Summary of our market study

Since 2020, the global bulgur market has demonstrated a significant upward trend, with consumer demand driven by a shift towards healthier lifestyles and a growing preference for Mediterranean cuisine. The market has been on the rise, with organic bulgur options gaining traction. The bulgur market capitalizes on the grain's nutritional benefits, including its high fiber, protein, iron, and vitamin B6 content, and also caters to those incorporating whole wheat products into their diet while considering the presence of gluten. Factors such as the rise in health consciousness and the increased incorporation of bulgur in diverse culinary applications continue to fuel its market growth.

Emerging Trends in the Global Bulgur Market

With the rise of health-conscious consumers and a burgeoning interest in the Mediterranean diet, the global bulgur market is experiencing an upward trajectory in demand. Since 2012, the market has seen a significant and steady increase, and projections indicate that its growth is far from over. Key to this burgeoning demand are several intersecting trends. Foremost is the shift toward organic foods—a sector that has penetrated the market substantially. This has led to an increased availability of bulgur as consumers seek out whole grain options that are not only nutritious but also align with organic food standards.

Furthermore, bulgur's rich content of dietary fiber, protein, iron, and vitamin B6 caters to the health and wellness trend that prioritizes foods with functional benefits. Also notable is the embrace of Mediterranean cuisine, which positions bulgur as a staple ingredient due to its versatility and nutritional profile. Bulgur's ability to be used in a wide array of dishes—from sides to main courses—has expanded its consumer base. For instance, individuals looking for gluten-free wheat products or those wanting to incorporate more plant-based proteins into their diet are increasingly turning to bulgur.

Another trend bolstering the demand for bulgur is its convenience. As a food that is relatively quick to prepare compared to other whole grains, bulgur fits well into the lifestyles of busy consumers who are looking for healthy meal options that do not require lengthy preparation times. While specific numerical data pertaining to the market size and expected growth rates are not provided in the text, the qualitative analysis indicates a market environment that is ripe for expansion with heightened interest in health, organic offerings, and Mediterranean cuisine.

Overall, these factors suggest a robust demand for bulgur that market actors can capitalize on.

Premier Players in the Global Bulgur Market: Sustaining Healthy Diets with Mediterranean Flavors

The global bulgur market showcases a diverse array of players contributing to the popularity and growth of this nutritious food item. These companies have positioned themselves as leaders in the industry by responding to the increasing demand for healthy, organic, and Mediterranean foods. Without focusing on their financial standings, let's delve into the distinct roles and contributions of these key market actors.

  • Duru Bulgur — Hailing from Turkey, a country that boasts a rich cultural association with bulgur, Duru Bulgur is a prominent brand with decades of expertise. They offer a variety of bulgur types, catering to both traditional tastes and modern culinary demands. With a strong commitment to quality, Duru Bulgur has become synonymous with authenticity in the bulgur market.


  • Arbel — Another player from Turkey, Arbel brings not just bulgur but also a wide range of legumes and grains to the table. Their distinct positioning lies in their integration of traditional methods with modern production technology, ensuring that their bulgur maintains a homemade taste while meeting international standards.


  • Baktat — With Mediterranean roots, Baktat has expanded beyond the borders to serve a global clientele craving the wholesome goodness of bulgur. Their product lines are designed to introduce the versatility of bulgur to a variety of cuisines, emphasizing its role in a healthy diet.


  • Tiryaki Agro — This company focuses on the sustainable production of agricultural products, including bulgur. Tiryaki Agro aims to meet global demand by supporting and empowering local farmers, which, in turn, ensures a steady supply of high-quality bulgur.


  • Sunnyland Mills — Based in North America, Sunnyland Mills represents the reach of bulgur across the ocean. Known for their Californian-grown bulgur, they emphasize non-GMO, whole grain products. Their variety of grain sizes and commitment to health have made them a staple in the pantries of health-conscious consumers.


  • Bobs Red Mill — A renowned name in the health foods market, Bobs Red Mill offers organic bulgur as a testament to the company's philosophy of "whole grains for every meal of the day." Their bulgur products are celebrated for being organic, high in fiber, and versatile enough to be incorporated into a myriad of dishes.


  • Ahmad A.A. Kader Group — A key supplier in the Middle East Market.
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Bulghur is a cereal food made from wheat groats that have been steamed, dried and ground. Commercial bulghur is usually made from durum wheat, but other types of wheat can be used. It has a nutty flavor and can be served as a side dish, such as rice or couscous, and is often used in baked goods, pilafs and soups. As a whole wheat product, bulgur is a good source of dietary fiber, protein, iron and vitamin B6 and contains gluten.

The global bulgur market has been trending positively since 2012 and is forecast to continue growing. This growth is attributed to changing consumer lifestyles, including the increasing penetration of organic foods in the global market. Other factors in the popularity of bulghur in recent years are firstly the increasing popularity of healthy foods and secondly the preference for Mediterranean dishes.

1.2 Marché mondial

Le marché mondial du boulgour était estimé à *,** milliards de dollars en **** et devrait connaître une croissance de +*,*% par an d'ici **** pour atteindre *,** milliards d'euros.  

Marché mondial du boulgour Monde, **** - *****, en milliards de dollars Source: ****

Cette croissance s'explique par les changements de régimes alimentaires en cours (***). 

  Principaux producteurs ...

1.3 Marché européen

Le marché européen du blé dur est essentiellement dominé par l'Italie, qui représente à elle seule plus de la moitié de la production en ****. Néanmoins, la France est le pays qui affiche les meilleurs rendements ; avec *,* tonnes par hectare contre *,* tonnes par hectare pour l'Italie. 

Principaux pays producteurs de ...

1.4 Marché national

Avant de pouvoir estimer le marché national du boulgour, il est intéressant de se pencher sur le marché national du blé dur, céréale à l'origine du boulgour. En France, la production de blé dur est soumise à de nombreux aléas climatiques et varie donc d'années en années. ...

2 Analysis of the demand

2.1 La demande alimentaire croissante

La population mondiale explose depuis quelques années. Le * novembre ****, le population mondiale atteignait les * milliards d'individus. En moyenne, la population croit de chaque année de *,*% depuis ****. 

Evolution de la population mondiale Monde, **** - ****, en milliards d'individus Source: ****

Cette tendance haussière devrait se poursuivre dans les années à venir. ...

2.2 Les nouveaux modes alimentaires favorisent la consommation de boulgour

L'essor de régimes alimentaires spécifiques

De plus en plus de personnes adoptent un régime alimentaire particulier, soit pour des raisons de santé (***). Ainsi, les modes de consommation évoluent à mesure que les restrictions touchent certains aliments. Les individus privilégient les aliments naturels, sains, d'origine végétale. D'après ...

2.3 L'essor des plats cuisinés dans l'alimentation

Dans le rapport prêt à manger du Ministère de l’Agriculture, l’urbanisation agit comme un des facteurs qui renforcent la consommation de plats préparés. L’habitat se concentre en périphérie, alors que les emplois se développent de plus en plus en centre-ville (***). Les déplacements ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Chaîne de valeur

3.2 La production de blé dur

La production de blé dur, à la fois sur le territoire français et dans le reste du monde, est un des éléments qui justifient le plus les fluctuations du marché du boulgour. En effet, comme dérivé du blé dur, le boulgour connaît les mêmes fluctuations. Or, on ...

3.3 Transformation des grains et production du boulgour

La fabrication du boulgour s'apparente à une transformation des grains de blé dur, qui sont précuits à la vapeur, séchés et concassés plus ou moins finement. Ainsi, le grain est la plupart du temps séparé d'une partie de son enveloppe : le son. Les entreprises de transformation du blé ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Typologie de l'offre

Le boulgour est un produit dérivé du blé dur. Il appartient à la catégorie des céréales et peut se consommer de différentes façons : chaud, froid, en salade, comme accompagnement ou encore en galettes. 

Généralement, le boulgour que l'on consomme est considéré comme semi-complet ...

4.2 Des prix en augmentation

De nombreux facteurs expliquent l'augmentation des prix du blé ces dernières années. On peut notamment citer : 

Des récoltes faibles en Amérique du Nord en ****, grande région exportatrice de blé. Le conflit en Ukraine opposant deux grands acteurs du secteur.  Un embargo indien sur les exportations de ...

4.3 Tendances de l'offre

Le réchauffement climatique : une production en danger

Le réchauffement climatique, qui s'accompagne de perturbations météorologiques sans précédent, fait peser un risque sévère sur la culture de céréales en France et donc sur la production de boulgour. En effet, les épisodes de ...

5 Regulation

5.1 Réglementation concernant la production céréalière

Obligations du producteur

Avant de vendre un produit, le producteur doit s’assurer que les obligations sanitaires sont respectées (***). Il doit également être en mesure de donner toutes les informations obligatoires pour l’étiquetage et la facturation : dans le cas contraire, il est responsable envers son cocontractant et les autorités ...

5.2 La PAC, rôle majeur dans l'agriculture française et européenne

Lancée en ****, la politique agricole commune (***) de l'UE est un partenariat entre le secteur agricole et la société, et entre l’Europe et ses agriculteurs. Ses objectifs sont les suivants :

soutenir les agriculteurs et améliorer la productivité agricole, en garantissant un approvisionnement stable en denrées alimentaires à un ...

6 Positioning of the actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Tipiak Epicerie
  • Ebro Foods Group
  • Carrefour Groupe
  • Auchan Hypermarches
  • Système U
  • Marie (LDC Groupe)
  • Fleury Michon
  • Picard Surgelés

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Marché mondial du boulgour
  • Principaux producteurs de blé dur
  • Production et échanges mondiaux de blé dur
  • Principaux exportateurs de blé dur
  • Principaux pays producteurs de blé dur
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Latest news

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Fleury Michon, the king of ham, bets on plant-based products with vegetable slices - 28/03/2024
  • - Fleury Michon sales: 795 million euros.
  • - Products offered: three legume-based products (coral lentils, chickpeas, white beans)
  • - Target market: 50% of consumers in France claim to be flexitarians.
  • - Annual decline in the pork ham market: 2% to 3% in volume since 2015
  • - Estimated supermarket delicatessen market for plant-based products: close to 150 million euros, up by around 3% in volume.
  • fleury Michon's "nitrite-free" market share: 62% of sales.
Growth for Système U via central purchasing bodies in Europe - 16/02/2024
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  • Today, the cooperative has 1,726 stores.
  • In 2023, the penetration rate among French households was 41.3%, with an average shopping basket of 41 euros.
  • Système U has a market share of 11.8%.
  • Leaders Leclerc and Carrefour have over 20% market share.
  • In 2023, Système U posted sales of 26 billion euros, up 8.4%.
  • The online site generated sales of 1.2 billion euros, up 14%.
  • By 2023, the network will have 57 new U stores.
  • The Group also has 132 stores outside mainland France, including 9 new ones in Africa.
  • The small convenience stores, U Express and Utile, are also expanding in France, and will soon exceed a thousand units.
Système U: 8.4% sales growth by 2023 - 15/02/2024
  • - Sales growth excluding fuel in 2023: +8.4%
  • - Year-on-year increase in market share: +0.2 points
  • - Number of store openings in one year: 21
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  • - Sales incl. VAT and fuel in one year: 33.18 billion euros (+7.2%)
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  • - Details of sales area extensions: - 21 new stores - 36 new stores - 2 transfers - 35 extensions.
80 Carrefour hypermarkets operated under franchise or leasing agreements - 14/11/2023
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  • Since 2018, 80 hypermarkets have left integrated status, representing around a third of all hypermarkets.
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Carrefour to lease out 37 stores - 21/10/2023
  • Carrefour plans to lease out 37 new stores in 2022, 16 hypermarkets and 21 supermarkets.
  • Around 4,000 employees affected
  • The company launched an outsourcing program in 2018.
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  • Since Alexandre Bompard took over as CEO, 305 stores, including 80 hypermarkets, have been outsourced, affecting more than 23,000 employees.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Tipiak Epicerie
Ebro Foods Group
Carrefour Groupe
Auchan Hypermarches
Système U
Marie (LDC Groupe)
Fleury Michon
Picard Surgelés

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