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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The barbecue market is a sub-segment of the kitchen utensils and appliances market. It consists of two product categories: barbecues (charcoal, gas, or electric) and griddles (gas or electric).

Both are used to grill or roast various foods-among the most common are meat, fish, and vegetables. A look at the global market confirms the positive trend of these product lines; the regions driving the most growth are North America and Europe, however, the sector remains in the hands of large multinational corporations and hardly seems to feel threatened by the entry and takeover of new market players (e.g., e-commerce, private labels).

The global market size has been estimated at US$5.01 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9 percent from 2024 to 2030.

The success of gas reflects customers' desire to vary their use of barbecue, in terms of food (less meat, more vegetables) and recipes (use of lid, rotisserie, or stone pizza). The industry is undergoing a massive transformation at the expense of the "convenience" or low-end sector of small players without a brand or historicity, but in favor of the same in the hands of online platforms or second-hand marketplaces. Manufacturers are taking advantage of this trend to market complementary accessories.

1.2 World market concentrated in the U.S

The barbecue tradition has its roots in the United States of America, particularly in southern states such as Texas and Georgia, where specialized restaurateurs serve large quantities of meat left to cook over wood for many derives from the daily traditions of woodcutters, miners and railroad workers; the original ...

1.3 Italian market

Leading companies in the industry (***) released their sales figures through **** in an interview with Greenline, an online sales site for outdoor products.

Barbecue market turnover in Italy Italy, ****, ****-****, million euros Source: ****

As turnover increased, so did the number of pieces sold, with a total of ***,*** products sold in ****, up from ...

1.4 Imports and exports

A significant part of barbecue production is relocated, for reasons of cost reduction.

According to the UN Comtrade website, Italy, in the category with coidce HS ****, i.e., the category " stoves, grills and barbecues," is an exporting country for these products. It should be noted that these figures exclude electric barbecues, ...

1.5 The lockdown boom

Among the culinary diversions experienced by Italians in Covid time, a place of honor belongs to barbecue. Initial restaurant closures, mandatory stay-at-home requirements, and subsequent restrictions due to vaccination and distancing have led people to enjoy more home activities including the pleasure of cooking at home or outdoors, buying everything they ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Seasonal and localized demand

Between **** and ****, the average monthly expenditure of Italian households on grills and toasters increased by ** percent, from *.** euros in **** to *.** euros in ****. After a slight decline in ****, the figure grew steadily through ****.

Average monthly household expenditure on grills and toasters Italy, ****-****, € Istat

As grilling tends to be an activity linked ...

2.2 Preferences of Italians

A recent survey conducted by Bord Bia, the Irish government food & beverage promotion body, via its Instagram profile, revealed interesting data on Italian BBQ preferences.

Preferred type of meat:

The survey results indicate a clear preference of Italians for red meat over white meat when it comes to ...

2.3 Demand trends

Barbecue manufacturers are creating new products to please their customers. In the interview with Greenline, some features increasingly valued and appreciated by consumers are highlighted.

2.4 Geographical distribution of demand

Analysis of Google searches for the topic "barbecue" from **** to **** shows an interesting regional distribution. Friuli-Venezia Giulia leads with an index of ***, followed by Veneto (***) confirm this trend.

In Central Italy, Lazio (***). Campania records the lowest interest with an index of **. Thus, we can see a greater passion for barbecue in ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market dominated by big players

The Italian market is dominated by players who each have their own specialty, although the trend in recent years has been toward diversification. A site like Leroy Merlin Italia lists ** barbecue brands [***]. While market share figures are complicated to estimate, a handful of players capture most of the market. Weber is ...

3.2 Distribution channels

Because of the pandemic, online shopping has increased worldwide, even in the case of barbecue, online sales have increased greatly. Before Covid the princiaple channel of distribution were the GDSs, the lockdown experience generated a fast implementation of e-shopping services by specialty retailers, promoting sales formulas typical of omnichannel selling. Such ...

3.3 Analysis of specialized e-commerce

The main e-commerce companies specializing in the sale of barbecues in Italy identified by our survey are:

Weber: Weber, a renowned name in the barbecue industry, was founded in **** by George Stephen. The company's origins go back to Weber Bros. Metal Works, founded in ****. Weber's headquarters are located in Palatine, Illinois, ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Products sold and prices

Barbecues and planchas fall into four different categories: charcoal, gas, pallett, and electric. And planchas can be gas or electric.

Trends in the consumer price index for cooking appliances in Italy between May **** and April **** show overall growth, despite some fluctuations. In May ****, the index was ***.*, while in April **** it increased ...

4.2 Barbecue accessories

Some barbecue companies have also specialized in producing accessories for this activity.

4.3 Trend offered

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations for the use of barbecue Italy

In Italy there are no specific laws related to barbecue me general laws to maintain peaceful coexistence in a neighborhood. In order to use a barbecue, attention must be paid to the emission of fumes, respect for distances, and condominium regulations.

Regarding fumes, the law sanctions immissions of any kind that ...

5.2 Barbecue Production Regulation Europe

Solid fuel barbecues (***).

Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for cooking at solid fuel barbecues must be approved by LNE or CTIF laboratories according to European standards EN-****, implemented in Italy by Articles *** - *** of Legislative Decree ***/**** "Consumer Code," which:

Specifies requirements for solid fuel barbecues (***) Specifies requirements and test methods for ...

6 Positioning of players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Ferraboli
  • GMR Trading
  • Palazzetti
  • Campin Gaz Italia
  • Weber Italia

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Value of the barbecue market worldwide
  • Barbecue market value of the USA
  • The turnover of the barbecue market in Italy
  • Pieces sold in the barbecue market in Italy
  • Value imports and exports to Italy barbecues and stoves
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

GMR Trading
Campin Gaz Italia
Weber Italia

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the barbecue and plancha market | Italy

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