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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

A scooter is a motorized vehicle with two (or three) wheels: a scooter belongs to the category of mopeds with a cubic capacity of between 50cm3 and 125cm3. If the displacement exceeds 250cm3, the scooter becomes a maxi-scooter, requiring a special license. Three-wheeled scooters are developing in the 21st century, with displacements of over 125cm3. A final segment, representative of the latest trends in the global automotive market, is that of electric scooters: electric scooters feature a battery-powered electric motor, and have been launched in Asia, where their popularity is growing.

The global scooter market is booming, with a CAGR of 6. 1% between 2023 and 2030. In France, 182,576 scooters were sold in 2022, slightly fewer than in 2021.

The scooter market is dominated by a handful of leading foreign manufacturers, leaving little room for new entrants and French players such as Peugeot. Honda, Yamaha and BMW together account for almost 50% of market share.

The main challenges for the scooter market remain the development of self-service scooter sharing, the emergence of low-pollution electric scooters and the ongoing development of used scooter offers.

1.2 The global market

The global scooter market was valued at $**.** billion in ****, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of *. *% between **** and ****, reaching $***.** billion in ****.

Global scooter market trends World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

The global scooter market is experiencing positive growth due to a number of factors. Rapid urbanization and ...

1.3 The domestic market

Sales trends in motorcycle trade and repair (***) France, ****-****, in billions of euros

An analysis of sales trends in the motorcycle trade and repair in France, over the period ****-****, reveals an overall upward trend, despite some fluctuations. In ****, sales stood at *.** billion euros, and have gradually risen to reach *.** billion ...

1.4 Foreign trade in scooters

In this section, we focus on data provided by French customs under the category ********, entitled "Scooters, cubic capacity > ** cm* but <= *** cm*" [***]

Scooter market trade balance France, ****-****, in millions of euros and in % Source: ****

Analysis of the trade balance for the scooter market in France, covering the period from **** to ****, highlights ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Overview of individual transport in France

Regular modes of transport France, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****

In ****, the modes of travel used regularly in France show a clear predominance of the car, used by **% of respondents, confirming its central role in the daily mobility of the French.

Walking comes second with **%, followed by public transport such as buses and subways, used ...

2.2 The French view of two-wheelers

French people's overall image of motorcycles and two-wheelers France, ****, % of total Source: ****

A significant majority, **% of respondents, say they have a fairly good image of these means of transport, while **% report a very good image . On the other hand, a notable **% expressed a fairly poor image, and *% said they had a ...

2.3 Scooter riding habits in France

Percentage of French people using scooters/motorbikes for daily travel France, ****-****, in Source: ****

The proportion of consumers using scooters on a daily basis has been relatively stable over the years: thus, this proportion has oscillated between *% and *% of French people since ****, and has seen little variation in recent years.

Frequency ...

2.4 Scooter rider profile

Profile of two-wheeler drivers by gender France, **** Source: ****

This graph shows that men are proportionally more likely to use two-wheelers, with *% of male respondents, compared with only *% of female respondents. This distribution indicates a male predominance among two-wheeler users, which could be influenced by various socio-cultural, economic or individual preference ...

2.5 Electric scooters, a green alternative

According to data fromACEM (***), **,*** new electric scooters were registered in Europe in ****, compared with **,*** in ****, an increase of **.*%. France appears to be a major player in this energy transition.

To assess the size of the French market, we can base ourselves on the number of electric scooter sales in France, as ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

The process begins with scooter manufacturers, who are responsible for producing the scooters and the spare parts needed for maintenance and repair. These manufacturers play a crucial role in providing the high-quality basic products on which the entire value chain is based, and the scooters and their spare parts then pass ...

3.2 Number of companies and number of employees

This section looks at the following activity codes according to INSEE's NAF nomenclature:

**.**Z : Manufacture of motorcycles **.**Z: Trade and repair of motorcycles

These two codes cover all motorcycles and, as such, have a wider scope than our study. Nevertheless, in the absence of more detailed levels in this nomenclature, ...

3.3 A market dominated by foreign manufacturers

Global giants

The scooter sector, like the broader motorcycle sector, is largely dominated by global players such as Yamaha, Honda, BMW and Kawasaki.

Market share by volume (***) France, ****, in % of registrations source: Motoservices

The chart shows market share by volume of motorcycle and scooter registrations in France in April ****, expressed as ...

3.4 The shared mobility trend

Shared mobility refers to the public availability of what are traditionally individual means of transport: cars, scooters, bicycles and, more recently, in dense urban areas.

The new regulations mentioned in the paragraph above should also boost the option of self-service electric scooters for car-sharing purposes, described in the graphs below as ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 The different types of scooters

There are many types of scooters available on the market and they vary according to a wide range of criteria and characteristics. We can classify them mainly under * types of scooters:

Source: ****

The choice between the different models and types of scooters, based on the above criteria, can be made according ...

4.2 Market price trends

Consumer price index for motorcycles France, ****-****, index base **** Source: ****

The graph above shows the evolution of the consumer price index for motorcycles in France from **** to ****, with a base of *** in ****. A general upward trend is observed over the period, with moderate variations from one year to the next.

The ...

4.3 A wide range of used scooters

In France, the used scooter market is enjoying significant momentum, offering buyers a vast selection of vehicles to suit their needs and budgets.

This variety enables buyers to find the scooter that matches their preferences and lifestyle. What's more, this extensive offer is often accompanied by attractive prices, making the acquisition ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Scooter driving regulations

The authorizations required to drive a scooter depend on the motorcycle's cubic capacity and the license held by the rider. For example

** cm*/* kW scooter: the minimum age is **, and the rider must hold a BSR or higher motorcycle license. Scooter *** cm*/** kW: the minimum age is **, and the rider ...

5.2 Technical inspection now in place for two-wheelers

Roadworthiness tests for motorized two-wheelers, three-wheelers and quadricycles will be compulsory from April **, ****, according to a decree published in the Journal Officiel on October **, ****. The purpose of the inspection is to assess the condition of vehicles and identify any faults requiring repair. The vehicles concerned include mopeds, motorcycles, scooters, motor tricycles ...

5.3 Euro anti-pollution standards

Euro emission standards are designed to set maximum limits for harmful gas emissions from motor vehicles, depending on their date of entry into service. These standards enable the European Union to:

Effectively combat global warming Harmonize environmental compliance rules across all member states

All new vehicles sold in Europe must comply ...

5.4 Paid parking for two-wheelers in Paris since September 2022

From September *, ****, motorcycles and scooters (***) in Paris will be subject to parking charges. This decision is part of the parking reform initiated by the City of Paris. The main aim is to establish fairness between different users of public space, regardless of the type of vehicle used, while encouraging the adoption ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Player segmentation

  • Honda Motorcycle
  • Peugeot Motocycles
  • BMW Mottorrad
  • Piaggio
  • Yamaha
  • NIU
  • VmotoSoco Limited
  • Suzuki

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Consumer price index for motorcycles
  • Distribution of the number of journeys made using shared mobility
  • Market share of different shared mobility services
  • Establishments registered under code 30.91Z
  • Employees registered under code 30.91Z
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Latest news

Peugeot Motocycles changes driver and prepares for the future - 21/05/2024
  • Buyout of Stellantis' 50% stake in Peugeot Motocycles by German investor Mutares in February 2023.
  • Stabilization of 300 jobs at the Mandeure plant. Launch of a new electric scooter by the end of 2024.
  • Planned assembly of the first Dab Motors motorcycles and an electric two-wheeler inspired by the 103 SP of the 1970s and 80s from 2025.
  • Loss of over 4 million euros in 2021
  • Sales in 2023 of 115 million euros, excluding the Chinese market.
Peugeot Motocycles will manufacture its SPx project at Mandeure, in the Doubs region of France - 02/04/2024
  • - Total investment to launch this new model is estimated at between 5 and 10 million euros.
  • - Peugeot Motocycles is run by Germany's Mutares, which took over Stellantis' 50% stake in early 2023, alongside India's Mahindra (which has held the other half of the capital since 2019).
  • - Peugeot Motocycles employs 276 people out of a total workforce of 600 at the historic Doubs plant.
  • - Peugeot Motocycles' sales target for 2023 is 115 million euros (excluding China).
Yamaha converts its French scooter factory to electric bikes - 30/03/2024
  • 639 employees at the Saint Quentin site
  • Former MBK plant taken over in 1986 by the Japanese group that produced the first electric bike in 1993
  • The EAB (electrically-assisted bicycle) market represents 5.5 million units in Europe, a figure set to almost double to 10 million by 2030.
  • Third-largest manufacturer of two-wheel electric motors, behind Bosch and Shimano
  • The share of EABs in bicycle sales in France is still only 25%, compared with 50% in Germany
Mutares acquires Peugeot Motocycles and DAB Motors - 06/07/2023
  • The Peugeot Motocycles plant in Mandeure is 125 years old.
  • The German investment fund Mutares has acquired 50% of Peugeot Motocycles' capital, giving it an 80% controlling interest.
  • Mutares has also acquired an 80% stake in start-up DAB Motors, which has designed an electric motorcycle.
  • The first models of this electric motorcycle, the Concept-E, are due to come out in 2024, with an estimated volume of between 500 and 1,000 units in the first year.
  • Peugeot Motocycles plans to distribute the products of British company BSA in Europe.
  • The Mandeure plant employs 276 people and 17 apprentices, while Peugeot Motocycles employs a total of 615 people worldwide.
  • In China, Peugeot Motocycles has a joint venture with Qingqi, created in 2006, which employs 300 people.
  • Peugeot Motocycles has forecast sales of €100 million outside China in 2022.
  • 7.000 two-wheelers should be manufactured at Mandeure in 2023, compared with 3,600 in 2021.
Scooter and motorcycle prices back on the negotiable table - 15/03/2023
  • Key market figures
  • - 5% rate increase by 2022
  • - Long delivery times and logistical bottlenecks between Europe and Asia
  • - Automakers increase prices by almost 20% in one year
  • - 50 cm3 market down 16.4% in the first two months of the year compared with the same period in 2022
  • - 125 cm3 market virtually stable (+1.6%)
  • - Market for motorcycles over 125 cm3 up 18.6
  • - Motorcycle and scooter market down 6% in 2022 compared with 2021
  • - 1.2 million units sold in 2022
Piaggio: 2 billion in revenue and growth in profits and sales - 02/03/2023
  • Net income 2022: 41% increase, 84.9 million euros versus 60.1 million euros in 2021
  • Revenues 2022: 25% increase, 2.09 billion euros versus 1.67 billion euros in 2021
  • Vehicles sold in 2022: 625,000, up 17% from 536,000 in 2021
  • Scooter market share in Europe: 22.9% in 2022 vs. 22.7% in 2021
  • Scooter market share in North America: 35.4% in 2022 versus 35% in 2021.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Honda Motorcycle
Peugeot Motocycles
BMW Mottorrad
VmotoSoco Limited

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the scooter market | France

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