Our market research

Businesscoot is the only site specializing in industry research that publishes all the feedback received from its customers and users on its market research. This commitment to transparency has two specific objectives. The first is to provide maximum visibility on the content of the market studies we offer. The second is to identify areas for improvement or expectations that have not been fully met in order to add new elements to the Businesscoot market research.

Our best rated market studies

The latest rated market studies

More than 50 of our clients take the time each month to give us feedback on our studies. Whether they are company directors, consultants, investors or entrepreneurs, the opinions of these demanding people are an independent and reliable basis for measuring the quality of each of our studies and the information contained in them. These comments are processed individually by our team in order to refine the content of our studies if necessary and to respond to the feedback as accurately as possible.

Top ratings in recent months

Customer satisfaction is one of our objectives. All our clients and users are invited to comment on our work and each response is treated individually by the analyst in charge of the study. This fine-tuned management of our customer feedback enables Businesscoot to guarantee its customers a high level of satisfaction as well as the maximum amount of information, prior to purchase, on the content of the proposed market studies.

The latest updated market studies

The latest updated market research in France

With a catalog of more than 700 studies on the French market, Businesscoot has become a key player in the field of sector studies. Businesscoot releases an average of 5 new titles per month and makes more than 15 updates. Businesscoot's market research catalog is one of the most dynamic on the market. Its analysis teams, based in different time zones, continuously update Businesscoot's market research.

The next updates planned in France

Businesscoot uses 2 elements to plan the update of its studies: external factors such as the raising of funds by companies, geopolitical shocks or technological revolutions. But also internal factors such as customer feedback, new sources of information identified by our teams or web indicators such as the evolution of Google queries on a particular expression.