it and finally discharging it in the natural environment, or put them back into circulation for human use
The market players are local authorities, delegated private operators, public operators, framing bodies, pipefitters, equipment manufacturers and construction and engineering companies.
The French market is experiencing a true stability with a slight increase of 1.01% over the year 2019. Water consumption in France can be broken down into three uses:
- Domestic use (household, office and tertiary sector consumption) ;
- Agricultural use (crop irrigation and animal feed);
- Industrial use (extractive and productive industries, from which the energy use that corresponds to energy production is sometimes dissociated).
Domestic water consumption is declining in France while the population is growing. Sanitation stations are creating a fine network of water treatment plants to adapt to national consumption. These stations can be managed by public or private operators, but in all cases work in close collaboration with local authorities and the water agency
In the future, more circularity can be expected in the sector, with better reuse of treated water and sewage sludge. These sustainable behaviours are greatly encouraged by the European authorities and should lead to economies of scale.
1.2 Key figures for the global market
The world water treatment market is experiencing strong growth, driven by growing needs in agriculture, but also by sectors that are relatively small today but will become very strategic in the years to come: seawater desalination and wastewater treatment.
According to Market Research Expertz The water treatment market is worth $*** billion ...
1.3 The French water treatment market
To get an idea of the size of the water treatment market in France, we will focus this study on two NAF codes
**.**Z: Water collection, treatment and distribution **.**Z: Wastewater collection and treatment.
Let us first note that in France water services are activities recognized as "essential to the ...
2 Demand Analysis
2.1 Water consumption in France
The different uses of water in France
In ****, the BIPE and the FP*E published the results of the * ᵉ edition of the BIPE study on public water and sanitation utilities. The study draws up a typology of the different uses of water withdrawn in France. Thus, in France, water consumption is ...
2.2 Domestic consumption
Annual abstraction of drinking water for domestic use
The report reveals that the volume of drinking water withdrawn in France has been declining since the ****s. Domestic consumption of water in France is declining even as the population increases.
Evolution of water withdrawals for domestic uses of the population France, ****-****, ...
2.3 Industrial and agricultural demand
Water uses in industry and agriculture
Industries are one of the main outlets for the water treatment market since **% of the volumes captured in France in **** were intended for industrial use [***] . Within the industry sector, the main consumer sub-segments are reported in the graph below
Distribution of freshwater abstraction for other, ...
2.4 Demand trend: towards a decrease in overall water consumption by 2030
The downward trend in domestic water consumption is also being felt in agricultural and industrial uses.
According to the report The water of the future, it is the tertiarisation of the economy that will be responsible for the decline in industrial use between now and ****.
With regard to agricultural uses, the ...
3 Market structure
3.1 The water treatment market value chain step by step
The value chain
Source: ****
Drinking water catchment
According to the * ᵉ edition of the BIPE study on water and sanitation utilities There are **,*** water withdrawal structures (***) to avoid water quality being impacted by pollution in particular. In ****, **% of the water produced will come from catchments that benefit from a protection perimeter.
The ...
3.2 Management of water catchment and treatment facilities and distribution of jobs
The management of water catchment installations
Drinking water and wastewater treatment plants are not all managed in the same way: they are either managed or delegated (***). Public operators are managed by public authorities, while private operators are managed by delegation
The breakdown shows a preference for management under a management structure ...
3.3 Number, number of employees and territorial distribution of private operators in the sector
Nombre d'entreprises
Le nombre d’entreprises de la filière a globalement augmenté entre **** et ****, passant de **** à ****. Cette hausse est largement due à la filière du traitement des eaux usées, qui a vu son nombre d’entreprises passer de *** à ****, alors que la filière de captage et distribution d’eau ...
3.4 Financing water consumption and business investment
Breakdown of funding
This sector is extremely supported by the state. As a result, funding for the sector relies heavily on economic inputs from communities and the government
Breakdown of funding for wastewater management services France, ****, % of total expenditure Source: ****
Households and companies are therefore responsible for the major part of ...
3.5 The main market players
The market is structured between a few players who operate in the sector in a monopolistic situation. Among the private players: Veolia, Suez and Saur alone supply water to nearly **% of the French population.
Breakdown of drinking water services by operators France, ****, as % of population served Source: ****
For water treatment, the ...
4 Analysis of the offer
4.1 The different types of water treatment
Different types of processes are used to treat water. These processes can be grouped into four categories: physical processes, chemical processes, physical-chemical processes and biological processes.
Physical processes :
Screening: the water passes through mesh screens to remove any detritus that may be present Simple settling: heavy particles settle to the bottom ...
4.2 Le prix des services d'eau potable et d'assainissement collectif
La facture d'eau moyenne en France en **** est estimée à ***.* €/an, soit **.* €/mois. La facture d'eau comprend à la fois un coût d'eau potable et un coût d'assainissement collectif et se répartit en * composantes : une part fixe et une part variable. La part fixe est indépendante du volume ...
4.3 Réduction de l'empreinte écologique et de l'utilisation des ressources
Véolia s'engage à recycler **% de l'eau sur ces usines d'eau potables d'ici à **** et **% de l'eau usée sur ces usines d'assainissement. En outre, Véolia se donne pour objectif de diminuer de **% ces fuites. Tous ces objectifs lui permettraient de réduire de **% ces prélèvements d'eaux d'ici ** ans. Enfin, ...
5 Regulation
5.1 Regulations
Mandatory security perimeter around catchment sites
Each catchment in France must have a PPC (***). It defines the limit of the space reserved by regulation around a catchment, under the advice of a certified hydrogeologist
This measure is supplemented by the **** Water Law in the context of environmentally constrained areas (***). The areas ...
5.2 The need to invest calls for a rethink of regulation
Only *.**% of the network is renewed each year, so it would take *** years to renew the entire network. The ****-**** edition of Les Assises de l'eau ****-**** recognized this need for renewal, and also stated that this need would increase considerably in the coming years. A study UIE "water issues" * billion ...
6 Positioning of the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Suez Groupe
- Saur
- Sogedo
- SCP– Société du Canal de Provence
- Agur (Groupe Etchart)
- RWE - Thames Water
- Wel Enterprise
- BIO UV Group
- Véolia Groupe
- Azuvia
- Valgo
- NKE Groupe
- Aquatech Innovation
- SIAAP Syndicat interdépartemental pour l'Assainissement de l'Agglomération Parisienne
- Diamidex
- KF Unternehmenst Group
- Dupont De Nemours France
- UV Germi
- EMO France
- Chemdoc Water rechnologies
List of charts presented in this market study
- Water treatment market value
- Chiffre d'affaires de la collecte et du traitement de l'eau
- Évolution de l'usage de l'eau prélevée
- Consommation d'eau en France par usage
- Évolution de l'usage de l'eau prélevée (hors refroidissement des centrales)
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