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The size of the cloud computing market in France is estimated at over €21 billion in 2023

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Summary and extracts

1 Market summary

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Cloud computing is a service that refers to the remote exploitation of the storage and/or computing power of computer servers. Cloud computing is characterized by its flexibility of use, enabling even the most skilled users to manage the server themselves, or to concentrate exclusively on developing and operating server-based applications.

The main cloud computing services can be classified into three sub-segments: SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

The global cloud computing market is dynamic and set to continue growing over the next few years. Indeed, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 23.9% between 2022 and 2028. The European market is also evolving well, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 25% until 2032. Finland, Sweden and Denmark are the countries in which companies use cloud computing services the most in Europe.

France does not rank among the top European countries using cloud computing. However, the national market is doing well. In fact, in 2023, 24.3% of companies were using cloud computing services, compared with just 9.7% in 2014.

The French market is highly concentrated, with the 3 American giants (AWS, Microsoft and Google) dominating. Cloud sovereignty is therefore becoming a major issue over the next few years.

1.2 A growing global market

In ****, the global cloud computing market was valued at $***.* billion. It is expected to reach $*,***.* billion by ****, with a CAGR of **. *% between **** and ****. [***]

Evolution of the size of the global cloud computing market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

Year in which companies began using the cloud World, ****-****, % of ...

1.3 The European market

In ****, the European cloud computing market is estimated at $** billion. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of **% between **** and ****. [***]

Evolution of European market size Europe, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

Top cloud computing user countries Europe, ****, in % of total Source: ****

According to **** data, Finland leads the way ...

1.4 Cloud computing in France

in ****, the French market for Cloud solutions and services amounted to almost ** billion euros, with growth of **.*%.this positive trend is set to continue through to ****, with business forecast to reach ** billion euros (***). This expansion represents an increase of over ** billion euros over a four-year period, taking the sector's market share ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The profile of companies using cloud computing

Main industries purchasing cloud computing services France, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****

The Programming, IT consulting sector stands out as the main purchaser of cloud computing services, with an adoption rate of **.*%, closely followed by Information and communication technologies, with **.*% of companies in this sector purchasing cloud computing services.

The Information & Communications, Pharmaceuticals and Publishing, ...

2.2 The main uses of cloud computing

The different uses of cloud computing by French companies France, ****, % of total Source: ****

An analysis of the different uses of cloud computing by French companies in **** reveals a diversity of applications for this technology in several functional areas. E-mail emerges as the most widespread use, with adoption by **% of companies, underlining ...

2.3 Corporate awareness of the ecological impact of IT

Moving to cloud computing not only offers companies cost and time savings, it also helps to reduce energy consumption and improve the sustainability of their IT infrastructure. Indeed, according to a WSP study of Microsoft Cloud, cloud-based business solutions are up to **% more energy efficient than traditional enterprise data centers. What's ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

Source: ****

Data center operators : These are companies that manage and operate physical data centers. Their role is to provide a secure and reliable environment for hosting cloud service providers' hardware infrastructures, such as servers, storage systems and network equipment.(***)

Infrastructure cloud service providers: These companies provide infrastructure-as-a-service (***)

Integrators : Integrators are companies ...

3.2 A highly concentrated market, led by hyperscalers

The gap between American cloud giants and European cloud specialists continues to widen in France, according to a recent study by Markess by Exaegis. By ****, the three American giants - Amazon, Microsoft and Google, also known as the hyperscalers - will have captured **% of spending growth in the French market, In ...

3.3 Cloud sovereignty, a major challenge for the years to come

The rapid evolution of the global digital landscape has placed the issue of data sovereignty at the heart of the concerns of companies and administrations, particularly in France and Europe. In ****, the CNIL's authorization for Microsoft to host French healthcare data, and EDF's decision to opt for AWS for part of ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 The different types of cloud computing services

In the cloud computing market, three categories of services are distinguished: infrastructure, platform and software. These submarkets are known by the acronyms IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, for"infrastructure, platform and software as a service". iaaS is the standardization of network architecture services, PaaS is the provision of a platform with software ...

4.2 Services and products from the market leaders

The main categories of AWS cloud computing services :

Source: ****

Azure's main cloud computing service categories:

Source: ****

4.3 Rising cloud computing prices

In ****, many companies are wondering whether it is more advantageous to store their data in the cloud or on site. This is due to the rising costs associated with cloud computing. Although the Cloud offers ease of access, its rising cost is becoming a major concern.

Rising costs in cloud computing ...

5 Rules and regulations

5.1 European Commission covers regulation of cloud computing in the EU

The European Commission covers the regulation of cloud computing in the EU. Listed below are the main regulations in this area:

The Regulation on the Free Movement of Non-Personal Data and the General Data Protection Regulation (***), reinforces legal certainty for cloud users, guaranteeing the free movement of all data within the ...

5.2 Bill to secure and regulate the digital space (SREN law)

The SREN bill aims to strengthen regulation of the digital space and protect Internet users, especially young people, as well as businesses. Among its many measures, particular attention is paid to the cloud sector, with the aim of reducing companies' dependence on American giants such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google.

To ...

6 Companies

6.1 Segmentation

*For OVH, sales are those generated in France, as the company is not yet fully internationalized.

  • Microsoft
  • Google Cloud
  • Orange Business Services
  • OVH
  • Outscale (Dassault System)
  • Oracle
  • Amazon Web Services
  • SalesForce
  • Oordrive
  • Service Now
  • Data4 service
  • Oxya
  • IBM
  • Qarnot Computing
  • Shadow

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Breakdown of usage of different cloud computing services
  • Companies purchasing cloud computing services by size class
  • Countries with the highest use of cloud computing
  • Trends in European market size
  • The different uses of cloud computing by businesses
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Latest news

The five key axes of OVHcloud's strategic plan to 2026 - 20/01/2024
  • OVHcloud employs 2,900 people worldwide, including around 2,000 in France
  • 2023: sales of €897 million, with annual growth of 14%.
  • Public cloud accounts for 62% of sales
  • The public cloud market is estimated to be worth between 230 and 250 billion euros worldwide by 2023, compared with 16 to 19 billion euros for the private cloud.)
  • Development of PaaS (Platform as a service), increasing their number from 10 to 40
  • Public cloud accounts for 18% of sales
  • by the end of 2023, there will be 32 data centers worldwide; by the end of 2024, the figure should rise to 45, including 22 in France.
  • OVHcloud is tackling edge computing, which involves processing data as close as possible to where it is generated.It plans to open 150 local zones
Data centers: Data4 strengthens its foothold in Essonne - 14/12/2023
  • Data4 has been based in Essonne for 17 years.
  • Its campus in Marcoussis (Essonne) comprises twenty data centers spread over 46,000 square meters.
  • The group is located on a 110-hectare site, 70 of which are classified as "protected forest".
  • within the next 5 years, Data4 plans to double the surface area of its park in the department to 100,000 m2.
Outscale, first company to obtain Anssi sovereign cloud certification - 13/12/2023
  • Outscale was founded in 2010 and employs around 130 people.
  • Outscale should end 2023 with sales of around 80 million euros.
  • Dassault Systèmes remains by far its biggest customer.
  • Outscale was awarded SecNumCloud 3.2 certification on December 11.
  • Thanks to the new qualification, Outscale is now open to business digital twin applications.
  • BNP Paribas uses Outscale's cloud to manage €12,000 billion in investment funds.
  • from June 2023, SecNumCloud certification will be mandatory for hosting sensitive data for a number of sectors, including government, healthcare, banking, insurance, vital operators and essential services companies.
AI training, diversification: the cultural revolution continues at Orange Business - 13/11/2023
  • Orange Business annual sales: 8 billion euros.
  • Number of employees concerned by the new training process: 5,000.
  • Annual growth rate of AI projects: 35%.
  • Proportion of sales generated by digital services: 44%.
OVHcloud withstands fierce competition from US giants | OVHcloud faces US competition - 25/10/2023
  • OVHcloud sales in 2023: 897 million euros.
  • Growth in 2023: 13.4%.
  • Company valuation: approx. 1.3 billion euros.
  • Share of revenues from cloud: 80%.
  • Growth in private cloud: 15.1%.
  • Growth in public cloud: 22.8%.
  • Share of sales generated outside France: 52% (of which 80% in Europe).
  • Number of servers operated by the company: over 450,000.
  • Number of data centers worldwide: 37
  • Number of customers: 1.6 million.
  • Investments in new data centers in India, Singapore, Sydney and Toronto
  • Global market share of cloud leader AWS according to Gartner: approx. 40%.
  • AWS revenues: around 22 billion in just three months.
  • AWS growth trend: from 27% in autumn 2022 to 12% in summer 2023.
Data4 raises 3.2 billion euros to quadruple its datacenter infrastructure - 21/10/2023
  • Raising of 2.2 billion euros, with the possibility of activating an option for up to a further 1 billion euros.
  • Investment plan of 5 billion euros by 2029, divided between France (2 billion euros), Italy (1 billion euros), Germany (1 billion euros), Spain (500 million euros) and Poland (500 million euros).
  • Existing data centers: 33 spread over five campuses: Marcoussis (20 data centers), Luxembourg (2 data centers), Milan (8 data centers), Madrid (2 data centers) and Warsaw (1 data center).
  • Investment plan to quadruple datacenter infrastructure capacity by 2029.
  • The aim is to add 500 MW of electrical power available to servers, on top of the current 133 MW, to reach 1 GW by 2030.
  • Annual growth: 30%.
  • 300 employees worldwide, including 200 in France.
  • Sales of around 200 million euros by 2022, with a target to quadruple in size to around 800 million euros by 2029.
  • New shareholder, Canadian investment fund Brookfield.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Google Cloud
Orange Business Services
Outscale (Dassault System)
Amazon Web Services
Service Now
Data4 service

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The Cloud Computing Market | France

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