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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

A barbecue is an open-air cooking appliance consisting of a grill or spit, traditionally using charcoal, and mainly intended for grilling meats such as sausages, kebabs, beef or pork ribs, etc...

However, charcoal barbecues have a reputation for being toxic, due to the combustion of animal fats in contact with charcoal flames, which generates carcinogenic substances called benzopyrenes.

In an evolving barbecue market, the gas equipment segment has suffered a significant decline in sales to March 2022, with a notable annual loss. However, the overall market is showing robust growth of between 15% and 20% compared with 2019, underlining the resilience of the sector, driven in particular by charcoal barbecues. In2022, almost two million new barbecues were sold in France, testifying to the French love affair with this product. In fact, 60% of French households already have a barbecue. Most of the industry's sales now come from the renewal of appliances and the move upmarket.

Since 2004, industry sales have virtually quadrupled, thanks to an increase in sales volume, but above all to a rise in the average price of barbecues, due to the emergence of a premium segment. Despite the impact of inflation on prices and sales volumes, barbecues remain a safe bet in the home furnishings market, combining practicality with a prominent role as outdoor furniture. Manufacturers, faced with logistical and inflationary challenges, have had to adjust their prices in 2022 and anticipate increases in 2023, while emphasizing the economic sustainability of gas barbecues.

The global market for barbecues is also growing strongly, forecast to evolve at a CAGR of 4.92% until 2027, taking into account the electric segment, which is likely to occupy more and more of the market.

The range is divided between charcoal, gas and electric barbecues. Planchas can be gas or electric. Although gas represents less than 20% of sales, it is responsible for over 50% of the sector's turnover, thanks to an average price more than 3 times higher than charcoal and electric. Manufacturers also sell barbecues for professional or semi-professional use, which can cost several thousand euros.

The current success of gas barbecues reflects customers' desire to vary their barbecue use, both in terms of food (less meat, more vegetables) and recipes (use of lid, rotisserie or pizza stone). Manufacturers are taking advantage of this trend to market complementary accessories that also enable them to deseasonalize their business.

1.2 The United States, undisputed leader in barbecue

In ****, North America accounted for **% of the global barbecue sales market, which was estimated at $*.** billion[***]

Sales of barbecues World, ****-*****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

Sales of barbecues are expected to grow at a CAGR (***) of *.**% per year between now and ****, thanks to a higher average equipment rate worldwide, and ...

1.3 A growing French market

In France, sales of gas and charcoal barbecues and planchas (***) explode. [***]

Growth in sales of charcoal and gas barbecues and planchas France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

Since ****, sales of charcoal and gas barbecues and planchas have risen sharply, demonstrating a real craze for this product among the French. In ...

1.4 Consumption mainly imported

A significant proportion of barbecue manufacturing is outsourced, for cost-cutting reasons. Data provided by French customs and UN Comtrade in ****, show that France imported $*** million worth of cooking appliances (***). These figures exclude electric barbecues, which account for less than **% of market value. The data analyzed are grouped under HS code *****: "Cooking ...

1.5 The impact of Covid-19 on the barbecue market

The clear trend following the outbreak of the Covid-** pandemic and the various confinements that were implemented is for strong growth in the barbecue segment in France. Frustrated by being cooped up at home, it would seem that the French took advantage of the end of the confinements to invest massively ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Growing demand in volume and value

Some regions are particularly fond of barbecuing, such as Pays de la Loire (***), thanks to mild weather and a high proportion of homes that make it easy to cook a barbecue in the garden. [***]

Responses to the question "How many barbecues do you do a year?" France, ****, in % Source: ****

With an ...

2.2 A highly seasonal business

Barbecuing and plancha grilling are outdoor activities, practised mainly in a garden (***)[***].

Spring and summer are unsurprisingly France's favorite barbecuing seasons, and this is reflected in sales.

Barbecues by season France, ****, % of sales Source: ****

Only **% of French people cook in all seasons. **% of French people who don't barbecue all year round ...

2.3 A trend towards planchas and premium products

Recent years have seen the emergence of the plancha segment and a more expensive segment of premium barbecues, which have driven growth in the industry.

Types of French barbecues and planchas France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

If ownership of certain equipment overlaps, a total of **% of French people own a barbecue, and **% of them ...

2.4 Changing buying habits

As eating habits change, so do barbecue purchases. While meat still dominates sales of barbecued foods, we are seeing the emergence of other types of food (***) and the arrival on the market of accessories for more elaborate recipes[***].

What do the French cook on the barbecue or plancha? France, ****, % Source: ****

The ...

2.5 Barbecue purchase disincentives

In addition, per capita meat consumption has fallen by an average of *.*% in France over the past ** years[***]. Such a fall could have an impact on the use of barbecues, which are still mainly used to cook meat, mainly beef.

**% of French people say they give up barbecues on vacation ...

2.6 France's favorite barbecue brands

The graph below is based on OpinionWay's survey of French consumers' favorite brands in March ****. For each brand, the percentage corresponds to the proportion of respondents who answered "yes".

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France's favorite barbecue brands France, March ****, in Source: ****

Weber and Campingaz are the French's ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

3.2 A market dominated by large players

The French market is dominated by players with their own specialties, although the trend in recent years has been towards diversification.

In ****, a site like Leroy Merlin will list ** brands of barbecues[***].

While market share figures are difficult to estimate, a handful of players corner the bulk of the market.

Weber, ...

3.2 Production mainly outsourced

Although few figures are published, it appears that the majority of barbecues sold in France are imported.

Somagic, for example, employs ** people in France, including design engineers, and *** in China. It manufactures its cast-iron barbecues in France, and its steel barbecues in China at its Somasia plant. **% of its business is ...

3.4 Classic distribution channels

There are many different distribution channels for barbecues. In view of the growth rates of the various sales sectors (***) in ****, the majority of barbecues are still bought in food superstores and DIY superstores, which was already the case in ****[***]. Newcomers to the barbecue distribution market are garden centers, which are benefiting ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Types of products sold

Barbecues and planchas fall into three different categories: charcoal, gas and electric. And planchas can be gas or electric.

Breakdown of sales volume by product France, ****, in Source: ****

while coal continues to dominate the market in terms of volume, gas dominates the market in terms of value, with over **% of the ...

4.2 Customers who do little research before buying

A European Idealo survey shows that in ****, barbecue purchases were particularly spontaneous, following anticipated periods of sunshine. Indeed, it's around the particularly sunny periods of March or April that barbecue purchasing peaks are most frequent.

Even though sources of information have diversified: the emergence of barbecue influencers, specialized sites, tests, etc., ...

4.3 Benchmarking barbecue and plancha prices

Source: ****

Within each product category, there are major disparities. These differences may be due to product quality, baking sheet surface, cart, lid or accessories. Even within the same brand, you'll find very different models in terms of price. For Weber charcoal barbecues, for example, there are more than a dozen different ...

4.4 An increasingly diversified offering

Companies in the sector are seeking to increase their sales, by diversifying their offer in order both to find a new audience and to increase the average amount spent per customer. At Campingaz, complementary accessories account for **% of sales[***]

Which accessories do the French use? ****, France, in Source: ****

We can see ...

4.5 Development of new high-end offerings

While the barbecue is a well-established product in the French imagination, new high-end offerings seem to be developing.First and foremost is the emergence of professional or semi-professional gas barbecues for the home. In fact, these products are no longer only available in specialist stores, and have recently appeared on the ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulated manufacturing to ensure user safety

Solid-burning barbecues (***):

Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for solid-burning barbecues must be approved by LNE or CTIF laboratories in accordance with European standards EN-****[***] :

Specifies requirements for solid-burning barbecues (***) Specifies requirements and test methods for charcoal and charcoal briquettes for barbecues Specifies safety, performance, packaging and marking requirements, as well as ...

5.2 Regulated use to ensure community comfort

Barbecuing can generate smoke, odors and (***) noise, all of which can be regulated at local level.

In the case of abusive use of the barbecue by a neighbor, it is possible to take legal action (***), by justifying the "abnormal disturbance of the neighborhood" with evidence[***].

It is also possible to regulate ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Weber Industries Groupe
  • Campingaz
  • Somagic
  • Leroy Merlin France (Adeo)
  • Eno Plancha
  • Fyron Group
  • Le Marquier
  • Tramontina France
  • Traeger
  • Forge de l'Adour (SEB Groupe)
  • Krampouz (SEB groupe)
  • Barbecook
  • Napoleon
  • Big Green Egg
  • Broil King
  • Char Broil
  • Plancha Tonio
  • Cook'in Garden
  • Alice's Garden (Walibuy)
  • Simogas
  • Outdoorchef (Diethelm Keller Group)
  • Cuisinart
  • Finoptim
  • Lagrange Gaufre
  • Bordet groupe

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Sales of barbecues
  • Growth in sales of charcoal and gas barbecues and planchas
  • Breakdown of sales by product
  • Sales volume by product
  • Answers to the question "How many barbecues do you do a year?"
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Weber Industries Groupe
Leroy Merlin France (Adeo)
Eno Plancha
Fyron Group
Le Marquier
Tramontina France
Forge de l'Adour (SEB Groupe)
Krampouz (SEB groupe)

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the barbecue and plancha market | France

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