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1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the tomato market

The tomato is a vegetable of the Solanaceae family, widely cultivated for its edible fruits, which are often considered vegetables in the culinary context. tomatoes are rich in vitamins, notably vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as antioxidants such as lycopene, which is recognized for its health benefits, notably as an anti-inflammatory agent and protector against certain chronic diseases.

Originally from South America, tomatoes are now grown all over the world and come in many varieties:

  • Firm-fleshed tomatoes
  • Crunchy, juicy tomatoes
  • Melt-in-the-mouth tomatoes
  • Thick-fleshed, not very juicy tomatoes

Tomatoes are not only distributed as fresh vegetables. In fact, after harvesting, part of the tomato is destined for processing into, among other things, tomato paste. In 2022, tomatoes accounted for 22% of the volume of vegetables delivered to factories.

The global tomato market is growing steadily and is expected to develop positively between 2024 and 2029, with a compound annual growth rate of 4.76%, reflecting increasing demand for both fresh tomatoes and processed products. In terms of world exports, Mexico dominates the market , while the United States will be the biggest importer of tomatoes in 2023.

In France, tomato production is in constant decline. Between 2016 and 2023, it will have fallen by 20.1%. France's trade balance follows the same negative trend, with a significant deficit of $351 million in 2023 .

In terms of imports, Morocco remains by far the biggest supplier of low-priced tomatoesto France, compared with the European market. This situation is creating palpable tension on the French market, where local farmers are expressing growing concern at what they describe as unfair competition.

However, this dynamic also has advantages for French consumers. The attractive prices of imported tomatoes enable households to better manage their food budget, which averages €79 per month for fruit and vegetables. This affordability is particularly appreciated in an economic context where purchasing power is often limited. In addition, tomatoes, particularly those from organic farming, are proving to be very popular with the French in 2022.

1.2 Global market

In ****, the global tomato market is valued at ***.** billion dollars. It should reach $***.** billion by ****, recording a compound annual growth rate of *.**%. This growth reflects the positive and sustained dynamics of the sector in **** and ****.

Tomato market size World, **** - ****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

In ****, global tomato exports were largely ...

1.3 Domestic market

Between **** and ****, production of tomatoes harvested outside the garden declined overall. In ****, production was ***,*** tonnes, while in ****, it fell to ***,*** tonnes, a decrease of **.*% over this period.

After a slight drop in ****, production fell significantly in ****, recording a **.*% decline on ****. A partial recovery was observed in ****, but this trend was not ...

1.4 Balance of trade

France's trade balance on the tomato market shows a significant deficit. French tomato exports are worth $*** million, while imports total $*.*** billion. This translates into a difference of $*** million in favor of imports. This indicates that France relies heavily on tomatoes produced abroad to satisfy its domestic demand.

Trade balance France, ****, in ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Typology of demand

There are two types of demand for tomatoes in France:

Domestic consumption: Households mainly consume fresh tomatoes (***). According to Futura Science, each French person consumes around ** kilos of tomatoes a year. This figure remains well below that of the Turks and Tunisians, whose annual consumption approaches *** kilograms.

Tomatoes top the list ...

2.2 Fruits & vegetables

In ****, French consumers' purchasing criteria for fresh fruit and vegetables reveal a marked trend towards more conscious consumption. The seasonality of produce is the main influencing factor, with **% of consumers preferring produce available according to natural cycles. Next comes provenance, with **% of buyers attaching importance to the origin of their fruit ...

2.3 The French and organic food

The graph below shows the evolution of organic product consumption in France in ****. There is a slight upward trend in the proportion of French people who have never consumed organic products, rising from **% in **** to **% in ****. However, the majority of consumers consume organic products at least occasionally. For example, those who ...

2.4 Processed tomatoes

The breakdown of volumes delivered to processing plants reflects a significant diversity in the types of vegetables processed. Among the most represented, beans dominate with **%, followed by peas at **%. Salads and tomatoes share the same proportion, each accounting for **% of total volume. Although tomatoes also account for **%, they play a strategic ...

2.5 France's favorite brand

Savéol, a Breton cooperative founded in ****, has recently established itself as the"Marque Préférée des Français" in the tomato and strawberry categories. the cooperative attaches great importance to the quality of its products, as well as to its production methods. Pierre-Yves Jestin, President of Savéol, ...

3 Market structure

3.1 The value chain

The tomato market value chain is as follows:

Input procurement: This stage involves the acquisition of essential elements for tomato production, including seeds, fertilizers and crop protection products. Growers select tomato varieties according to climatic conditions and market preferences. Production: This process includessoil preparation, planting, irrigation and crop maintenance. Tomatoes can ...

3.2 Tomato production in France

Between **** and ****, the accounting cost of tomato production in greenhouses and high shelters in France rose overall, from €***.* in **** to €***.* in ****, an increase of **.*%. This period is marked by notable fluctuations, such as the **.*% drop between **** and ****, followed by a recovery in ****. After relative stability between **** and ****, the cost rises sharply ...

3.3 Tensions over Moroccan tomatoes

Today, Morocco has become the main supplier of tomatoes to France, a position it has consolidated in recent years thanks to favorable trade agreements and lower production costs. This rapid growth in imports is largely due to French retail chains favoring low-price offers, often to the detriment of local producers. As ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Offer typology

There is a wide variety of tomato types on the French market, each with specific characteristics that determine their culinary use. There are tomatoes with firm flesh, juicy and crunchy flesh, melting flesh and thick flesh.

Source: ****

4.2 Rising prices

Between **** and ****, retail prices for tomatoes in mainland France showed an overall upward trend. In ****, the average price for a kilogram of tomatoes was €*.**. After a slight drop in ****, prices fluctuated, reaching €* in ****, then falling back to €*.** in ****. from **** onwards, a more marked rise took hold, from €*.** to €*.** in ****, reaching €*.** in ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Marketing and quality regulations for tomatoes :

UNECE standards FFV-** concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of tomatoes:

Tomatoes must meet the following criteria:

they must be whole and in good condition, with no signs of rot. clean and free of visible foreign matter. Fresh in appearance and free from pests. No ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Positioning the players

  • Episaveurs (Pomona Groupe)
  • Cofco
  • Sica Saint-Pol-de-Léon
  • Savéol
  • Union des coopératives de Paimpol et Tréguier
  • Rougeline
  • Conserves de Provence (Chalkis)
  • Le Jardin de Rabelais
  • Mutti
  • Solarenn
  • Océane
  • Prince de Bretagne Cerafel
  • The Morning Star Company
  • Panzani
  • Azura Gourmet Groupe

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Tomato market size
  • Tomato exports by country
  • Main tomato importing countries
  • Tomato-supplying countries
  • Tomato import trends
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Latest news

Summer brands: Savéol, cherry tomatoes made in Brittany - 06/09/2024
  • - Year of creation: 1981
  • - Number of producers: 124
  • - French leader in tomatoes and last year's favorite brand of the French.
  • - 1995, introduction of the cherry tomato in Brittany, marking a new turning point in tomato cultivation
  • - From 2006, experimentation with new tomato colors (red, yellow, orange)
Mutti, the Italian market leader, is concerned about the influx of tomatoes from China. - 25/06/2024
  • Italian Mutti, Europe's tomato market leader Sales up 19% to 665 million euros
  • Francesco Mutti plans to invest 100 million euros in its industrial facilities
  • China to become world tomato champion this year, with volumes up 22% to 11 million tons
Mutti, the king of Italian tomatoes, announces sales growth of 18% in 2023 - 21/05/2024
  • Sales of the European leader in canned tomatoes in 2023: €665 million
  • - Percentage of sales generated outside Italy for the second year running: over 50%
  • - Sales growth rate 18%
  • - Industrial investments announced for 2024-2028: €100 million
  • - Export share of sales: 53
  • - Mutti's market share in Italy: 33.4
  • - European countries where Mutti is market leader: France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Slovenia, Netherlands
  • - Sales growth in the United States: 40%
  • - Leading position in the Australian canned tomato market.
Azura Gourmet launches its first hot cherry tomato sauces - 23/04/2024
  • Cherry tomatoes gained 2.2 points in year-to-date penetration to March 2024, reaching 79.9%.
  • - Total tomato penetration is 96%.
  • - Production is based on fresh cherry tomatoes grown in Agadir, Morocco, and processed in Italy.
  • - The Azura Group will achieve sales of close to €500 million by 2023.
  • - The range is launched in France in May, followed by Germany.
  • - The Franco-Moroccan Azura Group is founded in 1988.
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  • The fresh pasta market in France is worth 700 million euros, with annual volume growth of around 5%
  • The dry pasta market in France is worth a billion euros, and has grown by 1.5% in recent years.
  • Private labels are gaining ground in this segment.
  • Panzani has forecast sales of around 600 million euros for 2023,
  • Panzani says it needs 100,000 tons of tomatoes every year, whereas the French industry supplies only 140,000 tons.
Mutti, champion of tomato sauce - 05/07/2023
  • The Mutti Group, European market leader in tomato by-products, achieved sales of 563 million euros in 2022, up 16% on the previous year.
  • The group processed some 60,000 tonnes of tomatoes.
  • For the first time, the group's export volumes exceeded those sold in Italy.
  • The Mutti subsidiary in France has been in existence for 10 years.
  • Mutti's sales in France are expected to reach 56 million euros in 2022, up 24% on the previous year.
  • California is the world's leading producer of tomatoes for the industry, followed by China, with a production of 9 million tons, and Italy, with a production of 6 million tons.
  • Worldwide tomato consumption is growing by around 2% a year.
  • The tomato industry has forecast a 60% increase in costs by 2022
  • . The price of tomatoes rose by 65% in 2023, to 150 euros per tonne. The price of Mutti products in stores rose by around 10% in 2022.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Episaveurs (Pomona Groupe)
Sica Saint-Pol-de-Léon
Union des coopératives de Paimpol et Tréguier
Conserves de Provence (Chalkis)
Le Jardin de Rabelais
Prince de Bretagne Cerafel

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