Summary of our market study

The French online dating market is worth around €200 million.

The global online dating market, valued at $9.65 billion in 2022, is enjoying robust growth, with a forecast CAGR of 7.4% between 2023 and 2030. Dominated by apps like Tinder, which reached 64 million downloads in 2022, the market is being driven by the growing number of singles and increasing Internet usage, particularly among Millennials.

In France, dating apps have seen a resurgence due to the pandemic, with platforms such as Tinder, Happn and Adopteunmec ranking among the top apps for consumer spending in 2020

The French market mirrors global trends, with Tinder topping the list, followed by Meetic and Badoo.

French consumers are increasingly driven to find partners, spending an average of 57 euros a month on related activities.

Despite concerns about addiction, harassment and data security, the market continues to attract large numbers of users, and dating apps have become part of modern social life.

The French online dating landscape: Trends and key figures

When it comes to online dating, France presents a dynamic market shaped by the growing number of singles and the widespread adoption of the Internet and smartphones.

A plethora of platforms cater for a variety of dating preferences and lifestyles.

France is home to some 15 to 20 million singles, representing a significant potential market for dating services.

The appeal of online dating platforms is explained by the demographic trend of a growing singles population.

Faced with social pressures, perceived or otherwise, to pair up, many French singles are turning to online forums to speed up their search for a partner.

The use of dating platforms in France shows a pronounced trend towards a younger audience, particularly those aged between 18 and 24. This trend tends to diminish slightly with age, but significant percentages of use are observed in the 35-49 age bracket.

Socio-professional categories also play a role in the use of dating platforms, with executives showing the highest propensity to use these services.

There is a greater propensity to use platforms by non-heterosexual individuals compared to their heterosexual counterparts.

The most popular dating apps in France areTinder, Meetic and Happn.

Despite their popularity, issues such as platform addiction, harassment, reliability of user information and data protection concerns have emerged, creating a climate of mistrust among some users. Despite these problems, dating apps remain an integral part of French social life.

users' motivations range from short-term commitments to stable, long-term partnerships. Finally, the financial costs borne by users reflect the value placed on these platforms

Online dating market leaders

  • Match. com - A global conglomerate that owns a wide variety of platforms, including, Tinder, OkCupid and OurTime.
  • Meetic is the European pioneer and was acquired by
  • Tinder Part of the group, Tinder is at the forefront thanks to its colossal user base
  • Badoo - Originating in the U.K., Badoo has established itself as a key player with a presence in several countries, and is a platform that straddles the gap between a social network and a dating site.
  • Lovoo - Germany's Lovoo uses intelligent geolocation and video services.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Introduction and definition

Dating sites and applications offer the chance to meet like-minded singles (or not), generally living within a defined area. Most platforms enable users to fill in a profile card with detailed information on what they're looking for, their activities, tastes, etc. They can then view the profiles of other members. They can then view the profiles of other members.

The dating market is made up of a large number of online platforms and applications, most of which generate revenue through paid subscriptions, but also offer a free version that allows users to test the application with limited functionality.advertising is also a possible source of revenue, but only in a minority of cases.

The worldwide market for dating sites is growing at a relatively high rate, and seems to be benefiting from the democratization of the Internet and new technologies, which are enabling the development of innovations in the sector. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% between 2023 and 2030, with the majority of players belonging to global groups such as and Spark Networks.

The French market has experienced strong growth since the creation of Meetic in 2001, which put the spotlight on the sector. Since then, the number of dating applications and sites has multiplied to cover the needs of all users, whatever their interests and requirements. French companies are dynamic, with Happn, for example, created in 2014, taking an ever-increasing share of the market. They are, however, suffering from fierce competition from foreign companies that can easily export their model to France. Sales in the sector rose by 41% between 2008 and 2011, then stagnated until 2016. The health crisis and the confinements have revitalized this market, which has once again experienced a phase of very strong growth since the start of 2020. Unique monthly users are increasing in number, and platforms are becoming increasingly successful in selling their paid offers to their users. Tinder, Adopteunmec and Happn all rank in the top 10 apps on which the French spent the most in 2020.

Consumers of these services are growing in number as the number of singles increases and Internet use becomes more intense. In addition, trends can be observed, notably to democratize use by women and encourage the emergence of safe, respectful exchange spaces, but also to ensure the protection of user data .

1.2 The booming global market, dominated by Tinder

Grand View Research estimated the size of the global online dating market at $*.** billion in ****. This market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.*% from **** to ****. We can therefore imagine the market growing at a CAGR of up to $** billion by ****.

Global online dating market size World, ...

1.3 Growth in the French market

There are no recent estimates of the market size of dating apps and sites in France. Nevertheless, a study carried out in **** forecasts the evolution of this market's sales until ****. For example, sales of dating sites in France stood at *** million euros in **** in France, a figure already up on ****. Projections ...

1.4 The Covid-19 effect on dating apps

While the French continued to log on to dating sites and apps, containment has changed the market.

A total of **% of French people connected to these platforms during this period. Couples living apart were more likely to reconnect with former partners or talk to strangers online. However, they were less likely ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand driven by the democratization of the Internet and the growing number of singles

The two main factors driving the development of online dating services are the number of singles and the population's use of the internet.

In France, the number of singles (***) was around ** million in **** according to Insee, when this data was last updated, representing **.*% of the population aged ** or over. We consider ...

2.2 User profile: young users and an over-representation of non-heterosexuals

The use of dating apps and sites varies greatly according to gender, age, socio-professional category and sexual orientation.

Men are the most likely to log on to dating sites and applications, with **% having done so in their lifetime in ****, compared with just **% of women. According to Médiamétrie's "l'année ...

2.3 Dating apps are part of everyday French life

Nearly half of French people consider that they could use a dating website or app (***). Dating sites therefore enjoy a positive image among consumers.

Preferred ways to find a partner France, ****, in % Source: ****

The results show that friends are the most frequently cited meeting place, with **% of respondents declaring that they ...

2.4 Negative effects that fuel user mistrust

Platform addiction

The first criticism that can be levelled at these platforms is their addictive potential. Indeed, **% of people who have used them have felt addicted. **% say that people close to them have told them they were addicted. Although it remains in the minority, addiction needs to be taken seriously by ...

2.5 Contrasting trends: slow dating and revenge dating

Slow dating:

The concept of slow dating is emerging as a new option to the culture of speed and superficiality in online dating. By emphasizing quality over quantity, slow dating encourages singles to take their time and discover each other on a deeper level. This approach favors slowness, depth and emotional ...

2.6 Audience analysis

MEETING WEBSITE MARKET - Audience breakdown by age group France, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****

The audience of the market studied shows significant variations in relation to the proportions of the French population. The most represented age groups are those aged **-** (***). On the other hand, age groups over ** are under-represented in the market's audience, ...

3 Market structure

3.1 A market dominated by a small number of players

The French market for dating sites and apps is concentrated in the hands of a handful of players. Indeed, the market is mainly dominated by foreign players with Tinder (***). France does, however, have its own national leaders, even though Meetic, the leading French dating site, was bought by the American group ...

3.2 The business model of dating websites and apps

Applications often develop around the same business model, combining several sources of revenue:

A freemium business model: Free version: applications offer a free version of the application to attract customers. Functions are limited, with, for example, a finite number of swipes. Premium version: A premium version is then available with additional ...

3.3 New players

Digital giants

The arrival of digital giants on the market should shake things up. For example, Facebook has launched its "Facebook Dating" dating service in the United States and in ** countries in America and Asia. This represents a major threat to existing players, particularly as Facebook already has a large user ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Segmentation of existing products

There are many online dating sites and applications, each with its own specific segmentation to attract a particular target.

Websites include :

Historical sites for finding love: These sites are mostly used by older people than for apps, who are looking for serious relationships and therefore have a "premium" image. Meetic: France's ...

4.2 Price analysis

A study of the prices offered by the various platforms reveals several business models, each with its own specific pricing. On the one hand, some platforms offer "credits", a kind of virtual currency that enables users to perform actions on the platform. Others, on the other hand, offer paid access to ...

4.3 Constant renewal of our offering

An increasingly varied offering

The dating app market is characterized by low barriers to entry, and many new companies are entering the sector. To stand out from the crowd, they rely on a different approach and precise segmentation.

The first trend on the supply side is therefore the appearance of dating ...

4.4 Focus on dating websites and apps

According to an IFOP survey conducted at the end of ****, **% of French people feel at least occasionally lonely, and **% of French people say they suffer more from loneliness than before the health crisis caused by covid-**.

What's more, **% always or often feel alone, * points more than in **** before the crisis. This ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Current regulations

It's important to distinguish between the regulations that apply to a marriage agency and those that apply to dating sites, since in the former case the agency carries out searches on behalf of the client to find the ideal person. In the case of dating sites, it's the users who carry ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

The following segmentation of players is used:

  • Meetic
  • Ashley Madison
  • Attractive World
  • Tinder (Match Group)
  • Badoo
  • Lovoo
  • Happn
  • Bumble
  • Once
  • AdopteUnMec
  • Match Group Hinge
  • Elite Rencontre
  • Hinge Dating (Match group)
  • Grindr
  • Plenty Of Fish (Match group)
  • Zoosk
  • Feeld
  • Voice Meet

List of charts presented in this market study

  • The world's most popular dating apps
  • Size of the global online dating market
  • Tinder sales
  • Sales in the French dating market
  • Most popular dating apps
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Latest news

Justin McLeod launches Hinge dating app in France | Hinge launched in France by Justin McLeod - 04/04/2023
  • By 2022, one in four French people will have met their partner online.
  • - Hinge is firmly established in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Australia, and is aiming for massive deployment in Europe.
  • - Hinge is present in the Nordic countries, Germany and now France, and plans to launch in Spain and Italy.
  • - The dating market is estimated at 7.5 billion euros worldwide.
  • - Hinge employs 237 people and is aiming for sales of 400 million euros by 2023.
  • - 20% of Internet users abandon their registration on Hinge because they find the process lengthy.
  • - Hinge has raised ten million euros from investment companies such as Founders Fund and CAA Ventures.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Ashley Madison
Attractive World
Tinder (Match Group)
Match Group Hinge
Elite Rencontre

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