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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Pasta is a food made from hard or soft wheat flour, often mixed with water and sometimes eggs, shaped into various shapes and sizes, dried or prepared fresh, and typically cooked in boiling water. it is a mainstay of Italian cuisine, used in a wide variety of dishes and seasoned with different sauces and ingredients.

The global pasta market was valued at US$68.35 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow from US$71.42 billion in 2024 to US$100.24 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.47 percent during the 2024-2032 forecast period.In 2023, Italy clearly stands out in terms of per capita consumption of pasta with 23 kg, almost double that of the second country, Tunisia, with 17 kg. It is followed by Venezuela with 15 kg and Greece with 12.2 kg. Our countryis confirmed as the world's largest producer of pasta with 3,670,000 tons, clearly distancing other countries. The United States and Turkey follow with similar production, 2,000 and 1,987 thousand tons respectively.

From 2023 to 2029, the value of the European pasta market is expected to grow steadily from USD 20.19 billion to USD 31.25 billion. This represents a 54.8 percent increase in six years at a compound annual growth rate of 7.55 percent .In 2023, European pasta market quotations represent 29.54 percent of the global total,production increased by 18.3 percent whileconsumption decreased slightly by 5.3 percent.

In recent yearsthe turnover of Italian pasta companies, couscous and similar farinaceous products has recorded a growth of 32.5 percent, as did the value of production sold, which increased by 56.5 percent. Good news also regarding production made and sold, which increased by 21.9 percent and 24 percent respectively, these figuresreflect strong demand for pasta and robust growth in the Italian pasta market in terms of value.

1.2 The global market

The global pasta market was valued at US$**.** billion in **** and is expected to grow from US$**.** billion in **** to US$***.** billion by ****, with a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.** percent during the forecast period ****-****.

Global pasta market value World, ****-****, in US$ billion FortuneBusinessInsights

In ****, Italy stands out clearly ...

1.3 The European market

From **** to ****, the value of the European pasta market is expected to grow steadily from USD **.** billion to USD **.** billion. This represents an increase of **.* percent in six years at a compound annual growth rate of *.** percent. The positive trend underscores the importance of pasta in the European food market and ...

1.4 The Italian market

From **** to ****, the value of the Italian pasta market is expected to steadily increase from **.** billion euros to **.** billion euros. This represents a growth of **.* percent in six years at an assumed CAGR of *.** percent, similar to that of Europe.

Italian pasta market value forecast Italy, ****-****, in € billion Company Register, ...

1.5 Imports and Exports

The Italian pasta market is recognized worldwide for the excellence of its products. In fact, as the chart below shows, the value of exports is far higher than imports. Every year, on average, exports are ****% higher than imports, and it is irrelevant to compare them.

From **** to ****, Italy's pasta exports have ...

1.6 Inflation suffered by the sector

The pasta sector in Italy has faced significant challenges due to inflation. Increases in the cost of raw materials, such as durum wheat, and energy costs have led to higher production prices. This increase in costs has inevitably been reflected in consumer prices, making pasta more expensive for consumers. Faced with ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Overview of demand

From **** to ****, monthly household spending on pasta in Italy showed some changes. In ****, spending was **.** euros, gradually increasing to **.** euros in **** and **.** euros in ****. In ****, there was a significant increase, reaching **.** euros, probably due to the increase in household consumption during the pandemic. However, in ****, spending dropped to **.** euros and continued ...

2.2 Geographical distribution of demand

In ****, the geographical distribution of average monthly household spending on pasta in Italy shows regional differences. Central households incurred the highest expenditure, at **.** euros per month. The Northeast and Northwest spent a similar amount, at **.** euros. In the South and Islands, the average expenditure was lower, standing at **.** euros. These data ...

2.3 Demand drivers

The Italian pasta market, as this is a traditional and culturally representative product of the "bel paese," has specific characteristics at the level of demand. Pasta is one of the basic elements of Italian cuisine and present in all cuisines, which is why the demand for pasta varies significantly in accordance ...

2.4 Trend in demand for pasta

The trend of online searches for pasta in Italy between **** and **** shows variability with some notable peaks. In July ****, the index was **.* and saw a slight increase in August to **.*. Between September and November ****, the index increased, peaking at **.* in November, and continued to rise to **.* in December ****. In January ****, the ...

2.5 New trends in demand

In recent years, the pasta market has experienced significant evolution, driven by a combination of factors related to new eating habits, environmental concerns, and technological innovations. Consumer preferences are changing, with a growing demand for healthier, more sustainable and convenient products. This dynamic landscape has led to the emergence of new ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market structure and dynamics

Between **** and ****, the number of enterprises active in the production of pasta, couscous and similar farinaceous products in Italy declined by * percent, from *,*** to *,***. After a slight increase in ****, the number declined steadily until ****, and then rose again slightly in ****. This trend suggests a slight decline in the sector, with an ...

3.2 Value chain

The value chain and operation of the pasta market in Italy are summarized below.

Source: ****

3.3 Distribution channels

Pasta distribution channels in Italy are multiple and well-structured, reflecting the importance of this product in the country's culture and economy. It is characterized by a complex and well-articulated network that ranges from artisanal production to large-scale organized distribution, passing through a series of intermediate and direct channels that guarantee widespread ...

3.4 The main players in the market

The main Italian pasta companies are as follows:

Barilla: Founded in **** in Parma, it is one of the largest and most recognized food companies in the world. it is the world leader in pasta production, with a **.* percent market share in Italy, and offers more than *** different types of pasta. It ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Type of the offer

The types of pasta offerings in Italy are extremely varied and reflect both tradition and innovation in the food industry. Below is a detailed description of the main categories and types of pasta offerings:

Nutritional reference values for pasta, taking *** g of dry durum wheat pasta as a sample, provide about ...

4.2 The price analysis

The Whole Community Consumer Price Index for dry pasta, fresh pasta and couscous in Italy shows an upward trend from June **** to June ****. In June ****, the index was ***.*, while in June **** it increased to ***.*. This represents an increase of * percent. The index peaked at ***.* in March ****, and then began to decline ...

4.3 New trends in supply

In recent years, the pasta market has undergone significant changes, driven by evolving consumer preferences and producer innovation. The new trends reflect a growing interest in healthier, more sustainable and diversified products, capable of meeting the needs of an increasingly attentive and informed public. Below, we explore the main trends that ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulatory framework

In Italy, regulations and legislation for the production and sale of pasta are very detailed, covering various aspects from production to labeling and business practices.

The main legislation for the production of food-grade pasta is Presidential Decree ***/****, which defines the requirements for different types of pasta. For example, semolina pasta must ...

6 Positioning of players

6.1 Market segmentation

table { width: ***%; border-collapse: collapse; } th, td { border: *px solid black; padding: *px; text-align: left; } th { background-color: #f*f*f*; }

  • De Cecco
  • La Molisana
  • Barilla
  • Rummo
  • Pastificio Garofalo
  • Pastificio Giovanni Rana
  • Divella
  • Pasta Zara
  • Pastificio De Matteis
  • Bertagni

List of charts presented in this market study

  • World per capita consumption of pasta
  • Global pasta market value
  • Major world pasta producers
  • Breakdown of world pasta production
  • Production and consumption of pasta
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Barilla loses the second round of the cookie war - 02/04/2024
  • Date of the Beginning of the Affair: June 2023 - Barilla asks the Court of Brescia to prohibit the sale of nine types of cookies by the Tedesco and Sapori Artigianali companies for excessive similarity to its own products.
  • First Degree of Judgment: February 2024 - The Court partially grants Barilla's requests, banning the sale of certain products and the use of certain packaging due to their similarity to Mulino Bianco's products and packaging.
  • Second Degree of Judgment: March 18, 2024 - The Court of Brescia dismisses Barilla's complaint and accepts the claims of the Tedesco and Sapori Artigianali companies.
  • Arguments of the Reversal of the Judgment:
    • Volgarization of Shape Marks: The shape of the cookies in question is now considered so common that it is no longer distinctive of a particular manufacturer.
    • Packaging Disputed: Despite similarity, Tedesco's packaging is not considered likely to create undue confusion or associations with Barilla's due to the prevalence of common elements in the industry.
    • Urgency of the Proceedings: The court rejects the urgency requested by Barilla for intervention, noting that Barilla was aware of the sale of the "similar" products as early as 2016.
  • Implications for the Industry: This case highlights the importance of distinctiveness and originality in product and packaging design in an overcrowded market. It also shows the legal and business challenges in protecting these aspects in competitive environments.
Barilla launches "Accordions": six years of research for a brioche perfect for dunking - 26/03/2024
  • Research and development period: 6 years, started in 2018.
  • Production facility: Melfi, Basilicata.
  • Investment: Over 30 million euros in the last 3 years in the Melfi plant, with investments dedicated to both sustainability and innovation, including the creation of production lines for Pancakes and Fisarmoniche.
  • Sugar content: Accordions has -35% sugar compared to the average of best-selling snacks.
  • Calorie content: 120 kcal/piece.
  • Plant production capacity: Maximum capacity of 83,000 tons/year.
  • Number of employees in Melfi: More than 350.
  • Quality checks: More than 5,000 checks on finished products and 200 on raw materials per day.
  • Environmental savings over the past 10 years: 40% water savings and 27% reduction in CO2 emissions.
  • Total number of Mulino Bianco references: Over 130, which include cookies, snacks, and breads.
  • Italians' preference for dunking: 6 out of 10 Italians like to dunk snacks or cookies for breakfast.
  • Ingredients: Without coloring and preservative additives or palm oil. Contains 4% fiber.
  • Plant size: 202,000 m^2.
Barilla intends to maintain its volumes in the face of private labels - 08/03/2024
  • World leader in pasta and pesto
  • sales of €4.7 billion in 2023, up 6.5%, of which €630 million in France.
  • Volumes down 3% in 2023 across the French perimeter.
  • Increased advertising and promotional support for its Barilla and Harrys brands, in the face of private labels that now exceed 50% by volume for pasta and 40% for sandwich loaves.
Barilla: the pasta champion's anti-MDD plan - 08/03/2024
  • Barilla sales in 2021: 4.7 billion euros (+6.5% growth)
  • Private labels capture over 50% of the pasta market and 40% of the sandwich bread market. Pasta prices up by over 11%.
  • Barilla sales in France: 630 million euros (+7%), but volumes down 3%.

Price reduction by Barilla: 7% to 13%.

  • Products involved: Spaghetti No. 5, most of the pasta assortment, Mulino Bianco products (cookies, snacks, rusks, breads) and some Pavesi items (such as Gocciole)
  • Duration of the promotion: until December 31, 2024
  • Rationale: Extraordinary operation to reduce transfer prices to direct customers and distributors, achieved by lowering contract prices on a significant basket of products
  • Other strategic initiatives of Barilla: investments along its supply chains, in production sites, focus on research and development of new technologies, innovation with new product launches, communication campaigns, continuous collaboration with partners operating in the distribution sector
Barilla, a big name in Italian pasta juggling crises - 24/04/2023
  • Barilla turnover: 4.5 billion euros
  • Barilla is the top buyer of durum wheat in the world
  • Sales of the group's French subsidiary: €720 million by 2022 (14% growth)
  • Inflation of pasta package prices: +20%
  • Market share of Harry's (sandwich bread): 29.7
  • Barilla has 4 bakery plants in France.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

De Cecco
La Molisana
Pastificio Garofalo
Pastificio Giovanni Rana
Pasta Zara
Pastificio De Matteis

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the pasta market | Italy

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