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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

To better understand the definition of "Cloud Computing," let's break down the term into:

-Cloud i.e., a technology that enables the use through remote servers of software and hardware reserves (such as, for example, data storage systems) whose service is given as a form of subscription

-Cloud Computing i.e., a business model in which a product is not purchased but the fact that it can be used remotely without physically disposing of it

There are several services that can be delivered in the Cloud but generally we refer to SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

As for the global market, according to a study conducted by Grand View Research, the global Cloud Computing market is expected to reach $1,554 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 14.06 percent from 2023 to 2030. Several factors are driving this growth: digital transformation in many sectors, the growing adoption of 5G, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the consumption of big data.

Compared to the Italian market, its value in 2021 increased by 16 percent from the previous year. The service that grew the most was PaaS (+31%), followed by Iaas (+23%) and finally SaaS (+13%). This remarkable growth is due to the fact that, thanks in part to the pandemic, in large Italian companies 44% of the application fleet is on the Cloud.

As for future trends within the industry, more and more companies are adapting their business models to this technology that makes many business practices cheaper and more efficient. In addition, many small and medium-sized Italian companies are focusing their attention on organizational change with the intention of incorporating Cloud Computing into their business logic.

1.2 The global market

The global cloud computing market size has been estimated at $***.** billion in **** and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate(***) of **.**% from **** to ****.

The market is expected to grow due to factors such as the functional capability of cloud computing to improve business performance in large enterprises, hybrid ...

1.3 The Italian market

In ****, the Italian Cloud market continues to consolidate, with a growth rate of about ** percent and a total value reaching *.** billion euros.

Despite the emergence of new complexities related to the geopolitical situation, the energy crisis and the consequent increase in inflation, domestic companies have continued to positively assess the digitization ...

1.4 Main Cloud Service Providers

In ****, the top global providers of Cloud services can be traced to * major players:

With the largest market share (***). It remains the most popular service in ****, however, in the third quarter of **** it experienced the loss of one percentage point, as at the end of **** the market share was **%. Since ****, AWS ...

1.5 Impact of covid-19 and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

Impact of covid-**

Cloud computing has been one of the fastest growing technologies among developed, developing nations and has seen a major acceleration in ****.

Almost every industry has moved or is planning to move its business to the cloud since the world faced the pandemic-related period. Cloud services have become an ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand in Italy

According to reports from theCloud Transformation Observatory, inflationary trends have not slowed down large enterprises' spending on Cloud. In fact, Observatory Director Alessandro Piva states: "the previous budget allocation of large enterprises on multi-year strategic projects, characterized by locked-in rate contracts, has helped mitigate the effects of rising prices on the ...

2.2 Demand drivers

Currently there are several key factors driving the demand for Cloud services, the main ones are listed below.

Support for remote work and collaboration: thetransition to remote work has significantly increased the need for cloud-based tools for communication, project management, and file sharing. This long-term hybrid work model is driving demand ...

2.3 The geographical distribution of demand

In order to get an overview of the geographical distribution of demand, reference is made to Google Search Queries with Cloud Computing topic. The results showedhomogeneity in almost all Italian regions. Considering a *-*** scale, most present values between **-**. Two regionsare exceptions, first of all Molise, where the highest number ...

2.4 New trends in demand

FinOps and Cost Management

FinOps is still a new path for most companies and represents an emerging management model. The goal is to strike a proper balance between cost, speed and quality, the so-called "iron triangle," to make the cloud more efficient and continue to invest in innovation. This does not ...

3 Market structure

3.1 The main players

In the Italian context of the Cloud Computing market, the leadership positions are occupied by the big players at the global level: Amazon, Microsoft and Google (***).

In addition to these international players, in Italy there are several companies offering Cloud services, which often collaborate with the big providers to guarantee ii ...

3.2 The value chain

The value chain in cloud computing describes the different stages and components that contribute to the creation, operation, and deployment of cloud services. This chain consists of several key stages, each of which adds value to the final service offered to users.

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Supply analysis

The following is a general overview of the types of services commonly offered by cloud providers.

Infrastructure as a Service (***): computing resources such as virtual machines, storage, networks, and operating systems are delivered by a provider. Users access them through a Web interface or API and are responsible for installing, configuring ...

4.2 The prices

Cloud service prices include several options that depend on the provider, the technical specifications of the service, and the type of subscription.

Storage space

The average price: €***-*** per year for * terbies of virtual space.

Iaas services

In general, different providers provide a variety of Iaas services with different purchase options, ...

4.3 New supply trends

Cloud based on Artificial Intelligence (***)

AI and ML are becoming increasingly integrated into cloud services, offering capabilities such as predictive analytics and automation of operations. These technologies are changing the way the cloud is used, enabling organizations to improve efficiency, predict demand, and protect data more effectively.

Predictive analytics is one ...

5 Regulations

5.1 The legislation

Cloud Strategy Italy

Italian legislation in the area of cloud computing has evolved significantly, particularly with the publication of the"Cloud Italy Strategy" by the National Cybersecurity Agency.

This strategy, published on Jan. *, **** with Director's Decree No. **, is key to the migration of Public Administration data and IT applications to a ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Aruba s.p.a
  • Cdlan s.p.a
  • Netsons s.r.l
  • Genesys Informatica s.r.l
  • Coretech s.r.l
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Aruba s.p.a
Cdlan s.p.a
Netsons s.r.l
Genesys Informatica s.r.l
Coretech s.r.l
Amazon Web Services
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud

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The cloud computing market | Italy

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