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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Canned food is defined as a food substance preserved in an airtight container. The canning market encompasses all players in the sector: from manufacturers of metal packaging (aluminum, metal) to canning manufacturers (vegetables, fish, ready meals, fruit, meat, etc.).

The global canned food market is expected to grow at a rapid rate of 3.86% p.a. over the period 2023-2027 [MordorIntelligence], driven mainly by rising demand in the Asia-Pacific region. In Europe, the French market remains the continent's leader , with a penetration rate close to 100% and nearly 50 kilos of canned goods consumed per household every year[La conserve]. However, market erosion in terms of volume, particularly for private labels, and an ageing customer base have prompted manufacturers of aseptic canned food to react.

Leading players in the sector include d'Aucy, Bonduelle, Cassegrain, Géant Vert and Petit Navire.

Faced with the challenge of attracting millenials (aged 18 to 35), manufacturers are counting on organic produce, which has been posting double-digit growth rates for several years, as well as on innovative packaging and the nutritional qualities of canned foods to win over this new clientele. In fact, the market's priority is to modernize itself and move away from the image of a replacement product used only when cupboards are empty. This means raising the profile of the product by upgrading the product range and enhancing shelf appeal.

1.2 A dynamic global market

The canned food market World, ****-**** Source: ****

The global canned food market is expected to grow at a CAGR of *.**% between **** and ****, reaching ***.* billion USD.

WhileEurope dominates this market with around **% of global sales,Asia-Pacific is expected to be the main contributor to growth in the coming years, with a cumulative ...

1.3 A stable national market overall

France is the leading producer of canned food in Europe, and also Europe's leading exporter in the canned vegetable segment. ** billion cans are produced worldwide every year, *.**% of them in France. In fact, in ****, * billion cans were produced in France, for total sales of *.* billion euros. [***]

The canned food market France, ...

1.4 Imports and exports

In order to analyze French foreign trade in canned goods, we will use the following HS code from the United Nations International Classification : HS ******** - Iron or steel cans, capacity < ** l, to be closed by welding or crimping, of a kind used for preserving foodstuffs.

Imports and exports HS code ******** France, ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 A product consumed by all French people, but in different proportions

Households buying canned goods France, ****, in Source: ****

In ****, **.*% of French households will buy canned food, which represents an exceptional penetration rate. These same households buy an average of **kg of canned products per year. [***]

Profile of canned food consumers France, ****, in Source: ****

Canned food mainly attracts the over-**s without children ...

2.2 Customer sectors in the canning market

Breakdown of customer sectors in the canning market France, ****, in Source: ****

Households are by far the leading customer sector for the canning industry, accounting for **% of total sales in ****. They can easily obtain supplies from supermarket chains, or even from delicatessens and canner boutiques (***). Nevertheless, the foodservice sector continues to play ...

2.3 Consumers particularly fond of canned vegetables and fish

Sales by canning segment France, ****, in Source: ****

In ****, the king segments of canned food were vegetables, fish and meat. This trend is set to continue in ****. Vegetable preserves dominate the market with more than half of total sales, followed by fish preserves, with **.*% of market share. Finally, canned meat represents a ...

2.4 Focus on demand for canned fish

Breakdown of the canned fish market France, ****, in % of total Source: ****

Canned fish consumers therefore choose canned tuna first and foremost (***). On average, canned fish eaters consume *.* species of canned fish. These may include salmon, herring, trout or different presentations such as rillettes, terrines or mousses.

In ****, * out of ** French people ...

2.5 Focus on demand for canned vegetables and ready-made meals

Canned vegetables

Breakdown of the canned vegetables market France, ****, in % of total Source: ****

the canned vegetables most popular with French consumers are side dishes, green beans and pulses (***). These vegetables are renowned for preserving their taste qualities even after several years in the can. According to estimates, in France, **kg of ...

2.6 Consumers wary of the canning industry

The main case that has tarnished the image of the canning industry is the horsemeat scandal, a Europe-wide fraud committed in **** in which horsemeat was passed off as beef. Involving some *.* million ready-to-eat meals, it affects, to varying degrees, tens of millions of consumers. Not all segments of the canned food ...

3 Market structure

3.1 The canning industry value chain

Source: ****

The canning industry begins with metal manufacturers such as ArcelorMittal and Constellium, who process the raw materials required for can production. This raw material is then shaped and assembled by packaging manufacturers such as Ardagh, Crown and Massilly. Once the cans have been produced, the canners fill them with the ...

3.2 France's leading vegetable and fish canners

Breakdown of the canned vegetables market France, ****, in Source: ****

Private labels are by far the leaders in the canned vegetables market, accounting for over half of total sales. Among national brands in ****, Cassegrain is the number-one brand with **.*% market share, ahead of Bonduelle(***).

The high market share of private labels is ...

3.3 The role of the Brittany and Ile de France regions in the canning industry


Thanks to its coastal coastline and its weight in French agriculture, Brittany plays a leading role in the French canned food market. According to estimates from the study La conserve : chiffres clés du marché français, Brittany is the leading production basin for processed vegetables destined for export, particularly ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 An upward trend in market production costs

Producer price trends in the canned fish and fish products market (***) France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****

The producer price index for canned fish and fish products rose from ***.** in **** to ***.** in ****. Growth peaks between **** and ****, with an increase of **.**.

Producer price trends in the canned fruit and vegetable market (***) France, ****-****, ...

4.2 A product with many advantages

A practical product

The canner's number-one asset is its practicality. In fact, the little metal can takes up very little space and can be stored for several years without altering the quality of the product.

A quality product

As we saw earlier, the SFCP/CSA survey of March **** showed that theFrench ...

4.3 A trend towards premiumization of the market combined with the development of organic products

As early as ****, faced with a canning market that was tending to decline in volume, canners began to focus on moving upmarket to attract consumers who were very attentive to "better eating".

In the French ready-cooked meals category, for example, from **** to ****, "superior" recipes declined half as fast as the market ...

4.4 Artisanal canning

The key success factors for setting up an artisanal cannery are as follows:

Adopt a niche positioning, Focus on taste and quality, Plan a staggered launch of references to create an event over time, Multiply outlets[***].

La Marmite bretonne is an example of an artisanal cannery created recently, in ****, by two ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Strict health regulations

There are three levels of regulation governing the canning industry:

Regulatory measures

These are defined by official texts drawn up by the French and European public authorities, in agreement with the industry. The following is a list of regulatory measures applicable to the canning industry:

Décret n°**-*** du ** février ...

5.2 The impact of the EGAlim and EGAlim 2 laws on market valuation

The "EGAlim *" law to protect farmers' remuneration was adopted in **** and complements the "EGAlim *" law of ****, whose aim was to improve the balance of trade relations in the agricultural and food sector.[***]

The effect of the first law had been to increase the resale loss threshold by **% on canning products. This ...

5.3 The creation of an artisanal canning factory

Launching an artisanal cannery can be an attractive proposition, as the market is booming. The French are looking for quality and authenticity, but remain attached to the criterion of price. However, before you can set up your own cannery, there are a number of prerequisites:

Follow one or more training courses ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation of players in the French canning industry

  • ArcelorMittal
  • Constellium
  • Bonduelle Groupe
  • Labeyrie
  • Petit Navire (Paul Paulet)
  • Massilly
  • Conserverie la Belle-Iloise
  • Les Vergers de Gascogne
  • Gendreau Groupe
  • St Mamet Distribution (Intermarché ITM)
  • Rochefontaine
  • Chancerelle Conserverie
  • Eviosys

List of charts presented in this market study

  • The canned food market
  • The canned food market
  • Households buying canned goods
  • Profile of canned food consumers
  • Breakdown of customer sectors in the canning market
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Latest news

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  • - Bonduelle announces the divestment of its bagged salad business in France and Germany.
  • - The Bonduelle group has been facing a structural decline in salad consumption in France and Germany for the past ten years.
  • - Les Crudettes, which is in exclusive negotiations with Bonduelle to take over the French business, employs 2,300 people and boasts annual sales of 1.2 billion euros.
  • - The Saint-Mihiel salad plant could close in spring 2025, affecting 159 employees.
  • - Sales in Bonduelle's salad segment have fallen by 15% over the last seven years.
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The Chancerelle cannery has "professionalized" its governance - 22/06/2024
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Bonduelle Groupe
Petit Navire (Paul Paulet)
Conserverie la Belle-Iloise
Les Vergers de Gascogne
Gendreau Groupe
St Mamet Distribution (Intermarché ITM)

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