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1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the market

The pork market covers the processing of pork meat, ranging from the operation of slaughterhouses to the production of fresh, frozen or deep-frozen meat and charcuterie

Spain remains a country particularly renowned for the quality of its pigs and, together with Germany, continues to be one of the main pork-producing countries in Europe and the world. With a surplus trade balance of several billion euros, it is undoubtedly one of the country's most important economic sectors.

However, domestic pork consumption is relatively stable, and the domestic market is opening up more and more to the international market in order to cope with this situation. Breeders and distributors must also take into account the changing diets of Spaniards, who are increasingly adopting vegetarianism

Finally, African swine fever, which is rife in many producing countries, is changing the international economic environment in the long term, and this should have a major impact on the Spanish market.



1.2 The world market affected by African swine fever

World pigmeat production is estimated at ***.* million tonnes in **** by the European Union USDA (***). The main producers are China and the European Union, which together account for more than **% of world production and consumption

Source: ****

However, the sector is expected to be heavily affected by the outbreak of African Swine Fever. ...

1.3 Pork market in Spain is in good shape

Spain is a country where the meat sector represents a market of **.* billion, or *% of GDP according to El Mundo and employs nearly **,*** people . Livestock farms, slaughterhouses, cutting plants and processing industries are characteristic of a very strong SME industrial fabric. According to the same source Spain is the world's fourth ...

2 Demand Analysis

2.1 Pork, the second most important meat consumed in Spain

Pork consumption in Spain, in all its forms and in ****, represented a turnover of *.** billion euros for distributors. [ Ministry of Agriculture In ****, pork was the second most consumed meat per capita by volume, just behind chicken. (***).

While the consumption of fresh pork meat has been declining year after year since ****, it ...

2.2 Outbreak expenditure on pigmeat remains stable

According to the Ministry of Agriculture the annual expenditure of Spanish families for the purchase of fresh pork meat remains relatively stable since **** (***).

Source: ****

Besides.., individual expenditure on pork has decreased slightly since **** **.** in ****, up from **.** euros per individual in ****. This reduction in expenditure is linked in particular to a fall ...

2.3 Socio-economic profile of pork consumers

The data made available by the Ministry of Agriculture make it possible to establish a relationship between meat consumption and income level as well as age. The older and wealthier Spaniards are (***), the more likely they are to consume fresh pork. The following graph is established by dividing the per capita ...

2.4 The evolution of food consumption in Spain

Spaniards are paying more and more attention to the quality of the food they eat as well as to their health. This trend is encouraged by people's desire to take care of their bodies and the environment. For example, around **% of Spaniards between the ages of ** and ** are following an anti-ageing ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Pork production is up sharply

The value chain of the pork industry is largely focused on the breeding, production and processing of pork

The production of pork goes through several important stages. The longest is the rearing stage, which can be intensive (***). [ Ministry of Agriculture After slaughtering and cutting, which are generally tasks delegated to specialized ...

3.2 Pork is mainly bought in supermarkets

According to the Ministry of Agriculture In the United States, supermarkets accounted for almost half of the sales of fresh pork to consumers. Traditional stores, such as butchers and grocery stores, accounted for more than a quarter of sales. The sector remains relatively little affected by e-commerce, which accounts for only ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Prices remain relatively stable

According to Ministry of Agriculture consumer prices for pigmeat have remained stable at between EUR *.** and EUR *.** per kilogram on average since ****.

Source: ****

The prices vary, however, depending on the distribution channel Thus, in ****, hypermarkets and Hard Discount stores marketed respectively fresh pork *.** euros per kg and *.** euros per kg against ...

4.2 The 7 different types of pigs important in Spain

According to Sabor Artesano The main breeds of pigs present in Spain are

The iberian pig This is a typical southern Iberian ham, with a small head weighing between *** and *** kg, used to produce Iberian ham, chorizo, sausage and bacon.

The pork Duroc Serrano ham is a breed from the United ...

5 Regulation

5.1 European regulations on animal welfare

According to Carnica to date, all pig farms in Spain are in accordance with European regulations on animal welfare The new January *, **** . The objective of this Regulation is to establish minimum standards for the protection of pigs, while helping to improve and maintain the competitiveness of livestock exports s, thus creating ...

6 Positioning of the players

6.1 Segmentation

List of generalists of pigmeat production in Spain

CEFU Piensos Costa INGA Food Juan Jimenez Garcia Agropecuaria del Centro Agrocesa Cuarte ICPOR Soria General Pecuaria Comercial Pecuaria Segoviana Granja Dos Hermanas Grupo Premier Pigs Porcisan

  • Cefu Sa
  • Piensos Costa
  • INGA Food
  • Juan Jimenez Garcia - JISAP
  • Agropecuaria del Centro Agrocesa
  • Cuarte
  • ICPOR Soria
  • General Pecuaria (Gepesa)
  • Comercial Pecuaria Segoviana (Eresma)
  • Granja Dos Hermanas
  • Grupo Premier Pigs
  • Porcisan

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Cefu Sa
Piensos Costa
Juan Jimenez Garcia - JISAP
Agropecuaria del Centro Agrocesa
General Pecuaria (Gepesa)
Comercial Pecuaria Segoviana (Eresma)
Granja Dos Hermanas
Grupo Premier Pigs

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