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  • Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

The tomato is part of the fruit and vegetable sector; if it is considered as a fruit on the botanical level, it will be considered in this study as a vegetable because of its place in the culinary sphere. There are nearly 480 varieties of tomatoes on French soil, classified by major categories: round, elongated, clustered...

The tomato has an essential place in the French diet and has become the most produced vegetable in France (it represents 15% of the volume of vegetable production) as well as the most consumed vegetable with nearly 13.6 kg per year and per household in 2021 according to Interfel.

A distinction is made between open-air and "off-ground" tomato production (80% of French production takes place in greenhouses). There are two main outlets in this market:

  • the production dedicated to the consumption of fresh tomatoes
  • the production dedicated to industrial use (processing, packaging...) which is not done in greenhouses and represents 22% of the volumes produced.

If the production of tomatoes is operated by a number of farmers often gathered in cooperatives, the processing remains the prerogative of large industrial groups and the distribution is dominated by the GSA (large food stores) even if many producers try to benefit from the development of short circuits.

The tomato, like other food commodities, is subject to the volatility of production prices and suffers from the increase in energy prices resulting from the situation in Ukraine.


List of charts presented in this market study

  • Evolution of world fresh tomato production: volume produced and area harvested
  • Evolution of the quantity of tomatoes for processing
  • Evolution of the market share of industrial tomatoes in tomato production
  • Distribution of fresh tomato production by country
  • Evolution of tomato production (fresh and industrial)
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Latest news

Mutti, the king of Italian tomatoes, announces sales growth of 18% in 2023 - 21/05/2024
  • Sales of the European leader in canned tomatoes in 2023: €665 million
  • - Percentage of sales generated outside Italy for the second year running: over 50%
  • - Sales growth rate 18%
  • - Industrial investments announced for 2024-2028: €100 million
  • - Export share of sales: 53
  • - Mutti's market share in Italy: 33.4
  • - European countries where Mutti is market leader: France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Slovenia, Netherlands
  • - Sales growth in the United States: 40%
  • - Leading position in the Australian canned tomato market.
Mutti, champion of tomato sauce - 05/07/2023
  • The Mutti Group, European market leader in tomato by-products, achieved sales of 563 million euros in 2022, up 16% on the previous year.
  • The group processed some 60,000 tonnes of tomatoes.
  • For the first time, the group's export volumes exceeded those sold in Italy.
  • The Mutti subsidiary in France has been in existence for 10 years.
  • Mutti's sales in France are expected to reach 56 million euros in 2022, up 24% on the previous year.
  • California is the world's leading producer of tomatoes for the industry, followed by China, with a production of 9 million tons, and Italy, with a production of 6 million tons.
  • Worldwide tomato consumption is growing by around 2% a year.
  • The tomato industry is forecasting a 60% increase in costs by 2022
  • . The price of tomatoes rose by 65% in 2023, to 150 euros per tonne. The price of Mutti products in stores rose by around 10% in 2022.
Panzani focuses on being made exclusively with French wheat and being responsible. - 11/07/2022
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  • The group generates annual sales of 550 million euros
  • Pasta market leader to source all its wheat from France
  • Panzani to work with 3,000 farmers, compared with 800 today
  • Pasta prices jumped 15% between November 2021 and today
  • The French market has growth potential of 1% to 2% a year

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Episaveurs (Pomona Groupe)
Sica Saint-Pol-de-Léon
Union des coopératives de Paimpol et Tréguier
Conserves de Provence (Chalkis)
Le Jardin de Rabelais
Prince de Bretagne Cerafel

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the tomato market | France

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