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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Aquabiking is the term used to refer to the water cycling . This practice is related to the water fitness practice (or water fitness) fitness programme which notably helps to fight cellulite and refine the silhouette of the adepts. Indeed, the calories burned (300 to 500 calories burned between 30 to 45 minutes) are higher during aquatic sports thanks to the resistance of the water, which also promotes good blood circulation and the maintenance of a stable heart rate.

Aquabiking is to be segmented into three main types:

  • Aquabiking in public swimming pool where bicycles are available for self-service or group lessons;
  • Aquabiking in private pool (clubs or private homes) offering more personalized frameworks with a particular coaching;
  • Aquabiking in a spa or individual cabin where the bike is located in a bathtub filled with water up to the waist and accompanied by hydromassage jets.

Very fashionable and appeared in 2010 in France, the aquabiking seduces more and more thanks to a individual cabin concept . Indeed, by switching from aquabiking lessons in the pool (group practice) to cabins (individual practice), aquabiking is becoming more democratic and attracts a younger, upscale clientele. As a result, aquabiking centres are flourishing in France, often through franchise systems: four major players (Waterbike, Envido, Vitabike and BodyForme) historically competed for a market composed of nearly 500 aquabiking centers in France . However, since 2015, there have been numerous centre closures and judicial liquidations, which have greatly affected Waterbike, Envido and Vitabike. Other players have also emerged, such as Aquabecool, Aquavelo and the giant L'Appart Fitness.

The distribution strategy observed on the market is that of the franchise which allows to reach relatively low entry costs and a promise of strong profitability with a staff load that is low (a 4-cabin centre requires only 2.5 full-time staff). For example, the founder of Point Soleil launched into the aquabiking business with the creation of his BodyForme centres: these are franchised centres composed of four aquabiking cabins that combine cycling, hydromassage, chromotherapy and ozone-based skin care. Water Bike is also the first to enter this market. In terms of the offer, innovations are appearing on the market: the "Velaqua", for example, a fully submersible bicycle that makes it possible to combine aquabike and aquagym.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Répartition du marché mondial du bien-être
  • Revenus des clubs de fitness par pays
  • Fréquence de la pratique du sport
  • La pratique du sport en fonction des caractéristiques sociales et démographiques
  • Les sports les plus populaires chez les hommes
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