Summary of our market study

By 2022, sales in the Digital Trust sector are estimated at 28.7 billion

from 2020 onwards, the global cybersecurity market experienced significant growth, with demands for both defensive and offensive aspects of information systems use. Expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.5% to 2024, the market is set to reach a value of almost $268 billion, driven by increasing Internet penetration and cyber threats.

The French cybersecurity market reflects this trend, with a sustained pace of expansion that is expected to maintain average annual growth of 10%.

France ranks fifth worldwide. By 2022, sales in the Digital Confidence sector will have reached€28.7 billion, and will have grown by 10.10%.

The French market is underpinned by strong demand from the public sector. The key players in cybersecurity are large corporations, but also innovative SMEs and startups.

Growing demand for cybersecurity measures in France

The digital landscape in France is experiencing an alarming increase in cyber threats, and a growing demand for cybersecurity solutions.

Some 70% of large, small and medium-sized companies have been the target of cyber attacks, highlighting the serious vulnerabilities of French businesses.

The fast-growing French market for cybersecurity services alone is worth over 3 billion euros.
Sectors such as finance, industry and the public sector are stepping up their cybersecurity measures.

Some 93% of large companies are confronted with cyber incidents every year. The urgency of the situation is such that the French cybersecurity market is expected to grow at an annual rate of around 10%.

Despite escalating risks and awareness, only 13% of companies surveyed had protected their assets with cyber insurance in 2018.

Only between 10% and 15% of employees say they have confidence in their company's cyber defenses.

In addition, an examination of French consumer behavior reveals a poignant concern for cyber security

Nearly 70% of French people are very worried, despite France's reputation as one of the countries least affected by cyber attacks worldwide.

The installation of antivirus software and the launch of employee cybersecurity awareness programs are more widespread in companies with between 10 and 49 employees than in small businesses with fewer than 10 employees.

At the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC), major trends were identified: an increase in sophisticated attacks targeting critical infrastructures, a rise in cybercrimes, and a move towards securing every link in the company's value chain.

The French cybersecurity sector is distinguished by the presence of world-renowned giants and innovative start-ups

Global powers and French leaders :

  • Herjavec Group - A world leader in cybersecurity services.
  • IBM - firmly established in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Cyberark - focuses on privileged access management, a crucial area of cybersecurity. Its solutions are designed to protect organizations against threats that target powerful administrative privileges and credentials.
  • Orange Cyberdefense is the cybersecurity arm of Orange.
  • Airbus Cybersecurity - a leader in providing robust defense against cyber threats.
  • Atos - renowned for its expertise in digital services, including cybersecurity.
  • Thales - extends its offerings to cybersecurity with solutions that encompass data protection, identity verification and threat intelligence.
  • CS Group - Formerly CS Communication & Systèmes, specializing in mission-critical systems and cybersecurity.

French start-ups:

  • Arkeva - offers advanced cybersecurity solutions that secure data and manage vulnerabilities using cutting-edge technologies.
  • Amossys - a start-up committed to cybersecurity.
  • Shift Technology - Paris-based start-up uses AI for fraud detection
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Summary and extracts

1 Market summary

1.1 Presentation

Nicolas Arpagian, author of the book Cybersecurity, defines the concept of cybersecurity as follows: "Cybersecurity includes both the protection and attack of computer equipment (the war for or against information), in order to monitor or take control of it, and of the information available on the Internet (the war through information), with the possible attacks on reputation, security and security.information available on the Internet (information warfare), with possible reputational damage, theft of sensitive data, digital hacking and other defamation campaigns."

In other words, cybersecurity concerns the defensive and offensive use of the information systems that power our modern organizations. It takes into account both the technical means used for data exchange and the content ( information circulating, information stored, etc.)

Cybersecurity is one of the most important"SMACS", encompassing social networks, data analysis, cloud computing and cybersecurity. Cybersecurity breaches are numerous, and include phishing, ransomware, spyware infection, information destruction or alteransomware, spyware infection, destruction or alteration of information, information hacking, data theft, site blocking or slowdown, hacking into personal data, or even the failure of electricity and air conditioning in a computer room.

New destructive practices are developing in cyberspace, including criminal use of the Internet (cybercrime), including for terrorist purposes; large-scale propagation of false information and manipulation; espionage for political or economic purposes; and attacks on critical infrastructures (transport, energy, communications, etc.) for sabotage purposes.) for sabotage purposes.

Attacks can originate from state or non-state groups, and often have the following characteristics:

  • They know no borders or distances;
  • Are difficult to trace, making it very difficult to formally identify the real culprits, who often act under cover of relays (botnets) or unwitting proxies;
  • Can be carried out with relative ease, at little cost or risk to the attacker. They aim to jeopardize the proper functioning of communication and information systems (CIS) used by citizens, businesses and administrations, and even the physical integrity of infrastructures, which is crucial to national security.

In this study, we will cover the Cybersecurity sector in France, and sometimes extend the scope of analysis to the field of Digital Trust, which also includes Digital Security. Cybersecurity deals with the internal securing of digital systems via services and software solutions for various markets, while Digital Security, involves products and solutions that are designed to meet the needs of the market.involves electronic products and solutions for establishing trust in external environments, including identity management, access management and biometric systems.

Cybersecurity is segmented into three different types of product:

  • software
  • services
  • hardware

It's a market with exceptional growth potential, and one that's unlikely to slow down over the next few years, given the increasing number of attacks and the damage they cause.

1.2 The global cybersecurity market: a booming sector

Covid-** has revolutionized the way societies and economies operate around the world, notably by accelerating digitization. This changeover has been accompanied by a dramatic rise in cyberattacks, so much so that losses due to cybercrime are estimated to have reached US$*,*** billion in **** and will reach US$**,*** billion in ****. [***]

evolution of ...

1.3 The French market: a dynamic, fast-growing sector

With average annual growth of *.*% in France from **** to ****, while GDP grew by just *%, cybersecurity in the broadest sense has been France's most dynamic industrial sector for a decade, and one that has proved particularly resilient in the face of the COVID crisis in ****.s most dynamic industrial sector over the ...

1.4 France's spending on cybersecurity

In ****, France ranked right at the top of the podium of European countries spending the most on cyber defense: its total investment in the sector reached US$*.* billion, i.e. *** million more than Spain and *** million more than Germany. By ****, losses due to cybercrime in France were expected to exceed *** billion ...

1.5 A market closely linked to world news: the consequences of covid and the war in Ukraine

Changes accelerated by the Covid-** crisis

The coronavirus crisis has led to massive use of telecommuting. This represents a major upheaval for companies, which are now focusing their cybersecurity efforts on securing the flows generated by remote working. Isolated employees are easier prey for cyber-attacks. The pandemic has thus led to ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 French demand rises as terrorist attacks continue

According to the Portail de l'Intelligence économique, cyber-attacks in France increased by a factor of * between **** and ****, representing *** attacks. This would represent total financial gains of over one billion euros for the cybercriminal sphere. This explosion in computer attacks is fueled by a snowball effect, as the leakage of personal data ...

2.2 France increasingly well prepared for cyberattacks

Is your company prepared for a cyber attack? France, ****, % Source: ****

According to Adacis (***), in ****, only **.*% of employees thought their company was really protected against a potential cyber attack. This result was explained by increased spending on preventive measures. Consequently, it is plausible to assume that cybersecurity advice and expertise will be ...

2.3 Cyber-resistance will increase demand

With the increasing digitization of the global economy and the rise of telecommuting, which is increasing cloud storage, demand for cyber security is rising steadily, particularly from specialist service providers. Cyber resilience means being better prepared against cyber-attacks by adopting an upstream strategy. According to Les Echos , it's no longer a ...

2.4 Demand trends - FIC 2023 highlights

From April * to *, ****, the annual FIC (***) forum was held in Lille, France. Below you'll find the main conclusions of this forum, as well as the trends identified. [***]

The announcement of a "European cyber shield " was made by European Commissioner Thierry Breton, which aims to protect the EU against cyber attacks, in ...

2.5 Profile analysis: French consumer

French consumers are concerned about cyber attacks: in a report by Harris Interactive, it was revealed that a large majority of French people are still worried about possible attacks on their personal data. **% say they are worried about possible identity theft, **% about possible Internet scams, and **% about attacks on banking data. ...

2.6 Worldwide security spending by segment

Source: ****

As can be seen, security services remain the highest priority in terms of spending. This is followed by infrastructure protection, then identity access management. Although this graph depicts worldwide demand, the figures are probably similar in France, due to the homogeneity of the Internet and the services it provides.

3 Market structure

3.1 The main players

France's cybersecurity sector contains many national champions, including the world leader in digital security since the takeover of Gemalto in ****, Thales. Of the ** largest structures in the sector in France, only one is foreign-owned, the American IBM. Thales, Idemia and IN Groupe are world leaders in the digital identity, identification and ...

3.2 The French market: mature and regulated

The French market is mature, highly regulated and strongly supported by the French government through regulations such as ANSSI. [***] What's more, the market is relatively large. In ****, there were *,*** companies in the industry in France, including:

- ** large companies;- ** ETI (***);- *,**** micro-enterprises, with total sales under €* million in ****.

Sales by ...

3.3 Market distribution

Source: ****

Cyber security comes in two forms: products/software and services. The former encompasses products actually sold, while services aim to increase customer knowledge through education.

3.4 FIC Start-up Award winners: a glimpse of French innovation leaders

Every year, the FIC (***) rewards cybersecurity start-ups for their innovations and contributions to the field. Below you'll find an overview of previous winners, their motivation and their contribution.

Fundraising by Digital Confidence startups has been growing extremely rapidly over the past * years, testifying to the attractiveness of the sector. In ****, ** startups ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Cybersecurity solutions for businesses

Cybersecurity solutions for businesses are many and varied. According to the Alliance pour la confiance numérique, in **** there were **** players providing such services in the sector in France. The three main segments of digital trust are services, products or software, and digital security (***).


In cybersecurity, services and software differ ...

4.2 For private customers

For private users, anti-malware solutions (***) are the main protection used. For example, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Trend Micro and even free anti-virus software such as Avast, Avira and AVG are commonly used. These suites may include a firewall, a VPN to encrypt the Internet connection, or even a secure password manager .

For individuals, ...

4.3 Some price examples

4.3 Segmentation of companies by offering

Source: ****

5 Rules and regulations

5.1 Current regulations

France is concerned by regulations at three levels: international, European and local.

Firstly, the first piece of legislation with an international dimension is the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime of November **, ****, signed by the ** member states of the Council of Europe and ratified by France and the United States in ****.

Secondly, at ...

5.2 National cybersecurity strategy

On February **, ****, the President of the French Republic declared as a priority the implementation of a National Strategy for Cybersecurity, by ****: Multiply the industry's sales by *.*, for a total of €** billion; Double the number of jobs, for a total of **,***; Create * unicorns. This strategy is part of the stimulus package (***) and ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

In a market that is still maturing, both globally and in France, major groups and innovative SMEs are working together. The French market is representative of this market structure, both mature and unconcentrated. We will therefore segment our list of companies as follows:

Source: ****

  • Cyberark
  • Airbus Cybersecurity
  • Thales
  • Akerva
  • Amossys
  • Git Guardian
  • Alten
  • Atos Eviden
  • Docaposte
  • Orange Cyberdefense OCD
  • CS Group
  • Shift Technology
  • Anozr Way
  • Chapsvision
  • Palantir
  • Sekoia io
  • Forward ( ex Avisa Partners)
  • Pr0ph3cy Neverhack
  • OverSoc
  • Cisco
  • Devensys Cybersecurity
  • Harfanglab
  • Berger Levrault
  • Secure IC
  • Nano Corp
  • Palo Alto Networks
  • Squad Cybersécurité
  • Filigran
  • Vade Secure
  • Tyrex Cyber Kub
  • Seclab Cyberdecurity
  • GAC Scalian

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Cybersecurity spending since the arrival of Covid-19
  • Cybersecurity sales growth forecast
  • Average annual costs of cyber-crime by sector
  • Spending growth in each cybersecurity sector
  • Top concern for companies
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Latest news

Thales ready to invest in defense information systems and eavesdropping for Atos - 03/05/2024
  • - Value of recent Imperva acquisition by Thales: €3.6 billion.
  • - Thales' position in the world cyber rankings following the Imperva acquisition: Top 5.
  • - Estimated annual revenues for MCS (Mission Critical Systems): €200-300 million.
  • - Estimated total portfolio of Atos' BDS (Defense and Security) division: 1.5 billion euros.
Digital: Oxibox chosen to complement Docaposte's offering - 02/05/2024
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Airbus Cybersecurity
Git Guardian
Atos Eviden
Orange Cyberdefense OCD
CS Group
Shift Technology

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