Summary of our market study

The global market for AI-based writing assistants has seen rapid growth, with the sector valued at $818.5 million in 2021 and projected to expand at an annual growth rate of 26.94%, reaching over $7 billion by 2030. This surge is attributable to increasing public and business interest in AI and technological advancements in the field. AI's transformative impact on work, helping to reallocate human resources to higher-value tasks, is also a significant factor. North America currently leads the market, with a 34.30% share in 2022, equivalent to about $334 million. Demand is rising, particularly among students and professionals looking to enhance productivity. Tools like ChatGPT have seen widespread adoption, with 123 million active users by 2023, and 30% of U.S. students admitting to using it for exam purposes. The SEO market, an integral part of AI writing tools' functionality, is another growing domain, forecasted to rise from its 2020 valuation as companies seek organic online visibility. Most AI writing platforms operate on subscription-based models, offering a variety of services from content creation to SEO optimization, with prices varying from free limited versions to premium packages catering to businesses and individuals.

The Rising Tide of AI Writing Assistants in the Marketplace

In recent years, the intersection between artificial intelligence and the daily functions of the workforce has brought to the fore a new phenomenon – the proliferation of AI-based writing assistants. These tools, though still relatively nascent, have carved out a significant presence, valued at approximately $818.5 million as of 2021. Crucial to understanding this burgeoning sector is the fact that its growth trajectory is nothing short of astronomical. With an annual expansion rate of just under 30%, projections suggest that the market could skyrocket to a valuation approaching $7 billion by the end of this decade. Driving this explosive growth is a combination of heightened interest from both consumers and enterprises, alongside rapid technological innovation within the field itself. This is evident from the increasing curiosity tracked on search engines, where terms related to artificial intelligence have seen a sustained rise in search frequency since 2014, notably in the United States and France. Specific events, such as major announcements from tech giants or the launch of trailblazing AI tools like ChatGPT, have further spiked public interest. The structure of this market is also taking shape, with North America at the helm, holding more than one-third of the market share, estimated to be between $320 and $350 million in 2022.

Europe follows closely behind with an economic footprint of just below $300 million. These AI writing tools are hailed for transforming traditional workflows, enabling companies to redeploy human talent to higher-value tasks while entrusting more routine, less complex tasks to AI systems. Despite the optimism, there's a palpable tension among the workforce regarding AI's ascension. Many see AI as a double-edged sword – a potential job disruptor and competitor, yet they recognize the productivity gains AI can introduce. Interestingly, self-service writing assistants are emerging as front-runners in this AI revolution, particularly among bloggers and students. Bloggers find themselves grappling with the demands for quality content and the pressures of maintaining reader engagement, while students increasingly turn to AI for assistance with writing and research, streamlining their academic endeavors. However, this integration comes with its concerns, especially within the educational sector. The astounding capabilities of chatbots, especially newer versions like GPT-4, on academic exams have stoked fears of cheating, pushing institutions to seek stringent regulatory measures. Notably, France has seen initiatives to develop software that could detect AI-facilitated dishonesty in academic work. Lastly, the intersection of AI with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Navigating the Seas of Digital Composition: Key Players in the AI-Based Writing Assistant Market

In the burgeoning realm of artificial intelligence, the landscape of digital composition has been transformed by the introduction of AI-based writing assistants. These sophisticated tools have carved a niche, offering a range of solutions for both casual writers and professional content creators looking to enhance their productivity and creativity. We embark on a journey to acquaint ourselves with the eminent market players steering the course in this sector.

  • Jasper: The Versatile Craftsman Jasper, previously known as Jarvis, operates with two primary subscription levels - Starter and Boss Mode. Known for its versatility, Jasper serves as a handy tool for content creators, providing over 50 templates to craft engaging articles and social media content in more than 20 languages. With its user-friendly interface and the ability to write longer documents, Jasper is positioning itself as a leader in the writing assistant market.
  • The Automated Muse is the virtual muse for writers seeking inspiration and efficiency. Its offerings include a free tier with limited word count and a Pro plan with no such restrictions. Catering to individual bloggers and small teams, is valued for its ability to generate a myriad of content forms, from email campaigns to blog articles, thereby fulfilling diverse content needs.
  • Hyperwrite: The Content Crafter's Companion Hyperwrite, a newer entrant in the AI writing space, differentiates itself by providing an array of features, such as writing paragraphs based on instructions and enhancing texts with different types of rewording. With its free plan offering daily proposals and a premium version that unleashes unlimited potential, Hyperwrite is a suitable companion for content crafters seeking to refine their narratives.
  • AI Writer: The Research Assistant Designed with a focus on SEO and comprehensive article creation, AI Writer is an asset for those delving into extensive content production. Supporting its users from the research phase to the final output with a promise of SEO-optimized content, AI Writer's straightforward subscription tiers accommodate individual writers and larger teams in scaling their content strategies.
  • INK: The SEO Whisperer INK offers writers a blend of intuitive content creation along with an SEO assistant that guides users towards creating content that resonates with search engines. Emphasizing optimization, INK's packages range from professional to enterprise, catering to a spectrum of users from freelance writers to larger content teams.
  • Writesonic: The Born Storyteller With Writesonic, users have the power of AI at their fingertips, empowered by GPT-4.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Artificial intelligence (AI)-based writing assistants are software programs with human-like writing capabilities, enabling individuals to create, correct and edit documents while increasing productivity, creativity and quality. More specifically, an AI-based writing assistant offers the following functionality(ies):

  • Automatic generation of content: such as articles, reports, summaries and descriptions. This enables texts to be produced faster and more efficiently.
  • Grammatical and orthographic correction: detection and correction of grammatical and orthographic errors in texts. This produces more accurate, higher quality texts.
  • Semantic analysis: analyzes the meaning of sentences and paragraphs to determine the key concepts, relationships and sentiments expressed in the text.
  • Content performance analysis: assessing the quality and relevance of content in relation to the user's objectives. This enables content to be optimized to meet user expectations.
  • Content personalization : using user data to create personalized content. This helps to produce content that is more relevant to users and increases their engagement.

Artificial intelligence (AI)-based editorial assistants meet many of society's expectations: time-saving, user engagement, application of AI to different sectors... Nevertheless, despite being part of the zeitgeist, these programs are a source of concern. For many, they still represent a threat to the future of work, education and the veracity of information.

Companies in the sector, on the other hand, see it above all as an opportunity for innovation. As a result, more and more companies are offering content writing services. By 2022, the global market for assistants was growing by over 26%. In November 2022, the booming market experienced a real upheaval, with the arrival on the market of GPT chat, a technology developed by OpenAI, which has already broken world records in terms of the number of users. Unsurprisingly, the USA dominates the market with a 34% share, followed by Europe and China.

Alongside their development, a number of questions arise: how can the information provided be verified? How can we detect the artificial origin of a document? How can we ensure that the models are not biased? In order to answer these questions and provide a strict framework for the use of artificial intelligence in copywriting, some countries, such as the European ones, have begun to set up a common regulatory framework. But advances in the sector are rapid, and the rules difficult to put in place.

1.2 A booming global market

The market for artificial intelligence-based writing assistants is exploding. Although still in its infancy(***), reaching over $* billion by ****.

Editorial software market World, **** - ****, in millions of USD Source: ****

This growth can be explained by the growing interest in artificial intelligence on the part of the general public and businesses alike, and ...

1.3 The US and China in the innovation race

As in many other sectors, the United States and China have embarked on a race for innovation in artificial intelligence, a sector seen as promising for both countries' economies. While the USA still largely dominates the market (***), it is facing competition from Chinese initiatives, which show a desire to establish a ...

1.4 The European market: still under-exploited potential

Europe is the second biggest player in the market for artificial intelligence-based writing assistants. This is due to the ever-increasing use of artificial intelligence in various business sectors. Around *% of European companies now integrate artificial intelligence technologies into their organization, although there are wide disparities between countries.

Companies using artificial intelligence ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Growing interest in artificial intelligence

One way of gauging people's interest in artificial intelligence is to look at the Google Trends index. This measures the interest of Google users in searching for a particular term. So we're looking at the term "artificial intelligence" in the USA and "intelligence artificielle" in France.

We can see that since ...

2.2 Work transformation: editorial assistants, between threats and opportunities

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way we work. Indeed, many models are now capable of replacing humans for arduous, dangerous or monotonous tasks. The aim of artificial intelligence is to combine the work of individuals, who will concentrate on high value-added tasks, with that of machines, which will take care of ...

2.3 Increasing demand from students

Demand is increasingly driven by students, looking for tools to help them write their assignments and essays. Indeed, thanks to their drafting, reformulation and correction capabilities, artificial intelligence-based writing assistants enable students not only to flesh out their work with new ideas, but also to save time on research and writing. ...

2.4 The French and artificial intelligence

The French are fairly critical of artificial intelligence and its benefits. A majority still see it as more of a threat than an opportunity (***). However, **% of French people believe that artificial intelligence is synonymous with greater productivity. The use of artificial intelligence in certain fields is also reassuring: health and defense ...

3 Market structure

3.1 How an AI-based editorial assistant works

Natural Language Processing

Writing assistance software is all based on Natural Language Processing (***). NLP is a system that combines artificial intelligence with statistical machine learning models to enable machines to understand human language and to process and create texts. NLP offers a range of capabilities:

Text classification Text recognition Automatic summarization Machine ...

3.2 The companies involved

OpenAI's supremacy, a widening gap with GPT - *

With over *** million users in just * months, GPT chat software broke the record for fastest user growth, taking over from TikTok, which had taken * months to reach such a figure. Today, thanks to GPT - *.* and GPT - *, OpenAI has the wind in ...

3.3 The United States, the undisputed leader?

The USA, responsible for the majority of spending on artificial intelligence

In ****, the United States was responsible for more than half of all private investment in artificial intelligence, with $**.* billion. Clearly ahead of the pack, with China accounting for **% of spending and Europe, the third major player, accounting for just *.*%.

Worldwide ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

Numerous artificial intelligence (***). These content creation software packages are particularly popular with bloggers, students, web editors...

Some software programs, such as Wordtune, cannot create content from bullet points or simple instructions. They can, however, summarize long documents or reformulate entire paragraphs, while offering different tonalities (***).

Other programs, such as Grammarly or ...

4.2 SEO development thanks to AI-based writing assistants

Many copywriting software programs use artificial intelligence to provide SEO advice.

Why take an interest in SEO?

SEO(***) search results of search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo... The aim of SEO is to improve a website's visibility in search results for relevant keywords related to its content. This system relies ...

4.3 Subscription model dominates

Most writing software works on a subscription basis. A free trial is available (***), and then the platforms offer different subscriptions depending on the rate of use. Prices generally range from $** to $*** per month, but there are also completely free options and top-of-the-range packages with more features.

Source: ****

Most software packages also ...

5 Regulations

5.1 The regulatory framework, mostly European

The global framework for artificial intelligence is highly complex. Indeed, the views of different powers differ. On the one hand, the United States favors innovation and competition, and proposes a very free market. On the other, Europe wishes to regulate the development of AI-based systems, in order to protect citizens and ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

6.2 Market assessment and market share based on traffic estimates

In order to estimate shorter-term market growth and market share, we used traffic estimates from the semrush website to assess market share in France and worldwide. We studied traffic estimates for a selection of sites:,,,,,,,, ...

  • Open AI
  • Jasper
  • AI Writer
  • TextBulker
  • Hyperwrite
  • Pairokay
  • TextBlaze
  • Writesonic
  • Long Shot
  • Frase
  • Rytr
  • (Babbar)
  • Rapidely
  • Outranking
  • Le Scribouillard
  • Smart Copy (Unbounce)
  • Eudata S.r.l.
  • Ellysse S.r.l.
  • LiveHelp S.r.l.
  • Userbot S.r.l.
  • LMP Explain
  • Stability AI
  • Mistral AI
  • Anthropic
  • Inflection AI
  • Bard Google
  • Databricks
  • CapGemini
  • Huggin Face
  • Docaposte
  • 01.AI
  • Aleph Alpha
  • Jimini AI
  • Samsung Electronics France
  • Silo
  • Datategy
  • Adaptive ML
  • FlexAI
  • DeepL
  • Helsing

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Writing software market
  • Interest in "artificial intelligence" research
  • Interest in "artificial intelligence" research
  • The French and ChatGPT
  • Artificial intelligence, opportunity or threat for...
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Latest news

Digital: Oxibox chosen to complement Docaposte's offering - 02/05/2024
  • docaposte - La Poste Group's digital subsidiary to roll out its new digital coverage offer for SMEs
  • Partnership with oxibox (25 employees)
  • oxibox claims to be the French leader in secure backup,
  • Oxibox only launched its product in 2020
  • It has a customer portfolio of 7,000 local authorities and 2,000 businesses
Samsung launches a real-time translation tool on a future smartphone - 13/11/2023
  • Technology giant Samsung Electronics plans to roll out an artificial intelligence-based real-time translation tool for a new smartphone in 2024.
  • The feature will be available on the next Samsung Galaxy, due for release in early 2024.
  • The translation process will take at least three to four seconds, during which the AI will understand the original content, translate it into another language and verbalize it to the listener.
  • Samsung is also developing its own generative AI model called Samsung Gauss, capable of producing language, code and images.
  • Samsung Gauss will be integrated into a wide range of Samsung products in the near future, although specific details have not been provided.
  • Samsung is the world's biggest smartphone producer, accounting for a fifth of total market sales between July and September, ahead of Apple (16%), according to specialist Counterpoint.
"Doctors are going to love it": a French AI launched by Docaposte | French generative AI for doctors from Docaposte - 18/10/2023
  • Docaposte is a digital subsidiary of La Poste, specializing in digital trust, including electronic signature, remote identity verification, archiving and data storage.
  • Three French technology partners have joined Docaposte in a generative artificial intelligence initiative: LightOn (which has developed its own LLM language model), Aleia (an artificial intelligence SaaS platform) and NumSpot (a sovereign cloud company).
  • Docaposte launches "MedAssistance", a generative AI offering for the healthcare sector.
  • This offering can help caregivers access information more easily and obtain more reliable results.
  • Docaposte is in contact with numerous hospitals, particularly since its acquisition of Maincare, a healthcare software publisher, last March.
  • La Poste Group also acquired start-up Openvalue in April 2021.
OpenAI reaches $1 billion in annual sales - 30/08/2023
  • OpenAI plans to reach $1 billion in annualized sales by 2023.
  • OpenAI was valued at $29 billion in December.
  • OpenAI forecast revenues of $200 million for 2022
  • Microsoft, one of the start-up's biggest customers, has invested $1 billion in OpenAI.
  • OpenAI claims 80% of Fortune 500 companies as users of its conversational robot.
  • The company's current revenues amount to around $80 million a month.
  • In 2022, the company lost $540 million to develop its chatbot and its latest model, GPT-4.
  • One million Internet users tested the software in the first week after its launch last November.
  • Since March, users have had to pay $20 a month to use the paid version of ChatGPT based on GPT-4.
AI start-ups: the success of Databricks - 30/08/2023
  • The potential valuation of Databricks would be $43 billion, according to discussions with T. Rowe Price.
  • The company's previous valuation in 2021 was $38 billion.
  • Databricks' main backers include Microsoft, Google and Amazon
  • Databricks employs over 5,500 people, including around 100 in France.
  • The company passed the billion-dollar mark in annual revenues in its fiscal year ended January 31.
  • Its platform is used by major companies such as Shell, Toyota, HP, Adobe, HSBC, AstraZeneca and SNCF
  • Databricks recently acquired a generative artificial intelligence company, MosaicML, for $1.3 billion. The aim of this acquisition is to reduce the cost of training generative AI models to a few hundred thousand dollars, compared with tens of millions of dollars previously.
  • Databricks has developed its own LLM (large language model), "Dolly"
AI: Hugging Face nugget valued at $4.5 billion - 25/08/2023
  • Start-up Hugging Face has raised $235 million in its latest funding round.
  • Major companies such as Salesforce, Google, Nvidia, IBM, Amazon, Intel, Qualcomm, AMD and Sound Ventures have invested in Hugging Face.
  • Hugging Face was founded in 2016 in New York.
  • This start-up has, directly or indirectly, helped more than 20,000 companies get started with artificial intelligence.
  • Hugging Face has 170 employees.
  • The company's projected revenues for this year are $30 million, around 100 times less than its valuation.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Open AI
AI Writer
Long Shot

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