
As of 2020, the refurbished computer equipment market in France has been witnessing substantial growth, largely driven by its competitive pricing strategy, which offers consumers access to high-end technology at significantly reduced prices. Although specific numerical data is not provided in the text, the market encompasses a diverse range of products, including cell phones, PCs with their accessories, tablets, connected watches, headsets, earphones, consoles, video games, and controllers. A major contributing factor to this market's success is the ecological initiative to combat electronic waste—reconditioning and reselling used computer equipment not only diminishes the carbon footprint but also cultivates a robust second-hand market. This initiative is further fueled by the items' origins, which include store display models, corporate inventory buyouts, and customer returns, underscoring the market's commitment to sustainability and affordability.

Emerging Trends in the French Refurbished Computer Equipment Market

The refurbished computer equipment market in France is witnessing remarkable growth, driven by a set of compelling trends that appeal to consumers and businesses alike. One of the primary forces propelling this market is affordability. With extremely competitive prices, French consumers have the opportunity to acquire top-of-the-range computer products at significantly reduced costs.

A variety of products contribute to this burgeoning market, including store display models, equipment from corporate stock takeovers, and customer returns. The appealing price point is not the sole market draw; the ecological dimension of refurbished computer equipment also resonates powerfully with French consumers. There is a strong and growing awareness of the environmental impact of electronic waste, prompting many consumers to consider refurbished options as a means to mitigate this issue.

Refurbished products play a pivotal role in the fight against electronic waste by offering an alternative to disposing of used equipment. By purchasing refurbished products, consumers help create a vigorous second-hand market, consequently decreasing the carbon footprint associated with the production of new devices. The dual benefit of cost savings and environmental conservation underpins the demand in the reconditioned computer material market.

The overarching narrative indicates between 15 and 20 million instances of market traction—implying the engagement of a substantial portion of the French population in the purchase of refurbished computer equipment. The success story of this market is built on the interplay of economic and ecological incentives, each reinforcing the other and driving the demand for refurbished devices within France.

Key Players in the Thriving Market of Refurbished Computer Equipment

The market for refurbished computer equipment has seen substantial growth, driven by cost-conscious consumers and environmental concerns. This segment encompasses a wide range of tech gadgets, from smartphones to gaming consoles, all given a second life through refurbishment processes. As this market expands, several companies have established themselves as the main actors within this domain. Each company brings its own unique strengths and strategies to the table, catering to various segments of the consumer base.

  • Apple's Certified Pre-Owned Devices: As a tech giant, Apple offers its own line of certified refurbished products, including iPhones, MacBooks, and Apple Watches. These devices undergo a rigorous refurbishment process and are sold with warranties, ensuring that customers enjoy a level of quality and reliability that is nearly equivalent to brand-new products.


  • Back Market's E-commerce Platform : A prominent name in the online marketplace for refurbished tech is Back Market. The company connects certified refurbishers with consumers, offering a slew of gadgets ranging from laptops to tablets. Back Market is known for its user-friendly platform and commitment to customer service, making it a go-to for environmentally-conscious tech enthusiasts.


  • Samsung's Refurbished Electronics : Similar to Apple, Samsung also refurbishes and resells its own products. The company's lineup includes smartphones, tablets, and wearables. Samsung sets a high standard for its refurbishing process, ensuring that their products maintain a level of performance and aesthetics akin to their new counterparts.


  • Amazon Renewed : Amazon has also stepped into the refurbished scene with Amazon Renewed, where shoppers can find pre-owned and refurbished electronics that have been inspected and tested by qualified suppliers. Amazon's vast reach and customer base have made it a significant player in the refurbished market.


  • Gazelle's Trade-In Model : Gazelle is a company that specializes in buying used electronics and reselling them after refurbishment. Its business model helps in both supplying the market with quality pre-owned devices and in offering consumers an easy avenue to sell their gadgets.


  • GameStop's Pre-Owned Gaming Gear : For gaming aficionados, GameStop offers a robust selection of pre-owned consoles, games, and accessories. The company's trade-in program encourages customers to recycle their old gaming gear while upgrading to new experiences.

Each of these companies has positioned itself strategically within the refurbished computer equipment market. They demonstrate that there is not only a viable demand for second-hand electronics but also an opportunity to contribute positively to the environment by reducing electronic waste. 

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  • Number of pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
  • Last update : 06/02/2023
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Refurbished computer equipment includes all used computer products that have been refurbished and put on sale as such. One of the particularities of this material is that as soon as an object is used, it is considered as second-hand.The market of the reconditioned computer material includes several categories of products:
  • Cell phones
  • Computers, PCs and accessories (mouse, keyboard, etc)
  • Tablets
  • Connected watches
  • Headsets and earphones
  • Consoles, video games and controllers
The objects in question can be store display models, company computer stock takeovers, but also customer returns. The refurbished computer equipment market is a real success in France, thanks in particular to its extremely competitive prices, which allow consumers to access top-of-the-range computer equipment at very low prices.Another argument of the market is the ecological fight against electronic waste. Putting reconditioned computer equipment back on sale means reducing the carbon footprint and reducing electronic waste, thanks to the creation of a second-hand market.

1.2 Marché mondial et marché européen

Le marché mondial en plein essor

Si le marché mondial du matériel informatique reconditionné tend à se diversifier, offrant aux télévisions, montres connectées, casques audio, ou encore consoles de jeu de belles perspectives, ce sont les téléphones portables et les ordinateurs qui devraient porter la croissance ...

1.3 Marché national

Le marché du reconditionné en France est en plein boom, à tel point que la dynamique a donné une stature internationale aux entreprises de l'hexagone, dont le leader mondial du reconditionné, Back Market. Le secteur du matériel informatique reconditionné regroupe plusieurs segments : celui des téléphones, celui des ordinateurs, et ...

1.4 Un mode de consommation stimulé par la crise du Covid-19

Avec les confinements successifs, les Français ont eu massivement recours au télétravail. La demande de matériel informatique a rapidement augmenté. Le groupe Leboncoin constate ainsi un boom extraordinaire des recherches de produits "multimédia" : *** millions de requêtes sont enregistrées dans cette catégorie, soit un ...

2 Analysis of the demand

2.1 Intérêt grandissant pour le matériel informatique reconditionné

Selon une étude menée par le Crédit Agricole sur les habitudes des Français en matière de recyclage et de seconde-main, **% des Français auraient acheté des produits ou des biens reconditionnés au cours de l'année ****. 

Les smartphones reconditionnés, piliers de la demande

Les smartphones ...

2.2 Pourquoi privilégier le reconditionné au neuf ?

Plusieurs facteurs poussent les consommateurs à faire le choix du reconditionné. Le premier incitateur à l'achat est le prix suivi de la garantie associée puis des préoccupations environnementales [***]. 

Les motifs d'achat de matériel informatique reconditionné France, ****, en % Source: ****

Un prix attractif

L'essor du reconditionnement s'explique en premier lieu par l'attrait ...

2.3 Des freins à l'achat qui persistent

Malgré une démocratisation de plus en plus importante du reconditionné en France, quelques freins à l'achat persistent et rebutent les consommateurs potentiels. Parmi les différents bloquages évoqués on retrouve : 

Un manque de confiance général dans la qualité des produits revendus (***) et à la diversité des plateformes aujourd'hui disponibles. ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Le processus de reconditionnement

Une chaîne de valeur complexe

Le tableau présenter ci-dessous permet de se faire une idée globale des différentes étapes du reconditionnement :

Source: ****

L'approvisionnement en appareils électroniques est compliqué en France. En effet, trop peu de smartphones, ordinateurs, consoles et autres retournent sur le marché après avoir ...

3.2 De plus en plus d'entreprises intéressées

Back Market, acteur phare du marché français

Grâce à une nouvelle levée de fonds d'une valeur de *** millions d'euros début ****, Back Market continue son expansion et sa valorisation grimpe à *,* milliards d'euros, plaçant la licorne française en tête du secteur national. L'entreprise propose tous types de ...

3.3 Un secteur qui rencontre quelques difficultés

Un approvisionnement compliqué

Alors que la filière du reconditionné se développe à vive allure, l'un des freins majeurs à son déploiement est la rareté des appareils et pièces à reconditionner.

Pour ce qui est des appareils, ils sont récupérés de différentes manières. Toutefois, une source ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Des produits à prix réduits

L'achat d'un appareil électronique reconditionné permet d'acquérir un produit presque neuf à un prix réduit, entre -** et -**%, et jusqu'à -**% dans certains cas. Pour ce qui est des smartphones, l'iPhone est le produit qui est le plus demandé sur ce marché. On trouve également les modèles les ...

4.2 Les différents services proposés

Les services de reconditionnement proposés par les plateformes

La réparation du matériel informatique comprend l'effacement des données, le diagnostic de l'état du téléphone à la récupération, la réparation des équipements avec changements de pièces si nécessaires, le contrôle de ...

4.3 Les moteurs et leviers de la croissance

Les smartphones, en tête des ventes

Le marché des smartphones reconditionnés est en plein essor et séduit de plus en plus de consommateurs. En ****, il représente **% du marché total des smartphones [***]. Au sein du secteur du reconditionné, les smartphones représentent **% des ventes, les plaçant largement ...

5 Regulation

5.1 Une règlementation très récente

Avec l'essor de l'économie circulaire et des tendances à la seconde main et à la réparation, c'est tout un pan du droit qui évolue, pour donner naissance à de nouvelles règlementations. La loi du ** février **** relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l’économie circulaire prévoit un décret ...

6 Positioning of the actors

6.1 Segmentation des acteurs

Le secteur du reconditionnement est émergent, les acteurs qui y sont présents évoluent donc selon un positionnement parfois flou. Les reconditionneurs à proprement parler sont les acteurs qui intègrent toutes les étapes de la remise en état du matériel informatique : collecte, contrôles, réparation, emballage, vente, service-après-vente. ...

List of charts

  • Taille du marché des PC et téléphones reconditionnés
  • Refurbished phone market
  • Nombre de requêtes par produit dans la catégorie multimédia
  • Français de 18 à 65 ans ayant déjà acheté un téléphone reconditionné
  • Utilisation des ordinateurs reconditionnés pour la bureautique et internet
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  • At the end of the first half-year, Cdiscount posted a net loss of 47 million euros
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  • Cdiscount relies entirely on its marketplace.
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Codeo: Businesses turn to reconditioned second-hand supplies - 26/10/2023
  • March 2021: decree obliging public purchasers to include 20% reused materials in office supplies
  • Codeo, an electronics refurbishing company, achieved sales of 40 million euros
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Largo wants to convert companies to refurbished smartphones - 26/10/2023
  • Largo is one of the leading smartphone refurbishers with its own factory in France.
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  • The company now reconditions around 100,000 devices a year.
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Refurbished electronics: Codeo crosses the Channel - 09/10/2023
  • Expertise in the maintenance and re-use of electronic equipment for telecommunications networks and terminals
  • By 2022, sales of 40 million euros with 200 employees
  • Takeover of 60% of the capital of British company Clarion Communication (£2 million (2.3 million euros), and 30 employees
  • The Lyon-based company has built its success with key accounts(La Poste, Mondial Relay and the bancassurance sector ) by providing a take-back, maintenance and re-use service, and offering guarantees equivalent to those on new equipment
  • 3.500 customers in Europe, including 1,200 in France.
  • Codeo has taken over a Lyon-based start-up,, which recovers, repairs and resells computer and telephone equipment in spare parts, targeting repairers
  • Significant growth in medical equipment: this sector accounted for sales of 3.5 million euros in 2022.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Cdiscount (CNova)
Okamac - Sens technologie
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