Summary of our market study

According to the latest available data, the global fruit and vegetable production market continued to show robust growth. Although specific data from 2020 onwards is not provided in the text, trends show that fruit production increased to 886 million tonnes at a CAGR of 2.42%, while vegetable production reached 1094 million tonnes at a CAGR of 2.8%.

Asia dominated fresh fruit and vegetable production, accounting for 59% and 74% respectively. The French market, with annual growth in value of 7.08%, was not significantly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, and even saw record sales in April 2020. Organic fruit and vegetable production grew at an average annual rate of 15.9%, and French agriculture devoted 0.4% of its land to organic production in this sector.

While France's fruit and vegetable trade is mainly with European countries, the country imports mainly from Spain and exports mainly to European markets. In terms of distribution, hypermarkets used to be the main channel, but consumers have turned to seasonality and product origin as crucial factors in their purchasing decisions. Wholesalers balanced supply between domestic and international producers, and focused on quality assurance and logistics services. Despite concerns about pesticides, French consumers' confidence in fruit and vegetables increased, reaching 93% and 90% respectively.

Market trends and demand dynamics in the French fruit and vegetable sector

The French fruit and vegetable market has enjoyed steady growth, particularly evident in the evolution of the sector's value and consumption volume. French households have always shown a preference for fruit and vegetables, which is reflected in stable consumption quantities and growing expenditure, signalling a trend towards higher-value products such as organic produce. French fruit and vegetable production by value showed an average annual growth rate of between 5% and 10%, with potatoes showing an exceptionally high growth rate of between 15% and 25%.

A closer look at market segmentation reveals some outstanding players, with companies such as Ponoma and Auchan Retail Agro dominating the scene, posting annual sales of around 2 to 3 billion euros and 800 million to 1 billion euros, respectively. The proliferation of organic production is particularly striking; this segment has skyrocketed, with growth rates in farmland under organic management reaching between 10% and 20% a year.

Consumer confidence in fruit and vegetables has been strong and growing, placing them at the top of the fresh produce ladder held in high esteem by the French. Crucially, issues such as pesticide use still cause concern among consumers, but the trajectory shows a downward trend in the level of concern about these factors, indicating greater confidence in production methods and supply chain transparency. French household consumption trends reflect the balance between volume and value.

Over the last few years observed, consumption levels of fruit and vegetables have been below the average of the previous period in terms of volume, but have shown an increase in value. This indicates a market orientation towards premiumization, where quality, including factors such as seasonality and origin, takes precedence over quantity. In terms of distribution, retail channels such as hypermarkets remain the preferred choice for the majority of fruit and vegetable purchases, capturing around 30-35% of the market in both volume and value. Consumers show a clear preference for these establishments when making their purchases, which influences demand and, consequently, the purchase volumes that wholesalers have to satisfy.

In conclusion, the French fruit and vegetable market is characterized by high production growth rates, high consumer confidence, a clear bias towards organic and higher-value products, and a dominant position.

The fruit and vegetable wholesale market in France

France's fruit and vegetable wholesale market is a dynamic and crucial segment of the country's agri-food industry, led by influential companies, traders and cooperative groups that play an essential role in the supply chain.

Here, we present some of the most important players who are not only leaders in terms of market presence, but also set standards in terms of quality, logistics and customer relations.

  • Ponoma has carved out an enviable place for itself in the French fresh produce wholesale market. Based in Antony, Ponoma exemplifies a comprehensive approach to customer needs, offering a plethora of services from selection to delivery. Through its subsidiary Terre Azure, it has established a significant presence in the fresh produce sector, meeting the needs of a wide range of customers.

  • Auchan Retail Agro, based in Villeneuve d'Ascq, illustrates the integration of a retail giant into the fresh produce wholesale market. Auchan's presence demonstrates the interconnection of wholesale operations with supermarkets, providing information on consumer preferences and logistics efficiency.

  • Prosol, located in Chaponnay, is another pillar of this sector. Prosol's rise within the industry is indicative of the attractiveness of the market and the opportunities for growth and expansion within the French agri-food ecosystem.
  • On the cooperative side, Compagnie Fruitière Paris de Rungis is one of the main groups supplying a range of fruit to the market. This cooperative is known for its solid network and commitment to delivering fresh, quality produce throughout the region.

  • Similarly, the Arcal Regional Vegetable Dial Association of Saint Pol de Laçon represents the region's commitment to the fruit and vegetable trade, underlining the importance of cooperatives in supporting local farmers and markets.

  • In the south of France, Marché des fruits nagel in Vendargues has made a name for itself thanks to its strategic geographical positioning and its commitment to meeting the strong demand from the Mediterranean region.

  • The company Blue Whale, based in Montauban, also plays an important role in the industry, with its branded and packaged fruit options catering to a segment looking for convenience and consistency.

  • Société Initiatives et coopération agricoles in St Pol de Leon and Coopérative maraîchère de l'ouest in Plougastel are other notable entities that combine the traditional cooperative model with modernity.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Fruit and vegetable traders, also known as wholesalers, act as intermediaries between producers (French or foreign) and distribution players such as retailers, catering companies and sometimes the processing industry.

The market players are therefore producers, cooperatives, shippers, central purchasing agencies, wholesale markets, supermarkets, greengrocers and restaurant owners.

In France, the activity of traders is in a great dynamic . The health crisis has not impacted the sector's turnover, which has been in a growth phase since 2014 : over the period 2014 - 2019, turnover recorded an  average annual growth rate of 5.22%.

The French market benefits from the popularity of fruit and vegetables among households, but also from the demand for traceability and clarity as to the origin of products. Moreover, in the trend of "eating better" supported by the numerous awareness campaigns financed by the State, the traders have a card to play. Indeed, the highlighting of the activity can enable them to develop a differentiation of the offer through quality and therefore a range of activities that is growing and expanding.

Other key factors influencing the market include the trend towards consumption of organically grown products with higher value added

Finally, the market is characterized by a great stability in its structure with a stable number of players, an efficient territorial network and a weak competitive landscape. The good health of the sector is also reflected in the increase in the number of employees.

1.2 Fruit and vegetable production in the world

The FAO reports on the production of fruits and vegetables in the world.

Over the period ****- ****, fruit production increased from *** million tonnes to *** million tonnes, representing a CAGR of *.**%. For vegetables, production was *** million tonnes in **** and also increased to **** million tonnes in ****, with a CAGR of *.*% over the period. ...

1.3 Fruit and vegetable traders in France in the global picture

Key figures for the fruit and vegetable market

Iterfel is an organization that brings together the various activities of the fresh fruit and vegetable sector. On its website lesfruitsetlé, Interfel reports that France is the *ᵉ largest fruit and vegetable producing country in Europe (***).

FranceAgriMer (***) published in May **** the key ...

1.4 Foreign trade in fruit and vegetables

In France, traders work with foreign suppliers but make most of their turnover on the national market. The data of imports and exports of fruits and vegetables in France give nevertheless a good indicator of the main partners for the international trade of the sector.

The UN Comtrade site reports Customs ...

2 Analysis of the demand

2.1 Household consumption of fruit and vegetables in France

Household consumption in value and volume terms

In the key figures for the fruit and vegetable sector in ****, the establishment details the evolution of household consumption in volume and value for fruit and vegetables. Some of these data can be updated with the help of another FranceAgriMer report published in **** on ...

2.2 The distribution channels most favoured by households

The popularity of the different distribution channels is of great importance for fruit and vegetable traders. Indeed, the distribution channels are the customers of the traders, and the popularity of the channels influences the wholesale purchase volumes which influence the (***) purchase price and thus directly the turnover of the traders.

Breakdown ...

2.3 The organic market in full expansion

Trends in the fruit and vegetable market have a direct impact on the activity of traders. The demand for organic produce is growing and fruit and vegetable wholesalers must take this dynamic into account. This part is extracted from a Businesscoot study on the organic fruit and vegetable sector in France, ...

2.4 Consumer confidence in products and farmers

FranceAgriMer published the **** barometer of French confidence in fruit and vegetables in ****. The year **** resulted in an increase in French confidence in fruit and vegetables with * points for each category, raising the percentage of French people who have confidence in vegetables (***). Confidence in farmers has increased by * points to **%.

The primary ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Traders: a key element in the value chain of the industry

Producers have two ways of selling their production:

Direct sales: on markets, to specialised shops, to processors in the food industry and to local supermarkets; The sale in short circuit (***): via the cooperatives and the forwarding companies which gather the productions of several farmers to obtain the best price with the ...

3.2 Overview of the wholesale business in France

Traders in France

The ACOSS database makes it possible to observe the evolution of the number of companies and employees registered under the NAF **.**Z code on the French territory.

Changes in the number of enterprises and employees under NAF code **.**Z (***) France, **** - ****, in units Source: ****

The number of companies ...

3.3 Traders in the distribution diagram: the distribution of value

On a regular basis, CTIFL produces a balance sheet diagram that shows the distribution in the fruit and vegetable sector. The latest edition is for ****. The chart below is taken from this diagram and details the main suppliers to wholesalers by value of goods purchased:

Distribution of traders' supply purchases* by ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Traders: a guarantee of reliability and traceability

Quality rewarded by certifications

The role of traders in the sector is increasingly highlighted by consumers. Indeed, the latter are looking for transparency and legibility regarding the products they buy. For many, it is now crucial to be able to be informed about the origin of the products and the different ...

4.2 Wholesale markets in France

France has ** wholesale markets: Angers, Lille, Rouen, Rungis, Rennes, Nantes, Tours, Bordeaux, Agen, Toulouse, Montpellier, Perpignan, Marseille, Cavaillon, Chateaurenard, Avignon, Nice, Grenoble, Lyon and Strasbourg.

The role of the wholesale markets is to organise the supply of fresh products to independent traders. They are essential partners of the out-of-home catering industry, ...

4.3 PESTEL - SWOT - and Porter's Forces

Pestel analysis of fruit and vegetable traders' activities in France

The SWOT matrix of the sector

Porter's strengths of the business

5 Regulation

5.1 General regulations

The traditional regulatory framework for fruit and vegetable trading activities

Decree **.**** of **/**/**** sets out the health rules for fruit and vegetables. They must be: of sound quality, clean, whole and must have reached a sufficient degree of development and ripeness; Decree n°**-**** of **/**/**** modified by decree n°**-*** of **/**/****: The ...

5.2 The quality approach

The UNCGFL's requirements

THE UNCGFL, Union nationale du commerce de gros de fruits et légumes (***), is responsible for carrying out audits of fruit and vegetable trading activities. It initiates, sometimes in partnership with other professional organisations, differentiation approaches for fruit and vegetable wholesale companies.

Charter of professionalism: This is a ...

6 Positioning of the actors

6.1 Segmentation

Source: ****

  • Pomona Groupe
  • Grand Frais (Prosol)
  • Compagnie fruitière Paris
  • La fraicherie
  • Les Crudettes - LSDH Groupe
  • Charlet Groupe
  • So Fruce
  • Agrial Coopérative Primeal
  • Florette (Agrial)
  • Lou Légumes
  • Bonduelle Groupe
  • Vergers Cancel
  • Priméale Agrial
  • d'aucy
  • Provenceprim
  • Idyl
  • Jardins du Roussillon
  • Solagora
  • Terrango
  • Maison Colibri (Groupe Roullier)
  • Perle du Nord
  • Le Saint Réseau
  • Saint Charles International-
  • MIN de Rungis - Semmaris
  • NectarGo

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Trends in world fresh vegetable production
  • Trends in world fresh fruit production
  • The world's largest fruit producers
  • The world's largest vegetable producers
  • Changes in turnover of fruit and vegetable wholesale activities
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Pomona Groupe
Grand Frais (Prosol)
Compagnie fruitière Paris
La fraicherie
Les Crudettes - LSDH Groupe
Charlet Groupe
So Fruce
Agrial Coopérative Primeal
Florette (Agrial)
Lou Légumes
Bonduelle Groupe
Vergers Cancel

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