Summary of our market study

French heating and air-conditioning installation market to top 20 billion euros by 2021

The heating market has undergone major transformations since 2020, against a backdrop of energy crisis and inflation concerns.

Heating and hot water represent 79% of total final energy consumption, with a notable 23% of heating and cooling in the sector produced from renewable energies.

The number of manufacturing plants is set to fall from 64 in 2011 to 48 in 2022.

The renewable heat sector, particularly wood energy and aerothermal heat pumps, is booming.

The French market is strongly oriented towards electric and gas heating for private homes, and natural gas, electricity and fuel oil remain the main energy sources for heating needs in the tertiary sector.

Manufacturers like Groupe Muller and Atlantic lead the market, while retailers like Leroy Merlin and installers like Idex are major players. Connected heating solutions are gaining ground, with installation costs ranging from around 150 euros for basic packages to over 1,000 euros for sophisticated models.

Regulations such as RT2012 and the Ecodesign Directive, as well as economic incentives such as Fonds chaleur and MPrimeRenov', are encouraging reduced consumption and the adoption of renewable energies.

Trends and movements in the French heating market.

The French heating market is undergoing a significant transformation, characterized by increased attention to ecological considerations and the introduction of renewable heating options.

The wood industry generates sales of between 4 and 5 billion euros, aerothermal heat pumps reach around 6 billion euros, and the solar heat sector generates sales in excess of 1 billion euros. The geothermal energy market is also very active, with sales of around 280 million euros.

These figures underline the considerable interest in renewable heating solutions. Heating accounts for between 60 and 65% of household energy expenditure, with a drop of around 5 to 10 percentage points since 2000.

Electricity and gas remain the two main sources of domestic heating

There is a decreasing dependence on traditional heating sources, and a move towards more sustainable options.

Heating consumption in the commercial sector has fallen slightly. However, there appears to be a structural decline in overall consumption and a gradual interest in renewable heating sources in the tertiary sector.

In terms of production, the French landscape includes a variety of manufacturers specializing in different types of heating solutions, which show a stable trend despite a decline in the number of manufacturing establishments.

In the wholesale and installation sectors, there was a rebound in the number of establishments after 2014.

Major market players include groups such as Muller, and Atlantic, each holding around 13% of radiator sales.

With a focus on sustainable development, French regulations and economic incentives are steering the market towards low-energy and renewable energy solutions.

Key players shaping the heating market landscape

  • Muller Group a major player in the heating industry
  • Vaillant a leader in heating and hot water production solutions.
  • Atlantic a major player in the heating market
  • Leroy Merlin is a generalist retailer offering a complete range of heating products
  • Castorama, another major generalist retailer
  • Idex , an experienced provider of customized energy solutions.
  • Garanka specializes in the care and maintenance of heating systems
  • Müller Group
  • Atlantic Groupe
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Market overview and definition

The heating market covers all devices designed to produce and transmit heat for thermal comfort or industrial purposes.

There are different types of heating energy:

  • wood-fired ;
  • gas-fired ;
  • fuel oil ;
  • pellet ;
  • electricity.

The types of heating used vary according to geographical area, but also according to end-user: for example, heating consumption in the tertiary sector is clearly distinct from that of households. Within French households, habits vary. Although price often remains a key criterion, there is a growing focus on ecological issues.

There are many players in the market: heating system manufacturers, distributors and installers. They offer a wide variety of products: heat pumps, gas boilers, oil boilers, pellet boilers, wood pellet stoves and electric radiators. In addition, a renewable heating offer is emerging to meet a demand that is increasingly concerned about the environment.

The French radiator manufacturing market is stable overall, while the value of radiator installation work is rising. Generally speaking, the heating market is on the rise, and the range of heaters on offer is diversifying to make way for new, more environmentally-friendly and ergonomic products.

In 2022, against a backdrop of energy crisis and inflation (7%), the heating market in France is undergoing a profound transformation.

1.2 The European market

In EU households, heating and hot water alone account for **% of total final energy consumption. In industry, **.*% of energy consumption was used for space heating and industrial processes, compared with just **.*% for lighting and electrical processes such as machine motors, and *.*% for cooling. According to Eurostat figures for ****, **% of heating and ...

1.3 The French market

Sales (***) for the **.**B activity France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

This graph represents sales for thermal and air conditioning equipment installation work. These are activities grouped under NAF code **.**B. This category includes the installation in buildings or other construction projects of the following:

heating systems (***) boilers, cooling towers non-electric ...

1.4 The renewable heat market

Sales by renewable heat sector France, ****/****, in millions of euors Source: ****

according to the Panorama de la chaleur renouvelable et de récupération published by Ademe in ****, the wood industry represents *.* billion euros in sales. Sales of aerothermal heat pumps will reach *.* billion euros in ****. Geothermal energy as a whole ...

1.5 The impact of COVID-19 and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on energy consumption

The effects of the health crisis:

With the health crisis of ****, energy consumption nationwide is estimated to have fallen by **-**%, due to the reduction in economic activity and, in particular, the closure of shops and businesses. [***] In fact, heating accounts for the lion's share of electricity consumption.

The confinements and ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Household heating consumption

Breakdown of household consumption in the home France, ****-****, % (***) Source: ****

in ****, heating accounted for **% of household energy expenditure, down * points on **** and ** points on ****.

Main heating in primary residences by energy type France, ****, in electricity and gas are the two main energy sources used to heat homes in France, followed by ...

2.2 Heating consumption in the commercial sector

in ****, the sector's total heating consumption was **.* TWh, down on **** (***) and other years, notably due to the cessation of business activity during the **** health crisis. Nevertheless, we note a slight structural decline in total heating consumption by companies in the tertiary sector, and a willingness on the part of companies to ...

2.3 The French and heating

In ****, energy and heating consumption is a concern for nine out of ten French people. [***]

Implementing gestures to save energy and heat

Main actions to reduce heating consumption France, ****, in Source: ****

even though practices are changing and the French are making more and more effort in their daily actions, **% of them ...

3 Market structure

3.1 French production

We are interested here in the data provided by INSEE and ACOSS for NAF code **.**Z entitled "Manufacture of radiators and boilers for central heating". According to the details provided by INSEE, this activity code includes the following sub-categories:

manufacture of central heating boilers for hot water, pressurized water or steam, ...

3.2 Heating supplies and installation

Wholesale of plumbing and heating supplies

Here we consider the data provided by INSEE for the activity code: **.**B Wholesale of plumbing and heating supplies[***].

Number of establishments registered under activity code **.**B France, ****-**** Source: ****

this graph shows the number of establishments registered under activity **.**B. This is the wholesale ...

3.3 Market players

The manufacturers

* players stand out in terms of market share: the Muller group, De'Longhi SpA and Atlantic lead the way with around **% of heater sales respectively. Newell Brands Inc and Groupe SEB account for around **% of heater sales in France in ****.


Main purchasing channels for electric heaters France, ****, % of ...

3.4 The French heating industry: equipment

Electric heating

Segmentation of electric heating equipment sales France, ****, % of sales volume Source: ****

The share of towel radiator sales increased slightly between **** and ****.

Fuel oil and gas

Heating deliveries by type France, ****-****, in thousands of units Source: ****

In ****, the number of boilers delivered has fallen compared with ****: in fact, in ...

3.5 Focus on the single- and dual-flow CMV market

from the *nd half of ****, information will be available on the various types of work carried out by owner-occupiers benefiting from MaPrimeRénov' Sérénité. Of the **,*** homes concerned, **% have replaced windows and **% have installed a boiler or heat pump: attic insulation (***) is less common, as these are more often ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 A classification of heating systems

There are two main categories of heating systems: "centralized" and "decentralized".[***]

Source: ****

Centralized" systems are made up of three components:

the generator that produces the heat ; the distribution system, which transports this energy from the generator to its place of use (***); the emitter, which delivers the heat to the user.

Decentralized" ...

4.2 Price overview

Heating generator prices

There are a number of heating generators using different sources of supply, the prices of which have been estimated by Quelleé, an online energy-saving advice service:

The air-to-air heat pump, which extracts thermal energy from the outside air and releases it into the house or apartment ...

4.3 Connected heating

To connect an existing heating system, there are several types of equipment available: [***]

The connected thermostat , which lets you manage your home's temperature via an application The connected radiator which, thanks to sensors and a Wifi connection, sends information to the thermostat so that it can adjust the temperature as accurately ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Thermal regulations for buildings

The **** thermal regulations (***) requirement for single-family homes, multi-family housing and commercial buildings. Multi-family housing is exempt until December **, ****.under RT****, new single-family homes are required to install a minimum amount of renewable energy, usually in the form of wood-fired heating equipment, a heat pump, solar thermal panels, ...

5.2 Economic incentives

Economic incentives for collective, tertiary and industrial buildings

The Fonds chaleur provides financial support for the development of renewable heat production for collective housing, local authorities and businesses. Between **** and ****, *,*** installations have received support from the Fonds chaleur, representing a total investment of *.** billion euros, out of a total budget of ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Player segmentation

  • Vaillant Group (Saunier Duval)
  • Atlantic Groupe
  • Poujoulat
  • Butagaz
  • Intuis (Muller Groupe)
  • Saunier Duval (Groupe Vaillant)
  • Ariston Thermo
  • Axenergie
  • Eisox
  • Yahtec
  • Cedeo
  • Chappée (BDR Therma)
  • BDR Thermea (De Dietrich, Remea, Baxi)
  • Chaffoteaux (Ariston)
  • Wilo
  • Fauché Groupe

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Sales (excl. VAT) for activity 25.21Z
  • Sales (excl. VAT) 46.74B
  • Sales (excl. VAT) for activity 43.22B
  • Trends in furnace sales
  • Sales by renewable heat sector
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Latest news

Chimney manufacturer Poujoulat turns up the heat on wood energy - 25/11/2023
  • Company (1,700 employees) based in Saint-Symphorien (Deux-Sèvres), generates 40% of its sales in the wood energy segment
  • French leader in this segment
  • 401.9 million euros in sales by 2022
  • The Group, which originally specialized in chimney flues and industrial chimneys (60% of sales), recorded a 55% increase in wood-energy sales over the past year.
  • Acquisition of four plants in the last two years".
  • Its subsidiary, Bois Bûches Nord Atlantique, based in Loire-Atlantique and specialized in the production and distribution of wood energy in the Pays de la Loire region, joined the Poujoulat Group last July.
  • There are 2.6 million log and pellet-fired wood-burning appliances in French households s
  • 12 million households heat with gas in France
  • In Norway, 85% of single-family homes have a heat pump and are equipped with a wood-burning stove.
  • the company produces logs and pellets (six industrial sites), which it sells through brands dedicated to private and professional customers (Woodstock and Crepito)

Intuis expands its heat pump plant in the Somme region of France - 18/10/2023
  • The Intuis Group has sales of 200 million euros.
  • The company's heat pump production site in Feuquières-en-Vimeu covers 45,000 m2.
  • The company plans to produce 100,000 heat pumps and 200,000 thermodynamic water heaters a year by 2027.
  • Currently, Intuis manufactures fewer than 10,000 heat pumps and around 35,000 thermodynamic water heaters a year.
  • Intuis has invested €25 million in its Feuquières-en-Vimeu plant.
  • The company's heat pumps can cover up to 200 homes.
  • The company's heat pumps are manufactured in France, with at least 50% of the added value generated on French soil.
  • The Intuis group has 6 factories and 5 R&D sites in France. Intuis employs 1,200 people
Energy: Atlantic ready to step up heat pump production - 17/10/2023
  • Atlantic plans to start up its third PAC production plant in 2025 in Chalon-sur-Saône.
  • The new plant's production target is 180,000 units by 2028, double the Group's current output.
  • The Group has 31 industrial sites, 15 of which are located in France.
  • Products based on this technology account for 30% of the Group's sales of over 3 billion euros.
  • The breakdown of Group sales is: 45% electric, 25% gas and 30% heat pumps
  • The Group's objective is to increase sales of this technology to 50%.
Atlantic chooses France for new heat pump plant - 14/10/2023
  • The Atlantic Group is France's number-one heat pump manufacturer, with sales of 3.2 billion euros.
  • It has 31 industrial sites and employs 13,000 people.
  • The Atlantic Group is building a new factory in Chalon-sur-Saône, Saône-et-Loire.
  • Production is scheduled to start in 2025, with full capacity in 2028.
  • The plant will manufacture 180,000 units per year.
  • Government target of tripling the number of heat pumps manufactured in France to 1 million by 2030.
Eisox growth - 07/09/2023
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  • Eisox hopes to achieve sales of 2 million euros this year, compared with 1 million last year.
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  • The company has been profitable for two years By 2030, the tertiary sector building stock must reduce its energy consumption by 40%.
Intuitis: "Made in France" heat pump manufacturers prepare for Chinese competition - 27/06/2023
  • Intuis operates a 45,000 m2 factory in Feuquières-en-Vimeu, near Abbeville in the Somme region.
  • Intuis has an annual production capacity of 100,000 water heaters and 30,000 heat pumps, compared with 40,000 thermodynamic water heaters and 6,000 heat pumps the previous year.
  • In 2020, over 1.2 million heat pumps of various types were sold in France.
  • Overall growth in the heat pump market in France was 2.5%, but the air-to-water heat pump segment grew by 30%.
  • By 2021, 2.3 million heat pumps were installed in French homes, representing a 2.7-fold increase in just five years.
  • Heat pumps can be found in 90% of single-family homes, and account for 7.7% of all heating systems in France.
  • Other heating systems in France include
    • electric (30.2%), gas (36%), wood (10.5%) and domestic fuel oil (9.1%).
  • The market for air-to-water heat pumps is set to grow from 350,000 to 1 million units, according to the French Ministry of the Economy (Bercy).

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Vaillant Group (Saunier Duval)
Atlantic Groupe
Intuis (Muller Groupe)
Saunier Duval (Groupe Vaillant)
Ariston Thermo
Chappée (BDR Therma)

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