
The global indoor climbing market has grown significantly, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7%, driven by increased interest in the sport and events such as the Olympic Games. In France, the indoor climbing market is booming, with 2 million climbers.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 had an impact on the industry with closures and restrictions, although peaks of interest were observed after the containment. The largest number of climbing gyms in France is in the Rhône-Alpes region.

Analysis of the indoor climbing market and trends in France

The indoor climbing market in France has experienced remarkable growth, with the number of active climbers constantly rising. A recent study shows that French climbing consumers are relatively young, with a significant proportion aged between 9 and 17, indicating a future generation of passionate climbers. This growth trajectory is reflected in the sharp increase in indoor climbing facilities, with around 100 accessible gyms, compared with just 20 in the early 2000s. Complementary products are a vital segment of the market, with specialized footwear and chalk indispensable to the climbing experience. Consumers spend most of their money - around 47% - on footwear and equipment. Textiles follow, accounting for around 33% of spending.

Interestingly, women tend to spend less on climbing gear each year, averaging between 300 and 400 euros, while men spend between 450 and 500 euros. Events and media coverage have played a decisive role in the popularity of climbing. The upcoming Paris Olympics in 2024, for which climbing will be one of the featured sports, promise to have a positive impact on the market.

In addition, globally televised championships and documentaries on platforms such as Netflix have significantly broadened exposure and generated interest. Indoor climbing areas primarily meet the practical needs of the urban population, enabling enthusiasts to practice within city limits. The average time spent by climbers in gyms is over two hours, which, combined with the high cost of gym membership, indicates that time and financial commitments are the main obstacles to more frequent practice of the sport.

Market size is significant and growing, with estimates suggesting an annual market size of between 100 and 150 million euros, including sales of complementary products such as footwear. This size is expected to have doubled in recent years. The franchise model has gained in popularity, as it enables entrepreneurs to take fewer risks and get off to a fast start, despite the considerable initial investment required, estimated at over 400,000 euros, a large proportion of which is made up of personal contributions.

Recent global events, in particular the COVID-19 pandemic, have undeniably affected the indoor climbing market, with mandatory gym closures during shutdown periods resulting in a sharp drop in the sector's revenues. However, the resilience of the market is remarkable, with exceptional peaks in interest in climbing following the relaxation of containment measures.

Regulations and standards play a fundamental role in the safe operation of climbing gyms, with detailed guidelines laid down by the Fédération française de la montagne et de l'escalade (FFME), which cover a range of aspects from safety to environmental protection and accident prevention

The main players in the French indoor climbing market

The indoor climbing market in France boasts several major players who have risen to the top, becoming synonymous with the sport in the country. These companies have not only fueled the market's growth, but have also set the standard for climbing enthusiasts looking for exceptional facilities and services. Here's a look at the main players in this dizzying sector.

  • Block'Out Block'Out is one of the major players in the indoor climbing sector. This company blends the lines between a climbing gym and a social center, where bouldering is the main activity. With facilities catering for beginners and experienced climbers alike, Block'Out also offers a welcoming atmosphere with cafés and relaxation areas where climbers can unwind after a tough session.

  • ClimbUp ClimbUp takes indoor climbing to new heights with its vast and varied climbing walls, suitable for all ages and skill levels. The company has a strong presence, with numerous sites offering lead climbing, bouldering and speed climbing. Its gyms are known for being inclusive spaces that encourage climbers to challenge themselves, improve and become part of the climbing community.

  • Les Arts de La Grimpe Les Arts de La Grimpe is a specialist in climbing gear and equipment. They offer a wide range of products suited to climbing enthusiasts. With years of experience under their belts, Les Arts de La Grimpe is an essential resource for climbers looking for quality equipment, whether for indoor or outdoor use.

  • Altissimo Altissimo stands out in the market by offering a complete climbing experience. It offers walls designed for a variety of climbing disciplines. Altissimo has made a name for itself thanks to its distinctive approach to indoor climbing, offering tailor-made experiences and emphasizing the community aspect of the sport, where climbers can share their passion and learn from each other.

  • Arkose Arkose is a modern and innovative addition to the indoor climbing industry, distinguished by its integration of healthy lifestyle aspects into the climbing experience. With a commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility, Arkose gyms often offer organic cafés and host events, making them fashionable venues for environmentally conscious climbers.

In conclusion, these heavyweights in the climbing gym market are pushing the boundaries of indoor climbing in France. They not only offer spaces for physical activity, but also foster the creation of communities where climbing aficionados can converge. As the market continues to grow, these players are well placed to meet the needs of a growing number of people looking for a climbing gym.

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  • Nombre de pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Version digitale et PDF
  • Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2022
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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

The climbing market can be divided into two segments:

  • Indoor climbing
  • Outdoor climbing

In this study, we only cover indoor climbing. The two segments are often linked in terms of consumer interest, but there arestructural differences. Indoor climbing requires heavy investment in infrastructure, equipment and walls, and constant maintenance. Indoor climbing is accessible all year round. Outdoor climbing, on the other hand, is more raw, which means that human intervention is much lower, and nature dictates conditions and routes. Nevertheless, this form of climbing requires knowledge, more people and stricter adherence to safety rules. What's more, it often requires more equipment and gadgets.

The global indoor climbing market, dominated by the USA, has seen explosive growth in recent years. In 2018, 4.4% of Americans were indoor climbers. What's more, the global market is set to grow at a CAGR of 7% between 2019 and 2023, driven by increasing popularity and interest in the sport. This phenomenon is fuelled by events such as the 2021 Olympic Games, where climbing is now a discipline for the first time since 1992.

In France, there were one million climbers in 2016. This figure is rising steadily against a backdrop of growing interest in the sport. A catalyst for this growth was the world championships held in Paris in 2016, where many competitors were French.

The market is fragmented, with many players present in France. However, as the business model for climbing gyms requires significant initial investment, the franchise model has gained in popularity. Among the best-known players are Montez, bloquez, MurMur and others.

Finally, COVID-19 will have a negative impact on the climbing market in 2020, with closures imposed in France between March and May 2020, and new traffic restrictions put in place in October 2020. Industry players are suffering cash flow losses, and in the future we can expect greater market concentration due to the growing number of bankruptcies of cash-poor companies.

Liste des graphiques

  • Taux de pratique sportive au cours de l'année
  • Premiers et seconds motifs de la pratique sportive
  • Dépenses sportives des ménages
  • Diriez-vous que l'intégration du surf, du skateboard, du breakdance et de l'escalade aux JO est une bonne ou mauvaise chose ?
  • Quel type d'escalade pratiquez vous ?
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Dernières actualités

Escalade : avec ses prises, Expression Holds s'est ouvert la voie des JO - 27/02/2024
  • Expression Holds est un fabricant breton de prises et de volumes d'escalade.
  • - Expression Holds compte une équipe de cinq salariés.
  • - 60 % du chiffre d'affaires de l'entreprise provient de l'international, dont un tiers hors Europe.
  • - Le chiffre d'affaires de l'entreprise était de plus de 2 millions d'euros en 2023.
  • - L'entreprise a été créée il y a vingt ans et compte plus de 12.000 références dans son catalogue, avec environ 3.000 formes différentes.
En plein essor, les chaussons d'escalade EB se dotent d'un nouvel outil industriel - 27/02/2024
  • La marque référence a été reprise en 2009 par 9A Climbing
  •  Fondée en 1950, EB est une des références du chausson d'escalade.
  • Frédéric Tuscan vice-champion du monde en 2001 en a repris l'exploitation avec sa société 9A Climbing, créée en 2009 qui a réalisé un chffre d'affaires d'environ 4 millions.
  • Le marché global  des salles d'escalade privées  progresse de 10 à 20 % par an
  • 300.000 paires de chaussons d'escalade sont vendues chaque année
Climbing district,enseigne française d'escalade, lève 10 millions d'euros - 02/02/2024
  • Climbing District, une enseigne d'escalade, a été lancée en 2019 et a ouvert sa première salle en 2021.
  • Le binôme fondateur, composé de Henri d'Anterroches, un ancien entrepreneur tech, et Antoine Paulhac, un ex-directeur d'investissement, a effectué une levée de fonds de 10 millions d'euros en janvier, auprès de Pleiad Venture et 123 Investment Managers.
  • L'enseigne ambitionne d'ouvrir trois nouveaux établissements à Paris ainsi qu'à Milan et à Londres d'ici 2024.
  • Les espaces de Climbing District offrent une variété d'activités, y compris des cours de yoga, de pilates et de renforcement musculaire.
  • Climbing District a annoncé que toutes ses salles ont été rentables en 2023.
  • L'enseigne compte plus de 85 employés et fait face à de gros acteurs comme Arkose, Climb Up, Block'Out et Vertical'Art.
  • Le marché des salles d'escalade privées est en croissance, avec près de 300 salles privées à travers la France et une croissance annuelle de 10% ces cinq dernières années.
Béal inaugure un nouveau site de production en Isère - 25/11/2023
  • Béal est une entreprise fondée en 1951.
  • Elle est devenue leader mondial de la corde de montagne.
  • Actuellement, elle emploie 70 salariés en France, 145 à Madagascar et 30 aux États-Unis.
  • Béal a investi 9 millions d'euros dans une nouvelle infrastructure qui a été inaugurée le 17 novembre.
  • Les sports de montagne représentent 40% du chiffre d'affaires de Béal (18,5 millions d'euros en 2022), dont 60% provient de l'exportation.
  • La majorité restante (60%) de son chiffre d'affaire provient du secteur du travail en hauteur.
  • Béal ambitionne de devenir la référence en matière d'équipements de protection individuelle pour les travaux en hauteur.
L'escalade, la tendance qui ne cesse de monter dans l'Hexagone - 20/08/2023
  • Le leader français du secteur, Arkose, a ouvert 14 salles depuis 2019 et vise 45 millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires en 2023, contre 21 millions en 2019.
  • Croissance d'une dizaine d'années du marché de l'escalade indoor avec une croissance quasiment ininterrompue hors période Covid.
  • Le nombre de salles d'escalade en France est passé d'une quinzaine au début des années 2000 à un peu plus de 200 aujourd'hui.
  • En 2022, 4 % des Français ont pratiqué l'escalade, c'est-à-dire près de 1,5 million de personnes, dont 500.000 nouveaux pratiquants.
  • Le secteur continue de croître d'un peu plus de 2 % par an.
  • Les clients restent en moyenne deux heures et demie à trois heures dans les salles d'escalade, mais ils ne grimpent que 25 % du temps.
  • Les activités complémentaires représentent entre 30 et 35 % du chiffre d'affaires pour Arkose et 15 % pour Climb up.
  • La start-up Climbing District, fondée en 2020, affirme être déjà rentable au niveau du groupe.
Escalade en salle : Vertical'Art va aller grimper à Chenôve | Vertical'Art grimpe à Chenôve - 17/07/2023
  • Ouverture de la salle d'escalade "Vertical'Art" à Chenôve, sur un espace de 1.500 m2.
  • Vertical'Art a déjà ouvert 10 autres salles en France.
  • Climb Up et Cime Altitude 245 exploitent également des salles d'escalade à Dijon
  • 3 millions de personnes fréquentent des salles d'escalade en France
  • Il existe un peu plus de 200 salles d'escalade en France.
  • La société Vertical'Art prévoit de réaliser un chiffre d'affaires de 18 millions d'euros en 2023.
  • L'investissement nécessaire pour un franchisé de la marque se situe entre 1 et 1,4 million d'euros.

Entreprises citées dans cette étude

Cette étude contient un panorama complet des entreprises du marché avec les derniers chiffres et actualités de chaque entreprise :

Climbing Technology
Climbing District
Béal Cordes
Hapik Masai
Bloc Session
Les Arts de la Grimpe

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the climbing gym market | France

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  • Quels leviers tirent la croissance du marché et leur évolution ?
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  • Comment se différencient les entreprises du marché ?
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Ajouts et mises à jour

  • 27/02/2024 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise 9A Climbing
  • 27/02/2024 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Expression Holds
  • 26/02/2024 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Simond (Decathlon)
  • 02/02/2024 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Vertical'art
  • 02/02/2024 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Les Arts de la Grimpe
  • 02/02/2024 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Bloc Session
  • 02/02/2024 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Hapik Masai
  • 26/11/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Béal Cordes
  • 26/11/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Climbing District
  • 25/09/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Manox
  • 11/07/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise Climbing Technology
  • 21/02/2023 - Ajout des informations de l'entreprise ClimbingAway
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