Summary of our market study

The chocolate spread market in France has seen strong growth, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the explosion in demand, the industry had to contend with changes in consumer preferences, who turned to healthier, palm-oil-free and environmentally-friendly alternatives, challenging the market dominance of flagship brands such as Nutella.

The spread offer has diversified, with the emergence of new organic and bio spread options, illustrated by players like Jardin Bio gaining traction and the overall organic segment reaching 78 million euros in supermarkets in 2020, up 17%. Foreign trade in spreads has also turned in France's favor, with exports up 11.5% and imports down 5%. Nutella, despite a drop in market share from 70.2% to 67.7% in 2020, gained a million new consumers during the lockdowns, demonstrating a continued preference for established brands in uncertain times.

The French chocolate spread market: Consumer trends and key figures

The French chocolate spread market has enjoyed a promising trajectory in recent years, with marked growth particularly notable during the Covid-19 pandemic period. With a growing consumer penchant for indulgent yet familiar tastes, chocolate spreads have established themselves as a staple in French households.

By 2020, the French market for chocolate spreads, all categories combined, was valued at around half a billion euros, revealing considerable demand for these products. A closer look at the figures reveals that chocolate spreads account for the lion's share, with sales of almost 500 million euros, representing steady growth of around 4% a year. The non-chocolate spread segment, although smaller in size at around 60 million euros, enjoyed a more robust growth rate of around 14% over the same period, underlining a diversified customer demand.

In terms of consumer profiles and habits, almost 60% of the French population enjoys spreads, with a marked preference for women over men. Interestingly, although considered a guilty pleasure by many, these products are consumed regularly, with children and the elderly constituting the main consumer base. Furthermore, consumption motivations vary according to the time of day, whether for pleasure or for health. A trend towards healthier alternatives is also evident in the market, with a significant proportion of consumers expressing an interest in organic and more sustainable options.

Despite this shift in preference, traditional brands like Nutella remain immensely popular, with a monopolistic presence in the market. Nevertheless, Ferrero's Nutella is facing increasing competition from brands that promote health- and environmentally-friendly practices. The production process for chocolate spreads involves several stages, from the cultivation of cocoa to the blending of ingredients, right through to the creation of the final product.

It's worth noting that the lion's share of revenue in this sector tends to go to manufacturers and distributors, rather than to the cocoa producers themselves. Regulatory measures also have an impact on the market, as shown by the "nutella tax" on palm oil, which reflects a trend towards sustainability and health considerations in food production.

The impact of Covid-19 has further accentuated existing trends, with Nutella experiencing a surge in demand and reaching a wider consumer base during closed periods.

Innovation in the spread market is booming, with a notable increase in the number of organic, palm-oil-free and vegan products. These new offerings are reshaping consumer choice and reinforcing the move towards healthier, more sustainable alternatives.

Dominant forces and emerging competitors in the French spreads market

The French spread market is characterized by a mix of well-established international giants and dynamic local players, each bringing their own flavors and product philosophies to a consumable spread landscape rich in choice.

  • Ferrero's indomitable Nutella: Iconic Italian brand Ferrero, with its flagship product Nutella, leads the way. This chocolate spread has been a staple on breakfast tables for decades and occupies an impressive place on the French market. Its long-standing popularity has withstood criticism over the use of palm oil and health concerns, illustrating consumers' deep-rooted loyalty to its distinct hazelnut and chocolate taste.

  • Skippy spreads the pleasure of peanut butter: US brand Skippy, owned by Hormel Food, brings diversity to the spread market with its creamy, chunky peanut butter varieties. Although it is not chocolate-based, Skippy peanut butter has carved out a place for itself for consumers looking for an alternative to sweet, chocolatey spreads.the unique taste of Lotus Speculum is a perfect complement to the sweet and chocolaty flavors of our products, making them one of the most popular American spreads on the French culinary menu.

  • The unique taste of Lotus Speculoos: Another international player making waves is Lotus with its Speculoos spread, a product that takes advantage of the famous caramelized cookie flavor enjoyed by many. Originating in Belgium, Lotus Speculoos has won the affection of French consumers looking for a different, yet familiar taste that stands out from traditional chocolate options.

  • Home-grown champion: Lucien Georgelin Among national brands, Lucien Georgelin occupies a place of honor, distinguishing itself by its commitment to quality and its local appeal. Its chocolate spreads have managed to secure market share by satisfying consumers' desire for authentic, artisanal products, encouraging a sense of national pride within the French market.

  • Jardin Bio: the organic alternative Responding to growing consumer demand for healthier, environmentally-friendly choices, Jardin Bio is emerging as a strong contender in the organic segment of the market. This national brand specializes in organic chocolate spreads, aimed at those seeking guilt-free pleasure, with lower sweetness levels and a focus on natural ingredients.

Every player in the chocolate spread market has adapted to the changing tastes and values of French consumers, from classic, well-established flavors to health-conscious compositions and the comfort of locality and tradition. This diversity not only reflects the richness of the French market, but also signals the spread industry's potential for innovation and future growth.

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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The chocolate spread market is one of France's leading food products, with almost 3 kilos consumed every second in France. The market study below focuses on the consumption of chocolate-based spreads, while the jam and marmalade segment is the subject of another specific study.

Often eaten for breakfast or a snack, the intense taste of these spreads can accompany other products: breads, brioches, pancakes, waffles, etc.

The market for spreads in France is growing, and has been valued at 554.6 million euros in 2020, having seen a particularly significant increase of 9.9% between 2019 and 2020 (8.7% in volume) thanks to the Covid-19 crisis and various confinements.

In a quasi-monopolistic market dominated by Nutella, the sector's leading company has had to contend with several headwinds that have led to the emergence of competitors. The underlying trend for consumers to prefer healthy, local products with a low environmental impact is therefore taking its toll on the group, which is facing a number of controversies.

The erosion of the leader's sales has led to the emergence of new brands with strong positioning. These include the Italian brand Pan di Stelle (without palm oil, synthetic flavoring or coloring) and Patamilka, owned by the American giant Mondelez. Several French companies, including Léa Nature with its Jardin BIO' product, have also entered this segment, which is opening up to new entrants.

1.2 World market for spreads

To get a better idea of the size of the global spread market, we can separate it into two different segments: chocolate spreads and peanut butter spreads.

Firstly, in ****, the global chocolate spread market was valued at US$*.** billion, with a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.**% during the period ****-****. This ...

1.3 French spreads market

The market for spreads in France (***), due in particular to the Covid-** crisis, which prompted people to spend more time at home and consume more food that could be bought in supermarkets. Thus, the CAGR for the ****-**** period was *.*%, which is promising for the future of this market in ...

1.4 Foreign trade in spreads

Foreign trade in spreads is very balanced, with close values for the country's exports and imports. However, between **** and ****, France saw an increase in exports (***), which explains the rise in the coverage rate from **.*% to ***.*%.

The main destinations for French spread exports are Belgium, the UK and Spain, with Belgium and ...

1.5 The impact of Covid-19 on the spread market

The graph below shows the proportion of searches for a given term in a given region over a given period of time, relative to the time when the term was most searched for (***). Thus, a value of ** means that the keyword has been used less frequently in the region concerned, and ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Consumer profile and habits

In France, **% of French people consume spreads. [***].

As regards the profile of spread consumers, **% are women, compared with **% men. These consumers choose Nutella exclusively (***).

Breakdown of responses to "Do you usually consume spreads?" France, ****, in % Source: ****

The Kantar data below show how often the French had a sweet snack per week ...

2.2 Characteristics of spread consumption

Spreads are the ninth most popular junk food in France, with **% of French people claiming to consume them "often" or "from time to time". However, there's a big difference in terms of satisfaction derived from eating spreads, with only **% of French people experiencing pleasure after eating a spread.

Rate of consumption ...

2.3 Are the French leaning more towards organic?

As we saw earlier, spreads are a source of great shame for the French, and are considered "junk food".e as "junk food", there is a growing demand for "healthier" spreads, notably organic, vegetable, palm-oil-free, gluten-free or containing less sugar. However, Yougov's **** survey shows that **% of French people would not or ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Chocolate spread production line

The production of chocolate spreads is a relatively long and complex process, spanning several months and often several countries if we take cocoa production into account. It is important to distinguish between the stages of cultivation, processing, spread manufacture and distribution. [***]

With crushing, roasting and grinding, the cocoa powder is extracted ...

3.2 Breakdown of players in the spreads market

The French spread market is dominated by the Italian brand Ferrero (***), which held *% of the market in ****, and the French brand, Lucien Georgelin, which had a market share of *.*%. Private labels also play an important role in the market, with a share of **.*% in ****, up *.*% on ****.

Distribution of spread market players France, ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Spread typology and prices

The spreads market is characterized by a very varied typology:

Chocolate spreads Peanut butter spreads Spreads in well-known flavors (***)

These different spreads can also vary according to their concentration of sugar, palm oil, gluten, etc., so that there are a variety of vegan, organic, vegetable spreads, etc., as well as according ...

4.2 Market trends and innovations in spreads

The spread offer is marked by an increase in the importance of "bio", whose share in GMS (***) reached ** million euros in ****, up **% on ****, with a predominance of Jardin Bio in this segment, responsible for a value of **.* million euros in the sector. [***]

with this in mind, new spread releases in **** and ...

5 Regulations

5.1 The main principles of food hygiene in France

All foodstuffs are subject to the general provisions of the French Consumer Code in terms of conformity (***).

Several regulations provide the legislative basis for food hygiene in France:

Regulation no. ***/**** on the general principles and requirements of food law[***] ; Regulation n°***/**** on the hygiene of foodstuffs[***]; Regulation n°***/**** , which lays down ...

5.2 Regulations governing palm oil in spreads

In ****, the French National Assembly adopted a "nutella tax" on palm oil, aimed at reducing the use of this oil in food products. The amount associated with this tax was set at €*** per tonne and increased by €** in ****, €** in **** and €** in ****, after much discussion about the surtax on this product, which ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Ferrero
  • Lotus Bakeries
  • Lucien Georgelin
  • Jardin Bio (Léa Nature)
  • Skippy (Hormel Food)
  • Saint Hubert

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Sales trends in the spreads market
  • Spread sales by segment
  • Sales trends in the chocolate spreads market
  • Sales trends in the peanut butter spreads market
  • Foreign trade in spreads
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Latest news

Ferrero pursues its breakthrough in frozen foods with the launch of a nutella ice cream - 23/05/2024
  • - Launch of Ferrero ice cream brand in Europe: 2021
  • - Launch of Kinder ice creams in partnership with Unilever: 2018
  • - First Ferrero ice cream products: Ferrero Rocher and Raffaello (round, crunchy sticks)
  • - Relaunch of Kinder ice creams with in-house production: 2022
  • - Consumption of Kinder Bueno ice creams: 1.4 million consumers in 2023
  • - Sales of Kinder Bueno ice creams: 13.6 million euros in 2023
Lucien Georgelin placed in receivership - 31/07/2023
  • Lucien Georgelin has been in receivership since July 6.
  • Lucien Georgelin is France's number two jam maker.
  • In 2022, the company achieved sales of 70 million euros.
  • The company employs 350 people
Ferrero France: tax reassessment in 2022 - 24/03/2023
  • Tax adjustment for Ferrero France in 2022: 45 million euros .
  • Ferrero International sales for the year ending August 31, 2022: 14 billion euros.
  • Increase in Ferrero International sales: 10.4%.
  • Ferrero net profit: 751 million euros.
  • Decrease in Ferrero net profit: 24% year-on-year.
Lotus Bakeries: record growth thanks to price increases - 07/02/2023
  • Record growth in 2022 for Lotus Bakeries.
  • Lotus sales up 17% to 877.5 million euros.
  • Profit: 103.3 million euros (+13.8%).
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St Hubert offers a child-friendly margarine. - 27/04/2022
  • In April, St Hubert launched the 1st solid fat product in France to provide vitamin D, calcium and essential fatty acids for growth and bone development in children aged 4 to 10: St Hubert Omega 3 Growth.
  • The recipe is 100% vegetable and palm-oil free.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Lotus Bakeries
Lucien Georgelin
Jardin Bio (Léa Nature)
Skippy (Hormel Food)
Saint Hubert

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