Summary of our market study

The global lead generation market has experienced significant growth, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.5% projected between 2021 and 2028. Despite the impact of the Covid-19 crisis, which prompted 53% of U.S. marketers to acknowledge the slowed conversion of leads in the absence of face-to-face interactions, the market's vitality persists, particularly in the digital domain. In France, the market remains robust, with sales in the lead generation sector reaching 224.38 million euros (39 million for B2B and 185 million for B2C) in 2022. The European market is expected to achieve a CAGR of 17.9%, with adaptations for varying cultures and data protection laws such as GDPR. The health crisis has indeed shifted online habits in Europe, fostering the growth of webinars, videos, podcasts, and chatbots. Companies are investing significantly in lead generation, with 48% of marketing teams planning to increase their budgets, reflecting the market's overall trend towards expansion. Tools such as CRM software have gained traction over traditional methods like Excel in tracking lead generation, with 53% of businesses adopting CRM in 2021. Notably, marketing automation tools have not seen consistent adoption, with 39% of businesses owning one in 2021 compared to 43% in 2019. The health crisis led to strategic changes in over half of the companies surveyed, with 22% increasing their lead generation budget, indicating the sector's adaptability and resilience..Title: The Evolving Landscape of Lead Generation Amidst Market Shifts In recent years, the lead generation market has undergone significant transformations fueled by various trends and external pressures, particularly the Covid-19 health crisis. The pandemic has had a profound effect on marketing strategies, prompting many companies to reconsider their approach to generating leads. One of the primary indicators of change has been the budget allocations for lead generation. Despite a reported decrease in lead generation budgets by 27% of companies, there is an optimistic flipside, with around 22% of organizations deciding to increase their spending in this area. This suggests a strategic redirection rather than an overarching decline in lead generation investment. Demand for lead generation services has been categorized into two notable market segments: business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). B2B lead generation is characterized by a longer sales cycle and niche markets, where channels like LinkedIn play a pivotal role. In the B2C segment, the focus is on a broader market with faster purchase decisions, leaning more towards social network advertising. It's important to note that the conversion rate of leads to sales in the B2B segment varies significantly across industries, with the finance, insurance, and management sectors converting only 10% of leads, while the general services, automotive, IT, and telecoms sectors see a conversion rate of 25%. As for the B2C segment, the telecoms and energy sectors boast an impressive 40% conversion rate. When it comes to the cost per lead (CPL), businesses are willing to invest a substantial amount, with 62% of companies prepared to pay upwards of 20 euros per lead. However, the CPL does vary, with b2b sectors averaging around 53 euros and b2c sectors slightly lower at an average of 31 euros. The primary tools used in lead generation have also evolved, with customer relationship management (CRM) software usage surpassing traditional methods like Excel. In 2021, CRMs were used by 53% of companies, which marked a notable increase from 34% recorded in 2019. Despite this technological shift, a significant portion of the market, approximately 23%, still operates without any advanced tracking tools. Lastly, the total sales in the lead generation market reveal a thriving industry. For instance, the French lead generation market has shown a robust performance with total sales estimated to be between 200 and 250 million euros, split across various sectors such as b2b, which contributed close to .### Key Players Shaping the Lead Generation Landscape The lead generation market is a dynamic and evolving industry where specialized firms and generalists compete to offer innovative solutions for companies looking to expand their customer base. Among the multitude of firms, certain players stand out for their impact on the market and their specialized approach to generating and nurturing leads. **Lead Value**: As a dedicated specialist in the lead generation domain, Lead Value has established itself with a strong presence in the market. Known for its customized strategies and understanding of diverse market nuances, Lead Value assists companies in attracting potential leads with an aim to enhance conversion rates effectively. **Data on Demand**: This player brings a data-centric approach to lead generation, focusing on harnessing the power of analytics to drive marketing strategies. While financial details are not disclosed, Data on Demand's reputation for insightful data analysis positions them as a go-to for businesses keen on data-driven decision-making. **Leadin**: Specializing in cutting-edge lead generation techniques, Leadin is recognized for their innovative tools and tactics that resonate with current market trends. Their offerings are tailored to align with the unique requirements of their clients, ensuring a personalized touch in their strategy implementation. **Companeo Group**: A distinguished participant in the lead generation market, Companeo Group offers comprehensive services that facilitate B2B connections across various industry verticals. Their extensive experience and robust methodologies enable them to efficiently match supply with demand, fostering rewarding business relationships. **Manageo**: With a sturdy market presence, Manageo has carved out a niche in providing actionable leads to businesses. Leveraging their expertise in data and customer relationships, Manageo deploys targeted campaigns aimed at boosting customer engagement and maximizing lead-related outcomes. **Time One Group**: A generalist with a considerable market share, Time One Group covers a wide array of lead generation services, from performance marketing to affiliate networks. Their diversified approach allows them to cater to a broad spectrum of clients seeking holistic solutions for lead generation. **Info Pro Data**: As a generalist giant, Info Pro Data offers exhaustive lead generation services backed by vast resources and profound experience. Their expansive reach and substantial portfolio underscore their capacity to serve a variety of sectors with a wealth of lead generation techniques. **Lead Creative**: Though specific figures are not reported, Lead Creative's role in the market does not go unnoticed. They stand out for their out-of-the-box thinking and creative methodologies that are designed to grab attention and entice potential leads through innovative campaigns. **Mediazur**: A smaller yet impactful player, Mediazur demonstrates that targeted,
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1 Market overview

1.1 Introduction

Lead generation is a marketing method that involves making contact with people interested in a product or service in order to convert them into customers. The aim is to select people who have a real probability of becoming customers (e.g. users who could buy a product on a website) and to guide them to buy more easily. Lead generation can be b2b, b2c or b2b2c.

There are two main categories of lead generation:

  • Inbound: where we get customers to come and see our products for themselves
  • Outbound: where we use "classic" and historic marketing techniques (e.g. cold calls, door-to-door canvassing, telephone canvassing, etc.). However, some of these techniques no longer work and have become archaic (80% of marketers observe that outbound techniques no longer generate leads).

Thanks to these new lead generation techniques, the global market is doing particularly well: forecasts give a CAGR of 17.5% for the period 2021-2028. However, the Covid-19 crisis has had a major impact on the profession and the b2b market (particularly in the United States, where 53% of marketers surveyed felt that face-to-face trade shows and meetings made it quicker and easier to convert a lead into a customer).

The French market is in good health. Even if the health crisis has taken its toll on the lead generation budget, it has enabled many companies to question their organization, and many changes in strategy have taken place.

When it comes to lead generation, many parameters need to be taken into account: which software should be used to generate or track leads? What cost per lead should you not exceed? Which channel should be used to generate quality leads? To answer these questions, around 50% of companies use external service providers. In fact, many players have been positioning themselves in this market for several years now, as demand is immense and performance is not up to scratch (particularly when it comes to lead quality). There is no French leader in this sector, but some companies, such as Lead Value, Info pro data and Manageo, have comfortable sales figures.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Growth in worldwide lead generation sales
  • Marketing teams' priorities
  • The European lead generation market
  • Lead generation in b2b: share of sales in various business sectors
  • Share of lead generation sales in the b2c sector
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Lead Generator
Lead Creative
Companeo Group
Info Pro Data
Time One Group
Data on Demand
Lead Value

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