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1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the ice cream and sorbet market

The ice is a food made from from milk, sugar, fruit and a variety of flavours . A sorbet consists solely of sugar syrup and fruit pulp or flavorings .

There are different types of ice cream available in the shops: cones and sticks (sometimes sold individually), ice cream specialities to share (logs and ice cream cakes) or even fruit tubs and jars of ice cream and sorbets sold in GSA (Large Food Stores).

In terms of volume, the home consumption market is dominated by individual specialities (cones, sticks, etc.) and bulk sorbets and ice cream (particularly fruit tubs), with the remainder consisting of seasonal collective specialities (Christmas logs, etc.). It is the snack ice segment that plays the most important role in the sale of ice cream during the summer period and ice cream consumption varies considerably during the year and from one year to the next, depending on the weather conditions.

The world market for ice cream and sorbets was estimated at 57.9 billion in 2018 . It is expected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 4.9% between 2019 and 2025 to reach $84.9 billion by 2025. The global market is highly fragmented, but some of the main market players include Unilever, Mars, Nestlé, General Mills, Lotte and Dunkin' Brands


In France, the ice cream industry is made up of a multitude of companies, and the players in the sector are often small in size. However, a few large global groups dominate the market, including the groups mentioned above. As far as distributors are concerned, it is the Large and Medium-Sized Surfaces (GMS) which concentrate the great majority of sales.

The French market has seen a steady increase in turnover and consumption in recent years. However, in 2019, the French consumed slightly less ice cream and sorbets, with a a 3% drop in effective household consumption compared to 2018 . However, market participants can rely on the market premiumisation and innovation as the main future growth drivers.

Companies in the sector are thus relying on innovation strategies. This innovation can take several forms fragrance renewal , new formats or new concepts . Another opportunity on the market is the development of an offer of organic products at the higher prices.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Projection du chiffre d'affaire des glaces et sorbets
  • Frequency of frozen dessert purchases
  • Quantity purchased per year by age group
  • Breakdown of ice cream sales by age group
  • Favourite types of ice cream
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

General Mills
Mars Group
R&R ICE CREAM (Froneri)
La Charlotte
Senoble Retail
O sorbet d'amour
Unilever Groupe
Nestlé Groupe

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the ice cream and sorbet market | France

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