Summary of our market study

The global sparkling water market, valued at $32.3 billion in 2021, is projected to experience significant growth, with expectations to triple by 2030, translating to a CAGR of 12.6% from 2022-2030. Within this market, bottled sparkling waters hold the largest share, accounting for 45%. A key driver of growth is the increasing public awareness of health concerns, steering consumers towards healthy, sugar-free alternatives like sparkling water, which is often rich in minerals like magnesium.

Flavored sparkling waters are especially gaining traction, indicated by new product launches like mango and apple-infused waters by Dash Water and Waterloo Sparkling Water in 2022. In terms of consumption, Asia leads with 31% of global bottled water intake, while Europe and North America follow closely. However, on a per capita basis, Europeans consume the most bottled water, averaging 103.3 bottles annually, with the French consuming an average of 114 bottles per person each year.

In France, sales of carbonated waters in supermarkets totaled €743.9 million from July 2021 to July 2022. The sector faces challenges, including environmental concerns over packaging, leading companies like Nestlé to invest in research for eco-friendly packaging solutions. The domestic French market has seen a shift in consumption habits towards non-alcoholic beverages and a strong preference for sparkling waters from brands such as Perrier and Badoit.

Additionally, new consumption patterns have emerged in response to ecological concerns, with consumers showing an interest in home carbonation systems and bulk water dispensing machines for both still and sparkling water.

Evolving Trends in France's Sparkling Water Market

In France, sparkling water has cemented its place in the beverage industry with a robust consumer base predominantly comprised of affluent individuals over 65. The market, characterized by national, regional, and flavored segments, is significantly influenced by the regionality of sparkling water sources, with the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region standing out as a major production area. The French market is seeing a distinctive trend where environmental concerns are shaping purchasing behaviors.

Consumers are increasingly opting for eco-responsible choices, prompting major players in the industry to invest in research and development for green packaging solutions, such as those pursued by Nestlé's Institute of Packaging Science. 

This rise can be attributed to the public's heightened health awareness, viewing sparkling water as a healthy, sugar-free alternative to other beverages and appreciating the mineral content it offers. In supermarkets, a subtle shift is happening with natural sparkling waters seeing a 5.6% decrease in sales, while flavored variants are maintaining their market presence with only a 0.5% drop.

Nonetheless, volumes indicate a 3.7% increase for flavored sparkling waters. Delving into the consumption habits of the French, we observe that around 23% of the population, equating to between 15 and 20 million people, consume bottled sparkling water daily. Sparkling water consumption is predominantly a fixture of meal times on weekdays, with flavored options gaining traction among consumers.

When considering popular brands, Perrier and Badoit lead the way, with approval ratings of 69.3% and 63.8% respectively. Notably, appreciation for these brands increases with age and varies by region, with the South and Ile-de-France regions expressing higher levels of appreciation. The sparkling water market, while facing challenges due to the environmental impact of packaging and recent supply chain difficulties for food-grade carbon dioxide, continues to adapt with innovations such as home carbonation systems.

Given the responsible consumption trends, the market is witnessing an increase in the ownership of home carbonation devices, reaching 20% in 2020, with 11% using them regularly. In summary, France's sparkling water market is characterized by a strong consumer base that is turning towards more environmentally friendly consumption, an increase in the flavored water segment.

Key Contenders Shaping the Sparkling Water Landscape in France

As the sparkling water market continues to bubble with activity, several key players stand out for their notable contributions and market impact. These organizations, through their established brands and innovative products, have carved out a significant presence in the industry, catering to the diverse preferences of French consumers.

  • Nestlé Waters Group - The Hydration Powerhouse Leading the pack is Nestlé Waters Group, renowned for its iconic brands like Perrier, San Pellegrino, and Quezac. With Perrier's omnipresence on cafe tables and San Pellegrino's Italian-chic appeal, Nestlé Waters has solidified its reputation as a provider of premium sparkling mineral waters. Meanwhile, Quezac captures the essence of the French countryside, offering consumers a taste of Occitanie's natural heritage.


  • Danone Group - The Health-Focused Titan Another major contender in the market is the Danone Group, which boasts ownership of classic brands such as Badoit and Salvetat. Badoit brings a touch of elegance with its fine bubbles and a hint of prestige, rooted in its history as a luxurious dining accompaniment. Salvetat, on the other hand, positions itself as a lighter, more refreshing alternative, often featuring flavor-infused varieties that cater to consumers looking for a zestful twist in their sparkling water experience.


  • Groupe Alma - The Diverse Portfolio Connoisseur Distinguished by its broad range of offerings, Groupe Alma has developed a portfolio that includes names like St Yorre, known for its naturally carbonated mineral water rich in minerals. Cristalline, Rozana, Vichy Célestins, and Vals are also part of the family, each having its unique appeal to different segments of the market, from cost-conscious consumers to those seeking specialized mineral content.


  • Specialized and Private Label Producers - The Niche Innovators Smaller, specialized brands like Saint Amand and Orezza from Corsica offer their unique flavors and regional charm, creating specialized niches within the market. Private labels such as Carrefour, E.Leclerc, and the Casino Group (Monoprix, Franprix, Casino, etc.) have also made their mark by offering affordable yet quality alternatives to the leading brands, giving consumers more choices without compromising on taste or effervescence. These players within the market demonstrate the vibrancy and competition found within the French sparkling water industry. 
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The sparkling water market in France refers to the economic activity related to the production and sale of sparkling water in France. This iswater containing dissolved gas, either injected under pressure or extracted naturally. Sparkling water is sold in bottles, mainly made of plastic or glass, in organized retail outlets and in the CHR (Cafés, Hôtels, Restaurant) network.

The most popular sparkling water brands in France are Perrier, Badoit, Quézac and San Pellegrino. There are also private labels and a number of regional brands. This market can be segmented according to the following criteria:

  • National sparkling waters
  • Regional sparkling waters
  • Flavored sparkling waters

The regionality of the market must be taken into account for the table water sector, which includes sparkling waters: in the industry, factories need to be as close as possible to water sources. In France, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is responsible for over 40% of jobs in the table water sector, and boasts emblematic towns such as Volvic and Evian. Occitanie is also a leading region, with 1,282 employees in this sector and its Quézac and Perrier sparkling waters.

Demand for bottled sparkling water is built on a solid consumer base in France, with an average affluent individual over 65 years of age.

The challenges facing players in the sector are manifold, not least the environmental impact of sparkling water packaging. The French population is increasingly aware of environmental issues, and buyers are seeking to reduce their impact by purchasing in an eco-responsible way. This is why major groups are investing so heavily in R&D to find green packaging solutions: in 2019, Nestlé, for example, opened theInstitute of Packaging Science to create and develop biobased forms of packaging.

1.2 Global market

The global sparkling water market is valued at $**.* billion in ****, and is expected to triple by ****, corresponding to a CAGR of **.*% over the period ****-****.

Sparkling water sales projections World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

This market can be segmented according to packaging: the bottled sparkling water market and the ...

1.3 Domestic market

In Europe, France is the third largest consumer of bottled water, with an average of *** bottles consumed per person every year.

The seven biggest consumers of bottled water Europe, in bottles per person Source: ****

Over the period July ****-July ****, sales of carbonated waters in supermarkets and hypermarkets will total ***.* million euros. ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 French drinking habits

Consumption of non-alcoholic beverages has been growing rapidly in recent years. According to theIWSR, in the ten countries that account for three quarters of the soft drinks market (***), the market for low-alcohol and non-alcohol drinks has grown by +*%. This growth seems to go hand in hand with a desire on the ...

2.2 Sparkling water consumption trends

Although still water is preferred by the French, a study carried out by OpinionWay in **** shows that**% of them, or **.** million French people,consume bottled sparkling water on a daily basis. [***]

Percentage of French people who drink sparkling water at least once a... France, ****, % Source: ****

According to a study carried out ...

2.3 France's favourite sparkling water brands

The graph below is based on OpinionWay's survey of French consumers' favorite brands in March ****. These are respondents' answers to the question "Do you like this brand of sparkling water? For each brand, the percentage corresponds to the proportion of respondents who answered "yes".

Perrier and Badoit are the two most ...

2.4 A desire for greener consumption

In ****, the Observatoire Société et Consommation carried out a study on responsible consumption involving **** people representative of the French population. The results show that **% of French people have decided to reduce (***) their consumption of bottled still water, and **% have reduced or eliminated their consumption of bottled sparkling water. Nevertheless, *% have ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Structuring the industry

Water collection and treatment

Water can either be drawn from a deep underground aquifer, in which case it's calledmineral or spring water, or from a surface aquifer. In the first case, spring or mineral water can be consumed as is, and undergoes only minor treatment. In the second case, the water ...

3.2 Production

We're going to take a look at the French table water production fabric, which includes sparkling water production and gives us an idea of how this market segment is evolving. These companies are registered under NAF code ****A :"Production of natural mineral waters and other bottled waters."

change in the number ...

3.3 Distribution

Sparkling water is distributed through three main channels:

Large and medium-sized retailers (***). This is where most sales take place.

Catering, for consumption in bars, restaurants and hotels (***).

Other retail outlets (***).

In supermarkets, while sparkling waters had shunned Drive-in sales, the confinement of **** seems to have accelerated sales in this channel. Plain ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Plain sparkling and carbonated water

We have listed here the main sparkling and carbonated water offers from the Drives of leading supermarkets (***) as of May *, ****.

San Pellegrino is the only brand to offer plain sparkling water in cans. The various brands generally offer different bottle sizes: ** cL and * L, sold individually or in packs of *. What's ...

4.2 Carbonated and sparkling flavored water

We have listed here the main flavored sparkling and carbonated water offers from the Drives of leading supermarkets (***) as of May *, ****.

Flavored products are naturally more expensive than plain versions.

We have identified * flavors for the Badoit brand (***). These are fresh, fruity flavors with natural, sugar-free aromas.

For the San Pellegrino ...

4.3 Producing carbonated water at home

For some years now, it has been possible to produce your own sparkling water at home, thanks in particular to the Sodastream brand (***).

Thanks to a machine that needs to be supplied with a carbon dioxide cartridge, it is possible to carbonate any type of water. The price of a Sodastream ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Regulations governing the production of sparkling water

The decree of January **, **** defines sparkling water and carbonated water as follows:[***]

"Names containing the words "gazeuse" or "eau gazeuse" are reserved for naturally carbonated water or water re-gasified with gases from the same source, or from mixtures of water from different sources.or ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Positioning the players

  • San Pellegrino
  • Cristaline
  • Danone Groupe
  • Nestlé Waters
  • Carrefour Groupe
  • E.Leclerc
  • Casino Groupe
  • Saint Amand

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Sales projections for sparkling waters
  • Average consumption of bottled water by region
  • Breakdown of sales of sparkling waters in supermarkets by flavour
  • Breakdown of volume of sparkling water sold in supermarkets by flavor
  • Growth in supermarket sales and volumes
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

San Pellegrino
Danone Groupe
Nestlé Waters
Carrefour Groupe
Casino Groupe
Saint Amand

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