Summary of our market study

The French herbal tea market is valued at over 270 million euros

The global herbal tea market is valued at $4 billion.

The French market has grown by 25% in value over the past decade.

Growth is further fuelled by rising household consumption of non-alcoholic beverages, including infusions, which reached over 15 billion euros in 2020.

Organic products are a growth driver in the herbal tea and infusions market, accounting for over half of sales.

The French market is showing strong interest in detox drinks, with infusions ranking third in this category.

The number of infusion consumers has risen from 45 to 50 million.

Supermarkets dominate the distribution channels, accounting for 85% of infusion sales in France.

The market is also witnessing an increase in artisanal and niche offerings catering to this new demand, with herbalists.

Key market players driving the infusions and herbal teas landscape

  • Unilever used to dominate the herbal tea market with well-known brands such as Lipton and Elephant. However, Unilever has exited this market and sold its two brands.
  • Twinings (Foods International SAS) - With a rich history dating back to 1706, Twinings maintains its reputation for high-quality teas.
  • La Tisanière (Foods International SAS) - Part of the same group as Twinings, La Tisanière is known in the infusions market for its selection of herbal and fruit teas.
  • Elephant Tea - Known for its French roots in the tea industry
  • Yogi Tea - Specializing in organic teas, Yogi Tea is inspired by Ayurvedic principles and focuses on the health and well-being aspects of infusions.
  • Kusmi Tea - Founded in St. Petersburg, Kusmi Tea stands out for its superior blends and unique infusions.
  • Le Palis des thés - High-end tea shop chain present in several countries.
  • Mariage Frères - An emblematic brand with a storied past, Mariage Frères has established itself as a supplier of fine teas, making it a prestigious name in the world of high-end infusions.
  • Les 2 Marmottes - Representing a new generation on the market.
  • Chic des Plantes! - A newcomer to the organic movement.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation

Infusion is first and foremost an extraction method involving the soaking of a plant in initially hot water, which is then left to cool, in order to extract its active ingredients or natural aromas. In this sense, it contrasts with maceration, in which the water is kept cold at all times, or decoction, in which the water is kept boiling.

Traditionally used for their medicinal virtues, infusions have been known since 2737 BC, when the Chinese emperor Chen Nung first soaked a tea leaf in hot water.

They were widely used by physicians in Antiquity and the Middle Ages as a remedy for all kinds of illnesses, before being gradually replaced by the advent of medicine during the Renaissance.herbal medicine and other natural remedies are known as phytotherapy.

There are many different types of herbal tea, including black, green and white teas, as well as chamomile, ginger, verbena and many others.

These plants can be purchased in bags or jars, in supermarkets or specialist stores. New products regularly enter the market, including cold infusions and encapsulated pods.

There is a growing craze for herbal drinks such as infusions. The French infusions market grew by 16.2% in 2020, driven in particular by the Covid-19 epidemic, which increased home consumption of hot drinks. If the trend is reversed in 2022, it will be based on solid levers such as the boom in the organic and eco-responsible segment, which since 2018 has accounted for more than half of all infusions sold in France.and the boom in CBD-based beverages, which will facilitate a return to growth in 2023, with sales of 220 million euros.

1.2 Accelerating global growth

The herbal tea market has been valued at US$*.** billion in **** and is expected to reach US$*.** billion by ****, growing at a CAGR of *.**% from **** to ****. [***]

It is therefore possible to estimate the evolution of sales from the herbal tea market, as shown in the graph below.

Global herbal tea market size World, ****-*****, in billions of US dollars

The main drivers of the herbal tea market are population growth, rising household disposable income and growing consumer health awareness. Consumers' growing orientation towards healthy products and nutrient-rich diets is also a favorable factor.

Key players in the global market include Nestlé (***).

1.3 In France, the herbal tea market is booming

Driven by new health and environmental concerns, the infusion market is booming in France: it has grown by +**% in value over the last ** years. [***]

In ****, the French infusion market stood at *** million euros, down *.*% in value on ****, marking a difficult comeback following the market downturn caused by the end of the pandemic. This contrasts with the strength of the infusion market in pharmacies and parapharmacies, which gained * million euros. It should be noted, however, that according to LSA Conso, sales to supermarkets and hypermarkets have risen significantly between **** and ****, by over *%, giving grounds for optimism that the post-pandemic downturn will be overcome.

French infusions market size France, ****-****, in millions of euros and as a % of total sales Source: ****

Analysis of data on the size of the French infusions market shows overall growth until ****, followed by some fluctuations in ****. Sales in supermarkets, hard-discount and convenience stores rose until ****, then fell slightly in ****. In contrast, the market for herbal teas in organic stores declined significantly in **** after a period of fluctuation, while the market for herbal teas in pharmacies and parapharmacies continued to grow steadily.

Market growth in supermarkets is driven in particular by the premiumization of products, with annual growth in ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Répartition des ventes en GMS

La répartition des ventes d'infusions montre une domination nette des grandes et moyennes surfaces (***). Cette répartition souligne l'importance des grands réseaux de distribution pour ce type de produit, bien que les circuits alternatifs conservent un rôle complémentaire.

Répartition des ventes d'infusions, par circuit de distribution France, ****, en % Source: ****

En ****, les infusions représentent **% des ventes GMS du marché du thé et de l'infusion.  

Répartition des ventes en GMS, en volume France, ****, en % Source: ****

2.2 Breakdown of organic store sales

Breakdown of infusion sales by format in organic stores France, ****, in Source: ****

Here, products are differentiated between single plants and blends, as well as between products packaged in small individual sachets (***) in the form of blends and packaged in sachets.

Sales of plants in single infusions sold in organic stores France, ****, in tons Source: ****

The best-selling single plants are thyme, followed by maté, hibiscus, verbena and rosemary. The drop in sales does not concern any particular plant, but affects all products.

2.3 Breakdown of pharmacy and parapharmacy sales

Breakdown of pharmacy sales

Plants present in herbal teas sold in pharmacies France, ****, in tons Source: ****

The main single plants sold in pharmacies, in terms of volume, are thyme,eucalyptus,linden sapwood, verbena and senna.

Plants present in simple infusions sold in pharmacies France, ****-****, in tons Source: ****

In terms of value, although thyme remains in first place, the ranking differs slightly: it is followed by Roman chamomile, verbena,eucalyptus, linden and chamomile matricaria. Prices vary considerably according to plant and packaging.

Sales of infusions sold in pharmacies France, ****-****, € million Source: ****

The presence of health claims is confirmed as an important purchasing criterion. In fact, **.*% of pharmacy sales (***) of herbal products are for products for which the manufacturer has indicated at least one health claim. The most popular claims, in terms of share of sales, are those related to digestion/transit, followed by elimination/drainage and sleep/stress. It is interesting to note the strong increase in sales of products with claims related to elimination/drainage and immunity/vitality over the last three years, while the other main claims remain relatively stable.

Breakdown of parapharmacy sales

Sales of infusions marketed in pharmacies (***) France, ****, in $ millions Source: ****

In pharmacies, sales of ...

2.4 Demand drivers and consumer behaviour

Infusion consumers

The infusion consumer base has expanded significantly in recent years, rising from **.* million in **** to over ** million in ****. At the same time, these growing numbers of consumers have also increased their average budget per act of purchase: this rose from €*.** in **** to €*.** in ****.

In ****, the French drank an average of *** cups of herbal tea a year[***].

In ****, one French person in two will consume infusions[***].

Infusions are the third most popular detox drink in France, after tea and juices.

Ranking of French people's favorite detox drinks France, ****, in %

There are a number of reasons why the French consume infusions, the foremost of which are well-being and health. These reasons explain the growing craze for this beverage, which is part of the French people's growing awareness of health issues. The increase in sales of organic infusions in particular is also part of this trend.

Reasons for consuming detox drinks France, ****, in %

Growing interest in infusions

Interest in searching for "infusion" on Google France, **** - ****, Google Trends index Source: ****

The graph above represents the proportion of searches for a given keyword in a given region and for a specific period, in relation to the time when the rate of use of ...

2.5 France's favorite brands

Analysis of French infusion preferences reveals a clear preference for established brands such as Lipton, Elephant and Twinings, with high approval ratings of up to **.*%. By contrast, Les * Marmottes and Kusmi Tea seem less popular, garnering more modest approval percentages of **.*% and **.*% respectively. Negative responses are generally low for all brands. A notable proportion of respondents said they were neutral or unfamiliar with certain brands, notably Les * Marmottes and Kusmi Tea, suggesting potential for growth through greater awareness.

Infusion brands preferred by the French France, ****, in Source: ****

Breakdown by gender

Distribution of "likes" by gender (***) France, ****, in % (***) Source: ****

The breakdown of "likes" by gender shows an overall stronger preference among women for all infusion brands, with higher percentages than among men. The brands most appreciated by women are Lipton and Elephant, while for men, Lipton and Elephant remain equally popular, but with lower scores than for women.

Distribution of "I don't know this brand" by gender (***) France, ****, in Source: ****

The breakdown of "I don't know this brand" by gender reveals marked differences between men and women, with higher percentages among men for all brands. The Kusmi Tea and Les * marmottes brands are the most unfamiliar, particularly among men.

Age distribution

Distribution ...

2.6 Demand trends

The organic craze is not immune to trends in the PPAM market

The market for herbal teas and infusions is enjoying a rejuvenated and dynamic image. The proportion of **- to **-year-olds consuming these beverages has risen, boosting the image of these products. According to a report by Transparency Market Research, this dynamism stems froma change in consumption patterns among this age group, who are more interested in natural products and a "healthy" diet[***].

The value of organic-labeled infusions is increasing, rising from * million euros in **** to *.* million euros in **** (***). As a proportion of total sales, the organic share is thus on the rise. Since ****, more than half of sales correspond to these labeled products. [***]

This growing demand for natural remedies, particularly herbal remedies, has brought some very old professions back into fashion. This is the case of herbalists, who, despite a regulatory framework that may be considered obsolete(***), are gradually taking action, notably through petitions to rehabilitate their profession and introduce a state diploma[***].

New young players are entering the infusion market. Two examples are Chic des Plantes! and Happy Plantes, two French companies that have been set up in this field, with ***% organic products stamped "made in France"[***]. Major ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain and infusion manufacturing

The infusion value chain, like that of tea, involves a number of stages involving different professionals, in order to obtain the most appropriate and subtle scents and tastes.

Source: ****

Before the drying stage, plants have a moisture content ranging from **% to **%. The aim of the drying process is to bring this level down to **%, so that the plants do not degrade on contact with air. It therefore consists of * crucial stages:

Warmingup the plant: adjusting the temperature of the plant to that of the dryer. Rapid evaporation: the water available in the plant evaporates. Slow evaporation: the remaining water in the plant evaporates.

3.2 Production and dependence on the PPAM sector

The amounts given for production refer to the value of production marketed or intended for marketing, which is calculated on the basis of the selling price realized ex-factory or likely to be realized during the period covered by the survey.this is calculated on the basis of the factory-gate selling price, or the selling price likely to be achieved during the period covered by the survey. It also includes the cost of packaging; sales tax, consumption tax, separately invoiced transport costs and customer discounts are not included.

The Eurostat Prodcom code is ******** Herbal Infusions.

French production of herbal infusions has been growing for several years. Since ****, production volume has in fact increased by ***%, while production value has grown by almost ***%.

French infusion production trend France, ****-****, in millions of euros and tons Source: ****

An infusion involves placing plants or plant extracts in an initially hot liquid (***), which is then allowed to cool. By extension, certain herbal teas, such as those based on seeds or roots, can also be referred to as decoctions. This preparation method involves boiling the liquid for several minutes.

The infusion market is therefore dependent on the PPAM sector. The Perfumed, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (***) sector encompasses the ...

3.3 Distribution dominated by supermarkets

Sales of infusions to supermarkets, hard-discount and convenience stores France, ****-****, in millions of €, in tons Source: ****

Sales of infusions in supermarkets, hard-discount stores and convenience stores in mainland France (***) reached €*** million in ****, with a volume of *,*** tonnes. This represents a drop of *% in value and *% in volume compared to ****.

Supermarkets dominate these sales. In ****, sales of infusions in supermarkets (***).

Sales of organic infusions also fell in ****, returning to a level similar to that of ****. They represent **% of the total volume of infusions (***).

Breakdown of supermarket sales of infusions by distribution channel France, ****, in Source: ****

More precisely, hypermarkets and supermarkets generate the majority of infusion market sales. They account for **.*% and **.*% of the value of supermarket sales respectively. Hypermarkets and supermarkets thus generate **% of the value of infusion sales, all channels combined.

Market share of the main infusion brands in supermarkets France, ****, in

In addition, * brands stand out, accounting for **% of all herbal tea sales in supermarkets. The leading infusion brands sold in French supermarkets, hard discount stores and convenience stores are ÉLÉPHANT, with **% market share, followed by LA TISANIÈRE (***).

3.4 The infusions market in specialist stores is in trouble

Sales of infusions marketed in organic stores France, ****-****, in millions of €, in tons Source: ****

According to BIOANALYTICS®GOOD, the market for infusions and herbs in organic stores reached €**.* million and *** tonnes in **** . After growth between **** and ****, a significant decline was recorded in ****, followed by an even sharper reduction in ****. Sales fell by **% in value and **% in volume compared to ****, and by **% in value and **% in volume compared to ****. This downward trend appears to be generalized and not specific to any one product.

Market share of herbal tea brands sold in organic stores France, ****, in Source: ****

The market for herbal teas and plants for infusion in organic stores is divided between around a hundred brands. YOGI TEA leads the way with **% market share, followed by Arcadie-Cook-Herbier de France (***).

3.5 The rise of pharmacy/parapharmacy sales


Total sales in **** have been rising for the past three years, with a split between pharmacy and parapharmacy. Sales volumes will stabilize in ****, following growth between **** and ****. A noteworthy feature is the predominance of organic-labeled products, accounting for **% of sales by value and **% of volume produced in ****. This upward trend has been observed since ****, with remarkable growth in sales of organic herbal teas and plants, from **.* million euros in **** to **.* million euros in ****, representing growth of **%. Likewise, volumes have risen from *** tonnes in **** to *** tonnes in ****, an increase of **%.

Market share of infusion brands sold in pharmacies France, ****, in Source: ****

The market for infusions and herbs sold in pharmacies is diversified, with *** distinct brands. The best-selling brand is PANDA TEA, with a **% market share, closely followed by YOGI TEA with **%, and NUTRISANTÉ with **%.

Market share of infusion brands sold in parapharmacies France, ****, in Source: ****

The market for herbal infusions and plants in parapharmacy is largely influenced by four main brands, which together hold almost **% of market share. At the top of the list is PANDA TEA, with a market share of **%, closely followed by NUTRISANTÉ (***).

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Trends and price ranges

Price indices

The consumer price index for teas and infusions in France has varied unevenly over the last ten years: after peaking in **** at ***.** (***) reached a low of **.** in ****, before rising again to ***.* in ****.

Consumer price index for teas and infusions France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****

Overview of market prices

Price ranges for herbal teas and infusions vary according to the type of plant used and the quality of the product.


At Carrefour, the top price is €*.** for ** sachets of *.* g, or €** per kilogram. La Tisanière sells its verbena-based infusions in sachets at around €*** per kilo. Finally, in the top-of-the-range category, "Les * Marmottes" offers verbena infusions at €*.** per box of ** sachets, or €***.** per kilogram.


You'll find the lowest prices at €** per kilo, and up to €*** per kilo for encapsulated linden herbal teas. Jardin Bio, for example, sells at around €*** per kilo.


Chamomile infusions start at €** per kilo in sachets in supermarkets, from around €** per kilo for organic products, and up to €*** per kilo for the Pukka organic brand.


Fennel is available from €** per kilo on the site of l'herboristerie moderne for example, and up to €*** a kilo for special organic breastfeeding herbal teas by Weleda on ...

4.2 A wide choice of products

The recent craze for natural products and self-medication remedies has prompted tea and infusion manufacturers to diversify their product range, both in terms of ingredients used and preparation methods.

In the case of tea, products are generally differentiated according to the color of the leaves. There are mainly three different colors of tea: black, green and white, to which we can add Oolong or "blue-green" tea, yellow tea, Pu Erh tea and Rooibos. The latter are not made from tea leaves, but from a South African shrub called Aspalathus Linearis. Matcha, meanwhile, is a powder obtained from green tea, widely used in Japan.

As for herbal teas, the main ingredients used are lime blossom, verbena, chamomile and peppermint. However, there are many different foods that can be incorporated into infusions, often in the form of blends. A non-exhaustive list is given below:

Plants other than those mentioned above include aniseed, fennel, lemon balm, lemongrass, ginger, hibiscus, valerian, echinacea, rosemary, thyme and nettle. Among fruits, the most classic are lemon and orange, but there are also herbal teas based on pineapple, blueberry, apricot, raspberry or coconut. Among the spices, turmeric, cardamom or cinnamon can be incorporated into herbal teas or infusions. For ...

4.3 Organic and natural at the heart of our herbal tea offering

As mentioned above, organic/natural is a key segment of the infusions market, and one that is driving growth. By ****, organic infusions will account for **% of total infusion sales (***).

Share of organic infusions in total supermarket sales France, ****-****, in Source: ****

Change in organic herbal tea sales by value in pharmacies and parapharmacies France, ****-****, in Source: ****

Most of the sector's major players have positioned themselves in this segment; some are even betting ***% on this range. In teas and infusions, Jardin Bio will dominate the sector in **** with over **% market share, followed by Clipper and Lipton-Elephant. Note the strong presence of La Tisanière in the exclusive infusion market.

Market share of organic tea and infusion brands France, ****, in Source: ****

4.4 Products still too contaminated?

In March ****, ** millions magazine published a study on the pesticides present in teas and infusions in France. It warns consumers about the quality of these much-loved beverages. While organic teas and infusions were spared, many other products tested in laboratories contained pesticide residues, some of which are banned in France and Europe. The tests were carried out on ** black teas, ** green mint teas, ** verbena-based infusions and ** detox infusions[***].

Generally speaking, the herbal teas were the least affected by pesticides. Where ** different pesticide residues were found in black teas, only a few were present in verbena-based infusions[***].

In August ****, boxes of infusions sold in Carrefour stores were recalled nationwide in France, according to the government website RappelConso. This recall is due to the possible presence of a pesticide exceeding the maximum residual limit authorized by regulations[***]. The same year, a critical examination by the association ** millions de consommateurs in its latest March issue revealed that the infusettes might contain pesticide residues of health concern, such as glyphosate, thiacloprid and acetamiprid. These substances, considered "problematic", were detected in nearly fifty of the brands analyzed.

The study focused on four product families: black and green mint tea, verbena-based infusions and detox infusions, both organic ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Legislative framework

In France, decree no. ****-*** of August **, **** relating to the sale to the public of medicinal plants listed in the Pharmacopoeia, governs the list of plants that may be sold by persons other than pharmacists. In all, *** plants or plant extracts are authorized for over-the-counter sale.

For organic products, jurisdiction is established at European level; commission Regulation (***) No. ***/**** of September *, **** - on organic production, labelling and controls - sets out the rules for the production and distribution of products bearing the organic label within the European Union.

Finally, a petition was launched in **** by herbalists in support of their profession [***].

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

Specialist tea and infusion brands for the mass market

Tea houses selling infusions

Specialized new entrants

  • Lipton (Unilever)
  • Twinings Foods International
  • La Tisanière
  • Ecotone Groupe (Alter Eco, Bjorg, Bonneterre)
  • Thés Éléphant (Scoop TI)
  • Yogi Tea
  • Kusmi Tea
  • Mariage Frères
  • Pages Infusions
  • Clipper Tea
  • Le Palais des Thés
  • Les jardins de Gaïa (MAKA)
  • Herbissima
  • Thés de la Pagode
  • La Route des Comptoirs
  • Betjeman & Barton
  • Comptoir Francais du thé
  • Les 2 Marmottes
  • Chic des plantes
  • Happy plantes
  • Unilever Groupe
  • Oviatis

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